Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library O 2009 * ■> ullertonObse F u l l e r t o n ’s O n ly I n d e p e n d e n t N e w s • est.1978 (printed on 70% recycled paper) Volume 31 #17 • M lD OCTOBER 2009 MID OCTOBER OCTOBER MID City Sued Over O c t o b e r E v e n t s T u esd a y . O c t . 13 Redevelopment Plan •7pm: “Viva La Causa” film about Spurred by anti-redevelopment activist legacy o f Cesar Chavez and the farm­ PLEASE RETURN TO THE O C Supervisor Chris Norby, developer worker struggle. Fullerton Public FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Tony Bushala, and the group he founded Library, 353 W. Commonwealth. Free 353 W. COMMONWEALTH AVE. called FFF (Friends for Fullerton’s Future, T h u r sd a y . O c t . 15 FULLERTON, CA. 92832-1796 widely discredited for its dirty campaign tac­ •5-7pm; Day o f the Dead Exhibit, tics in recent elections), have filed a lawsuit by artist Robert Palacios at Fullerton against the City of Fullerton to stop a coun­ College Art Gallery Rm 1004, 321 E. cil-approved expansion of the redevelop­ Chapman. Free ment area into parts o f south and west Saturday. O ct. 17 Fullerton. •10:30am-4pm: B ook Festival, The action came after the city and county w/kids activities at Fullerton Public negotiated an agreement to rectify the diver­ Library, 353 W. Commonwealth. Free sion o f an estimated $23 million in revenue •6pm: All the Arts for All the Kids to the county over the 45-year period of the 16th Annual Art Auction, Fullerton expansion. Continued on page 4 Museum Plaza on Wilshire, Downtown Fullerton. $40 helps support art in schools. 714-447-7484 Deadline to Register to Sat & Sun. O ct. 17 & 18 •2-Dav 10th Annual RagFest, Vote Nov. 2 Downtown Fullerton. Tickets: 714-680- Citizens can view their current registra­ 6684 or www.ragfest.com tion status by visiting www.ocvote.com/ver- ify. Users will be prompted to enter their F rj & Sat. O c t . 23 & 24 *lpm-8pm: Haunted Garden, date o f birth and the last four digits o f their driver license. The voter's current registra­ Fullerton Arboretum, Yorba Linda Blvd. tion info will then display, including name, at Associated Rd. at CSUF. Tickets: 657- address, registration date, date o f birth and 278-3407 the status o f their registration. Sunday. O ct. 25 Citizens living in the 72nd District which •5-1 lpm: Annual Moonlight includes Fullerton should verify their regis­ Masquerade, at the Muckenthaler, 1901 tration status prior to the registration dead­ W. Malvern. Tickets: 866-411-1212 or line of November 2, 2009 in order to vote in www.themuck.org the upcoming election for that vacated seat. More on Pages 12-15 72nd Candidates Confirmed The candidate filing period ended on Oct. □ 1r\ Mike & Erica at World Leadership 5th. Five candidates have been officially e- z qualified by the O C Registrar o f Voters to 2z 5 Congress in Washington, DC run for the 72nd Assembly District seat C3 Hns a FUHS Juniors Mike Richardson and and empower youth to make a positive dif­ vacated by Republican Mike Duvall, who Erica Slowik recently participated as two of ference in the global community. resigned due to scandal. H Ch 400 high school students from around the Mike and Erica are lifelong friends who The special primary election will take world to attend the HOBY World have attended school together: first, at place on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009. If no can­ Leadership Congress in Washington DC. Fullerton Community Nursery School, didate wins at least 50% plus one vote o f all They spent one week in intensive train­ then Rolling Hills Elementary and Ladera the votes cast in the primary, the top vote ing with leaders from various sectors o f Vista Junior High, and currently Fullerton getter from each party will advance to the business, government, international affairs, Union High School. general election which will take place science and technology, medicine, media They are both academically ranked at the January 12, 2010. The candidates are: and education. H OBY was founded in top o f their class. Mike is a member o f the Continued on page 4 1958 by actor Hugh O ’Brian after an FUHS Academy o f the Arts, singer/actor inspiring visit with humanitarian Albert and athlete. Erica is Vice President o f the President Awarded Schweitzer in Africa. FUHS Class of 2011, works with the The organizations mission is to motivate National Charity League, and is an athlete. 