PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JUNE 23. ESTABLISHED 1862-VOL. 30_PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1891. {ESFSif.ESES} PUCE 17 k YEAR, WIEN PUD IN ADVANCE 16. FOB Ml* WANTED. DII8CILLANSODR. one-fourth of the money and eleven shares of “THREE CHEERS FOR THE PRESIDENT” PROVOST GUARD HUNTING DESERTERS. Independence, and there are now 25 cases stock absolutely. One-fourth of the money under MANY DISASTROUS CONFLAGRATIONS. Safety, 1891 pattern, In want of a nbbsf. for male treatment. «AI k-A Columbia PEKSON ATKINSON! and eleven shares of the stock are to be held condition, bas been run about 200 ANYpatient will to OTIS K. WOOD, Drug- esterd&y one of the out of F.1I,°o, Effect apply In trust for each of the other two patients got J-Cbl seen atGAGK HBOS. Address E. glst, ,7 India street. Telephone 787-B. 18 1 daughters, into dined at street. 18-1 Emma and Elizabeth. Of the two Wjked Independence, rVu VltK. 813 Cumberland remaining principal restaurants and shortly to buy from $1000 to $16,- one is to for each of Journey of the Executive Party to Some Unpleasantness Connected °?,e th5 Feather Bad shares, J}?!® -just *el1 *roni exhaustion In the Putnam’s Factory in ok SAI.K-A ladles' and gent’s dining room NOTICE—Wanted000 worth ol cast-off clothing; I pay the George Mr. Jones's grandchildren, Jones, jr the Bennington Celebration. With the Muster. streets. He was and lodging bouse, centrally located; rents highest cash price for ladles’ dresses, gents’ and A Blast From Jones Dyer, until quickly taken to his home Boston Burned. reason for to and Bugle the Demoeratie and George they attain the and now the reasonsreasonable: good selling. Apply children's clothing, gents’ winter overcoats; citizens of Independence and of twenty-five years meantime are ££1NKJt, m Mwdle 8treet< room lt call, or address letter or postal to 8. LEVI, age they tarmers of the have a the income. vicinity established _181 97 Middle street.augiotf Leader of Penobseot. to have shot gun quarantine over-the infected dis- Shown All A Varied Assortment of News From trict and no one is allowed to leave. BALK OK TO I.ET-Yacbt Terapus. In- buy $1000 worth of cast-off TRAOEPY in aiinoton. Much Enthusiasm Along Half a Million Burned Up In Jack- STEAM WANTED—Toclothing; I pay the highest cash for FOBquire at the CUM11EKLAND price the Line. Bar Harbor. MOW LAUNDKY, 321 Cumberland street. 18-1 ladles' dresses, gents’ and children’s clothing, and TME PLATTE ROSE. sonville, Fla. gents’ winter overcoats; call, or address letter or A Farmer Shoots a Laborer In Self BALE — A splendid business opening; postal to MRS. UOODHART, 93 Middle street. Defence. Water Came So property for manufacturing purposes and augiotf Brother Bass Is iu Rapidly That Cattle FOB _ Early the Field all over $16,000 will be Annual Election at patents complete, costing TSTANTED—To Final Preparations for Today's Exer- Squirrel Island- Could Not Damon Safe Works In sold within the next ten days; the manu- loan $10, $20, $30, $60, $100, Escape. Cambridge- cheap Yv to on Abington. Mass., August 18,—Felix Stew- factured article is In great demaud; the parties $10,000, furniture, pianos, organs, With a Candidate for 1892. cises Made. New Rockland Company. poft Cutted-Other Losses. time to attend to libraries, horses, carriages, holding the same do not have diamonds, watches. art killed Patrick Finnerty, aged 23, on the St. Josepu, Mo., August 18,-I.ater de- Inquire of A. Life Insurance policies, 2d mortgages, notes atid the business; for further particulars old Hunt farm here, last night. Stewart tails the Platte river C. LIBBY, 42Vi Exchange street._l"-1 V.ay.!!?.,^lr.?,l.lur.e,.lea.,es- Business confidential. say valley, from Oak- PORTLAND LOAN CO., 186 Middle street, leases the farm and had employed land Mills to room second Finnerty the north and east for a dis- 8ALE-A stove and kitchen furnishing G, 10-2 Bennington, Vt., August 18.— “Three Augusta, August 18.—Advices received August 18.—The three alarms floor._ about a month. Yesterday Finnerty had tance of has the Boston, goods store, situated on one of the best the Qen. many miles, appearance of FOB ANTED—All persons In want of Portland’s Citizen cheers for the President of United by Mitchell, president of the Maine given Id succession from box 148 this streets in the city; doing agoi>4 thriving W trunks of Enterprising Nomi- trouble with some of the other workmen, an ocean. The river is out quick Kx- bags to call at E. D. of Its banks for a business. Inquire of A. C. LIBBY, 42 fo „YY REYNOLDS’,560and He went to States,” shouted Colonel George W. Hooker Veterans’Association, says that If there Is afternoon were for a serlons fire In the six- 668 Congress street, corner of as we manu- and was discharged. Boston distance of almost a mile on either side. Oak; of as Mr. fair weather the change street.