• ' er1n NOW PRICES "CUT TO THE BONE ON ALL ED CARS & TRUCKS rs THE DAILY NEWS erra Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. TOHN'S, NFLD .• THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1961 (Price 7 Cents). ~-------------------------------- ita in Accuses Reds Of Obstructing Bizerte Talks ! ' fREEr r-- we Says Reds~ • 1 Move In Open 1et Rid n-Law ping Common Defiance Of tr moutel'·ln·l mrting :azine may r to your On West tcrl a column Red Warnings how. Nalions-AP-Britain accused the So­ nted to BERLIN-Reuters-The United State's and its hout Wednesday of heaping common abuse on powers in the UN special assembly in or­ Western allies Wednesday deployed tanks and amor obstruct negotiations between France and directly along the border between East and West orer Bizerte. Berlin for the first time since the Second World British delegate, Colin T. Crowe, spoke in ar. day of the assembly's debates on Tunisia's The moves were in open defiance of Commun­ that French forces be evacuated from the ist warnings to stay out of the area within 100 yai:ds of the frontier. The warning, applying to both sides ·.rronP~1n naval base at Bizerte and from posts Sahara. of the border, accompanied a decree announcing m sandwiched be· . , new Communist restrictions apparently aimed at Sol'iet bloc spokes- cusattons agamst NATO in gcn- further weakening the city's Four-Power occupa­ l1kraine delegate who era! and among others the tion status and creating a full-fledged East Ger­ s0 I' i e t ambassador United Kingdom government, to D. )(orozo ··s attack on :-"hOI}\ he referred at on? point man state border. 1 The latest restrictions bar l proposed. • bam ~Ianda)' and the m ·hts speech ... as an atomic d~legate 'who de· maniac'. This is .the kii\d of West Berliners from East Ber-~ISSUE STATEMENT . guests tell lin without special passes, re- A. statement by 1 AmencJJI n talk about of denunciations common abuse whtch we ha1•e States. !learned to expect from Soviet strict Allied entry into East l\laJ.·Gen. Albert . \\ al5on all!l motor boats." Berlin to one secto1• crossing I the t~o othe1: Allu;d command· :1!d the assembly thall de.t,egates. · · · . point, West Berliners to four ants m Bcrhn sa1d" ~e · troop · statement, taken up Far f~om bctng of, any help, , and West Germans to two. move~ents we~e to. ~ .. sure the Sol'iet bloc country the Sov1et delegates speech, securtty and mtegnty ' of the · was a vivid illustra- must be regarded as an attempt i \ CROSSINGS REDUCED . i Berlin border. members of the to worsen. the atmosphere in i This reduces the total num-1 The statement satd West­ do not sincerely which this debate takes place." t~? ] ber of crossing points from .121 ern. com'!landants took . ;:t . most 1 ~uccessfu! nego. The French delegation contin­ ' to seven. There had been so seriOus view o£ the effro~t~ry. of lhe two parties. ued its boycott of the session and France's own views were BERLIN-An East German officer atop an armored car with flag of Communist East German youth Icrossing points until the Com· I the ~ast Germ~~ authonltes, In EXCURSION' not being given explicitly In the group looks at well-armed British soldiers standing at zonal border here Aug. 21st, after the British ; munist slammed shut the bor· : war~mg the ctttz;ns of. \\est a prolonged excur­ 1 der on Au~. 13, : Berlm to keep a dtstance. of IOU debate. The debate was ex­ moved into position .. The British rushed troop and tank reinforcements to the East-West Berlin border , P 1 metres from the sector bor· • d i ;a ppearrd the ~ubject matter of pected to continue thrnugh Fri­ _when 500 armed East German People's Police appeared suddenly on the opposite side. It was the first In the face of the Communist\ ders." . e to get an in order to make ac- day. t1me Western allied troops had taken up position on any part of the border since the latest Berlin crisis on a bus warning telling all persons "in 1.. It called the .new rcslt•tctt~n~ began August 13th.-(UPI Photo), · the interests of t he i r own 1 another step m the unfold~n~ waiting in safety" to stay 100 yat·ds away of the brutal and callo~~ po~:cy -o simple a 1 :rt. I -< F ·h t T. B •I d y· I ! ~o~ ~h~i ~or~~~ ~re~~~h t~~o~~ I of B~~~ ~~!t ,~:~~~. ~.~lt;:Se. anr" 0 0 w i rt i t position within : the City m'o~ed ~ .