Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-10082-3 - English Professional Theatre, 1530-1660 Edited by Glynne Wickham, Herbert Berry and William Ingram Index More information Index Note: search under ‘London and Environs’; ‘Playing Companies’; ‘Playhouses’; and ‘Stage Characters’ for individual entries appropriate to those categories. Abell, William (alderman), 586 Andrews, Richard (player), 245 Abuses, 318 Anglin, Jay P., ‘The Schools of Defense’, Acton, Mr (justice of the peace), 158 296 Actors. See Players Anglo, Sydney, 20; ‘Court Festivals’, 291 Adams, John (player), 300 Annals of England. See Stow, John Adams, Joseph Quincy, Shakespearean Playhouse, Anne, Queen, 119, 122, 125, 513–14, 561, 562, 550n, 597n, 626n; Dramatic Records of Sir 564, 580, 625, 630–1; her company of Henry Herbert, 581, 582, 582n players, see Playing Companies Admiral, Lord. See Lord Admiral Apothecaries, 388, 501 Admiral’s players. See Playing Companies Arber, Edward, 192 Aesop, 171 Archer, George (rent gatherer), 611n Agrippa, Henry Cornelius (writer), 159 Arches, Court of the, 292, 294n, 312 Alabaster, William (playwright), 650 Ariosto, Ludovico, I Suppositi, 297n Aldermen of London. See London Armin, Robert (player and writer), 123, 196, Alderson, Thomas (sailor), 643 197, 198; Foole vpon Foole, 411–12 All Hallowtide, 100 Army Plot, The, 625, 636 All Saints Day, 35 Arthur, Thomas (apprentice player), 275–7 Allen, Giles, 330–2&n, 333–6&n, 340, 343–4, Arundel, Earl of (Henry Fitzalan, twelfth Earl), 346–7, 348, 352, 355, 356–7, 367–72, 372–5, 73, 308; his company of players, see Playing 376–8&n, 378–83, 383–4, 384–5, 385–6&nn, Companies 386–7, 411 Ash Wednesday, 169 Allen, Sarah, 333–6, 340, 367, 372–5 Ashborne, Edward (musician or stage Alleyn, Edward (player), 13, 65, 80, 106, 107, attendant), 258–9 124, 155, 171, 172, 177, 190, 191, 216–17, Ashley, Sir Anthony, 547–50&n, 560&n, 561 220–21, 245, 277–8, 281, 282, 289, 328, Astington, John, 209 413–14, 419, 422–3, 436 485, 531–2, 533–4, Astley, Sir John, 128, 148 534–7, 537–9&n, 539–40, 541, 541–2, Atkin, Mr (of Norwich), 248 544–5&n, 595–7, 600, 603, 604, 638–9, 640, Atkins, John (occupier of the cockpit in Drury 641n, 642; his Diary, 436, 546n; his portrait, Lane before 1616), 627 279 Atkins, John (scrivener), 607, 611n, 612 Alleyn, Joan (wife of Edward), 13, 277–8, 419, Atlas, 183 485, 531, 595; her portrait, 280 Attorney General, 314–5, 316, 582–3, 586 Alleyn, John (player), 348–9, 350n, 361–2 Audiences and auditoria, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, Alvechurch (Worcestershire), 136 22, 46, 60, 76, 84, 85, 92, 116, 122, 135, 137, Amsterdam, 609 139, 149 Anatomy of Abuses (Stubbes), 166 Audley, Tobias, 582 Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 185 Augustus (Roman emperor), 171 Andrews (Androwes), George (silk weaver, Austen, George, 507n playhouse investor), 269–71, 548–9, 353–9 Ayloff, Mr (lawyer), 479, 483, 484 685 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-10082-3 - English Professional Theatre, 1530-1660 Edited by Glynne Wickham, Herbert Berry and William Ingram Index More information 686 Index B., G. (writer), A Fig for the Spaniard, 303 Beaven, William (builder), 648 Backwell, 54–60 Becher, Sir William, 524 Bacon, Anthony, 303–4 Becmann, J. C., Accessiones Historiae Anhaltinae, Bacon, Francis (lawyer), 239, 303, 387 440 