\l^l-q( A Search for Very High EnergY Gamma Rays from PSR17O6-44 using the Atmospheric Õ.""ttkov Imagittg Technique A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics University of Adelaide for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Gavin Peter Rowell B.Sc (Hons.) August 1995 Contents Abstract v Authorts Note vll Statement of Originality vlll Acknowledgements IX 1 An Overview of Gamma R^ay Astronomy 1 1.1 lntroduction t 1.2 Radio Pulsa¡s 3 1.3 High Energy 7-Ray Observations of Radio Pulsars 4 1.3.1 Previous Experiments 4 I.3.2 The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory 5 L.4 Significant Results in VHE ?-Ray Astronomy I 1.4.1 The Crab Nebula/Puisar 10 1.4.2 ùIarkarian 421 and 501 10 1.4.3 PSR 1706-44 12 1.5 Radio Pulsars as Sources of 7-Rays L2 1.5.1 ùIodels for Producing l{igh Energy 7-Rays T4 L.5.2 VHE-UHE l-Ray Production 77 2 Atmospheric Cerenkov Imaging Technique 19 2.1 Introduction . r9 2.2 Cosmic Ray EAS 20 2.2.I Energy Spectrum and Mass Composition 20 ,.), EÄS Properties 23 ôô4 ¿. /¿.t) Nrrclear component 24 2.2.4 lfuon Component 25 2.2.5 Electromagnetic Com ponent 26 ll CO¡TTENTS 2.3 Gamma Ray EAS 28 2.3.7 Lateral Distribution Ðo 2.4 Õerenkov Radiation Theory 30 2.5 Õerenkov Radiation from EAS 32 2.6 Lateral Distribution 34 2.7 Angu-lar Distribution and Image Formation 35 2.7.7 Simulations 36 2.7.2 Detector Development 39 2.8 Air Cerenkov Telescope Design and Optimisation 47 2.8.I Energy Threshold and Coilecting Area 43 2.8.2 DC Searches 44 2.8.3 Sea¡ches for Periodicity 45 2.9 Cosmic Ray Background Rejection 45 Tm¿ging 2.9.I Multi-Telescope . 48 3 Current Imaging Strategies 49 3.1 Introduction . 49 3.2 The Whipple Collaboration 50 3.2.I SuperCuts 50 Other 3.2.2 Analysis Methods 54 3.2.3 GRANITE 56 3.3 CANGAROO... 56 Stereo 3.3.1 Observations 59 3.4 HEGRA Coilaboration 60 3.5 GT48 - C¡imean Astrophysical Observatory 60 3.6 University of Durham Group 61 3.7 EAS-TOP 62 3.8 THEMISTOCLE and ASGAT. 63 4 The 'Woomera VHE Gamma R^ay Telescope 65 4.I I-ntroduction . 65 4.2 Imaging Camera 66 4.3 Data Acquisition Ðlectronics 70 4.4 Telescope Optics 72 4.5 Operating Procedure and Conditions 73 4.5.1 Data Collection . 73 4.5.2 ADC Pedestal Estimation 75 4.5.3 Camera Gain Calibration 75 4.6 Photomultiplier Tube Performance 76 CONTBNTS üi 4.6.1 Current Gain and Conversion to Photoelect¡ons /C) 4.6.2 Padding Lamps 78 4.6.3 TubeFluctuations 78 4.7 Skynoise Response 79 ã Computer Simulations 83 5.1 Introduction . 83 5-2 Simulations of Cerenkov Radiation from EAS 83 5.3 T-age Fluctuations 85 5.3.1 Skynoise Fluctuations 86 5.3.2 Cerenkov Signal Fluctuations 86 5.3.3 l-nitial Matching with Real Data 87 5.4 Performance of Individual Cuts 90 5.4.1 Reduction of Skynoise e¡ Image Cleaning 91 5.4.2 Sensitivity to Skynoise Variations 92 5.4.3 Energy Dependence of Image Parameters 97 5.4.4 Sensitivity to Changes in Tube Fluctuations . 97 5.5 Image Selection for Analysis 99 5.5.1 Camera Based Selection 99 5.5.2 Guard Ring Based Selection . 101 5.5.3 Energy Threshold and Collecting Area . r02 5.6 Multiparameter Analysis . r02 5.6.1 2-D and 3-D Cuts . 104 5.6.2 Wedge Analysis . 104 5.6.3 Group Fraction Cuts . t04 5.6.4 Cluster Analysis . 104 5.6.5 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) . 105 5.6.6 Results . 106 5.7 Performance at Lowe¡ Elevations . L07 5.8 Performance at Extreme Cleaning Levels . 110 5.9 Summary 111 6 Analysis of the PSR1706-44 Dataset 113 6.1 Introduction .113 6.2 Investigation of Systematic Effects on Data . 115 6.2.1 Introduction .115 6.2.2 Àtmospheric Stability .116 6.2.3 Skynoise Differences .116 6-2.4 Transient Effects . LL7 IV CON?E¡TTS 6.2.5 Detector StabiJity . 118 6.3 Software Padding . 119 6.4 Initial Inspection of Data . 120 6.4.I Expected 7-Ray Flux Sensitivity .123 6.5 DC Analysis of Block A . t23 6.5.1 Minimising Systematic Effects . L23 6.5.2 Software Padding Effects on Skynoise . L26 6.5.3 Adjustment of Software Padding . 729 6.5.4 Results of Parameter Cuts . 734 6.6 DC Analysis of Block B . 734 6.6.1 Minimising Systematic Effects . r34 6.6.2 Simulation of Changes of Operational Conditions . 137 6.6.3 The Skygain Parameter . 139 6.6.4 Adjustment of Software Padding . 742 6.6.5 Parameter Cuts . .742 o./ Analysis at Stronger Cleaning . r45 7 Conclusions L47 7.I Discussion . 747 7.2 Conclusions . 150 7.2.I Further Work . 150 7.3 Future Directions in the Field . 151 7.3.L Proposed Imaging Systems . 