Appendix A. Plan Contributors. Name Affiliation Area of Expertise Department of Conservation and Recreation Backman , Andy RMP Program Planning Berkland, Ellen Office of Cultural Resources Archeaology Bertrand, Dan Legislative Affairs Legislative relations Briere, Gary Bureau of Recreation Recreation Brown, Maggi Bureau of Ranger Services Visitor education and safety Bruce, Mike Bureau of Ranger Services Ranger services and enforcement Cavanagh, Paul RMP Program Planning Church, Peter Bureau of Forestry Operations / forestry Crawford, Conrad External Affairs Partnerships Driscoll, Dan Recreational Facilities Planning Planning Echandi, Alexandra South Region Natural resources Fiesinger, Anne Office of External Affairs and Partnerships Outreach Fisher, Sean Office of Cultural Resources Archival material Fox, Wendy Office of External Affairs and Partnerships Media relations Garnett, Catherine Ecology Program Natural resources Gove, Nick Urban Parks, North Region Operations and management Greene, Judy Office of Cultural Resources Historic maps and plans Guthro, Anthony Fells District Operations Haglund, Karl Bureau of Planning Historian / editor Harris, Jeffrey Office of Cultural Resources Cutural resources Hunt, Dan Legislative Affairs Legislative relations Jahnige, Paul Greenways and Trails Program Trail planning and maintenance Karl-Carnahan, Kristin Bureau of Ranger Services Interpretive planning Kimball, David GIS Program GIS and mapping Kish, Patrice Office of Cultural Resources Cultural resources Lahiri, Chandreyee GIS Program GPS Lewis, Amanda Greenways and Trails Trails planning and GIS Lloyd, Nathanael GIS Program GIS Lowry, Kathleen Universal Access Program Universal access McCarthy, Tom Universal Access Program Universal access Moran, Barbara Office of External Affairs and Partnerships Web content Nelson, Mike Bureau of Ranger Services Ranger services and education Orfant, Joe Bureau of Planning and Resource Protection Planning Overton, Samantha Urban Parks, Director Urban parks Pearly, Brian Permit Program Manager Use agreements Parr, Adam Bureau of Ranger Services Incident reporting Plocinski, Loni GIS Program GIS /planning Port, S.J. Office of External Affairs and Partnerships Media relations Rayworth, Tim Bureau of Interpretive Services Interpretive planning Rowcroft, Jessica RMP Program Cultural resources Rotondo, Joe External Affairs Permits and special events Rudge, Curt Bureau of Ranger Services Ranger operations Continued on next page. A-1 Name Affiliation Area of Expertise Department of Conservation and Recreation (continued) Straub , Jim Lakes and Ponds Program Pond ecology Silva, Jason Chief of Staff Commisioner‘s office Tipton, Nat RMP Program Demography/visitor surveys Warchalowski, Heather Coastal Ecologist Ecology Yeo, Jonathan Bureau of Water Supply Protection Water quality Walsh, Thomas Urban Parks, Fells District Operations and management Williams, Chris Bureau of Ranger Services Ranger services / enforcement Zimmerman, Joel Bureau of Water Supply Protection Water Quality and Planning Other Affiliations B iscoe, Michele FellsDog / Somerville Dog Dog recreation Borgal, Lt. A. Animal Rescue League Dog safety and enforcement Breese, Courtney Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration Public process facilitation Brown, David Wildlife Tracker and Naturalist Wildlife resources Burne, Matthew Vernal Pool Society Vernal pools Clish, Heather Appalachian Mountain Club Trail design and development Connolly, Bryan NHESP State Botanist Della Porta, Loraine Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration Public process facilitation Elliman, Ted New England Wildflower Society Botanical survey Favuzza, Lt. R State Police Enforcement Gilmartan, David Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Water resources / security Glick, Adam Greater Boston NEMBA Mountain Bike Recreation Goodman, Nancy Environmental League of Massachusetts Resource protection Goodrich, John Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration Public process facilitation Gregoire, John Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Water resources Grimble, Tom New England Mountain Bike Association Mountain bike recreation Hamlin, Bryan New England Botanical Club, FOF Botanical survey Harper, Lynn NHESP Rare species Jewell, Dana Bird naturalist Bird survey Kittredge, Walter New England Botanical Club, FOF Botanical survey McCaffrey, James Sierra Club Resource protection Mello, Mark Lloyd Center for the Environment Insect survey Nelson, Mike NHESP Rare invertebrates Nichols, Dominica Friends of the Fells Visitor survey Petersen, Wayne Mass Audubon Society Important Bird Areas Pruitt, Ken Environmental League of Massachusetts Wetland resources Rawinski, Thomas USDA Forest Service Flora, forest ecology Ricci, Heidi Mass Audubon Society Resource protection Rines, Marjory Bird naturalist Bird survey Russell, Kimberly University