■ 'V y ^ ■■ - \ ■' PAGE FORTY iUanrlic^Btrr lEttrnfng l^rrald Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 OClock Itie North Maacheeter AI- Cub .Scout . Pack lit will meet About Town Anon family group will meet to­ tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Washing­ State Itep. DtaMU O«nov«ta night at 8 at the Second Oon- ton School oateterla. A film on wUl teWre i the D em ocnU c gregational Church pariah house. Cub Scouting will be shown. The The Weather Cltib « ( Xaaolieater mt Ita meet- The Thursday group will meet meeting la open to all boys In­ Anderson-Little Clear and coti tonight with tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the tar toalgtat et «, at the Ibrtne terested In joining the pack. To low near 50. Sunny but cool Fri­ Cteb on Parker at. OenorMt, s Pathfinders CSuh, 103 Norman ilanrIjPHtpr Suptititg HrraUi be eligible to Join CUb Scouting, day; high about . 65. Outlook for RepUblloMi, r^)reMnte Man- St. Both groups meet weekly Saturday . fair, not so cool. oheaterta la S i Aasembly Diatrlot. and are open to friends and rel­ a boy must be tight years old atives living with a drinking by September or enterIrM Qrade lUancheater— A City of Village Charm problem. 3. All boys should be accompan­ ied by at least one parent. (FORTY PAGES<-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1972 (CtaMlfied Advertistag on Page 37) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS The Hartford Engineers CSub will meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at John Wallace Spencer, author Willie's Steak House. After din­ of "Limbo of the Lost," a story ner, k(rs. Barbara Dunn, com ­ of the Bermuda trian^e, will missioner of consumer protec­ speak tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tion, will q>eak. Philosophers Open Forum 20 Revamping Plan Bigelow St., Etast Hartford.' Members of^St. Bridget Ros­ Arms Accord ary Society will meet tonight at The Sunday School teachers 7:30 at the John F. Tierney of South United Methodist Funeral Home, 319 W, Center Church will be honored tomor­ Heads for New St., to recite the Rosary tor the row at a dinner meeting at 6:30 late Cheater Morgan, whose wife p.m. at Cooper Hall o f the Talk Filling Is a member of the group. church. Court Session (AP) — A Republican move to reinstate the 1971 general assembly reapportionment plan — at l^ t for one election — was taken under advisement Moscow Air Pinehurst Sealtest ICE CREAM SALE Wednesday by the same federal court which ruled the No Rmit. .. Save 30e on plan unconstitutional earlier this year. MOSCOW (AP) — President Nixon and Soviet lead­ U.S. CtrcuU Judge J. Joseph ers, pushing toward the heralded arms curb climax of Smith said he wanted to see the their summit talks, are conferring quietly about longer- 2 Our Reg. $45 and $50 Our Reg. $17 plan being drawn up by the range European and Asian issues dividing their coun­ court-c^>potnted "m aster,” Tale tries. t' DOUBLE KNIT Law Prof. Robert H. Bock. R to The fact ttiat agreements DOUBLE KNIT A n g ry expected to be filed IFriday. carefully prepared for "final­ Sealtest ization” during the President’s Smith said he wanted to hold visit were but a fraction of the SPORTCOATS DRESS SLACKS a hearing as quickly as possible summit picture was underlined 7 9 Women on Bork’s plan and any other by Nixon's surprise Journey Wallace Ice Cream plans vdilch may be suhtnitted, Wednesday evening to a coun­ Vatina and AU Beg. gl.te Ftavors Va G A U O N possibly Monday although it’s try dacha for dinner and con­ Memorial Day. 5 195 versation with CJommuntst par­ And save 80c too, when you buy the premium 1.19 and 1.29 flavors To Sue Smith and U.S. District Judge ty chief Leonid Brezhnev and Assures others. The session began about HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — M. Joseph Blumenftid were Plenty of Flavors. 500 Gallons Each Day thru Saturday. 7 p.m. and continued for five A "shocked and angered" asked by GiOP attorney Frcuicto hours. group <rf women who led the J. McOorthy to stay the in­ Party successful fight against Con­ junction issued by the court Agreements on announced-in- necticut’s old anti-abortimi law earlier this year when it found advance questions are being _____________ _ forged on schedule. Such tttom- SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) co n GINGER ALE has announced plans to file suit the 1971 plan unconstitutional. Great new double-knit fabrics and Anderson-Little The easy style of double knits! These handsome slacks ier proUems as the Vietnam Stricken Alabama Gov. by Friday agtinst the sUte's U.S. District