to make man whole octoberigTS Editorials tifies to his change of allegiance them a more accurate picture of Statistics or Souls? to Christ instead of to Satan, he how effective their ministers AT THE end of 1972 world mem should not be led into this sacred really are. bership stood at 2,261,403 and the rite. It should be clear to all of The conference president does net membership gain of 116,342 us that "the accession of mem not plan to rely on statistics alone, reported for 1972 was the greatest bers who have not been renewed however. He will put the pastor©s gain in Adventist history. We©re in heart and reformed in life is a year-end profile together from naturally happy that these statis source of weakness to the church. what information is available and tics give evidence of the growth This fact is often ignored." then call in each worker and go of our church. But wherever we Evangelism, p. 319. "The health over the evaluation with him go in the Adventist world there and purity of the church must be personally to make sure he©s be seems to be an increasing con preserved, that she may stand be ing entirely fair to the worker in cern that there is too much em fore Cod unsullied, clad in the volved. In this way the worker phasis on the quantitative aspect robes of Christ©s righteousness." himself can be fully aware of ob of membership and not enough Gospel Workers, p. 501. served strengths and weaknesses. attention given to the qualitative. Church membership is a serious We commend this as a step in the Especially are questions raised matter. To aim for statistical right direction and one that will concerning the occasional pres goals rather than the conversion help alleviate the competitive sure placed on some Adventist of souls is one of the most disas practices that lead to abuses in ministers to produce baptismal trous objectives possible. How baptizing candidates before they statistics and sometimes even dare we bring into our ranks are ready and even to "sheep quotas. We have heard that in those who have no concept of stealing" within the denomina some places ministers are ordered self-denial or self-sacrifice? How tion. not to disfellowship anyone un can we possibly baptize people On the other hand, we cer less they have baptized sufficient who have little or no concept of tainly do not intend that anything replacements! This certainly is even the basic truths of our mes being said in this editorial be not a plan of Cod. It degrades the sage? Satan gleefully triumphs taken as justification of the critical importance of church member when many who have a form of attitude that may be assumed by ship. Baptism becomes a game godliness but know nothing of its some toward the emphasis on of numbers rather than a tender power are buried alive in the wa baptisms in order to cover up regard for souls. It is so easy to tery grave. "Such converts are his their own lack of training, interest, follow the trends of the times most efficient agents. They serve or performance in soul winning. when the dehumanizing influ as decoys to other souls. They are We are greatly and especially ence of mass production methods false lights, luring the unwary to concerned, however, over the causes us to think in terms of perdition. It is in vain that men fact that there are Adventist pas numbers and things rather than seek to make the Christian©s path tors and evangelists who have a people. broad and pleasant for worldlings. deep love for Christ and a com It takes clear spiritual insight to Cod has not smoothed or wid plete dedication to His work, yet determine whether a person is ened the rugged, narrow way." are conscientiously opposed to ready for this important step. Evangelism, p. 320. rushing an individual into the How eager many of us would be In view of these facts, we urge baptismal tank before he has evi to plunge the rich young ruler be our leaders to lead our ministers denced genuine conversion. neath the baptismal waters. How into an experience where the These men spend much time in quickly some would spread the compelling power of love will so doing their best to make sure news far and wide that a regal possess our hearts that we cannot that their baptismal candidates person had joined the church. help going out into the highways are properly instructed and should Another "big fish" has been and byways in an urgent search therefore remain firm Seventh- caught in the gospel net. Head for lost men and women. day Adventists. Their baptismal lines and church papers would A healthy shift of emphasis on totals may not be at the top of the scream out the news declaring the part of at least one conference list when yearly statistics are com that Cod©s Spirit had led this administrative staff was called to piled, but they may end up with man to surrender all to Jesus. our attention just a few weeks more "stars in their crowns" as Choruses of "Amens" would fill ago. Workers in that conference far as permanent results are con the air. are being evaluated on the basis cerned. It takes courage to deal faith of a new set of criteria, which See if you don©t think this is fully with baptismal prospects. measures church growth in terms sue©s analysis by Lawrence Ap- Unchristian habits and practices of available data such as Sabbath pley of the leadership problems are too often overlooked in the school, church, and prayer meet we face today as a result of de race for the baptismal statistical ing attendance. The conference humanizing practices over the crown. Unless a person©s life tes officers believe that this will give past twenty years is to the point. 2 THE MINISTRY / OCTOBER, 1973 Certainly, the Adventist Church must be person-oriented rather the voice of the Seventh-day Adventist ministry than goal-oriented whenever volume XLVI. no. 10 these objectives clash. That©s true of our attitudes toward ministers as well as toward baptismal can didates. Hurrah for statistical growth! But it doesn©t mean anything un less ministers and those they CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE baptize are led closer and closer to Christ and are prepared for His Editorials 2 John Fowler©s "Is Baptism More coming. When Is a Person Ready Than a Symbol?" and Webb©s for Baptism? 4 "When Is a Person Ready for Bap Alfred I. Webb tism?" set the theme for this Our Sacrificial Church Management 6 month©s cover by Harry Anderson. Lawrence A. Appley These questions deserve much Responsibility Women©s "Distinctive Duties" 10 more careful consideration than Wadie Farag is usually given. Leib©s discussion TODAY our world is in a state of baptism for the dead also relates Funny Birds in the Sanctuary 12 to the cover theme. We think of crisis. There was a time when LeRoy Koopman you©ll especially appreciate people seriously thought "day by Ecumenism the Old Appley©s "Church Management." day in every way the world is and the New 14 Farag and Taylor approach the growing better and better." Better Raoul Dederen question of woman©s role from in the home, in personal dealings, MISSION ©73 World Report 17 opposite sides of the fence also in national and international The Multinational Church 18 as far as sex is concerned, but Lawrence C. Downing with some unanimity of out terms. This is no longer true. To look. Dederen brings us up to date day everyone is aware that the hu Baptism for the Dead 20 Hans-Gunther Leib on ecumenism, and Lang uses the man situation is desperate. As fol historical perspective to help us Impact for God 22 understand the need for doctor- lowers of Christ we have never Paull Dixon before experienced a time of minister cooperation in medical Is Baptism More Than missionary work. If you enjoy this crisis such as we face today. Only a Symbol? 24 issue or have any suggestions, in Christ can we find the sure and John W. Fowler let us know. solid solution. The knowledge we Health Education in Ethiopia 30 have places a large responsibility Gladys Martin STAFF upon every church member. How "Who, Me? . Become N. R. Dower do you face up to your individual a Vegetarian?" 33 Grant Frazier Editorial Director responsibility? From Battle Creek to ). R. Spangler One responsibility, which Battles Now 34 Editor comes to each of us once each K. Robert Lang O. M. Berg, Leo R. Van Dolson year, is that of giving liberally to Man©s Allotted Span 37 Executive Editors the Week of Sacrifice Offering. Francis J. Brace/and The offering this year is to be re Temperance Evangelism 38 J. Wayne McFarland, M.D. Health Editor ceived on November 10. Here is a Ernest H. J. Steed real opportunity to respond to Homeostasis Evidence for E. E. Cleveland, R. Dederen, the challenge of bringing Christ©s Instant Creation 46 A. C. Fearing, H. Habenicht, M.D., Asa C. Thoresen M. C. Hardinge, M.D., solution to a troubled world. R. F. Waddell, M.D. From the pen of inspiration we Associate Editors read: "Shall we falter and become Joyce McClintock, Shirley Welch laggards now, in the very last DEPARTMENTS Editorial Assistants scenes of this earth©s history? My By His Side 42 heart says, No, no.
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