Synthesis of New Furobenzoxazole and Furoflavone Derivatives Orchidee H. Hishmat, Khairia M. Khalil, Nabila M. A. El-Ebrashi, and Mohamed N. M. Khodeir National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Z. Naturforsch. 33b, 1491-1495 (1978); received July 4, 1978 Furobenzoxazoles, Furoflavones The synthesis of visnaginone-oxime (2 a) and khellinone-oxime (2 b) is reported. Beck- mann rearrangement of 2 a and 2b using different cyclising agents was studied. Structure assignement for the produced benzoxazole derivatives and benzisoxazole derivatives was confirmed by chemical and spectral evidences. Utilization of visnaginone (la) and khelli- none (lb) for the synthesis of new furoflavone derivatives was also undertaken. It is well known that both nitrogen [1] and oxy- was obtained upon using hydrogen chloride gas in gen [2] heterocycles are eminent in the field of glacial acetic acid in the cyclization of visnaginone pharmaceutical chemistry. Compounds containing oxime (2 a). Similar treatment of the khellinone both types of heterocycles, particularly the furo- oxime (2 b) yielded the benzoxazole (3 b), however, benzoxazoles, and furobenzisoxazoles are of high as the sole reaction product. biological importance and find wide applications as 0CH3 OCH3 analgesic, antiinflammatory, muscle relaxant, bac- n—A,—N ^J^nhcoch3 tericide as well as fungicide [3]. During our in- vestigations in the benzofuran series [4], it appeared oux ncr now of interest to undertake the synthesis of some R new furobenzoxazole (3) and furobenzisoxazoles (5) 3a: R = H 4 derived from visnaginone (la) and khellinone (lb) 3b: R = 0CH respectively. This was achieved by condensing la 3 and lb with hydroxylamine, followed by cyclizing The structure of the oxazole (3 a) was confirmed the oximes 2 a and 2 b so formed, under the condi- by: (a) it is insoluble in dilute aqueous alkali and tions of Beckmann rearrangement. Thus, treatement gives no colour reaction with alcoholic ferric chloride of the oximes 2 a and 2 b with pyridine hydro- solution, (b) The IR spectrum of 3 a showed two chloride at 100 °C for 20 min, gave rise to 4-methoxy- bands at 1160 cm-1 and 1060 cm-1 due to the in- plane bending vibrations of the a- and ^-hydrogen N.OH atoms of the furan ring [5]. The bands in the 1625-1510 cm-1 region are associated with the C=C (aromatic) and C=N (oxazole) vibrations [6, 7]. The band at 1375 cm-1 is caused by the symmetrical R R deformation mode of the C-CH3 group [8]. The 1 2 absorption at 1330 cm-1 can be attributed to the a: R = R' = H, vibrations of the oxazole heterocycles [3, 6, 7]. b: R = OCH3; R' = H, The anilide (4) is soluble in sodium hydroxide c: R = H; R' = CH3. solution and gives a green colour with ferric chloride 2-methylfuro[3,2-f]benzoxazole (3 a) and 4,8-di- solution. The IR spectrum of 4 reveals beside the methoxy-2-methylfuro[3,2-f]benzoxazole (3b), re- normal bands for a- and ^-hydrogen atoms of the spectively. Compound 3 a was also obtained upon furan ring and the C=C stretching modes of the treatement of the oxime (2c), derived from visnagi- benzene ring, the amide I band at 1645 cm-1 and none methyl ether (lc) with pyridine hydrochloride. the amide II band at 1553 cm-1. An amide III band A mixture of the oxazole (3 a) and the anilide (4) occurs at 1280 cm-1. A broad band appears in the 3110-3205 cm-1 region probably arising from a chelated OH group. Requests for reprints should be sent to Prof. Dr. O. H. Cyclization of the oxime (2 a) with acetic an- Hishmat, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. hydride, gave rise to 4-methoxy-3-methylfuro- 1492 O. H. Hishmat et al. • Synthesis of New Furobenzoxazole and Furoflavone Derivatives [3,2-f]benzisoxazole (5a). This reaction recalls the and a singlet at 12.75 ppm (for the exchangeable OH observation that cyclization of khellinone oxime proton at C5). (2 b) with acetic anhydride furnishes the correspond- ing benzisoxazole (5 b) [9]. Under the same experi- OR 0 ,COCH=CHC6H5 mental conditions, on the other hand, cyclization of the oxime of visnaginone methyl ether (2 c) led only, C6H5 to the formation of the respective acetyl deriva- tive (6). 7a: R = CH3; R' = H, 8a:R = R' = H, N.O.COCH3 OCH OCH3 || 7b: R = CH3; R' = OCH3, 8b: R = H; R' = OCH3, C-CH3 7c: R = R' = H, 8c: R = CH3; R' = OCH3. 