THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16 SEPTEMBER, 1952 4945 GILL, George, lately residing and carrying on busi- WALLACE, William Robert Duncan, residing and ness at 13, Derby Road, Thornbury, in the city carrying on business at The Retreat Inn, Norton, of Bradford, and now at 89, Victoria Road, in the county of Worcester, as a LICENSED Eccleshill, Bradford aforesaid. BOOT MAKER. VICTUALLER. Court—WORCESTER. No. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter—99 of of Matter—2 of 1952. Last Day for Receiving 1930. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 1, Proofs—Oct. 2, 1952. Name of Trustee and 1952. Name of Trustee and Address—Meredith, Address—Clark, Rudolf Kynoch, Somerset Walter Harold, Hallfield Chambers, 71, Man- House, 37, Temple Street, Birmingham, 2, ningham Lane, Bradford, Official Receiver. Official 'Receiver. WHITEWAY, Cyril J., lately carrying on business at and residing at "Victor House," 317, Wells Road, Knowle, in the city and county of Bris- INTENDED INSTALMENT UNDER SCHEME tol, LICENSEE, and whose present residence the OF ARRANGEMENT. Petitioning Creditor is unable to ascertain. FABIERKIEWICZ, Kazimierz, 65, Ennismore Gar- Court—BRISTOL (by transfer from High Court dens, in the county of London. SCHOOL- of Justice). No. of Matter—7 of 1951. Last MASTER. Court—HIGH COURT OF Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 1, 19S2. Name JUSTICE. No. of Matter—317 of 1949. Last of Trustee and Address—Hort, Philip William, Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 3, 1952. Name 28, Baldwin Street, Bristol. of Trustee and Address—Cresswell, William Foy, ETHERINGTON, Edwin, 27, Spencer Way, Tudor Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, Village, Jaywick, in the county of Essex, W.C.2, Senior Official Receiver. BUILDER and FURNITURE DEALER, lately carrying on business at 35, 35A, and 36, Kenton Park Parade, Kenton, in the county of Middle- DIVIDENDS. sex, and at 253, Old Road, Clacton-on-Sea, in the said county of Essex, under the name or ANDREWS, Jacob (commonly known as Jack style of Kenton Upholstery and Cabinet Andrews) 125, New Bedford Road, Luton, Bed- Works. Court—COLCHESTER. No. of Matter fordshire, DIAMOND MANUFACTURER, and —1 of 1946. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— carrying on (business at 7, Mallow Street, Clerken- Oct. 3, 1952. Name of Trustee and Address well, in the county of London. Court—HIGH —Fisk, Kenneth Ernest, 13A, Great Colman COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—173 of Street, Ipswich, Official Receiver. 1946. Amount per £—4d. First or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Payable—Sept. DAY, James, 67, Corporation Road, Great Grimsby, 24, 1952. Where Payable—Bankruptcy Buildings, Lincolnshire, FRUITERER. Court—<5REAT Carey Street, London, W.C.2. GRIMSBY. No. of Matter—65 of 1926. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 3, 1952. DACE, Henry Charles, residing and lately carrying Name of Trustee and Address—Bloomer, Hugh on business at 53, Farmer Road, Ley ton, London, Sudell, 8, Flottergate, Great Grimsby, Official E.10, in partnership with another as H. C. Dace, Receiver. BUILDERS and DECORATORS, described in HAWKRIDGE, Mary Ann Leaf (Spinster), The the Receiving Order as of 53, Farmer Road, Manor House, Brearton, Ripley, near Harrogate. Leyton, E.10, in the county of London. Court—HARROGATE. No. of Matter—22 of Builder and Decorator. Court—HIGH COURT 1933. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 1, OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—376 of 1947. 1952. Name of Trustee and Address—Meredith, Amount per £—3id. First or Final, or other- Walter Harold, 29, East Parade, Leeds, 1, Offi- wise—First and Final. When Payable—Sept. 23, cial Receiver. 