153 A Hillas Image Parameters rbõ padding B Variable Asymmetric Software ' 156 References 159 CON?ENTS Abstract High energy astrophysics is concerned with the understanding of energetic extraterrestrial phenomena. Gamma ray astronomy is a subset of this discipline and this thesis documents work by the author in this fieid. Data was collected from the isolated 7-ray pulsar PSR1706-44 employing a ground-based method: The Atmospheric Cerenkov Lnaging Technique, which is sensitive to 7-rays of energy - 1012 to 101aeV. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to 7-ray astrophysics, in particular to some of the questions that can be answered by studying the origins of extraterrestrial 7-rays. The observational and theoretical histories of 7-ray pulsars are presented. Summaries of observationai techniques and results from satellite and ground-based methods are also given. Chapter 2 discusses the atmospheric Cerenkov imaging technique itself. Beginning with an outline of extensive a.ir showers created by 7-rays and cosmic rays after interaction with the Earth's atmosphere, this chapter describes how the Cerenkov image from these showers can be used to enhance a 7-ray signal over the much greater background of cosmic rays. The imaging method employed in this work is one of three background rejection techniques currently utilised, and has been successful in establishing a number of sources. A first principles approach to telescope design leads to a full description of current procedures used in the background rejection process. A short discussion of current imaging systems and their anaiysis procedures is given in chapter 3. Emphasis is devoted to successful results in the field. Chapter 4 describes the Woomera Blcentennial Gamma RAy Telescope (BIGRÄT) which was used for data collection. This teiescope is the Australian contribution to the CANGÄROO (Collaboration of Australia and Nippon for a GAmma Ray Observatory in the Outback) project. Sections are devoted to the imaging camera, electronics, telescope optical quality and typical operating procedures and conditions. Ivlonte Carlo simu-lations were used to evaJ.uate the performance of the BIGR.\T imaging camera in selecting 7-ray events out of the background of cosmic ray events. Extensive air showers originating from the vertical and a zenith angle of 30o were considered. Using the differences in Öerenkov images between 7-rays ¿nd cosmic rays, a set of selection cliterja or cuts we¡e determined. The simulation model is desc¡ibed in detail along with ¡esults of these cuts in chapter 5. Chapter 6 details the analysis of data taken f¡om the isolated radio and 7-ray pulsar PSR1706-44 during the 1993 and 1994 observing seasons. A DC analysis was peribrmed which was sensitive to steady and pulsed ^¡-ray emission. Systematic efrects \¡iere present. and the data were separated into two blocks (A & B) according to the severity of these effects. each of which are described. -{ discussion of the variorrs methods used to cope with these effects lorms a major part of this chapter. The equalisation of skynoise levels for ON source and OFI; source da,ta was VI CONTENTS necessary for both data blocks and was a major problem. The software padding technique of Cawley (1993) was partially successful in achieving this, and a-djustments appiied to this technique indicated definite improvement. Two adjustments were mad.e, one purely empirically based, and the other based on an approximation of the detector behaviour to pure skynoise. Both methods provided improved results in each data block. However one block appeared to sufer from further systematic effects as a ¡esult of large time diferences between ON and OFF source runs. only one block was therefore considered in obtaining a flnal result. Chapter 7 provides a discussion of the analysis and suggestions for further work to improve the performance of BIGRAI. Using a variety of image cuts, the ON-OFF excess for the accepted data block was not found to be significant. A 3o upper ümit on the steady 7-ray flux from pSR1706-44 of 6.0x10-11 cm-2s-1 (>500 GeV) was determined using the azuidth cut. This upper [mit and the previous detection above l TeV of 0.8x19-1r .--2s-1 (Kifune et al. 1g95) imply a spectral break in going from EGRET (Thompson et al. 1gg2) to TeV energies. FinaJl¡ this thesis is concluded with a brief section devoted to the future status and directions of the field. CONTENTS vlt Authorts Note In an experimental project such as this, a group efort exists to maintain the detector and participate in the data collection and analysis.
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