T r TSBI M > * ~ ' , f f ? - - ■ I i t f e - . ! : :,-H- THE DAVlE RecORD IS THEJOLDESt RAMft IN DAVte CoUNTY AND CIRCULATES IN SC O f THft 4» StAtES TtiE RAMft THAT TH® ReOftLE HEAD: K IffiMi;...: P,PI:. L Jffi^i!,vi-\ /• - I P f v "HERE SHALL THE PRESKiTHE PEO PU 1S RIGHTS. MAINTAIN: UNAWED *Y INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GMN.*' j A VOLUMN XXXIX. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2 . 1938 : NUMBER 32 long years he struggled with his mil NEWS OF LONG AGO. It Pays To Advertise. No, Thank You. Still Playing For ; ThePliglitOfYoath tary training all the time he hated Breaches there a man with- soul so The marihuana (you may spell . -j (By John Smith) the place and de-pised the life of a What Was Happeaiag Ia Davie dead * it with a “J” if you prefer) men­ Suckers. - P art 8 soldier, but he had to. be a soldier; Before The New Deal Used Up Who never to himself bath said, ace has blighted the hopes of Davie Some of the.magazines-.are. still -In.- recent years, many young A- and a-gnod -one,:to.-graduate from carrying “ puzzle pictures’’ .that are mericans have been lead to believe the world’s greatest mili'arv school. The Alphabet, Drowaed The “ My trade of late is getting bad. farmers to promote a new crop iti- I’ll try another ten incb ad ” dust'y in that couuty and others so simple that a a blind man ,could that the new road to success in life After his graduation. Grant, spent Hogs aod Plowed Up The If such there be, go mark him well, tn this immediate area, according solve them, yet they still get folks is very smooth, so long as you dodgi- several, years as an officer in the United States Army, but. he found For him no bank account shall to a news story from- the Forsyth to spend their time and their money all jobs that demands a great deal of Giltoa and Cora. old fashion hard work and earnest his dutieB very tiresome and dis- swell, courthouse. to be fooled. (Davie Record,'March 8, 1 9 1 6 -) ffoyt.. cou raging. In fact he was so bored No angel watch the golden stairs At a recent meeting of farm lead­ iiFind the hidden faces and win Taylor Bailey, of Ferrum, Va., The ,hew philosophy among many with life in the army that he soon To welcome' home a millionaire. ers at Mocksvilie with’ extension an automobile,” and !there are nine was in town last week. moderb educators is that any yobth began.to neglect his duty to such an The man who never asks for trade service authorities and others, plans or ten of the faces as pioiminent - as Rev. J. W. Self, of Winston was has a good chance of succeeding in' extent that be was discharged from By local line or ad displayed, ' were tentatively adopted to pro­ a sore thumb on the' fight hand.. the service. in town Thursday on business., lifeand reaping rich rewards if only Cares more for rest than worldly mote the growing of hemp in this Find all the faces, waste three cent®, he turns bi^.back to all work that ie Grant happily hurried home, eager Prof. John Minor has moved to Rain area. - The plant has valuable le­ and get a quick answer tilling what dull and uninteresting: and devote to:try.his hand!ata more. attractive the Bell house on Saljsbury street. And patronage but gives him pain, gitimate commercial usages and the one has, to sell to qualify for . the his time and effort to Bome kind of job, Re was certain that a soldier’s Mrs. W. A Weatat has been very, Tread lightly friends, let no rude soil and climate of Piedmont North “grand prize” and the hundreds of work that hnld a fasination for hint. life was not for him, but although sick with ’grippe for the . past; two be tried real estate, farming, merch­ sound. Caroiiha appear to be well adapted lesser small “ gifts” which the very Boys and girift in high sdtool 'are weeks' . : often requested bv their teachers to andising, poiitics and several other Disturb his Solitude .profound: '. to its growth. kind manufacturer or/slick jobber C. G. Foster and Clyde--Ijamesi definitely, decide wbat career they jobs he failed at all of them. The Here let' him. live in calm repose . At this time no one thought of is giving away Absolutely Free to of JVinstonl were. Sunday visitors. wished to follow and to cling to this came the .opportunity, to return to Unsought, except by men he owes, the more sinister possibilities !which those, who will get out; and hustle.. Mrs. E H. Morris spent Satur­ choBen career come w hat. may, and the army. He answered the call and