PAGE TEN THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS, YPSILANTI, MICH., FRIDAY, JULY IS. 1941 DAILY CROSSWORD * a ij , I Paint Creek News ACROSS 4. The tSp.> 24. A lad On Stage 1. Green atone 5. Specific 25. Mill worked 6. Stick for gravity by horses MISS HAMMOND ENTERTAINS stay with her sister, Mrs. W. tabbr.) meat 26 Listen AjCX LJiTmI I 11, I SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Hawk, Cherry HilL and attended News •. Genua of 6. 27. Rap Ann Arbor Quiet Crsek. Mich.. July 18—Miss Open Paint tha hamburger roast of her Sunday And cacti 7. Rebel 28. tpoet.) Ethel Hamnund entertained bar 10. City in Italy 8. Blow a horn 29. Colts School class at the home of Mias ! training, expect !- Sunday School class Saturday after- I "American Defense" was the title to receive the 1 12. Glacial 9. An indenta- 31. Church seat Hammond, who la her teacher. lommissions second lieutenants noon at her home with a hamburger Ethel Need of Trained Men of the annusl city playground pag- as ridges tion 33. Thrash evening in the Army Corps Reserve. roast, and a cooperative lunch on Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Campbell Emergency eant presented Wednesday Air Id. Lyre-like 11. Land 34 Inter- in Stressed the band in West Park. Mr. Millard was graduated from Screen the lawn. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lumao in shell twining (he instrument measure were six members of her in 1939 and Mr. • There Nearly 200 adults and children from University 14. Number 15. Sprites 35. Kind of a Seamans and daughter Gwendalyn, Ann Arbor, Mich., July IS —Need and Barnard was a at Michigan rlaas present, namely the Misses the eight parks participated junior me 16. Sharp 16. Piercing linen tape lMt«di)'a Aaiwet Ypsilanti, to Coldwater Friday oa trained men in the by State Normal College. Ypsilanti, Hollywood, July 18—VP— Joyce and Phyllis Hearl, Dorothy for technically the pageant was witnessed movie industry is among 17 Slice tool 37 Revolves 42. In this place persons. when they enlts'ed in February. the most Pettit. Edna Marie Carey, Betty a business trip. present emergency was stressed by about 2,500 sincere groups In the lfs 18. Frown 19. Tree 38. Taste 46. Therefore Mar- Wright was the country in Bretnlng. and Eileen Dolby. Mrs. Grace Freeman who has Dr. Karl Compton, president of Arthur author "eagerness aid the program of 20 Exclama- 21. Antelope 39. Lick up 47 Prayer book jorie unable be there. Tech- director of spectacle which to in Dibble was to spent several weeks in Wayne to Massachusetts Institute of and the Repair national defense," according to Maj. tion 23. Bow 40 Silkworm tabbr I a game, and cro- Uni- featured dance numbers, Work Will be They enjoyed ball of nology, in an address before song and Gen Robert G. Richardson, the 21. Elliptical quet. help Mr. and Mrs. Bird, because \ attending skits. ersity graduate students interspersed with Started on Restaurant Army's public relations director. 22. Prate 6 Mr. Bird's broken leg, Is spending program. Policy in a | | --p- the "Public Richardson after a three-day visit 25. A journey 'miss M. ABBOT. W. CRIPPS. a week at he rhome on Whittaker World at War' -. Ann Arbor, July IS he Ann Arbor Flying Cadets Mich , to studios raid found "a great 26. Valorous 9 ~ UNITED IN MARRIAGE Rd. He told of the engineering de- | j Charles Preketes, proprietor, an- sincerity of purpose here and the person Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turnbull and sense training inaugurated in the Now at Kelly Field, Texas nounced Thursday that repair work leaders of the film industry, to a 27 Royalist daughter Tliea. Turnbull and friend, Mlaa Jean Campbell and friend. fall and said that 125,000 persons on the Sugar Bowl Restaurant, man, have been of great assistance Mr. Bohms, Jtoyal Oak, were in Paul Schuster, Detroit, were sup- {poss.l Wednesday evening with are now receiving instruction in Ann Arbor, Mich.,- July IS which was damaged by Are, will be to the I'nited States Army in their Port Huron. Saturday attending the pqr guests 29. A caprice zzzzwmzzzz Jennings this program. started immediately. cooperation." wedding of Cripps to Miss Mr and Mrs. Campbell. Howard Millard and Francis Bar- * Peak Wallace •• * 30. en- Arbor, have beers assign- Loss was estimated at $ 10,000 Mable Abbot at 1 o'clock with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wanty nard. Ann 31. Harbor Sunday Wanty’s Field. Tex., following and the blaze was believed toJiai't Charlie McCarthy, who fares a Dwight S. Large of the Methodist tertained for Jlr. •American Defense’ Title ed to Kelly 32. Edible seed cousin Mrs. as cadets started behind the candy counter. court martial by the