7d: R = H; R' = OCH3. OCH3 In a similar manner, treatment of 7 b with pyridine hydrochloride yielded a mixture of 4,6-dihydroxy- &A:R=H • 5-cinnamoyl-7-methoxybenzofuran (7d) and 2- 5 b: R • OCH3 phenyl-5-hydroxy-9-methoxy-4H-furo[3,2-g][l]- benzopyran-4-one (8b). Methylation of 8b with Structure of the benzisoxazole (5 b), is now further dimethyl sulphate in acetone in presence of potas- confirmed by the study of its NMR spectrum. Its sium iodide and anhydrous potassium carbonate H NMR spectrum (CDCI3) showed the following yielded the already known 2-phenyl-5,9-dimethoxy- assignments: two doublets at 7.65 and 7.05 ppm 4H-furo[3,2-g][l]benzopyran-4-one (8c) (m.p. and 1/5,6 =1.4 c/s (for the furan ring protons), the mixed m.p. with an authentic specimen prepared by singlets at 4.30 and at 4.20 ppm (two OCH3 at C-4 Stener's method [12] gave no depression). and C-8) and a singlet at 2.65 ppm (CH3 group at It is of interest to note that whereas Brule and C-3). Mentzer [13] have obtained a partially demethylated The McConnell equation gives a ratio of distance flavanone derivative by cyclization of the chalcone = 0.95 (angle factor neglected), if the methoxyl using pyridine hydrochloride at 155 °C or completely groups are freely rotating, this is in good agreement demethylated flavanone by heating at 180 °C, in with the isoxazolic structure. (For an oxazolic the present investigation the flavone 8 was obtained structure the shift ratio would lie around 3-4 with directly as confirmed by the presence of a singlet at the same condition for the methoxyl groups to 6.60 ppm characteristic for the vinyl proton at C3 rotate freely). The 13C NMR spectrum of 5b, proved in the NMR spectrum of 8 a. the isoxazole structure exclusively. (154 ppm for When either visnaginone (la) or khellinone (lb) the isoxazolic C whilst it would be 164 ppm for an was treated with pyridine hydrochloride under the oxazolic one) [10]. same experimental conditions, demethylation of Utilization of visnaginone (la) and khellinone (lb) the methoxyl group at C4 took place leading to the for the synthesis of new furoflavone derivatives was formation of 4,6-dihydroxy- (9 a) or 4,6-dihydroxy- also undertaken. Compounds la and lb condense 7-methoxy-5-benzofuranyl methyl ketone (9b) [11]. with benzaldehyde in presence of alkali to give the When the latter compound was treated with benz- respective chalcones (7a) and (7b). aldehyde in the presence of alcoholic sodium When 7 a was treated with pyridine hydrochloride hydroxide solution 4,6-dihydroxy-5-cinnamoyl-7- at 100-120 °C for 1 h a mixture of about 30% of methoxybenzofuran (7d) was produced. Cyclization 4,6-dihydroxy-5-cinnamoylbenzofuran (7 c) and 70% of 7d was effected using pyridine hydrochloride to of 2-phenyl-5-hydroxy-4H-furo[3,2-g][l]benzopyran- form 8 b in good yield. 4-one (8 a) was obtained. The H NMR spectrum (CDCI3) of compound 8 a showed the following assignements: Two doublets at 7.40 and 6.80 ppm COCH, (J6>7= 1.8 c/s) (for the furan ring protons), a sharp singlet at 6.60 ppm (for the vinyl proton at C3), a multiplet in the region 7.80-7.30 ppm (due to the 9a: R = H five phenyl ring protons at C2 and the proton at C9) 9b: R = OCH3 1493 O. H. Hishmat et al. • Synthesis of New Furobenzoxazole and Furoflavone Derivatives Experimental The alkaline filterate was treated with concen- Melting points are not corrected. The infrared trated hydrochloric acid till pH 5, extracted with spectra were carried out in potassium bromide on ether, washed with water, dried over anhydrous a Carl Zeiss Infrared spectrophotometer, model sodium sulphate then evaporated to give a solid. "UR 10". The NMR spectra were carried out in Crystallize from ethanol as pale yellowish crystals CDCI3 on a Hitachi Perkin-Elmer and an XL 100. of 4, m.p. 152 °C; yield is ea. 12%. It gives a green colour with aqueous ferric chloride solution. 4-Methoxy-6-hydroxy- 5-benzofuranylmethyl ketone CuHuNO* oxime (2 a) Calcd C 59.73 H 4.98 N 6.34, A mixture of visnaginone (la) (0.5 g), hydroxyl- Found C 59.67 H 5.14 N 5.99. amine hydrochloride (0.5 g) in ethanol (5 ml) and pyridine (0.5 ml) is refluxed for 1 h. After evapo- 4,8-Dimethoxy-2-methylfuro[3,2-f Jbenzoxazole (3b) rating the volatile materials, water is added (5 ml) Treatment of 2 b (2 g) with pyridine hydrochloride while stirring. The solid that separated after cooling as in the case of 3 a yielded colourless needles from is filtered, washed with water and dried. Crystallize petroleum ether (b.p. 60-80 °C), m.p. 135 °C; yield from benzene as white needles m.p. 142 °C (78%). is ea. 47%. It gives no colour with ferric chloride solution.
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