Bacon, Lady Anne, 303–4 Bedford, Earl of (Francis Russell, fourth earl), Bacon, Sir Edmund, 499, 562 528 Bagnall, Richard, 460 Bedingfield, Anne, 569n Baker, Philip, 346–7 Bedingfield, ?Christopher, 569n Baker, Richard (writer), 189 Bedingfield, Daniel, 228 Baldwin, T.W., Organization and Personnel of the Bee, William (player), 257–8 Shakespearean Company, 612n Beeston, Robert (player), 253 Bale, John (playwright), 21, 24, 33 Beeston alias Hutchinson: Alice, 672 Ballads, songs and rhymes, 24, 34, 50, 52 Beeston, Christopher (player), 125, 128, 129, Banbury (Oxfordshire), 145 175, 194, 198, 253, 405, 406n, 579, 623, 625, Banister, Margery, 406n 626–7&n, 628n, 630–1, 632–3, 633, 635, 651, Bankes, Jerome, 590n 658, 664 Banks, one (horseman), 301 Beeston, Elizabeth, 625–6, 633–4, 636, 636–7&n Barbon, Hugh (pursuivant), 385 Beeston, William, 625–6, 633, 633–4, 634–5, Barclays Bank. See London 636, 636–7&n, 651, 653, 654–5&n, 658–60, Barker, Alexander (player), 144 662–4, 670–4&n Barker, Richard, 119 Bel Savage Inn. See Playhouses Barlow, Graham F., ‘Wenceslas Hollar’, 626nn Bell Inn. See Playhouses Barne, John, 100 Bendbowe, Thomas (clergyman), 306 Barnes, Lord, 73 Benfield, Robert (player), 221–8, 525–6, 621, Barnes, Thomas (pretended player), 189 645 Barnet (Hertfordshire), 589 Benger, Sir Thomas, 69, 70 Barry, Lording (playwright, playhouse investor), Bentley, G.E., The Jacobean and Caroline Stage, 269–71, 547–9, 552, 553–9; Ram Alley, 547 406n, 416n, 418n, 440n, 450n, 503n, 504nn, Bartholomew (alias Heath), Edward, 136 514&n, 522&n, 525n, 527, 528, 534, 544, Bartholomewtide, 80 569n, 570n, 583, 586n, 597nn, 597, 603, 604, Baskervile, Susan. See Greene, Susan 605, 610n, 613, 615, 616, 621&n, 622n, Basle (Switzerland), 412, 497 626nn, 628, 630, 631, 640n, 641, 642, 643n, Bateman, Stephen (clergyman and writer), 325 644, 645, 646, 652nn, 654, 655, 657, 664, Bath, 188 667, 670 Baumfeld, John (of Somerset), 197 Bentley, John (player), 172, 176, 246–50, 300 Bavande, William (writer), 158, 164n Bergomasks, 93 Bawcutt, N. W., ‘Documents’, 652&n, 664, 670 Berkeley, Lord, 73, 92, 141; his company of Baxter, John, 600 players, see Playing Companies Baxter, Richard (player), 259, 581&n Berkshire, 390 Baxter, Robert (player), 219 Berry, Herbert, The Boar’s Head Playhouse, 308n, Bear-baiting, 84, 86–7, 88, 112, 124, 136, 220n, 456, 458, 459, 461, 463n, 463, 464, 475, 476, 305 449. See also Beargarden, Paris Garden, 477, 478, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, Hunks, and (under Playhouses) Hope 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492; ‘Chambers, the Beargarden, The, 426n, 432n, 446, 595, 597, Bull, and the Bacons’, 303; ‘First Public 598–9, 601. See also (under Playhouses) Hope Playhouses’, 290n, 291; ‘Folger Ms. V.b.275’, Bears and Beasts, Master of the King’s, 13 529, 605, 622, 637n, 646, 670; ‘A Handlist of Bearwards, 62 Documents About the Theatre in Shoreditch’, Beauchamp, Lord; his company of players, see 298; ‘Miltons and the Blackfriars Playhouse’, Playing Companies 504n; The Noble Science, 296, 340, 409; Beaumont, Francis (playwright), 529; (and with ‘Richard Vennar, England’s Joy’, 447; John Fletcher:) A King and No King, 669; ‘Sebastian Westcott’, 317n; Shakespeare’s Knight of the Burning Pestle, 568–9; The Playhouses, 332, 363n, 440n, 450, 495n, Scornful Lady, 646; Wit Without Money, 