PITTSBURGH So. 29 35tf _ Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, September 24, 1991999 Parishes gear up to mark Respect Life Sunday By JOHN FRANKO thethe annualannual “Life"Life Chain."Chain. St. Elizabeth of Hungary Inin Pleasant Life committee. Staff Writer “It “Itgives gives us usa focal a focal point point for for the the rest rest of ofHills Hills will will decorate decorate the the church church in inhonor honor SusanSusan Rauscher, Rauscher, director director of oftl the Help for the year, to share in the importance of October's Respect Life Month. diocesan Department for Social Father Edward Bryce, pastor of St. and sanctity of life," said John “It’s not just about the unborn," said Awareness, said Respect Life Sunday East Timor Bede in Pittsburgh’s Point Breeze sec­ Valentine, Respect Life chairm an at St. Rosi Bonacchi, Respect Life chair­ activities were not scheduled on a tion, doesn’t mince words when it Caritas and other church-based Ferdinand in Cranberry Township. “It's woman. “It's about womb to tomb. If we diocesan level so that people could comes to pro-life issues. aid agencies prepare to enter som ething we can gear up for, b u t it don't have reverence for life, what good mark the day in their own parishes. “The whole theme of the Gospel is the East Timor as an international can't begin and end there." is anything else we do? We're fighting A commissioning service for rtght-to- Gospel of life,” he said. Valentine's parish will host a for the Kingdom when we're fighting for life chalrpeople was held Sept. 19 at St. military force begins work to Father Bryce will Join thousands secure peace in the region. “Celebration of Life" following the Life life." Sebastian in Ross Township. across the diocese in the annual See page 9. Chain. Activities will include a cookout St. Bonaventure in Glenshaw will “As long as people tolerate laws and Respect Life Sunday observance Oct. 3. and a performance by the Christian address a different pro-life issue each law m akers who have no respect for life, Parishes will mark the day with such Rock band 121 Mercy Street. week in its bulletin and host a pro-life we will always be at risk," Father Bryce Settling in: The 33 men activities as pro-life prayer services and “We're trying to get the youth more Mass at 7 p.m. on Oct. 13. said. ordained as permanent deacons baby showers benefiting crisis preg­ this summer are settling in to a into right-to-life issues," he said. “Even though it should be obvious to Bishop Donald Wuerl will address nancy centers. St. Ferdinand will also host a diaper Catholics, we need to be reminded we God’s gift of life in a pastoral letter th at variety of ministries. Scores of supporters will link up on See page 7. drive Oct. 10 in support of the Lifeline have to stand up for what is right," said will be published in next week's issue roadways from 2 to 3 p.m. as part of pregnancy help center. Clare Roberts, a member of the Respect of the Pittsburgh Catholic. Major undertaking: St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center on Pittsburgh’s South Side has kicked off a drive aimed at Churches raising $1.5 million over the next three years. welcome See page 12. Nature of salvation: How century Jesus Christ saves people was the topic of a recent three-day gathering of Catholic and together Baptist leaders. The congregations of 16 See page 11. churches on Pittsburgh's North Side gathered last Sentences overturned: The Sunday in a show of unity to sentences of five protesters welcome the new millennium. convicted in two separate 1997 After a picnic lunch at the protests at the U.S. Army's National Aviary, some 270 School of the Americas have people processed to St. Peter been overturned by a federal Church where the pastor. appeals panel. Benedictine Father Ben See page 11. Walker, delivered a message of reconciliation. Assisi restoration: The “The basic message, of purchase of phone cards in the course, is that it is high time United States can help pay for we all try to reconcile our­ restoration of the earthquake- selves among the various ravaged Basilica of St. Francis denominations," Father Ben in Assisi, Italy. said. See page 8. "The turnout was super, Above: Father Benjamin especially when you consider Walker, far left, Brother Gone from the dashboard: A that some of the denomina­ Matthew Laffey and one of reader asks Father Charles tions have very small congre­ the diocesan reconciliation Bober about the fate of St. gations," he said. “It was crosses lead the walk to St. Christopher, whose likeness almost history-making in a Peter from the National adorned nearly every Catholic sense, since some of the con­ Aviary on Pittsburgh’s North motorist’s dashboard not so gregations involved have Side. Left: Enjoying a picnic long ago. never done anything ecu­ lunch held in conjunction See page 7. menical.” with the ecumenical event Father Ben had been won­ were, from left, Kathleen dering how best to prepare Fucci of St. Peter; and June his parish for the new millen­ Fitzpatrick and Marcy index nium. “I said to myself. "Why Schadhauser of the Diocesan news 2.3,12.13 ju st limit it to the people of St. Allegheny Center Alliance Editorial/official.............................4 Peter?' Church. Opinion/comment........................ 