January 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S61 T–38, GEN ‘‘Howie’’ Chandler has com- sion, of Headquarters Allied Air Forces the past several years through our per- manded a major command, a numbered Southern Europe, Naples, Italy. After sonal interaction during numerous air force, two fighter wings, a support being promoted, Major General Chan- meetings and hearings, including the group and a fighter squadron—a true dler returned to Washington, DC to be- annual Altus Quail Breakfast and testament to his exceptional come the director for expeditionary meetings of the U.S. Air Force Acad- airmanship, leadership, and judgment. aerospace force implementation, fol- emy’s board of visitors, which I have His staff assignments include tours at lowed by the director of operational been honored to attend. I will miss his Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, the plans, deputy chief of staff for air and honesty and frankness, a trait that has Pentagon, Headquarters U.S. Pacific space operations. Moving from the Pen- served him, the Air Force, and this Na- Command, Headquarters U.S. Military tagon to Langley Air Force Base, VA, tion well during his time as a senior Training Mission in Saudi Arabia, and he became the director of aerospace op- Air Force leader. Headquarters Allied Air Forces South- erations. General Chandler continued On behalf of Congress and the United ern Europe. to demonstrate excellence and was se- States of America, I thank General General Chandler grew up in lected for promotion to lieutenant gen- Chandler, his wife Eva-Marie, and their Carthage, MS. He entered the Air eral and selected to command Alaskan three children, Carl, Rose-Marie, and Force in 1974 after graduating from the Command, Alaskan North American Thomas, for their commitment, sac- U.S. Air Force Academy. Following Aerospace Defense Command Region, rifice, and contribution to this great graduation, he attended undergraduate 11th Air Force and Joint Task Force, Nation. I congratulate General Chan- pilot training at Laughlin AFB, TX. He Elmendorf Air Force Base, AK. Fol- dler on the completion of an exemplary excelled throughout his training and lowing this assignment, he returned to Active-Duty career and wish him and after earning his wings was selected to Washington, DC, to lead as the deputy his family Godspeed in the next phase chief of staff for operations, plans and remain at Laughlin AFB to teach fu- of his life.∑ ture pilots as a T–38 instructor pilot requirements, Headquarters U.S. Air and flight examiner. He continued as Force. general Chandler was selected f an instructor pilot and assistant oper- for the rank of general and asked to re- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ations officers at Randolph Air Force turn once again to the Pacific theater to command the Pacific Air Forces at Messages from the President of the Base, TX. Then, as a testament to Cap- United States were communicated to tain Chandler’s achievements as a T–38 Hickam Air Force Base, HI. Finally, he was selected to become the second the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his instructor pilot, he was selected to fly secretaries. the Air Force’s premier air superiority highest ranking officer in the Air fighter, the F–15 Eagle. Stationed at Force as the Vice Chief of Staff of the f Kadena Air Base, Japan with the 67th Air Force, where he has served for over EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Tactical Fighter Squadron, he contin- a year. Under General Chandler’s leadership, As in executive session the Presiding ued to shine in the air and on the Officer laid before the Senate messages ground as a squadron standardization the Air Force handled some of our most challenging issues, including the from the President of the United officer, flight commander, and wing $40 billion KC–X acquisition program, States submitting sundry nominations flight examiner. His prowess in the air creation of Air Force Cyber Command, which were referred to the appropriate earned him a selection to become the force structure realignment, and cre- committees. chief of Air-to-Air Tactics Branch at ation of Air Force Global Strike Com- (The nominations received today are Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, mand. Finally, General Chandler led printed at the end of the Senate pro- Hickam Air Force Base, HI. His talents the drive for what I consider the Air ceedings.) were quickly realized, and he was se- Force’s most pressing issue: recapital- lected to become the aide-de-camp to f ization. Through General Chandler’s the commander-in-chief of U.C. Pacific leadership, the Air Force secured a REPORT OF THE APPORTIONMENT Command at Camp H.M. Smith, HI, and budget of $1.7 billion for bomber and POPULATION FOR EACH STATE then the Air Force aide to the Chair- air-to-ground weapons, acquired $8.2 AS OF APRIL 1, 2010, AND THE man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the billion for fighter and munitions