__17-4 facture our goods, and cau therefore nated as Gov. Kuceesor. an old Brattleboro, Harrison, leaning up- encampment of veterans story brick building occupied by Putnam A give you bot- Burleigh’s and returning secured revolver. Lat- streams and are tom trunks POWDER on Tributary creeks swollen, BALE—8tore with tenement and stable; prices; repaired; open evenings till 9. the arm of General J. G. McCullough, next week Is an assured success. Two bun* manufacturers of bedsteads. Nos- er he entered one of the lower rooms of the and the Co., spring centre for business; land and buildings Absolutely Pure. water is coming down the narrow FOBgood down, ____5-3 house and lighted a lamp. The noise walked through the railroad station at North dred Q.A.K. posts and other organizations 330,328 and 330 Congress street. The fire cost $6,000, will sell for $3,»oO, $1-000 with a rush and roar. ANT ED—Your to do. In A Stewart, who came Into the room valley balance on Apply to BENJAMIN \\T plating Bring your cream of tartar baking powder. High- aroused Bennington this evening. The response will seud big delegations. One thousand caught In the fourth story, where unfinished mortgage. fine bulld- ▼ ▼ old siver ware that 18 so fired at The Platte rose fully 20 feet In less than 12 8HAW, 61'A Exchange street. Also a badly damaged and was immediately by Finnerty, was of 4 and worn as to be unflit to use and have It made est of all In U. S. Instantaneous and mighty. members the association are coming. hours, and the "One Hundred and Two” mattresses, fibre, etc-, are kept. It Is sup- ing lot on Bt. Lawrence street.17 leavening strength.—Latest Hr. Atkinson Will Have to Stand On the ball taking effect In Stewart’s shoulder. to look like new. We do all kinds of The President’s train drew Into the station river was out of its banks In where gold, stiver, Government Food Report. Stewart ran to his bedroom, followed by Many will bring their families. places posed tbat a lighted match thrown among BALE-3 cottages, furnished or unfur- polishing, Ac. the there was “JUS** P.latlufu 8TEVKN8, who fired again. Stewart suc- on schedule time. General McCullough as- routine night before scarcely more these started the fire. to settle Whitney estate on Peaks WOODMAN & CO., 444 Fore street 30-tf Finnerty, Regular began today at the state FOItnished, a Free Rum Platform. ceeded In reaching a double-barreled shot than three or five feet of water. Hundreds Island. Enquire on premises, MassacUusetts Ave., assisted the President out of the car, and 20 muster. The first regiment has 38S officers of farmers the banks of the The building, which is owned by Putnam buy from $1090 to $10,00C guD, and discharged the contents of one bar- along stieams MBS. HOLLAND. stalwart from made an A Is con- WANTED—Towerth of east off clothing, the highest cash THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. rel into Finnerty’s neck and chest. He policemen Troy and men the second 355. There is one less suffered the loss of cattle, grain and build- Co., practically a total loss and Its at Tre- Wlees paid for ladles’ also ings. BALE—Fine cottage lot, 76x113, dresses, gentlemen's made another rush for Stewart, when the opening for them through the crowd at the company than last year, but 98 more men. tents also. Built In 1888. Mr. B. B. Putnam, fetheu’s MBS. HOLLAND. and chlldruns’s clothing and winter overcoats. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the The water rose so qnlckly and without FOB Landlug. Apply latter discharged the other barrel into him station. the to the senior member of tbe firm, stated that Massachusetts Avenue, Jones’ Land mg, 16-1 Highest cash prices paid for carpets and fu rulture. (.Special to Hie Press. 1 They passed through depot Target practice was continued today, both that of them were unable to PORTLAND PUBLISHING and then felled him to the floor with a warning many Address, of letter to, No, 192 Middle street COMPANY, blow the General’s Uther members the loss on the would be about postal Uanuou, August 18.—The Commercial to- on the carriage. of regiments had a battalion drill this remove their stock to a place of safety. building $30,- BALK-Uouses; prices, $600, $660, $700, M. DkOKOOT. Portland. Me oct29tf At U7 KxcHANoa Street. Portland Me head from the weapon. Fearing that morning.
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