The Daily Register VOtf.98 NO.70 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1975 • 15 CENTS Byrne: Ford is ^terrorizing9 state residents "MlBy JOHN T . MetiOKAN Saturday. The state has one dictions are not the only op- of the natural gas consumed nor© said , "I think that's what being held off the market by gas crisis. Byrn..e said Con. - of the highest unemployment tions open to the federal gov- in New Jersey is used by he is trying to do " producers in hopes of getting gress has a plan similar to his TRENTON (AP) - Oov rates in the nation. ernment. homeowners and said it was Byrne said the President's a bigger price if price con- own for reallocation which he Brendan T. Byrne his ac- The President said more He repeated his recommen- not fair "to sock these own words indicate that there trols are lifted. thinks will be put into effect cused President Ford of "ter- South Jersey industrial plants dation that Ford allow reallo- people" with higher prices. is extra natural gas which The governor said the Pres- in time to help the employ- rorizing" New Jersey resi- might have to close this win- cation of existing natural gas could be obtained for New ident could not have meant ment situation in New Jersey Offstage, Byrne was asked dents by threatening more ter if a predicted 52 per cent supplies to increase the sup- Jersey and other states in that deregulation would some- ihis year. unemployment for their state cutback in natural gas sup- ply in the Northeast. if he meant his terrorizing short supply. how provide new natural gas • statements for Ford person- unless natural gas prices are plies occurs. The governor used the word He noted that Ford said wells in time to help New Jer- Byme said, "Let's get the ally and if he had in mind the deregulated. Byrne, appearing on CBS- "terrorizing" in discussing deregulation would be a sey users this winter. politics out of this," and he President's Newark speech Ford discussed natural gas TV, Channel 2, "News- Ford's comment that deregu- greater supply and he said As for the President attack- urged Ford to work with Con- and unemployment at a politi- makers" program yesterday, lation is necessary. Byrne said he did, and as the President had to be talk- ing the Democratic Congress gress to get immediate help cal appearance in Newark on said the President's pre- Byme said that almost half for "terrorizing," the Rover- ing about gas that is now for inaction on the natural for the Northeastern states Ford bids N.J. GOP put aside differences NEWARK (AP) - Gerald seek election as president in gubernatorial campaign debt. R. Ford has made his first his own right. Sandman was to keep half visit to New Jersey since be- Conover Spencer, executive of every $1,000 he collected coming president, leaving be- director of the Republican for the cocktail party that hind some advice to state Re- State Committee, said he did preceded the dinner. 1 publicans to put aside their not believe the President was Former Republican Gov. differences and unite. referring to particular prob- William T. Cahill, who Sand- Amid the tighest of secu- lems in the New Jersey GOP man defeated in 1973 to be- rity, Ford Saturday attended in his call for unity. come the party's nominee for a SlOO-a-plate fund-raising Spencer said all factions of governor was absent, report- dinner sponsored by the Re- the party were represented edly keeping a prior com- publican State Committee to and contended "We have un- mitment. raise money to pay off GOP ity- The money realized at the debts and to help finance the It appeared the Republi- dinner was to be divided be- current campaign for the As- cans would net less than tween the GOP State Com- sembly. 1100,000 from the evening. mittee to help pay off a debt It seemed as if the Presi- Assemblyman John Ewing. of more than $100,000 and the dent was aware of the inter- R-Somerset, the GOP State Republican Assembly cam- nal squabbling that resur- Finance chairman, said about paign. faced between several ele- 950 tickets had been sold for The arrangement with DR. BARDIN VISITS SHORE - Assemblywoman several areas In his first visit to the Monmouth ments of the New Jersey the dinner and that 27 persons, Sandman prompted criticism Gertrude Berman, D-Monmouth, greets Dr. David County shore. Looking on are, left, James Pastor- GOP in the preparations for had paid $1000 each to attend within the moderate wing of J. Bardin, commissioner of the state Department ius, head of the Monmouth Beach Environmental his visit here. Preside*! Gerald Ford a private reception for the the party which consistently of Environmental Protection, on his arrival in Commission and Monmouth Beach Mayor Sidney Ford told his audience of urged the Republicans "to President before the main