pro- NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Pentagon, Washington, DC, positions grams, and laid the foundation for $200 TO WHICH EACH STATE WOULD for which only the elite are selected. million in supplemental munitions BE ENTITLED—PM 1 Following his assignment at the Pen- funding. The leadership, insight, and The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- tagon, he was once again stationed at dedication of General Chandler have fore the Senate the following message Kadena, where he flourished at every been instrumental in building lasting from the President of the United position he held: assistant operations and trusting relationships with the States, together with an accompanying officer of the 44th Tactical Fighter U.S. Congress, resulting in an overall report; which was referred to the Com- Squadron, chief of standardization and increase in U.S. national security. mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- evaluation, operations officer of the The breadth and depth of General ernmental Affairs: 67th Tactical Fighter Squadron, and Chandler’s assignments and the profes- commander of the 44th Fighter Squad- sionalism with which he has carried To the Congress of the United States: ron. Having demonstrated his impec- them out reflect a keen intellect, an Pursuant to title 2, United States cable leadership, he was selected to be unwavering dedication to the Air Force Code, section 2a(a), I transmit herewith the chief of the Operations Inspection mission, and an unrivaled grasp of na- the statement showing the apportion- Division at Headquarters Pacific Air tional security policies developed ment population for each State as of Forces at Hickam Air Force Base, HI, through both personal experience and April 1, 2010, and the number of Rep- and then he deployed to Riyadh, Saudi academic instruction. General Chan- resentatives to which each State would Arabia, as the chief of Air Force Divi- dler earned a master’s degree in man- be entitled. sion, U.S. Central Command Forward, agement, attended the Executive Pro- BARACK OBAMA. from 1992 to 1994. gram for General Officers at the John THE WHITE HOUSE, January 5, 2011. In 1994, Colonel Chandler was se- F. Kennedy School of Government at f lected for back-to-back-to-back com- Harvard, and the Navy Senior Leader MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE SUB- mands, commanding the 554th Support Business Course at the University of Group at Nellis Air Force Base, NV, SEQUENT TO SINE DIE ADJOURN- North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While he MENT the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin Air has received many distinguished Force Base, FL, and the 56th Fighter awards and decorations, it is General ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Wing at Luke Air Force Base, AZ. Now, Chandler’s commitment and sacrifice Under authority of the order of the Brigadier General Chandler was se- to this Nation that make him stand Senate of January 6, 2009, the Sec- lected to become the chief of head- out among his peers. retary of the Senate, on December 23, quarters staff followed by assistant I have the utmost trust in and re- 2010, subsequent to the sine die ad- chief of staff for operations, A–3 Divi- spect for General Chandler, gained over journment of the Senate, received a VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:55 Jan 06, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05JA6.012 S05JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE S62 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 5, 2011 message from the House of Representa- H.R. 2751. An act to amend the Federal S. Res. 10. A resolution to improve the de- tives announcing that the Speaker has Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect bate and consideration of legislative matters signed the following enrolled bills: to the safety of the food supply. and nominations in the Senate. H.R. 5809. An act to amend the Energy Pol- S. Res. 11. A resolution to establish as a S. 3903. An act to authorize leases of up to icy Act of 2005 to reauthorize and modify standing order of the Senate that a Senator 99 years for lands held in trust for Ohkay provisions relating to the diesel emissions publicly disclose a notice of intent to object- Owingeh Pueblo. reduction program. S. 3481. An act to amend the Federal Water ing to any measure or matter. H.R. 5901. An act to amend the Internal Pollution Control Act to clarify Federal re- f Revenue Code of 1986 to authorize the tax sponsibility for stormwater pollution. S. 4036. An act to clarify the National court to appoint employees. ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED H.R. 6517. An act to extend trade adjust- Credit Union Administration authority to SUBSEQUENT TO SINE DIE AD- ment assistance and certain trade preference make stabilization fund expenditures with- JOURNMENT programs, to amend the Harmonized Tariff out borrowing from the Treasury.
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