2009 Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Committee selected President lies, other magazines and publications, and OC Register Bankruptcy Barack Obama as the Nobel Peace Prize eight TV stations (5 CBS affiliates, 2 ABC Freedom Communications Holdings, 2009 awardee noting he has inspired the affiliates and one C W affiliate). It declared Inc., the parent company o f the Orange world to “greater multilateral cooperation in its bankruptcy filing that it has $1,077 County Register, which owns the Fullerton aimed at tackling the thorniest global prob­ billion in debts, including over $770 mil­ News Tribune, filed for Chapter 11 bank­ lems; conflict, nuclear weapons, and climate lion owed to its lenders. The company ruptcy reorganization (which relieves a change.” I- K employs over 8,200 people including inde­ company o f debts it cannot pay), Sept. 1. The President said pendent contractors. Continued page 5 The company owns 33 dailies, 77 week­ said he was humbled by the award which he felt he has not yet Please D o n ’t Make Us Take You O ff1 earned. He said he Everyone at the Observer thanks those Fullerton Observer for $25 if you live in was aware that some­ who have already sent in their renewals and town (or $35 for those of you who live out­ times the award is notes o f encouragement! (see page 2) side o f Fullerton). given, not for past ' This is the LAST NOTICE for those o f We will send you another year o f the accomplishments, but you who still want to receive the paper most in-depth hometown news, views, and to encourage momen- ° . .. P h o t o b y Pe t e S o u za through the mail. To keep our subscription events. turn m a certain direc- Qhama „ costs low, we do not send out individual New subscribers are also welcome to sign tion. He accepted the the 4th m presldent reminders or bills and we only renew in up by sending a legible name and address honor, as a call to f0 receive the honor. October. We remind you only through along with your check, and we will add you action, a call for all notices in the paper. to the list. nations and all peoples to confront the com ­ H g We know it’s a pain to look around for The Fullerton Observer is a 31-year-old mon challenges o f the 21st century.” 04 04 x z an envelope and stamp, but it only comes not-for-profit hometown paper run by vol­ Three other U.S. presidents have been o-C, o 3 C/5 f- once a year! To stay on the list, just clip unteers. Thanks for reading and feel free to recipients o f the Nobel Peace Prize; nJ 00 O a£ 50 a. 3 your label and send it to us at Fullerton send us suggestions on how we can Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Uh £ Observer, PO Box 7051, Fullerton CA improve the paper. We love to hear from Wilson and Jimmy Carter. Go to 92834, along with your check to the you! Sharon dr the Observer Crew www.nobelprize.org for more. Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library Page 2 Fullerton O bserver COMMUNITY OPINIONS M id O ctober 2009 Check it out on Snopes.com MUSINGS by Gene Walsh Even When the Email Says it Was Checked Out ©2009 Well-meaning people often send the to the president asking him to veto the Observer messages forwarded from some­ bill. Turns out it is a hoax even though one else. We always check them out on one version actually claims to have Snopes.com, even when the message itself checked it out on Snopes.com! One Man One Vote? The Fullerton Observer Community Newspaper, says that it has already been checked out The truth is, according to the 2008 founded by Ralph Kennedy and As I sat at my desk and mused about on Snopes, and we suggest you do this Social Security annual report, that many a group o f friends in 1978, is staffed by local our country and what many citizens also. undocumented immigrants pay into the citizen volunteers who create, publish, and believe are fundamental concepts of our There are lots o f false emails being sent system but never collect benefits. In 2005, distribute the paper throughout our community. This venture is a not-for-profit one with all style o f government, I though about three around on various topics. The site the latest year for which numbers are that perhaps need reconsideration. This is ad and subscription revenues plowed back www.snopes.com researches the truth or available, undocumented immigrants into maintaining and improving 2009, and we need to update our think­ falsity o f each allegation.
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