22824 SECOND STREET, HAYWARD, CA 94541 │ 510‐581‐2570 phone │ 510‐581‐9538 fax www.allsaintshayward.org @AllSaintsCatholicChurchHayward │ @AllSaintsSayYes │ AllSaintsChurchHayward September 15, 2019 Twenty‐fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS OUR MISSION / NUESTRA MISION: Saturday/Sábado: 8:30 AM ‐ Chapel /Capilla, 5:00PM Inspired by the saints, we aspire to become authenƟc mis- Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, sionary disciples of Jesus Christ. 1:00 PM ‐ Spanish/Español, 7:00 PM Weekdays/Días Laborables: 8:30AM ‐ Chapel /Capilla Inspirados por los santos, aspiramos a converƟrnos en autén- Ɵcos discípulos misioneros. De Jesucristo. CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN: VISION STATEMENT / NUESTRA VISION: Saturday/Sabado: 3:30PM The Church of All Saints in Hayward is the voice, hands, and feet of Christ, following in the steps of all the Saints. As a CHURCH OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA community, we answer the call and say YES to God. Monday‐Thursday / Lunes ‐ Jueves: La iglesia de Todos los Santos en Hayward es la voz, las ma- 9:00 AM ‐ 5:00 PM nos y los pies de Cristo, siguiendo los pasos de todos los San- Saturday & Sunday / Sabado y Domingo: tos. Como comunidad, respondemos el llamado y decimos SÍ 9:00 AM ‐ 5:00 PM a Dios. Closed Fridays / Cerrado el Viernes CONTACT US / CONTACTANOS Church Office/ Oficina de la Iglesia Lety Arechiga Ext. 122 [email protected] Delores Nnam Ext. 120 [email protected] Marina Ledezma Ext. 124 Rev. Ramon Gomez, Pastor [email protected] Clergy/ Clero Liturgy ‐ Music Ministry/ WELCOME! Fr. Ramon Gomez, Ext. 131 Liturgia‐Ministerio de Música The Catholic community of All Saints in‐ [email protected] Allen del Rosario Ext. 140 vites you to journey with our growing [email protected] community as we aspire to become Rev. Michael Castori, SJ Ext. 147 Saints. [email protected] The Church of All Saints in Hayward is the voice, hands, and feet of Christ, following Deacon Larry Quinn Youth Ministry‐Confirmaon / in the steps of all the Saints. As a commu‐ [email protected] Ministerio de Jovenes Confirmación nity, we answer the call and say YES to Minnie McElhaon GOD in our lives. Deacon Jorge Angel [email protected] Our church has welcomed many people [email protected] of different cultures and tradions, taught us the pracce of the faith, prayed Faith Formaon / Formación de Fe CSUEB Ministry together in mass, and connued the mis‐ Jean Easterly, Ed.D. Eunice Park sion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. [email protected] [email protected] I invite you to come and be inspired by the saints and to aspire to become au‐ Angelica Hernandez RCIA & Men’s Ministry ‐ thenc missionary disciples of Jesus [email protected] Social Ministry Outreach Christ so that we can beer know Him 510‐838‐9357 Chuck Kennedy and make Him beer known. [email protected] Young Adult Ministry / Ministerio de All Saints Media ¡BIENVENIDOS! Adultos [email protected] La comunidad católica de Todos los San‐ Sam Molina tos lo invita a viajar con nuestra comuni‐ [email protected] dad en crecimiento a medida que aspira‐ 510‐736‐0536 mos a converrnos en Santos. La Iglesia de Todos los Santos en Hayward es la voz, las manos y los pies de Cristo, 2019 WEEKEND COLLECTION siguiendo los pasos de todos los Santos. COLECTA DEL FIN DE SEMANA Como comunidad, respondemos el llama‐ 08/17/319-08/18/19 do y decimos SÍ a DIOS en nuestras vidas. Nuestra iglesia ha recibido a muchas per‐ WEEKEND PLATE COLLECTION sonas de diferentes culturas y tradicio‐ COLECTA DEL FIN DE SEMANA $7,341.00 nes, nos enseñó a praccar la fe, orar juntos en misa y connuar la misión de FAITH DIRECT ELECTRONIC FUNDS Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. FONDOS ELECTRONICOS $5,752.00 Los invito a venir y ser inspirados por los EDUCATION FUND santos y aspirar a ser auténcos discípu‐ FONDO DE EDUCACION $ 536.00 los misioneros de Jesucristo para que podamos conocerlo mejor y darlo a cono‐ MAY GOD BLESS YOUR CONTINUING GENEROSITY cer. QUE DIOS BENDIGA SU GENEROSIDAD 2 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH September 15, 2019 │ TWENTY‐FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3 SEPTEMBER 15, 2019: TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel EX 32:7‐11, 13‐14 1 TM 1:12‐17 LK 15:1‐32 or LK 15:1‐10 In our Second Reading Paul recalls Our First Reading takes us the me when he had been a fierce back to the me of Moses persecutor of the Chrisan com‐ “Rejoice with me because I have when the people had made a munity unl his conversion found my lost sheep.’” molten calf of gold and wor‐ through the intervenon of God’s shipped it as the God of