'T:: ■ 'X / V . ■ ■ ■ WEIJirtSDAT, MAT H, The Wpsthcr \ Porerut oi U. n. BorMr fA G E SIXTEENT Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Cireubtion For UM' Moath of AprU. ,1M4 ' ClFATrr sad much cooler wltb 1 . I front In ell vnlley# of Interior to- ^’Thorsten Gustafson who IS leaving heartily , applafaded. They were ac- J night; Friday fnir nnd continued The local Garden Club’s : Btudy/Oroup of the South FOR TOP VALUE 'town. Efnest Bush presented Rev. companiel by Mr. Pearson. 8,746 I cool. plant sale Saturday at the barii' Methodist WBC8 will meet Friday Jeutenant Pastor Given v The speaker of . the evening. IN A NEW SOM E Gustafson with an engraved pen ' ttT - A bout Town the property of M|sa Mary Cha[ 11:30 wra Mrs. Inez Truax of 80 and pencil set. Henry R. Murphy of the State bMBtwr of the Aodtt man, 75 Forest street, wUl con­ .S^ucs nreet. Mrs. Liewis Haa- A1 Pearson provided some very Highway Safety commission gave See the Ones Beinc Built By 4*' ' KnMMi ot CIrcalatloa'k tinue from o’cloolt ta the fore­ ins'-have charge of the worr Club Present Manchesurr--A CUy of ViUafie Charm tJompany No.' 3. of the •ewth 10 Interesting music in presenting an outline of the -work of the per­ noon until 4 in the afternoon, or ship sbnJtce.*' The program will sonnel of that comaiissigi. PRICE THREE CKN'TS ianchceter departmih*, WM inclil^e 'h question box and a skit Pearl Glesecke soloist and Eklith GREENBROOki; (TWELVE PAGES) tailed to tS^randvlew «wnue at until the Bupply la exhausted. Or­ - ■ ' — / MANCHESTER, CONN., 'THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1944 ders cannit be filled before 10 entltlw Anderson, trombonist. Aoth render­ I '■ (tnaaebed Advertlahig oe P»ge 10) ■Wglit when a waa Rotary , Bitln Farewell ed three selections each,and were HOMES, INC L X in , NO. 195 ___ In a radio. There waa o'clock, u pbaalble, Garden Club ■Methodl > > ' ' members should deliver donations Is a \ySGS publication. Those Cie damage done. To Rev. Gustufson ai|d On Walker Street of plants and bulbs at the barn who win participate are Miss Gert­ Adveitisemcnt— Ulinunage Sale ----- ■ .4 .r Friday evening. rude, Abbey, Mm. "W. Ratph Ward,'' Heurg Safety Talk. THUllS., MAY 18, 9 A. M. For further Information oaH M *Alli$ators'’ Take Jap Air Field / cottage prayer nieetlng of the Fertilizer $2.90 and $3.25 per Alexander Jarvis 0 4 office da / 'JoTenant - Congregational church Jr., Mrs. George McKinney, Mrs. Cassino and Formia Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ Inez Truax and \Mri:.. H. Rosa 100 lb. bag.—Bone Meal—lAwn STORE 997 MAIN STREET Center street or at W Alexander »ill be held this evening at tte There was almost 100 percent aHks .and Chinese sons, will meet this evening at 7;30 Phqnesi 4U3 or 7X75 kome of Mr. and Mre. Frank Jolui- L«wis. grass' seed 35c;"Tb.— Cement 75c. Memorial Temple, In the Masonic Temple. -5 ^ attendance at the Rotary club ses­ bag. England's, Manchester. street. tonr of 180 Strickland atreet. ^ •■vr Pythian Slaters. Relatives of Pfc. Alb Thomp- sion last night in honor of Rev. Green. Phone 3451. son have received news . his safe'' lesiege Myitkynia; is^^ssas^ ^s arrival In North Africa. Captured by Allies; and Mrs. Leonard Acetlv of 7 9 ^ Spruce street have receive, l^ter from their son, Lleutennn ;ure Airdrome /oaeph Aceto. stating thqt he has V' arrived in England. Saturday's Top Values For Smart Shoppers In Herald carried a front page story irise Attack Climax with picture of three of the Aceto Treat B u m s brothers, Peter, Paul and John, To Spcctaciilar Forced who recently held a reunion In British^ Seize Ruins o f London. Lieutenant Joseph Aceto ■ IS |iu'ch Over Rugged W ith tm tA n y Aerial Power Coal Supply Fortress Town and is a navigator with a bomber crew. Lt. O. Wilson ’ s " perr^i^; Capture of He received hla allver wings last / Battered Bepiedictine October at San Mareoa. Texaa, and Selman Field. Monrpe, La.- ity Necessary to N ew Covers Given Check Buying Plan took an Intensive course in combat' Second LleutenanKJohn G. Wllsom Monastery as Ameri­ flying at the Army Air baae, Alex­ formerly of 195 Eldridge stredL Shop and Save On These' and Many Other Items Jnk Roads to China. cans Take Coastal andria. La. The youngest son, _____ h “ At Cassino Wins Favor Anthony. Is In High school, and.no Manchester, has been promoted to Two New Methods De­ Hinge City; Encircling doubt will follow his brotherd In the rank of first lisutenipt at Sel­ ISoutheast Asja HeadqUar- some branch of the servlea, Kandy, Ceylon, May 18. scribed b^N avy Doc Tactics .Avoid Heavy man Field. Monroe, La., ^ e r e he Beautiful Solid Color Probably Will Go Down Proposal Government ia a pilot and asatatant flight ■(JP)— In a surprise attack tors; Blood Pltuma Casualties at Cassino M'embera of the Woman's Aux­ mander. t i m a X i n g a spectac^ar Act to Keep Mipes Roll-1 iliary of St. Mary’s Episcopal And Wax Spray Used. In Military History church are reminded to bring their reed " march over ru ^ ^ As an Exi|iin»le to Lim­ ing at High Pilch Is Allied Headquarters, Na­ thank offerings to the communion Guesta from Manchester at presA rain, American and CRi- By Frank Carey ples, May, 18.