A1 WA/2016/1894 Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garaging Raw Element (Waverley) Ltd and landscaping following demolition of existing 26/09/2016 dwelling, outbuildings and other structures (revision of WA/2016/0705) (as amended by plans received 11.01.2017) at Land At Keepers Cottage, Farnham Road, Tilford GU10 2AZ Committee: Southern Area Meeting Date: 01 March 2017 Public Notice: Was Public Notice required and posted: Yes Grid Reference: E: 487436 N: 145624 Parish: Tilford Ward: Frensham, Dockenfield and Tilford Case Officer: Gemma Paterson Expiry Date: 26/12/2016 Time Extended Date: Neighbour Notification Expiry Date: 04/11/2016 RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED. Introduction The application has been brought before the Area Committee because the proposal is a departure from the Local Plan and does not fall within the Council’s Scheme of Delegation Location Plan Ariel Plan Proposed Site Layout Plan Existing/Proposed Build Plan Plot 1 – Proposed North Elevation Plot 1 – Proposed South Elevation Plot 1 – Proposed East Elevation Plot 1 – Proposed West Elevation Plot 1 – Proposed Ground Floor Plan Plot 1 – Proposed First Floor Plan Plot 2 – Proposed North Elevation Plot 2 – Proposed South Elevation Plot 2 – Proposed East Elevation Plot 2 – Proposed West Elevation Plot 2 – Lower Ground Floor Plan Plot 2 – Proposed Ground Floor Plan Plot 2 – Proposed First Floor Plan Site Description The application site measures 1.9 hectares and is located on Farnham Road to the north of Tilford and south of Runfold. The site is in a rural location and accessed by a single track leading from Farnham Road and comprises a mix of wooded areas and open grassland and is undulating in character with the land form naturally rising up across the northern aspect. A detached dwelling is sited to the north western corner of the site and is surrounded by a significant number of associated outbuildings and areas of enclosure together with areas of debris, including some machinery. There is an infilled area of potential contamination located in the north eastern corner of the site. The site is surrounded by a significant amount of woodland, in particular to the north, south and to the west (this area being classed as ancient woodland). The majority of the site (excluding the house and its very immediate surrounds) is covered by a tree protection order which continues to the cover the surrounding woodland beyond the site area. Proposal The application seeks to erect 2 no. five bedroom units of a modern modular design. Unit 2 would be partly dug into the sloping land levels. Each proposed unit would benefit from a detached garage and would feature green roofs: Unit 1 – located to the north western corner of the site, comprising two storeys with detached garage. The proposed unit would measure 33m (overall width) x 31m (overall width) x 10.2m (height). Unit 2 – located to the south western corner of the site, comprising two storeys with basement and attached garage. The proposed unit would measure of 34.5m (width) x 23.4m (depth) x 7.7m (height) The following associated works also form part of the proposal: Demolition of existing detached dwelling Demolition of existing outbuildings and associated debris Alterations to access track Landscaping and site re-modelling including alterations to create new areas of hardstanding Alterations to existing boundary treatments and creation of new boundary treatment Relevant Planning History Erection of 3 dwellings with associated garaging and landscaping following WA/2016/0705 Refused 12/0/0216 demolition of existing dwelling, outbuildings and other structures Erection of extensions and Full WA/1998/1602 alterations (renewal of WA 06/11/1998 Permission 93/1158) Erection of extensions and Full WA/1993/1158 14/10/1993 alterations Permission Erection of an entrance wall, WA/1992/1208 wrought iron fence, gates and Refused 09/11/1992 posts Two storey extension scheme Full WA/1981/0655 21/05/1981 C Permission WA/1980/1981 Two storey extension Refused 04/02/1981 HM/R19768 New stable building Approved 08/08/1969 HM/R16290 To erect a conservatory Approved 17/02/1967 Planning Policy Constraints Green Belt – Outside of any Recognised Settlement Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) & Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) Wealden Heaths I SPA 5km Buffer Zone Thames Basin Heath 7km Buffer Zone Tree Protection Order HM/R4 Development Plan Policies and Proposals Saved Policies C1, C3, D1, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, H10, M14 and HE15 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 Policies SP1, SP2, ST1, RE2, RE3, TD1 and NE1 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites 2016. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires all applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The adopted Local Plan (2002) and the South East Plan 2009 (solely in relation to policy NRM6) therefore remain the starting point for the assessment of this proposal. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a material consideration in the determination of this case. In line with paragraph 215 due weight may only be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. The report will identify the appropriate weight to be given to the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002. The Council is in the process of replacing the adopted 2002 Local Plan with a new two part document. Part 1 (Strategic Policies and Sites) will replace the Core Strategy that was withdrawn in October 2013. Part 2 (Non-Strategic Policies and Site Allocations) will follow the adoption of Part 1. The new Local Plan builds upon the foundations of the Core Strategy, particularly in those areas where the policy/approach is not likely to change significantly. The Council approved the publication of the draft Local Plan Part 1 for its Pre- submission consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 on 19 July 2016. The consultation period commenced in August 2016 and closed on 3 October 2016. On the 21st December 2016 the Council submitted the draft Local Plan Part 1 for Examination. In accordance with paragraph 216 of the NPPF, weight can be given to the draft Plan, but the degree to which it can is determined by the stage the Plan has reached and the extent to which there are any unresolved objections to it. It is considered that significant weight can be given to the Pre-submission Plan following its publication on Friday 19 August, given its history of preparation thus far, the iterations of it and the extent of consultation and consideration on it to date. The weight afforded to the Draft Local Plan will increase as the Plan progresses through Examination and onto its adoption in 2017. Other Guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (2012) National Planning Practice Guidance (2014) Surrey Hills Management Plan (2014-2019) West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2015) Surrey County Council Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (2012) Waverley Borough Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013) Consultations and Parish Council Comments Tilford Parish Council: Councillors feel the appearance is totally hideous and inappropriate for the village. It looks like the floor area of house and outbuildings have been combined in order to construct two houses, but can the outbuildings be taken into consideration? If not a habitable building should they be taken into account of the 40% rule. Seek a condition to deal with contaminated land and restore to grass land. Soil tests have not been undertaken on that site, but near to the contaminated land. Trees removed without consent. Seek a condition that land to the East be restricted to permanent grazing land Asbestos removal should be conditioned Review height of buildings Surrey Wildlife Trust No objection subject to conditions Lead Local Flood Authority (SuDS) No objection to drainage proposals subject to conditions County Archaeologist No objection subject to condition Council’s Environmental Health No objection subject to conditions and Officer (Noise) informative Council’s Waste and Recycling Co- No objection ordinator Representations In accordance with the statutory requirements and the “Reaching Out to the Community – Local Development Framework – Statement of Community Involvement – August 2014” the application was advertised in the newspaper on 14/10/2016 site notices were displayed around the site on 14/10/2016 and neighbour notification letters were sent on 30/09/2016. 37 letters have been received raising objection on the following grounds: Detrimental to visual amenity Proposal drastically increased the actual real footprint of the existing dwelling and associated stables/outbuildings. Surely it not correct to use the footprint of permanent buildings that have been built without planning consent Object to the height and scale of the proposed buildings The two properties in this submission remain identical to the previous submission and therefore should be rejected as they are still inappropriate in the AONB and Green Belt Increase in traffic up and down what is currently a very quiet track Despite the reduction in the size of this development there has been no concession on the design and construction of these houses. Such a concept design creates an extremely dangerous precedent One dwelling has been removed; however, the remaining two
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