\~est Bcrh~ ~o·c~rn ·c an 0 ·u I un n :hours 1 ment mtend to Ignore the I·.asl re n 1 He I p T0 Keep : , e r ta~k ~~~~e \~\·~~~~rl~at~/~~~~ i~t~:"a~~~rn~~~rh t~00St~~rdc;c~ Going Communist Bridge Auoss English Channel 1:s:,~~::::~"~··:~:~~f~:'.ii::::~~::,:'\\ii: .S · oth Amcl'ican troops in ! would set llll checkpom!s on the I · i be~ g ar and equipped with i Western side of !he sc1·en rc· umain their obset·ver at the Alliance for I PARIS <Reut:rs) - f'r~n~c i French govern~ent lor both Dover with Cap Blanc, near Ca·. The plan coils lor a bridge' ~~~i: . ~alkies stationed them· I maining cr~ssing .. poi?ts to J,c?p \ of lh·ing." Progress conference at which 19 I wants. to. negottate :ovith Brttam Imeans of. crossl.ng the channe!.llnis, which is proposed by a ' about 210 feet abo\e sea level . selves on foot at 50· to 100-yarcl i out "undesirable East Bel·hn· t:s snmoL Latin republics agreed to co- about butlding a br~dge or tun- Terrenotre satd. the Fr~nch Igroup headed by Jules 1\loch, a and carrying five lanes of mo·l intervals at points among the ers. r elegant operate. in building up their ~ei _across. !he Engbsh Channel, gove~nment had no strong VIews former cabinet minister in SCI'·' tor traffic, two lanes for bi· lt6-mile border of the U.S. sector Tll'o nusstan officer~" ll'ho economies. Jt \1 as offtctally announced here on either plan. They would be era! French governments. ! cycles anrl two railroad tracks I ·'th E 1 B rlin. came !hrou~h the dcst.natcd ~ands of the "It was an Incredibly interest- Wednesua~. • . a'!iong matt~r.s to be negotiated · : 111 as . e . :rate for foreigners .were ta~gets dcl'eloping an ing trip and the most Important Inlorma!Jon M1mstcr Lou l.s I wtth the Br1l!sh, he added. 1 The u.s. forces in th.e city of a ~row.~ of 50~ \\est B~rlmcrs 1eir own. It il conference of Its kind ever held Terrenolre annunccd the dcct-, SUGGESTED MANY TIMES now number 6 500 men ll'tth the shoutmg !\·an go home. , enter some u s La h s · in Latin America a conference slon after a cabinet meeting. The building or a tunnel under unc· .es pace addition of a' 1.50o·man battle U.S. military police, with t hout holding which really was' called to de- An official statement issued the channel has been suggested • • group moved in Sunday. In ad· rifles across their chest.s, push- ~ard of a ! 11Jllpat:hies are with us cide the future of Latin Amer- after the meeting said the ne- many times since it .first was clition there are 3,000 British ed the crowd back when It r~ach· n as it was In an interview. lea" he said. gotlntions would be about the proposed in Napoleon's time. PI tf I b• and 2ooo French troops in the ed within a yard of the Russtans' 1ter them It that way." VISITS LEADERS "eventual building of a. fixed A road tunnel was esti- Weste;n sectors. canvas-topped car. twi~ a ·orm nto ~' It 1 I' ncome and a retumed last He also visited government construction for the crossmg of mated m 1960 to cost about · · · 0' Del !sle, Uru- leaders ln Brazil, Argentina, the chan net.:• $445,0001000 , an d a railroad A· A · · pI 1\tr, h• waa Canada's Uruguay and Puerto Rico,. dis- Rival proJects. lor a channel bridge about .$4~0,000,000. CAPE C~NAVERAL, Fla. 1,000,000 miles each round trip. rm· y nnounces ans cussing both International af- tunnel and a brtdge each have The two prmctpal plans now (APl-The ftrst U.S. "space For reasons unknown, it didn't, I · ' , new fairs generally and local prob- strong support in France, and under consideration are: platform" was fired into, orbit do so. j; . r~ and poor !ems. plans have been submitted to the 1. A 32-mlle double rail tun- Wednesday, but when it was . Possibly the two spacecraft · d to prefer to To When the eonference began, nel in which cars would be car: supposed to launch its own sa- separated and were flying close · F· c t he said, many delegates feared WITNESSES TO MEET ried on railroad trucks, This is te!lite. out into deep space, it to . one another, in separate w • · that they are or· arn In-g en ers 1cht club. the appeal that might be made MONTREAL fCPl-A French· a proposal by the channel tunnel fatted_. • paths. More likely, they still . 1 one of the Life by Cuba's Ernesto (Che) Gue- language· national convention of study group.
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