5 “The overall feedback has Entertainment...............................6 been very positive," Father L ife .................................................7 Ben said. “The Spirit was Classified.....................................10 moving, if I may say so, World 8, 9 amongst all the participants." N ation...........................................11 Book on indulgences Education norms seen as doable covers m odern situations WASHINGTON (CNS) — Legal church “In the course of the discussion I have VATICAN CITY (CNS) — only in Latin, although trans­ norms for U.S. Catholic higher education ‘...(l)t would be the height come to the conclusion that it would be can and should be implemented, speakers the height of arrogance and of naivete to The word "indulgences” has lations are planned. of arrogance and of naivete an old-fashioned ring to it, An indulgence is a remis­ said at a daylong conference Sept. 18 in think we would be able to maintain our but the Vatican's revised sion of the temporal punish­ Washington. to think we would be able Catholic identity (without such a set of norms) when all our Christian brothers handbook on indulgences ment for the sins people have They predicted that if it is done prudent­ to maintain our Catholic outlines some modern situa­ committed. Colloquially, an ly, it will not lead to the major legal or have been unable to do so," he said. tions in which Christians indulgence is described as a institutional problems that some oppo­ identity (without a set of “Here is a theologian who does not think merit eternal reward. promise of reduced time in nents have warned about. norms) when all our canon law is a bad term," he said, adding The conference, convened by Vincentian that in the Catholic tradition “communion When undertaken with the purgatory because of prayers Christian brothers have traditionally required confes­ or good works. Father David O'Connell, president of The must take visible form” in social relation­ sion, Communion and The church distinguishes Catholic University of America, was held been unable to do so.’ ships and structures. prayer, indulgences can be between partial and plenary at the university's law school. — Father J. Augustine DiNoia The juridical structures "embody com­ earned for acts of charity or — or total — indulgences. It drew more than 120 university admin­ munion, they do not obstruct it," he said, Christian witness in every­ Jesuit Father Ivan Fucek, a istrators. theologians, bishops, church Jesuit Father Robert Spitzer, president day life, Vatican officials theological consultant at the and civil lawyers and educators from Corde Ecclesiae" to Catholic colleges and of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., said. Apostolic Penitentiary, said around the country to discuss U.S. imple­ universities in the United States. reported that he had informally ques­ For example, in a factory that in addition to the confes­ mentation of "Ex Corde Ecclesiae," ( From Dominican Father J . Augustine DiNoia. tioned a number of Catholic university cafeteria where swearing and sion. Communion and prayer the Heart of the Church”). Pope John Paul secretary for doctrine for the National trustees, faculty, administrators, accredi­ vulgarity are the norm, a needed for a partial indul­ Us 1990 apostolic constitution on Conference of Catholic Bishops, opened tation board members and students, par­ worker can earn an indul­ gence, a plenary indulgence Catholic higher education. the conference with a talk on the question ents and alumni about four issues in the gence by publicly making the requires that the individual University of Notre Dame law professor of juridical norms from a theological per­ proposed norms: sign of the cross and praying be free from all sin and sinful Gerard Bradley said opponents of juridical spective. • The requirement for theologians to before he eats, said a monsi- attitudes. Implementation norms have greatly exag­ The understanding of the church as have a mandate from the local bishop in gnor who works in St. Peter's “If you die immediately gerated the risks of loss of public aid if communion “is essential for understand­ order to teach at a Catholic college or uni­ Basilica. after receiving a plenary Catholic institutions adopt norms ing the theological principles and particu­ versity.
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