1952. Where Payable—Bankruptcy Buildings, WELSBY, Silas, 458, Blackmoorfoot Road, Crosland Carey Street, London, W.C.2. Moor, Huddersfield, in the county of York. FOX, George Walter, 51, Winchester Street, London, JOURNEYMAN ENGINEER. Court—HUD- S.W.I, TOBACCONIST, lately carrying on busi- DERSFIELD. No. of Matter—3 of 1938. Last ness" at 39, Charlotte Street, London, W.I. Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 1, 1952. Name Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of of Trustee and Address—Meredith, Walter Matter—75 of 1951. Amount per •£—2d. First Harold, Hallfield Chambers, 71, Manningham or Final or otherwise—First and Final. When Lane, Bradford, Official Receiver. Payable—Sept. 22, 1952. Where Payable—Bank- MAJOR, Arthur, Pilham Lane, Blyton, in the county ruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2. of Lincoln. MARKET GROWER. Court— SHAWL, Arthur, residing at 7, Gibbons Road, Bed- LINCOLN and HORNCASTLE. No. of Matter ford in the county of Bedford, and lately carry- —2 of 1943. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— ing on business at 21, Lurke Street, 72, Tavistock Oct. 4, 1952. Name of Trustee and Address— Street, 16, Castle Road, and 41, St. John's Street, Stimpson, Ernest Claud, 22, Regent Street, Not- Bedford aforesaid. TAXICAB PROPRIETOR tingham, Official Receiver. and UNDERTAKER. Court—BEDFORD. No. TOMBLESON, Harold, residing at " Holly Nook," 8, of Matter—5 of 1949. Amount per £—2s. 6d. Austerby, Bourne, in the county of Lincoln, and First or Final, or otherwise—First. When Pay- GILLETT, Eric Alfred, 17, Park Lane, Allerton able-y-Sept. 30, 1952. Where Payable—Official Bywater, near Leeds, previously residing at 3, Receiver's Office, 6, The Parade, Northampton. Church Street, Broughton, near Kettering in the county of Northampton and formerly carrying ROSE, Frank Thomas, residing at 197, Russell Road, on business in co-partnership at Rothwell, in the Moseley in the city of Birmingham, Progress said county of Northampton, under the style or Clerk, and SIMMONDS, Thomas William, re- firm of Rothwell Cinema Company. CINEMA siding at 7, Redditch Road, Hopwood, Alye- PROPRIETORS. Separate Estate of Harold church, in the county of Worcester, Machine Tombleson. Court—NORTHAMPTON. No. Miller, lately carrying on business in partnership of Matter—6 of 1951. Last Day for Receiving under the style of "Beverley Nurseries", Red- Proofs—Oct. 7, 1952. Name of Trustee and ditch Road, Hopwood, in the county of Worces- Address—Palmer, Richard Augustus, Regent ter. NURSERYMEN and LANDSCAPE GAR- House, 45, Sheep Street, Northampton. DENERS. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of PULLAN, Fred, residing and carrying on business Matter—5 of 1941. Amount per £—11s. 9d. at The Bungalow Cafe", Airey Hill, Filey, in the (making 20s. in the £) plus 4 per cent. Statutory county of York. CAFE PROPRIETOR. Court Interest. First or Final, or otherwise—Supple- —SCARBOROUGH. No. of Matter—11 of mental. When Payable—Oct. 16, 1952. Where 1951. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Oct. 1, Payable—Office of Official Receiver in Bank- 1952. Name of Trustee and Address—Meredith, ruptcy, Somerset House, 37, Temple Street, Walter Harold, 29, East Parade, Leeds, 1, Official Birmingham 2. Receiver. BARLOW, Arthur Cecil, in the Receiving Order PODD, Horace James, 103, -Eyhurst Avenue, Elm called A. C. Barlow (Male), of Kirkby-la-Thorpe, Park, Essex. PLASTERER. Court—SOUTH- Sleaford, Lines., and lately carrying on business END. No. of Matter—13 of 1951. Last Day at the same address. Court—BOSTON. No. of for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 30, 1952. Name of Matter—3 of 1949. Amount per £—10s. First Trustee and' Address—Wallis Hill, William or Final, or otherwise—First. When Payable— Joseph, 3, Central Buildings, Matthew Parker Sept. 29, 1952. Where Payable—30, Market Street, Westminster, S.W.I, Official Receiver. Place, Boston, Lines. C2.
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