588, 496&nn, 508, 509n, 517, 527, 528, 610&nn, 590n, 633 611nn, 612, 616, 619, 620, 621, 622n; © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-10082-3 - English Professional Theatre, 1530-1660 Edited by Glynne Wickham, Herbert Berry and William Ingram Index More information Index 687 ‘Shylock, Robert Miles, and Events at the Boleyn, Ann, 17, 48 Theatre’, 358n; ‘The View of London from the Bonds and fines, 50, 57–8, 74, 75, 76, 90, North’, 406n; ‘Where was the Playhouse in 118–19, 128, 131, 133–5, 139, 142–3, 144 which the Boy Choristers of St Paul’s Bonetti, Rocco (fencer), 389–90n, 390&n, 505 Performed Plays?’ 307n, 313 Book of Common Prayer, 34, 50 Best, George (merchant), 529 Books and Booksellers, 17, 23, 24, 36, 40, 50–3, Best, John (grocer), 626–7 87 Best, Katherine, 627&n Bordinat, Philip, ‘A New Site for the Salisbury Bestney, Nicholas the elder (judge), 543, 544 Court Theatre’, 652n Bestney, Nicholas the younger, 544 Borne, Mr (lawyer), 366 Bett, Henry (lawyer), 349–50, 351, 358, 386n Borne, Gilbert (butcher), 543 Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), 515n Borne, William, 101 Bietenholz, Peter, 416n Boston (Lincolnshire), 73 Bill posters and posting, see Playing Companies; Bothan, William (carpenter), 348 Playbills Boulton, Peter (servant), 466–9&n, 471–2, Bill, John (the King’s printer), 529&n 471–2, 474–5 Billingsley, Sir Henry, 175 Bowde, Simon (Mayor of Norwich), 252 Binden, Viscount, 73 Bowen, Alice. See Beeston, Alice Bing, Dr. (of Cambridge), 250 Bowen, Thomas (mercer), 672 Bingham, John (sadler), 496 Bower, Richard (musician, Master of the Bingley, George, 451 Chapel), 262, 395 Binz, Gustav, ‘Londoner Theater und Bowler, Mr, 100 Schauspiele’, 412, 497 Bowling alleys, 408 Birch, George (carrier), 232 Bowman, Francis (printer), 656 Birch, Thomas, Court and Times of James the Box, Edward, 435&n First, 499 Boxley Abbey (Kent), 297 Birche, John (player), 234 Boy players. Companies of, 155; as apprentices to Bird, William, alias Borne (player), 197, 211–16, adult players, 155; wearing women’s 220–21, 438, 442–6, 544, 640 garments, 165, 176. see also John Chappell; Bird, Theophilus (player), 670–1, 673 Thomas Clifton; Abel Cooke; Thomas Grymes; Biron, Charles, Duke of, 126 Thomas Holcombe; John Honyman; John Bishop. See Byshop Motteram; Salomon Pavy; Philip Pykman; Bishop of London, 46, 54 John Thompson; Alvery Trussell Bishop, Richard, 453–4, 471, 473–4, 475n, 475, Brackenburye, Richard, 333 476n, 477, 490 Brader, one (ironmonger), 428–9 Blackfriars. See Playhouses; See London Bradley, Richard, 544 Blagrave, Dorothy, 632–3 Bradshaw, one (carpenter), 291 Blagrave, Sir Thomas, 70 Bradshaw, Mr, his Rents on the Bankside, 196 Blagrave, William (deputy Master of the Revels), Bradshaw, Charles, 505–6 605, 616, 625, 632, 649–51, 652, 653, 653–4, Bradstreet, John (player), 258 671, 674n Brayne, John (grocer, playhouse investor), 290, Blakewell, William (Lord Mayor of London), 42, 294, 298, 330–1, 336, 337–9, 340, 341, 44–5, 54–60, 63–4, 73–7, 80–4, 93–9 342–3, 344–5&n, 348–9, 349–50, 351–2, Blinkinsop, John (fencer), 340 352–5, 355–6&n, 357, 358–9, 361, 363, Bloom, Margery (of Norwich), 248 365&n, 366, 372–5, 386n, 405, 411, 493, 501, Bloom, Thomas (of Norwich), 248–9 610 Bluett, Henry, 500 Brayne, Katherine, 331, 364–5&n Boar’s Head Inn.
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