And where he dies, go plant him might arise-from the quant’ty pro; “ There is one born every minute’ ’ day and Sunday with relatives at success will surely be tbeirs. ignoring his dislike for the service, deep, dhction of hemp in this section. —so the caeap magazinef keep on he dug in and became one - of A - Clemmons. The results of such tutoring is. That naught, may break his dream. But authorities have made it. "dear publishing the kind of- tommy rot merica’a greatest leaders. • - Marvin Waters, of North Mocksr the youth is graduating from high less sleep. that growers be compelled to ob­ that catches the eye of the unsns school! and college . with the opinion: Long years of army life in both ville, is quite ill with pneumonia, Wberein no clamor mavdispel '. tain license to grow hemp because oectipg, and gets replies from every that'fh'e.world not only .owes him a W estPointand tte field, had built his friends will be sorry to learn. The quiet that he loved so well, the dried flowers and leaves of this corner of the globe from-people who living, but should give him a liberal for him a solid foundation for suc­ V -Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs Min­ And that the world may knows its plant constitute what the Mexicans really want! to get out and hustle, teward in advance for the success cess, and even though he despised it; nie Morgan; of Salisbury, spent the army gave him successthat fail-. loss - call marihuana, a drug whose; an­ but have not had the proper chance lie’s bound to be in the future. A Thursday in town with relatives. e i to a poser in all experiments a- Place on his grave a Wreath of moss: cient history is black with . crime to use their excess energies:. young, man with a spirit of that type Mrs. L, G Gaither went to Win­ is more a drawback to the country ih mg the j >bs he loved. And on the stone iiHere lies and insanity. ' A good rule to follow is: Never ston Thursday to; spend a few days than the boys that are brought ui These startHng'exaniples from tbe A Chump who wouldn’t advertise.’’ Tbe Arabian name for the drug try to get something for- nothing. with her^daughtfef, Mis. Cbas. A so far back in the hills that -ht piges of cur country;a history prove is hashish, and from this term comes It isn’t being done, , and the big Jenkins. doesn’t know what a school houst b ;vn»d a doubt that the alluring jobs the English word “assassin,’’, indi- hearted fellow off in Chicago! o r Mrs. J. R. Bolling and babe, of Jast Clippings. looks like, . He finds the world very seldom hold the rich,rewards Ameri­ eating that persons- drugged, with New; Yprk who says - he wants to can youth so eagerly, longs for; Winston, who have been visiting Elaine Hart. Bethel, Conn..; unsympathetic with bis dreams., ol hashish or marihuana have in time' give' you something is a charter .Young.men put theirishdulder to tbe relatlves near County Line, return­ A little bit of kindness. an easy and speedy success ana past performed .'the roles of ! as- member ot the Annanias club. — gloom and. discouragement at on con-; Wheel and work-hard at what they ed'home Sunday. ’ To others now and' then; BrevardTimes. qners him. are now doing and . diregard the Mis. G. W. Green, formerly of A little bit of blindness \':•:;!■!;!;!; ' Within the past few years boys Tbe administration in Washington drudgery of their job and ignore this city, but now of Newcastle, To faults of other men: ' u' end girls herb.and.there' over the is fasinating the youth with promises the unrouud : philosophy - of modern Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. John T he wish to be forgiving v-V Says F. D.R. Demagogue educators and the-false promises of <§Onntry have became smokers!’ of of opportunities galore, provided'the P. Greeni ’ Wbenthingssomehowgowrohg Miami Beach, FJa.- The United politicians. ' They jfmust first give marihuana cigarettes, and, consid­ youth pledge himself to strictly "fol Mr and Mrs Ross Mills, States- And life is worth the. living . ; Statps has in President Roosevelt a success a chance to-come to them be^ erable vice and crime have been low all the doctrine of New Dealiam. ! ville,' are rejoicing over the arrival And hone is in the song. man;‘“ who, had he'! the chance, Many young people are so’ dazzleo fore'they tread to far on th“ treacb-. tinted to these young hashish ■ of a fine daughter at their .home —Author Unknown.
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