Judge Robert C. war and mutudl reductlcm of C. Wallace has reassui^ CpTT CLUB SODA fine tailoring give you these uncrushable, wrinkle-free, come in either flare or straight leg models, and in an new cuiU-abortlon law. Zampano is also a member of forces In Eun>i>e obviously will Democrats that his delegate FullFUM Quarts(|u&rts completely comfortable sport coats! array of smart patterns or solid colors. Pockets are Women vs. Connecticut said the three-judge pcuiel, but could regular or western style. Sizes 29 to 48. not 'be solved here, much as ^ national convention will In two or three button models. In a statement Wednesday that not be present because of the both countries may seek prog- support the party’s presidential its office "has been beseiged Short notice given for Wednes­ ress. nominee. F with phone calls and letters day's hearing. Nixon spent the morning cot- "Wallace has publicly com- from enraged women all over Toe the Line ferring with his staff at his mltted his delegates to comply 0 the state who have expressed MoCCarthy emphasized the riiortness of time before the This Potomac River angler has an angle to beat spring fever in Washington. Big one got away. (AP photo) suite In the Kremlin White totally with the caU of our con- R their frustration over the In­ House, spokesman Ronald L. vention,” sold Democratic Na- sensitivity of the governor tuid November election and the like­ 3iS» lihood that the U.S. Supreme Ziegler reported. A meeting tional Oialrman Lawrence F. state le^slators to women’s with the Soviet leaders pre- O’Brien. rights." C o u rt will not be able to decide RED HAWAIIAN PUNCH the GOP’s appeal of the lower viously announced for 11 a.m. "That commitment included Oov. Thomas J. Meskill Tues­ was put off until afternoon, tae provision that no delegate 46 OK. cans 4 I t day night signed a new anti- court’s ruling until after Its Bound to Bum . summer recess. Intensive Attack Opens Ziegler said. can take part and later support Case of U ......... gtAB abortion law essentially the The press secretary said Nix- s- candidate other than the same as the old one but which McCarthy also emiphasised WOODBURY, Ckmn. (AP) — LIPTON'S NEW on’s Wednesday night dls- Democratic nominee." contained a preamble con­ the difficulty of translating Helen Cronk has resigned from Please clip «*i*« vahiable oeapon new and cusslons centered on Inter- ®iit he added that Wallace Ready To Serve cerning the fetus’s right to life. Bork’s pian caul Us Ust of U.S. the town Zoning Cktmmlssion national matters, among them *iss hot promised his own sup- BUT JUMBO ALL FOB ONLY gl-79 rather than quK smoking dur­ ICED TEA 2 cans 35c (with ooivea) The law prohibits abortions ex­ Census tracts into meaningful Red Assault on Kontun: Vtetnam. He reported that the pori for the Democratic nomi- cept to save a woman’s life. boundaries which can be under­ ing board meetings imder an SAIGON (AP) — North Viet­ namese to abandon north­ Six hundred to 800 rockets Presldent and the top Soviet hee. A spokeswoman for the wom­ stood and applied by electlcn edict from the Board of Select­ chiefs talked first while cruto- O’Brien’s statement, Wednes- namese gunners slammed hun­ ernmost Quang Tri (Province and shells from captured U.S. SAVE . Serve These 5 to the Lb. PATTIES en’s group said Its lawyers .officials. The election officials men. Ing on a lake near the dacha came one day after he vis- dreds of rockets and artillery May 1. The provincial ciqiltal made lOSmm howltizers hit Kon- have been authorized to initiate already have translated the Mrs. Oook said die will con­ and did not sit down to dinner Ited Wallace at Holy Cross Hos- ehells into Kontum today in the of An Loc on the southerK front tum between dawn and dusk. Judicial action against the state tinue, however, as a clerk in untll about 11 p.m. pltal, In Silver Spring, Md., 1971 plan drafted by a state most intense attack on that ctiy 60 miles north of Saigon, has Most were fired at military in­ by Friday. panel of Judges, he said. the town office building since Thursday's meeting began where the governor Is recuper- of their two-month offensive, fol­ been under siege tor 49 days stallations In tbe northern port However, both the new law smoking to allowed during the Although it may not be per­ lowing the infiltration of s a i^ r but has managed to hold, of the city. ■hortly after 2 p.m., with Nixon and challenges against it may daytime. being Joined by his chief trade fect, the 1971 plan to "readily Into the town. though It is virtually destroyed.
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