544 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 22, 1949. Manbre & Garton Ltd., Winslow Road, Hammersmith, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, the following Special London; "Merry Miller" Bakeries Ltd., The Walks, Resolution was duly passed :— Finchley, London; Metropolitan Wine & Spirit Co. Ltd., (1) That as a result of the closure and demolition of the 21 Duke Street Hill, London Bridge, London j B. C. Murch People's Palace, West Calder, it is expedient that YVest & Co. (1938) Ltd., Burnley; M. Myers & Son Ltd., Oldbury. Calder Properties Limited should stop further operations Navigation Paint Co. Ltd., Cardiff; Newton, Chambers & and its assets should be distributed amongst its Members. Co. Ltd., ThorncliSe; Nico Light Engineering Co. Ltd., (2) That West Calder Properties Limited shall be wound Birmingham. up voluntarily. Pepsodent Ltd., 59-61 Park Royal Road, London, N.W.10. (3) That Charles Wither Wilson Smillie, Chartered H. Samuel Ltd., Birmingham; Severn Bank Tannery Ltd., Accountant, 6 Torres Street, Edinburgh, be, and he is Worcester; Skeldings Ltd., Smethwick; W. H. Smith & hereby, appointed Liquidator of the Company for the Son Ltd., Strand House, London; C. G. Southcott Co- purpose of such winding up, with full power to do all such partnership Ltd., Leeds; Standley Belcher & Mason Ltd., things which may be deemed necessary or expedient for Birmingham; The Staveley Iron & Chemical Co. Ltd., carrying into effect this Resolution and that at a Hollingwood; R. SntcliSe & Co., Hebden Bridge; Sutton & remuneration not exceeding Forty Pounds. Sons Ltd., Reading. CHARLES W. W. SMJLLIE, Liquidator. J. & R. Tennent Ltd., Glasgow; George Turnock Ltd., Walsall. United Phosphate and Malt Co. Ltd., Chase Road, London. RIDDELL (MARYHILL) PROPERTY COMPANY The Vernon Street Tanning Co. Ltd., Warrington; Vitax LIMITED (in Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation). Fertilisers Ltd., Burscough Bridge. Walter Webb & Baker Ltd., 23 and 25 Maddox Street, OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 300 of the London. N Companies Act, 1948, that a Meeting of the Members of the Company will be held in the Faculty Hall, St. George's Yorkshire Tar Distillers Ltd., Cleckheaton. Place, Glasgow, on Thursday, 22nd December 1949, at 10 o'clock forenoon, and following which at 10.15 o'clock forenoon on the same date and at the same place a Meeting DEAN OF GUILD COURT OF THE BURGH of the Creditors of the Company will be held for the following purposes, viz. :— OF GLASGOW. To have laid before them the Liquidator's account of SUBJECTS : 10-18 Martin Street, Glasgow. the winding up, showing how the winding up has been PETITION in terms of the Glasgow Street, Sewers, and conducted and the property of the Company disposed of A Buildings Consolidation Order, 1937, Sections 18 and 99, and receiving any explanation thereof. having been presented to the Court in respect of the dangerous J. N. ANDERSON, Liquidator. condition of the above subjects, and -the addresses of the proprietors Andrew Warnock and Others and their Repre- 135 Wellington Street, Glasgow, C.2, sentatives being unknown, the under-signed intimates the 19th November 1949. following Interlocutor of Court of date 4th November 1949:— " Glasgow, 4iA November 1949.—Act. Robertson.—Having THE ARGYLE STREET & WELLINGTON STREET " considered the Minute for the Petitioner (No. 5 of Process) " craving the Court to sist Andrew Warnock, Mason, Ruther- PROPERTY COMPANY, LIMITED (in Voluntary " glen, William Warnock, Joiner, there, and John Hors- Liquidation). " burgh, Joiner, there, as Trustees for their Firm of Warnock " and Horsburgh, Joiners and Builders, Rutherglen (being OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of Section 290 of " the actual names and designations of the Represenatives N the Companies Act, 1948, that a General Meeting of " of Andrew Warnock and Others), Proprietors of the sub- the Members of the above Company will be held at 243 West " jects at 10-18 Martin Street, Glasgow, "to the Petition in George Street, Glasgow, C.2, on Wednesday the twenty-eighth " room and place of the said Representatives of Andrew day of December 1949, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the " Warnock and Others, the Dean of Guild appoints the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the " Petitioner to serve the Petition and Application edictally manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the " upon the said Proprietors and to give intimation of the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any " Petition and Application once in the Glasgow Herald and explanation that may be given by the Liquidator. " once in the Edinburgh Gazette, all in terms of the Glasgow Dated the eighteenth day of November 1949. " Streets, Sewers, and Buildings Consolidation Order, 1937, "particularly Sections 18 and 99 thereof; and having con- A. E. SMITH, C.A., Liquidator. " sidered the Report by Mr. James M. M'Neil, Builder, " Glasgow, dated 31st October 1949 (No. 2 of Process) " approves of that Report as an Interim Report and con- THE SOLWAY FISHERY & DEVELOPMENT " tinues the case to the Court to be held on Friday, 2nd day COMPANY LTD. " of December 1949, at 11 a.m., within the Burgh Court Hall, " 40 John Street, Glasgow; appoints any .person desiring to OTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the Creditors " be heard in reference to the said Petition to appear before N of this Company, under Section 293, sub-section (1), of " the Dean of Guild Court on that day; continues the Remit the Companies Act, 1948, will be held in the Sun Lounge of " to Mr. M'Neil for further inspection and report. the County Hotel, Dumfries, on Friday, 2nd December 1949, (Sgd.) " INVERCLYDE, Dean of Guild." at 11 a.m. By Order of the Board of Directors, Notice of all which is hereby given. JAS. ROBERTSON, Procurator-Fiscal of Court. E. SCOEGIB, Secretary. Glasgow, 17th November 1949. To the Creditors and other Persons interested in the TNTIMATION is hereby given that JOHN ALEXANDER Succession of the Deceased JOHN ALEXANDER -L MILLER, residing at Gillock Park, Thurso, the Heir in MACKENZIE, Fish Curer and Fish Merchant, who resided possesion of the lands and estate of Scrabster, in the County of Caithness, has presented a Petition to the Lords of Council at 2 Battery Road, Stornoway, and who carried on business and Session in terms of the Entail Amendment Act, 1848, for as a Fish Curer and Fish Merchant at Inaclete Road, authority to acquire said lands and estate in fee simple. Stornoway, and elsewhere. Date of Interlocutor ordering intimation, 18th day of ILLIAM GEORGE DAVIDSON GUMMING, Char- November 1949. W tered Accountant, 1 Lombard Street, Inverness, having MELVILLE & LINDESAY, W.S., Agents for the been appointed by the Court of Session Judicial Factor on the Estate of the said deceased John Alexander Mackenzie under Petitioner. the Acts 3 & 4 Geo. V., Cap. 20, Section 163, requires all the 110 George Street, Edinburgh, lawful Creditors of the said John Alexander Mackenzie and 18th November 1949. other persons interested in his Estate to lodge with the Judicial Factor, within four months after the date of this notice, a statement of their claims as Creditors of the de- Notice pursuant to Companies Act, 1948, Sections 279 and 305. ceased, or as otherwise interested in his Estate; with such WEST CALDER PROPERTIES LTD. (in Liquidation). vouchers or other written evidence as they may have to found upon in support of their claims; in order to the same MEMBEBS' VOLUNTABY WINDING UP. being considered and reported upon by the Judicial Factor. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders W. G. D. CUMMING, 1 Lombard Street, A of the said Company, duly convened, and held within the Registered Office of the Company at Regal Theatre, North Inverness. Bridge Street, Bathgate, on the eighth day of November 22nd November 1949..
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