of New Hampshire Visitor Survey Ryan, Mike Friends of the Fells (FOF) History / recreation Swain, Pat NHESP Natural communities Swymer, Steve Wichester Water Department Water quality Thompson, Doug Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration Public process facilitation Webber, Lt. State Police CAT Team Enforcement Woolsey, Henry NHESP Rare species Young, Harold Saugus Animal Control Dog safety and enforcement A-2 Appendix B. Public Participation. In accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21: Section 2F, the Resource Management Plan (RMP) for Middlesex Fells Planning Unit was developed in conjunction with a public participation process to ensure that interested stakeholders and individuals had an opportunity to review the draft RMP and offer input in its development. The Middlesex Fells RMP represents one of the most intensive public participation processes that the DCR has engaged in. This appendix details this process used to inform and review this RMP. B.1. PUBLIC INPUT INTO THE TRAIL SYSTEM PLAN The Middlesex Fells RMP builds on a year-long public Trail System Planning Process, which was launched in September 2009 with a ―stakeholders‘ briefing‖ to introduce the planning process and solicit feedback. Invitees to this meeting included Appalachian Mountain Club, Fells Dog, Friends of the Fells, Mass Audubon, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, New England Mountain Bike Association, Sierra Club, State Police, Winchester Water Department, and area legislators. Broad public notice of the DCR‘s intent to prepare a Trail System Plan for the Middlesex Fells was made on DCR‘s web site on November 19, 2009 with additional announcement to major stakeholder groups via email. Public comment was solicited on the Fells trail system through a set of guiding questions also listed on DCR‘s web site. A ―public workshop‖ was held February 8, 2010 to solicit additional public and user input. This workshop was advertised via a press announcement to news outlets covering the Malden, Medford, Melrose, Stoneham and Winchester markets, and via emails announcements to key stakeholder groups. Over 200 people participated in the planning workshop providing feedback on the needs and potential solutions to key trail system issues through a small group workshop process. The workshop presentation, summary notes and a compilation public input map were completed based on this input. A second stakeholders‘ briefing was held on May 4, 2010 to brief key stakeholders on preliminary recommendations being considered. The draft plan was presented to the public on September 20, 2010 and advertised in the Environmental Monitor on September 9. The draft was made available for download on the internet. A 60 comment period ran until November 19, 2010. Following this public comment period, the DCR announced that it would hold the bulk of the Trail System Plan in draft until the completion of an RMP. In total, over 2,000 individuals participated in the Trail System Planning process through meetings, workshops and written comments. B.2. INPUT INTO DEVELOPMENT OF THE RMP The Middlesex Fells RMP began with an initial launch meeting on January 31, 2011. A notice of a public meeting and of the DCR‘s intent to prepare a Resource Management Plan for the Middlesex Fells Reservation was announced on the DCR web page and through press releases provided to area media. An initial public meeting was convened at the McGlynn Middle School in Medford. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting, which ran from 6:30–9:00 p.m. This initial public meeting was followed by a series of 6 public workshops facilitated by the Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, each on a separate topic related to the resources and management of the Middlesex Fells. These workshops included presenters from a variety of professional organizations and stakeholder groups. Workshops included: Flora and Fauna Workshop, February 9, 2011, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Botume House, Stoneham. Presenters included Bryan Hamlin and Walter Kittredge (Friends of the Fells and New England Botanical Club), A-3 David Brown (Wildlife Naturalist), Wayne Petersen (Mass Audubon Important Bird Areas Program), and Lynn Harper (Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Speices Program). Wetlands and Water Resources Workshop, February 17, 2011, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Botume House, Stoneham. Presenters included David Gilmartin (Massachusetts Water Resources Authority), Ken Pruitt (Environmental League of Massachusetts) and Matthew Burne (Vernal Pool Association). Cultural Resources Workshop, February 23, 2011, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Botume House, Stoneham. Presenters included Mike Ryan (Friends of the Fells), Ellen Berkland (Archaeologist,
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