Israel. mercy. WEEKLY READINGS / LECTURAS SEMANALES Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Lunes Martes Miercoles Jueves Viernes Sabado 1 Tm 2:1‐8 1 Tm 3:1‐13 1 Tm 3:14‐16 1 Tm 4:12‐16 1 Tm 6:2c‐12 Eph 4:1‐7, Lk 7:1‐10 Lk 7:11‐17 Lk 7:31‐35 Lk 7:36‐50 Lk 8:1‐3 11‐13 Mt 9:9‐13 MASS INTENTIONS / REMEMBER IN PRAYER / INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS RECORDAR EN ORACIÓN SEPTEMBER 16 - 22, 2019 Members of our faith community who are ill, including: Miembros de nuestra comunidad de fe que están enfermos, incluyendo: DAY TIME INT NAME Gabriel Arellano M 8:30AM t Manuel Balagat Ivette Morales T 8:30AM t Denise Spatz Rose Tahaafe W 8:30AM t Lauro & Lupe Vargas Th 8:30AM t Ira Williams Also members of our faith community who have died, Augusto & Edwina Silva & including: F 8:30AM t family Giuseppa Donofrio & Además, los miembros de nuestra comunidad de fe que han Sat 8:30AM t Osvaldo Troccoli muerto, incluyendo: 5:00PM t Edilberto Aza Sun 7:30AM t John Santos 9:00AM People of God Maria Concepcion Carrasco 11:00AM t James Patrick Baca Neal Hunt 1:00PM t Manuel Lopez & Set Patiño 7:00PM t Eugene Cooper 4 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH B G A S: SENIORS “BUSY BEES” SAINT PROFILE OF THE MONTH ACTIVITIES These events are not just for Seniors. Everyone is invited to participate. Potluck followed by Bingo. Dessert provided by center: Thursday, September 19th - Noon Thursday, September 26th - Noon Thursday, October 3rd - Noon Mark your calendar: Trash & Treasure Sale scheduled for October 26th & October ST. ANDREW KIM TAEGON 27th. Donations accepted Weds 10:30 AM - 2:00 Feast Day: September 20th Canonized: May 6, 1984 PM, starting Wednesday, September 11th. Thank you for your support of the The first nave Korean priest, Andrew Kim Taegon was the son of Chrisan converts. Born on August 21 1821, Andrew Senior Ministry. came from a family of martyrs. During the 19th century, Call FRANCES LEGG: (510)846- Catholics in Korea were persecuted by the ruling Joseon Dynasty for abandoning Confucianism and Andrew’s great‐ 5300 to reserve your seat. grandfather, Kim Chin‐hu Pius, died in prison in 1814 aer being arrested for his conversion to Catholicism. Following his bapsm at the age of 15, Andrew traveled 1,300 miles to the seminary in Macao, China. Aer six years, he managed to return to his country through Manchuria. That same year he crossed the Yellow Sea to Shanghai and was ordained a Opportunies Contact priest. He then returned to Korea and catechised local com‐ munies by night. Media Fred DeLeon Andrew was arrested in June 1846 aer a failed aempt to Technical [email protected] smuggle French missionaries into Korea. Inially, the king Assistants (510) 432‐9121 resisted execung Andrew on account of his bright person‐ Lectors Joseph Fraga ality and broad learning. Eventually, however, he was sen‐ [email protected] tenced to death and was beheaded on September 16 1846 on the banks of the Han River near Seoul, aer prolonged Altar Servers George Ravara torture. His last words were: “I have held communicaon [email protected] with foreigners, it has been for my religion and for my God. It is for Him that I die. My immortal life is on the point of Arts & Thelma Desidero beginning. Become Chrisans if you wish to be happy aer Environment [email protected] death, because God has eternal chassements in store for (Church Décor) those who have refused to know Him.” Eucharisc Minis‐ Please call church office St. Andrew is venerated as the patron saint of Korean cler‐ ters gy. In August this year, Pope Francis visited the birthplace of St. Andrew in Solmoe during his four‐day trip to South Ko‐ Catechists‐SPRED Catherine Romero rea. [email protected] September 15, 2019 │ TWENTY‐FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5 PARISH CALENDAR THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL At All Saints Catholic School, we work that contribute to school spirit and com‐ Alessandro M. ‐ 7th Grade hard to develop strong Catholic leaders munity welfare, the student council is Andrew H. ‐ 7th Grade and empower students to acvely serve the voice of the student body. We are Andres M. ‐ 8th Grade the needs of their school and communi‐ excited to introduce you to All Saints Apollo R. ‐ 7th Grade es. Our mission with the student coun‐ Catholic School’s 2019‐2020 Student Ashlin D. ‐ 8th Grade cil is to give students opportunies to Council. Audrey R. ‐ 7th Grade develop leadership by emphasizing the Avery P. ‐ 8th Grade importance of effecve collaboraon, Cecilia O. 8th Grade ‐ Madam President Ethan A. ‐ 8th Grade communicaon, problem solving and Zachary L.
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