Army Air Church officiating. A reception fol- father, Fred Wanty. ana their graduation flying 33. Hard w ood and Mrs. The Are spread rapidly and burned Corps, was informed Thursday that zzrwzzz~zm~ lowed In the parlors of the church. Emma Warden. Mr. Ther- Randolph of Playgrounds Pageant from Field. Tex. 34. Chinese on family and Robert the two who walls, ceilings, woodwork and the .Marine Corps would come to The church was decorated pro- Wanty and In September youths coin Kerr, Milan, were present. during their booths. his aid. II fusely with mixed flowers of pastel Ann Arbor, Mich., July 18 have been roommates 36. Speak Ypsilanti. I The loss was partially covered by The dummy is charged with "dou- shades. Mr. and Mrs. Cripps will Miss Anne Stadler, vis- " ovgrslowly Insurance. ble dealing because he accepted a take an extended trip to Montana ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John 38. Polish river mz Henning. Victory To enter the building, firemen warrant as sergeant major in the 27 2Q 29 and Yellowstone Park. They expect Sign Brings Results 30 Citrus fruit Cripps Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hearl and forced to Marines after he was made a mas to live in Jackson where Mr. were use gas masks. 41. Hovel ter sergeant in the Air Corps. will teach the coming school year. family went to a picnic near Hart- Direction of British Gen. A. A. Andergrift, acting 43. Seed coating well at a bird sanctuary Sunday af- Under Electric Service Company commandant of the Marine Corps in 44. Wicked ZZZZMzZZZMW Laavaa for California ternoon. Washington, wired McCarthy that 45. Medicinal Mrs. Lloyd E. Hansen and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Master* Given Contract For Lights visited Mr. and London, July 18—VP —The great- and one long one, to denote the the slogan of the Marines, "Always pellets In!! ter Marda.left Monday morning for Ypsilanti, recently composer 47 Flat Z -WL she visit her Mrs. Harlow Lalng and spent the propaganda campaign victory symbol. The Faithful." would be observed In his California where will est of the Ann Arbor, Mich., July IS—Con- 48. Too !llin_ _ln evening. war, in which Great Britain is us- railed this opening theme "Fate case. What form the aid would take relatives whom she has not seen tract for installation of boundary 49. Mass of ice 'fo MZ for will go via the ing letter "V" and the figure j Knocking at the Door". was not made clear. 39 ten years. She the and beacon lights at Army auxiliary * • • Pacific, a" because it is equivalent of the ! That the campaign is worrying Northern stopping In Min- airports at East Baton Rouge, La., ]g and Dakota visit Roman numeral "V to denote the the German* became fu'.ly appar Hollywood. July Actress nesota North to ai nounced Sanford, Mo., and Dover, Del., was Mary paid DOWN relatives. spending News certainty of allied victory, gained i rnt yesterday. It was Boland SIO,OOO to settle friends and After Begole that the Berltn Philharmonic or- awarded the Electric Service Cos., a damage suit for $50,000, filed by a ZZZZWmwZZZZZ several weeks In California she will momentum here is it worked up to 1 Book of Old Beethoven s Ann Arbor. Thursday. woman who charged she lost the via the Southern Pacific a mysterious and dramatic climax i ciiestra would play Testament return Begole, Mich., Jqly 18 —Marion night, w ith Leon Fuert- The lights at East Baton Rouge sight of an eye in a collision with route stopping to vlait her son promised for Sunday. Fifth last 2. Aside J. Chapman and family moved Sat- waengler conducting and that will cost $42,000 and the other two Miss Boland's Paul Hansen who is an aviation All over occupied Europe, men automobile. 3. Venture lrl~nry urday from Ypsilanti to Merrill St. and Radio Paris, jobs will be for $14,000 each. Mrs. Louise C. Dea. a em- 1 cadet at Randolph Field, Texas. rdq women were chalking up the radio Brussels hotel m*\ 1 Mrs. Eugene Davis, Washington. The local firm is now working The trip is Mother's figure controlled by German occupation ploye, said - Miss Boland's car. 7-1 Q a Day gtft letter "V ’ or the "5" on government D. C., Is a house guest of Mr. and on two jobs. One is driven (.'. from her children. walls and sidewalks, and were tap- authorities, would relay It. by Ross Earixson. stopped Mrs. Earl Bassett. She arrived retorted by broad at Quantico, Va., and the other at quickly and the ping out in public at eiery oppor- Britain at once too one in which Will Saturday. the continent in all lan- Fort Meade. Md. The projects a:e she was riding Present Lectures Fills Pulpit tunity the three dots and a dash casting to crashed into It on Mrs.
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