Territoires Infectés À La Date Du 7 Juillet 1960 — Infected Areas As on 7

Territoires Infectés À La Date Du 7 Juillet 1960 — Infected Areas As on 7

— 308 Territoires infectés à la date du 7 juillet 1960 — Infected areas as on 7 July 1960 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires oà la présence de maladies guarantenaires in which the presence o f quarantinable diseases was a été signalée (voir page 167). reported (see page 167), ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’artide 3 • = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été' Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a: notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): Â — pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. PESTE — PLAGXJE Andhra Pradesh, State FIEVRE JAUNE COTE D ’IVOIRE — IVORY COAST 19. VI-7 .VII East Godavari, District . ■ 28.XII.59 YELLOW FEVER Abengourou, Cercle. A 30.VI Guntur District .... ■ 31.XII.59 Abidjan, Cercle .... A 30.VI Amérique America Krishna, District .... ■ 27.VIII.59 io.iv-7.vn Agboville, Cercle .... A 23.VI Srikakulam, District . ■ ll.VI Bondoukou, Cercle . A 9.VI ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR West Godavari, District . ■ 27,VIII.59 Afrique — Africa Bouaflé, Cercle............... A 23.VI Bouaké, Cercle ..... A 30.VI LojOy Province ANGOLA.............................. 27.V.59 MacarOf Canton Assam, State Daloa, Cercle................... A 30.VI Dimbokro, Cercle . A 30.VI Zozoranga, Parr............... B 28.V Goalpara, District . ■ 4.VI CONGO * Kamrup, District . ■ 4.VI Gagnoa, Cercle .... A 30.VI ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES United Mikir & North Territoire situé au nord du Grand-Bassam, Cercle . A 23.VI Cachar Hills............... ■ ll.VI 10® S. — Territory North Grand-Lahou, Cercle . A 23.VI New Mexico, State Korhogo, Cercle .... A 23.VI Chaves, Co....................... ■ 8.IU of 10® S............................. ■ n.XlI.56 Bihar, State Man, C ercle................... A 30.VI (Excl. Roswell City) GAMBIE — GAMBIA . ■ 1.X.56 Odienné, Cercle .... A 16.VI Bhagalpur, District . B 14.V PÉROU — PERU GHANA ....................... ■ 1.X.56 Sassandra, Cercle .... A 9.VI Darbhanga, District. ■ 21.V Séguéla, Cercle............... A 30.VI Piura, Dpto. Gaya, D istric t............... ■ 14.V NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA. ■ 1.X.56 Ayabaca, Province Hazaribagh, District. B 4.VI Ayabaca, D t o ............... B 25.IV Monghyr, District . ■ ll.VI RUANDA-URUNDI . ■ ll.xa.56 DAHOMEY Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 24.V SIERRA LEONE . m 1.X.56 Kandi, C ercle ............... A 2I.VI Asie — Asia Patna, District............... B 18.VI SOUDAN — SUDAN Shahabad, District . ■ 15.VI ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Territoire situé au sud du Djawa Tengali, Province Gujrat, State 12“ N. — Territory South GHANA Kedu Residency Kaira, District............... ■ 28.V of 12“ N................................... 17.XII.56 Magelang, Regency . ■ 7.XII.59 Surat, D is tric t............... ■ 6.VI Accra, Mun. Area. ■ 19.V Wonosobo Regency . ■ 7.XU.59 (Excl. Airport) Amérique — America Surakarta Residency Madhya Pradesh, State Ashanti, Region Bojolali, Regency .... ■ 1.1II.S9 Bilaspur, District .... ■ 16.IV BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Bekwai, District .... ■ 27.1 Raipur, District .... ■ 3.V Kumasl, District .... ■ 27.1 Surguja, District .... B 4.VI La Paz, Dpto. Nor» Yungas, Province Wenchi Sunyani, District. ■ 13.11 PESTE DES RONGEURS Madras, State Caranavi Canton .... A 22.IV Northern, Region RODENT PLAGUE North Arcot, District . ■ 30.X1.59 Dilomba, District 5.VI-7.VII COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA West-Dagomba, Area . ■ 28.III Maharashtra, State Afrique — Africa Boyaca, Dpto. Western, Region Ahmednagar, District . ■ 2.VU Muzo, Mun...................... ■ 25.H Cape Coast, D istria. ■ 23.VI CONGO * Vasquez, Territorio ... • 15.H Mysore, State Sefwi, D istric t................ ■ H.V Province Orientale Wassaw Aowin, District . ■ 9.V Nord-est de Blukwa . B 28.V Bangalore, District . ■ 18.Xn.59 Santander, Dpto. Nord-ouest de Blukwa. B 4.V1 Belgaum, District .... ■ 20.VI Santa Elena, Mun. ... ■ 22.III Biiapur, District .... ■ 14.VI GUINÉE — GUINEA Océanie — Oceania Dharwar, District. ■ 17.VI PÉROU — PERU Dubiéka, Région .... B 4.VI San Martin, Dpto. Kissidougou, Région . ■ 2S.IV.S9 HAWAÏ — HAWAII Orissa, State San Martin, Province Macenta, Région .... ■ 2.V.S9 Hawaii Island, Co. Balasore, District .... ■ 21.IV.56 Tarapoto........................... B IS.II Hamakua. District . ■ 14.V.S7 Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.II.58 HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA Kalaliandi, District . ■ 15.1V.S8 Djibo, C e r c le ................ A 16.VI Puri, District................... ■ 7.VIIL5( Ouabigouya, Cercle . B 26.V CHOLERA — CHOLÉRA TVipura, State. ■ 25.V.59 VARIOLE — SMALLPOX 19.vi-7.vn KENYA 5.VI-7.VII Central. Province Asie — Asia Uttar Pradesh, State Afrique Africa (Excl. locai area of Nairobi (Embakasi) Bañaras. District .... ■ 14.VI BIRMANIE — BURMA airport). Rae Bareilii, District . ■ 15.VI.59 BECHUANALAND Nairobi, District .... B 28.V A k y a b ffA )................... A 2.VH Arakan, Division West Bengal, State Eastern, Med. Div, Nyanza, Province Akyab, District............... A 2.VII Bankura, District . ■ 13.VI Bobonong (near Palapye) A 28.VI Central Nyanza, District. B 4.VI Burdwan, District . ■ 6.II.58 North Nyanza, District . A I8.VI INDE — INDIA CONGO • Hooghly, District . B 14.V Rifl Valley, Province B 28.V Calcutta (PA) " ............... ■ 17.UI.56 Howrah, District .... B 18.VI Equateur, Province , . A 11.VI Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ 17.VI Midnapur, District . B 21.V Kasaï, Province . » . B 28.V 24-Parganas, District . , B 21.V Katanga, Province ... B 4.VI LIBERIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.II1.S8 ^ A l’exclusion de la circonscriptioi Kivu, Province............... B 4.VI de l’aéroport de Dum-Dum — Excludini Léopoldville, Province . A ll.VI MALI local area of Dum Dum airport. PAKISTAN Sénégal * Ex Congo belge — ex. Belgian Congt EastPíücistan ... B 18.VI * Ex Congo belge — ex. Belgian Congo Thies, Cercle................... B 19.V — 309 — Soudan TCHAD — CHAD Tulcan, Canton Kanpur(A) ................... 11.XII.59 Lagone, Région Tulcan, Parr...................... B 21.V Karikal (P)....................... 24.1X.59 BafouIab6, Cercle .... A 24. VI Lucknow ( A ) ............... 2I.I Bamako. Cercle.....................A lO.VI Moadou, Cire. méd.. B26.V Madras (PA)................... 5.V.57 Kayes. Cercle........................ A 24.VI Chimborazo, Province Riobamba, Canton Pondicherry (P) .... 18.X1I.S9 Kita. Cercle ................... B 2 VI TOGO — TOGOLAND Kolokani, Cercle .... A 17.VI Riobamba, Pair. .... A ll.V l Andhra Pradesh, State Niger (Office).................... A 17 VI Anécho. Cercle............... B 28.V Nioro, C ercle .................... A lO.VX Lomé, C ercle .................... B 28.V Cotopaxi, Province Anantapur, District . ■ 13.XII.57 Ségou» Cercle........................ A 17.V1 Palime, C e rc le ............... B 14.V Latacunga, Canton Chitloor, District . ■ 6.III.S6 Sikasso, C ercle.................... A 24.VI Tsévié, Cercle................... B 28.V Cuddappah, District. ■ 30.1.57 Latacunga, Pair. .... A ll.V l East Godavari, District ■ H.XII.57 Guntur, District . A 18.VI UNION SUD-AFRICAINE Esmeraldas, Province MAURITANIE — MAURITANIA Hyderabad. District. • 20.ÏV.59 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Esmeraidas, Canton Krishna, District . B 14.V Hodh Occidental, Cercle Cape. Province Esmeraldas, Pair.............. A ll.V l Kurnool, District . ■ 2.VII.55 Rio Verde, Parr................ B 4.VI ■ 20.X.59 AIouq ......... A 30.V1 Kimbeney, District Mahbubnagar, District G reen p o in t................... A 8.VI Nellore, District . ■ 30.X1.55 Imbabura, Province Nizamabad, District ■ 6.1V MOZAMBIQUE Antonio Ante, Canton Srikakulam, District ■ 5.X.55 Amérique — America Atuntaqui. Pair................ B 28.V Visakhapatnam, District ■ 15.III Niassa, Province San Francisco de Warrangai, District . • 13.XII.58 Lago, Dto, Natabuela, Parr. B 21.V West Godavari, District B 21.V ARGENTINE — ARGENTINA Vila Cabral, Concelho . ■ 19.UI Chaco, Province Ibarra, Canton Assam, State 9.V Napalpi, Dpto.................. A 6.VI Ibarra, Parr. B 4.VI Cachar, District............... NIGER Goalpara, District. 4.IV.59 Santiago del Estera, Province Loja, Province Kamrup, District .... 24.11.56 Agadés, C ercle................ A 24.VI Calvas, Canton Nowgong, District . 29.X.59 Gaya, Cercle................... A 17.V1 General Taboada, Dpto. A 13.VI Rio Hondo. Dpto A 6.VI United Khasi-Jaimia Hills, Gouré, C e rc le ................ A 17.VI Cariamanga, Pair.. B 4.VI D istric t....................... 20.X.59 Konni, C ercle ............... A lO.VI Colaisaca, Parr................A ll.V l Magaria, Cercle................ A lO.VI BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Loja, Canton Bihar, State Maradi, C ercle............... A 24. VI 7.IV.58 N'guimi, Cercle................ A 17.VI Belem (PA)..................... B 3 1 .V m .5 9 Bhagalpur, District Loja, P arr...................... A ll.V l Champaran, District I3.Vn.59 Niamey, Cercle................ A lO.VI Porto Alegre (PA). B 31.V1U.59 10.Xll.57 Tahoua, Cercle............... A 24.VI Recife ( P A ) ................. B 31.V1U.59 Darbhanga, District Pahas, Canton Dhanbad, District. 28.111.58 Tanout, C ercle..............

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