WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1975 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 40 ■ Number 113 Pages 24887-24992 PRIVACY ACT OF 1974— FURTHER NOTICE TO AGENCIES The Office of the Federal Register encourages agencies to submit as much Privacy Act material as possible on magnetic tape or OCR scannable copy. This is intended to minimize the cost of publishing the large amount of material expected. Assistance and specifications are avail­ able from the Federal Register Privacy Coordinator. Call 523-5240 for further information. June 11, 1975— Pages 24887-24992 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. MILITARY ASSISTANCE FOR AFRICAN COUNTRIES— Presidential Determination......................... —:................... - 24887 MILITARY ASSISTANCE FOR KENYA— Presidential Deter­ mination .............. .......................................... ........................... 24889 SALE OF SIDEWINDER MISSILES TO BRAZIL— Presiden­ tial Determination................................................... -........-..... 24891 X-RAY EQUIPMENT— HEW/FDA proposes to amend per­ formance standards for diagnostic systems; comments by 8 -1 1 -7 5 ........................-............ J............................ 24909 VETERANS BENEFITS— VA proposes to change evidence submission procedures; comments by 7-11-75 ...... 24920 MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION— Commerce/NOAA pro­ cedures for application processing and suspensions; effective 6 -6 —75.................. ................................... ...............- 24948 DEEPWATER PORTS— DOT/CG announces availability of proposed criteria for environmental review of applica­ tions; comments by 7—28-75 ......................•-....................... 24957 BANKING— FRS requires notice of maturity for time deposits, effective 9 -1 -7 5 ; and allows full payment before maturity if accountholder dies, effective 6 -5 -7 5 (2 docum ents).............................................— .......................... 24894 FDIC proposes to let profit-making organizations hold savings accounts with insured nonmember com­ mercial banks; comments by 7—25—75......................... 24918 MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS INSPECTION— DOT/NHTSA criteria for certain State demonstration projects; effec­ tive 7 -5 -7 5 ...................................................................... 4 — 24904 (Continued inside) HIGHLIGHTS— Continued AIR BRAKE SYSTEMS— DOT/NHTSA proposes interim USDA/AMS: Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Committee, changes in stopping distances and actuation times; 6 -1 9 -7 5 ........................ .............................................. 24948 comments by 7—11—75........................................................... 24915 Commerce/DIBA: Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Technical Advisory Committee, 7—15—75...................... 24948 CO TTO N TEXTILES— CITA amends list of Colombian HEW/OE: National Advisory Council on Indian Educa­ officials authorized to issue visas and certifications; tion, 6 -2 7 — 6 -2 9 -7 5 , partially closed on 6 - effective 6 -1 1 -7 5 ............................................... .................. 24958 2 8 -7 5 ..................... ............................. ........................... 24955 SSA: Supplemental Security Income Study Group, PETROLEUM ALLOCATION— FEA proposes to allow pur­ 6 -2 6 -7 5 ....................................r..................................... 24956 chaser-resellers to adjust base period use, and sched­ National Endowment for the Humanities: Education ules hearing for 7 -2 -7 5 ; comments by 6 -2 7 -7 5 ............. 24919 Panel, 7 -1 0 and 7 -1 1 -7 5 .......................... ........... 24961 ANHYDROUS AMMONIA SHIPMENTS— DOT/HMRB Planning Office Panel, 7 -2 and 7 -3 -7 5 ....................... 24961 amends cargo tank standards to prevent stress corro­ Public Programs Panel, 7—7, 7—8 and 7—11—75 (3 sion crocking............................................................................ 24902 documents)....... ................................................ 24961, 24962 RESCHEDULED MEETING— FREEDOM OF INFORMATION— HEW: National Commission for Protection of Human USDA/ARS revises regulations; effective 6 -1 1 -7 5 ...... 24893 Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research; CIA amends record request processing procedures; 6- 27 and 6-28-75 ............................................. 24956 effective 6 -1 1 -7 5 ............. .......................................... 24897 HEARINGS— MEETINGS— Justice/LEAA: Tentative draft of a Model Private Secu­ Justice/LEAA: Private Security Advisory Council, 7 -8 rity Licensing and Regulatory Statute, Chicago, III., and 7 -1 0 -7 5 ................................................. ................. 24922 7 - 8-7 5 ........... ..................................... ..... ....................... 24922 ATTENTION: Questions, corrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5286. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call 202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 202-523-5022. Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal © holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, Under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., u ) Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, UJ3. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. * 5 ) The Federal Register provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issue © by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency "2 documents of public interest. 8 The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $45 per year, payable CM © in advance. The charge for individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, “O l D.C. 20402. Jù f There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register. FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 40, NO . 113— WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1975 contents THE PRESIDENT COMMERCE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION Presidential Documents Other Than See Domestic and International Proposed Rules Proclamations or Executive Orders Business Administration, Na­ tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Purchaser-resellers, wholesale; African countries; waiving certain Administration, National Tech­ adjustments to base period----- 24919 limitations under the Foreign nical Information Service. Military Sales Act------------- — 24887 FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Brazil; sale of Sidewinder missiles COMMITTEE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION under the Foreign Military Sales OF TEXTILE AGREEMENTS Notices Act _________________________ 24891 Notices Agreements filed: Kenya; military assistance and Cotton textiles: United States Atlantic and Gulf- Jamaica Conference------------- 24956 training____________________ - 24889 Colombia____________________ 24958 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES CUSTOMS SERVICE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Notices Notices Unfair trade practices: Proposed Rules U-shape seamed panty hose; re­ Hearingsf etc.: Grade, size, and maturity stand­ moval of restriction on impor­ Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Co----- 24936 ards: tation ___ *------------------------- 24922 Arkansas Power and Light Co_ 24936 Pears, plums, and peaches Bangor Hydro-Electric Co------- 24936 (fresh) grown in California— 24908 DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL Central Illinois Light Co--------- 24937 Milk marketing areas: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Chattanooga Gas Co--------------- 24938 Eastern Colorado—---------------- 24908 Notices Cleveland Electric Illuminating Notices Co ________________________ 24938 Meeting: Columbia Gas Transmission Meetings: Numerically Controlled Machine Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Gorp. (2 documents)_ 24938, 24939 * Tool Technical Advisory Com­ Columbia Gulf Transmission Committee ________________ 24948 mittee _________________ r— 24948 Co ________________________ 24939 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE EDUCATION OFFICE Connecticut Light and Power Co ________________________ 24939 Rules Notices Public information; availability_ 24893 Consolidated Gas Supply Corp. Meeting: (2 documents)____ _— 24939, 24940 National Advisory Council o n ’ Dayton Power and Light Co— 24940 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Indian Education-------- .------- 24955 See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Delmarva Power and Light C o „ 24940 Florida Gas Transmission Co. (2 ice, Agricultural Research Serv­ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY OFFICE ice. documents)________ 24940 Rules Iowa Public Service Co------------ 24941 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Fiduciary responsibility; exten­ Jersey Central Power & Light sion of postponement of effec­ Rules C o ___ ;____________________ 24941 tive date__________ _—------------ 24896 Kansas Power and Light Co— 24941 Freedom of information________ 24897 Lawrenceburg Gas Transmis­ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
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