has opposed the conservative Monmouth Beach yesterday, Dr. Bardin Inspected B. Johnson. Story on page 2. the need to "minimize your concentrate on beating Demo- event. _——— South Jersey Republican's gu- differences" to build a strong crats, not discrediting Re- However, the indicated to- bernatorial ambitions. party. publicans." tal of $122,000 would be re- Sandman lost the 1973 elec- He said it was best "to for- duced by the cost of the affair tion for governor to Brendan get your inner-party differ- The President noted that at the Robert Treat Hotel, the T. Byrne in the biggest land- Salkind, Hyland to confer ences" and work to elect Re- the GOP currently controls fact that dinner tickets were slide in New Jersey guberna- publican Assembly candi- only 14 of 80 Assembly seats sold to the 80 Assembly candi- torial politics. dates. in New Jersey but said a Re- liatcs for $25 and a con- The following year Sand- The president said "diver- publican victory here in No- troversial arrangement to man and three other Republi- sity in the party is good, it vember could be a "bellwea- help former Rep. Charles W. can incumbents in the New on malpractice bill charge gives a party vitality," and Sandman Jr. pay off his 1973 See Ford, page 2 ther" for 1976 when he will By JULIE MCDONNELL be called influence-peddling malpractice insurance reform business relationship or con- had occurred, Mr. Salkind re- bill and "the roles that in- sultation, including legal and MARLBORO - Assem- ported last night that there is dustry representatives and engineering work, with any blyman Morton Salkind. D no indication that there has lobbyists and key legislators firm related to legislative ser- Monmouth. will meet today been any violation of New played." vice activities for five years Financial disclosures made with state Attorney General Jersey criminal statutes. Mr. Salkind's bill, which after the conclusion of a William F. Hyland to discuss "I still feel the actions has passed both houses of the member's term in office. the entire issue of medical which occurred were highly legislature but requires con- — Extension of the prohibi- malpractice insurance re- immoral, and this is not the currence on some amend- tion against insurance com- form. way the legislature should ments added by the Senate, panies, . banks, and financial by three more Democrats Mr. Salkind charged last work," he said. would force all malpractice institutions from contributing week that "forces interested Assembly Speaker S. How- insurance issued in the state directly or indirectly to any By LINDA ELLIS to be at state-regulated rates political campaign to cover . m in blocking the medical mal- ard Woodson, D-Mercer. said Two incumbent Assembly practice insurance reform Saturday that he was una- and would guarantee its all lobbying efforts. availability. It would also re- candidates and a freeholder bill," which he is sponsoring, ware of any attempt by "the — Greater restriction on aspirant — all Democrats — were destroying the legisla- insurance industry of any oth- quire any company offering lobbyist activities including malpractice insurance any- have made full financial dis- tive process. He accused the er group or persons" to de- complete prohibition on the closures to the Daily Regis- insurance industry of using feat or delay enactment of where in the country to offer floor of the legislature at any it In New Jersey as a condi- ter. "its lobbying muscle and the Mr. Salklnd's bill. time. Richard Van Wagner of promise of sizable campaign The Monmouth County as- tion for doing any <kind of in- — Change in the rules so surance business in the state. Middletown, a 12th District donation contributions" to semblyman said that, while that all bills upon first read- Assemblyman, Walter J. Koz- hold up the bill because it will he will not "name names" at Mr. Salkind also outlined a ing in the originating house loski of Freehold, an 1 lth Dis- force competition in the field. today's meeting with the at- six-point proposal for legisla- •must be referred to a stand- trict Assemblyman, and Eu- Although he said that une- torney general, he will detail tive reform, including: ing committee. The move. gene McEnroe of Holmdel. a thical activities which chould the history of the medical — A prohibition on any See Hyland. page 2 freeholder candidate, join Richard J. Connors of Avon, a 10th District Assembly can- didate, who last week re- leased his assets and liabi- Doctors plan for next year lities for publication. Mr. Con- nors also is a Democrat. Members of the Monmouth Nov. 1. The rate increase was specialties and general prac- Bank, said, "We are com- County Medical Society, un- announced last week by tice.
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