—(i4") — The service tomorrow at 10 o’clock. ent regiatered at the Barblzon- kse forces yesterday cap- its of BiCtmbing Arm. Approved by Agencies, Ascension Day. Tomorrow \vill be Plaza hotel. New York City, are Associated Press Science Writer British Eighth Army hat the day for Red Cross sewing at Private and Mrs. Emil H. Seelert Ired the Myitkyina airdrome Washington, Ma^ 18.—Two new Washington, May. 18—(A*)—. A captured the /fortress ruins the church. and Mlsa LUIlan M. -Server. \d now are besieging Myit- By The Associated Press of Cassino and the battered Inn city, major Japanese base methods o f treating bums — one proposal that the government buy BEDSPREADS ' Cassino, which the Germans an- Benedictine monastery, and northern Burma, Allied head- employing thin sheets made of nourtCPd tod^y they hf.d evacuated, up vast silpillies o f . soft' coal to REyon and Cotton larters announced today. American troops 25 miles tc dried human blood plasma, the after it^new' Allied bombardment keep the mines rolling at high the southwest have seized the lEssential to Sucress of Drivo other Using a medicated paraffin Slid outflanking moves, probably .pitch all summer and have an ade­ Gabardiuea and wax spray—were reported today coasjal hinge city of Formia, ::apture of Myitkyina is essen- V ill go doivo military history quate .supply ready for homes this .98 kl to the success of Lieut. Gen. by Navy doctors who said wounds the Allied common' announced to­ Butcher Liaeng HALE'S SELF SERVE covered either way required no fur as an example’of the IlliTttatidnS of winter has been* approved by the day. "The Gustav line now has fseph W. Stilwell’s drive to link Maneuverins across Sentanl lake, Dutch New Guinea, American "Aingatora" were used In takmg War Production board, it waa |e new L«do highway wUK the ther dressing. SenUnl air £cld^ near Hollandia, fmm the Japs during the invasion of April 22. Wreckage of a Jap air boWibardmelH unless closely ceased to exist," the announce­ The Orisrinal In New England! Both methods were described In learned today. \ ment declared. ■" Smartly tailored with box Burma road, thus opening plane by which crouches an American soldier, frames tne” Alligators. (AP Wirephoto). supported by othei* grms. WPB Chairman Dona^ Nleaon rect overland supply route into the U. S. Navy Medical bulletin. And in German milHary history, has given the idea his endorse­ Strongpointa at Ends Toppled pleaU. White and pastel Jilnfi. It appeared likely that In the dried plasma technique, The double victory toppled it undoubtedly will go down as the ment, the Solid Fuels sectlq^n of shades.. Slzos 9-15, 10-20. AND HEALTH MARKET lyltkyina would fall Into hla tough, thin, transparent sheets are stpongpolnts at-both ends of ths made by dissolving dried plasma keystone fortress of the Ngzi win­ the Interior department is tdt \t nds before the coming monsoon Major Labor ter line of 1944, which held fpr five fiercely-fought Nazi line In Italy. lason bogs down major opera- in water and heating the mixture. Chinese Units Advance and the plan now ia before OVA British troops slammed Into 81x99 vannon months. for final decision. Rep. Calvin D. $1.98 - $3.98 pns. The sheet is. Impregnated with a Cassino—which had withstood On March 15. more than two Johnson (R., 111.) disclosed. (Brig. Gen. Frank D. MerrlU’a sulfa .,drug to increase its germ­ months after Allied troops first siege since January—while Poles killing powers, and Is then laW on­ Dispute Seen "The only question to be Ironed seized Monastery hill. A substan­ THURSDAY SPECIALS Jingle-wise American Marauders In Salween Offensive reached the piojuresque town nut with the OPA now,” Johnson fayed an Important role In the to the surface of the bum to halt guarding the broad Liri valley and tial pdrtion of the elite Gerinan FINE MUSI4N seepage of blood fluid and promote tdld a reporter, "Is the price First . I’arachute division—the Ipture of Myitkyina airdrome, a the road to Rome and then were schedules under which the De­ lat which probably will take tta Ijeallng.
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