January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E123 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING TRUDI TERRY AND CELEBRATING MR. SCOTT DOWNIE Dona’s life ultimately leads her and her fam- IRENE DICKERMAN FOR THEIR ily back to Texas. They split their time be- SERVICE TO THE HOUSE OF REP- HON. JARED HUFFMAN tween San Antonio and the Poole Ranch in RESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Brazoria, Texas, where they owned and oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ated shows at various dude ranches. Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Dona touched the lives of many people, in- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON cluding close friends and famous Hollywood Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- actors. James Drury, who is best known for OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ure to recognize Mr. Scott Downie on the oc- his role in The Virginian as well as General IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES casion of his retirement from the California Douglas MacArthur and his wife Jean, who ar- Department of Fish and Wildlife. Mr. Downie’s ranged for Dona to attend a coalition at West Tuesday, January 28, 2014 long commitment to the conservation of fish- Point, just to name a few. eries and watersheds of the North Coast has Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Dona is survived by her husband Tommy, improved the environment for all Californians. (Thomas) Worrell; Son, Todd Worrell and honor two Clerk of the House employees, Mr. Downie’s service to the North Coast in- Trudi Terry and Irene Dickerman, for their spouse, Marty Worrell and children from a pre- cludes 14 years as a commercial fisherman, vious marriage, Daniel Lane Worrell, Dylan years of service to the House of Representa- 10 years as a habitat restoration coordinator tives. Both Trudi and Irene will be retiring after Thomas Worrell and Bethany Kirsten Worrell; for the Pacific Coast Federation of Fisher- Daughter, Heather Worrell and her partner, working in the Clerk of the House’s organiza- men’s Associations, and 23 years as a fish tion for more than 15 years. Kellye McKinna and their children, Thelen habitat supervisor and senior environmental Lane McKinna-Worrell and Ella Kathryn Trudi was born in Amarillo, Texas and re- scientist with Fish and Wildlife. Mr. Downie is McKinna-Worrell; and daughter Sunni Worrell ceived a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Sec- also a co-founder of the AmeriCorps Water- Duncan, her spouse, Daniel Duncan their chil- ondary Education with certification in English, shed Stewards Project and of the Eel River dren from a previous marriage, Austin Thomas Speech, and Physical Education from West Watershed Improvement Group. Soward, Hunter Brian Soward, and Courtland Texas State University. After college, Trudi be- Mr. Downie’s vast experience and under- Shea Duncan. came a Certified Reporter Instructor standing of fisheries has helped preserve She is preceded in death by her parents, Northern California’s vital salmonid popu- (CRI) and Certified Program Evaluator grandparents, and brother. Dona was a strong lations and has inspired many others dedi- (CPE) from the National Court Reporters As- Texan, deeply devoted to her husband and cated to this cause. His accomplishments and sociation (NCRA). As a CPE, Trudi was a family, she will be greatly missed. leadership will undoubtedly leave a legacy for member of the national evaluating team f many years to come. tasked with traveling to schools nationwide Please join me in expressing deep apprecia- BRINGING ATTENTION TO ERADI- and determining if those schools met the cer- tion to Mr. Scott Downie for his long and im- CATING THE BULLYING EPI- tification requirements of the NCRA. In 1999, pressive career, and his exceptional record of DEMIC Trudi was hired as a Scopist in the Office of service. the Official Reporters, a division within the Clerk of the House’s organization. As a f HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA Scopist, Trudi edited the official transcript, first IN MEMORY OF DONA BARBOUR OF CALIFORNIA for House committees and then proceedings WORRELL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the House floor for the Congressional Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Record. In 2001, Trudi moved into a new role HON. RANDY K. WEBER, SR. Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as within the Clerk’s organization and assumed OF TEXAS the Founder and Chairman of the Congres- the position as the Assistant Chief Clerk of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Debates. sional Anti-Bullying Caucus to bring attention Tuesday, January 28, 2014 to the Be a STAR (Show Tolerance and Re- In 2004, Trudi became the Chief Clerk of Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today I spect) Alliance, an anti-bullying initiative co- Debates and will hold this position until her re- rise to remember a fellow Texan, Dona founded in 2011 by The Creative Coalition and tirement on February 3, 2014. During her ten- Barbour Worrell of Brazoria and Spring Branch WWE to encourage young people to treat ure, Trudi developed a reputation of having a who passed away Saturday, January 11 2014. each other with tolerance and respect through strong work ethic and steadfast dedication to Dona was the daughter of Susan Louise education and grassroots initiatives. WWE and the institution of the House of Representa- Poole and Dr. Joel Lane Barbour of Bay City, The Creative Coalition leverage the power of tives. She will be missed by Members of Con- Texas. She was the youngest of two children. The Creative Coalition’s entertainment industry gress, House staff, and her department col- She was also the granddaughter of Thomas constituencies and WWE’s global brand and leagues. Jefferson Poole, the president of the Bay City platforms to help combat the bullying epidemic Irene Dickerman was born in Los Angeles, Bank and Trust from 1909–1929. plaguing today’s youth. This month, for the California and received a Bachelor of Arts and Mr. Poole owned a 5,000 acre ranch in first time ever, Be a STAR awarded five grants Science in English Literature from California Matagorda County, where Barbour spent a lot totaling $125,000 to outstanding non-profit State University in Northridge, California. After of her childhood. In 1929 Poole formed a part- public charities that develop and implement college, Irene also became a CPI from the nership with Allen Ranch, creating the Allen- anti-bullying programs. NCRA. In 1999, Irene was hired as a Scopist Poole Cattle Co. They shipped cattle by rail to The five grantees of the inaugural Be a in the Office of the Official Reporters. As a Oklahoma and Kansas, and at its height, the STAR grant program are: Scopist, Irene edited the official transcript, first Allen-Poole Cattle Co. shipped more cattle The Armory Foundation, New York, NY: The for House committees and then proceedings than any other ranch in Texas except for the Armory Foundation, a NYC non-profit, services of the House floor for the Congressional King Ranch. The Poole Ranch was very much more than 125,000 athletes and is home to Record. In 2006, Irene became the Chief Edi- a part of her life and an integral part of her the premier indoor track and field center in the tor and will be in this position until her retire- family. United States. The Be a STAR grant will help ment on February 3, 2014. Irene was well re- Dona attended Trinity University, where she fund the Armory College Prep’s Fair Play Pro- spected as an individual who possessed deep met her husband, Thomas Alfred Worrell. The gram, which reaches more than 300 students institutional knowledge and maintained a two were married in 1960. Shortly after their in public high schools in New York City, New strong level of accuracy in her capacity within marriage, Tommy took a part in the movie, Jersey and Westchester. The grant will also the Clerk of the House’s organization. ‘‘The Alamo,’’ starring John Wayne. provide training for The Armory Foundation’s ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:38 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28JA8.001 E28JAPT1 jbell on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 28, 2014 staff, who will ensure that Be a STAR’s lesson INTERNATIONAL HUMAN TRAF- ranked at the lowest Tier by the annual U.S. plans are integrated effectively into the pro- FICKING AT MAJOR SPORTING State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Re- gram’s workshops. EVENTS INCLUDING THE 2014 port—will host the winter Olympic Games. Blue Star Families, Inc., Falls Church, VA: SUPER BOWL Since Russia does not have in place any for- Blue Star serves more than 10,000 military mal national procedures to guide law enforce- families in 70 locations around the world by HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH ment in the identification of sex trafficking vic- supporting, connecting and empowering fami- OF NEW JERSEY tims and does not fund trafficking victim care, lies through chapter-based programs. The Be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am very concerned that the 2014 Winter a STAR grant will help fund MilKidz Clubs, Olympics may turn out to be a trafficking which connects military kids—regardless of Tuesday, January 28, 2014 nightmare. rank, branch of service or military installa- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, a Later this year, Brazil will host the 2014 tion—and provides them the resources, men- hearing that I held yesterday focused on the World Cup and then the 2016 Summer Olym- toring and opportunity to become the next preparations for the upcoming Super Bowl to pics.
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