Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 Y d -- ~~ ret s.5(¢) K MEMORANDUM DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE ‘ The Sitttittion in Vietnam - pwsfi 7’ 12 s.5(¢) | 13 February 1968 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 7) IQ-P-SECITETF \7 3_5<c> N _ Information as of 1200 -A l3_February 1968 _'-_\ / _ s.5(¢) HIGHLIGHTS quiet. 3.3(h)(2) extensive preparations for North Vietnamese offensive operations all across the Demilitarized Zone and southward to Quang Tri .city. New attacks in the western highlands are likely, and rumors of renewed Communist assaults against Saigon continue to circulate. ' Ts The Milifarv Situation in South Vietnam: (reflects preparations 3§%hX2) Hfor new enemy offensive operations in northern I Corps (Paras. 1-7). Morale in Quang Tri_city is -, declining because of the enemy threat (Para. 8). Strong Communist resistance in Hue continues(Paras. 9-10) Other urban centers in I Corps are quiet, but re- ports of impending Communist attacks continue to be received (Para. 11)} A general lull in enemy ac— - tivity prevails in II Corps, but_there are signs of preparations for new enemy offensives in several areas (Paras. 12-18). Saigon has been general1y' quiet but rumors forecast renewed fighting (Paras. 19-23)- Government forces fought Communist troops near My Tho on 12 February, but the night of l2-13 '_ February was generally quiet in IV Corps (Paras. 24-25). South Vietnamese police have doubts whether Commu- nist General Tran Do has been killed (Para. 26). II. Political Developments in South Vietnam: - i 3.3(h)(2) Vietnamese - ofticials charge that some participants in the 1966 Buddhist "struggle" assisted the Viet Cong during their attack on Hue (Paras. 5-6). A montagnard Lower House deputy from Darlac Province has been cap- tured by the Viet Cong (Para. 7). i . / s.5(¢) - Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 -= "_"""-_'_""""""__"_""____'_""""'"__"'_""'_""""'T Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 ~ F Ir’- > I ',‘ _ __.,‘ I (J _ Q V _ ~ » W e e *» ~ ~,=p::=~> 1 4 ‘\‘IlnhLlnT. ~',€ _, , A-7 _ 4 '4 . V»-_ p .1 i rv _,_ I u; if“ *5 I: i ' r _ (W r ~§;~*e~@¢p_,, I e 2 inn.-AR'|ZEb.%.'zoNE'j; r 13%! » < p ~ > e 4 . ‘ __.' dtpf‘. »_<, _ __ A-.7-P , ._ ; J _> e|¢L|"‘*t’f_ ;' > <_ . ~_.. .M.\*T'j;i,»‘ ‘-_ I ‘Cbn _ H _ e ’ J ' e I 0" 5 '°Thlen- ~‘,I'|:|-‘l=h|e-n ~ . MR ..\. H’ _~ .. .>_ _'-__ ‘ ';¢ -,7ie*?"»;?"'¢§;>,.*-,->~";o~ *1? > _ _..‘ P/3,‘ 1 v_ T 0 V -I‘v " wfin, “'- " / ‘ H 1: - ‘ - 41, " ‘ ,. ' ty ~ .' “ay:-~_ . '._ \ , ‘V , _ I _ "__ 5-’; Lg-Dab wig§_ I "“"* »‘- it ?§?e ‘B ‘xi; '1. - -. 1 K _ ‘ W. >_,.~->7 Fx. ;¢‘~q¢0‘ I“ ‘J 7.‘ :7‘ ‘ ‘§T_"\‘~ ) - V Q v'T}§=’T'1'»: =. *7‘ “"-p§., 4 ajiirf-‘ ‘ 5- Y1 31 \a ,5,» . .;_ ‘Y, _' ‘V VA> ;_\.;y;_4:;, ‘.- . \__ s<>f:W,?~Q,,\ a F \ J : .“ / ' - ~ *‘ '1 "~ - '4 ’ Um -( II -e I213 0 \a§'fi'M{U “-it \ ‘h§fl.%!B= ~,: Q -a , ,1 1 \ ‘ '1 ' ' ' “<.I‘§":" I _ "- ‘A » V; ~ A 7“-A _ 5‘-1 " 1 _ ~ \, - . --1 1 _ . 11"’ _‘-1’ 2 . -“5§w¥m t:=.J’._. ‘ 7? _D|an>’_ K _4 _‘ Q I; ‘ € . _Ph_pna ‘_ I’: - ;_ F U ‘ i l 1:5‘ , ix _ <1 __ ?-=77’ \':-- 1 1 1 .. ,5 31 7' ‘V ZS * L-._>"< I _ :1 i \ . V‘ ‘I, QW: ¢w.“_‘ S; I -' 1; “ ' F ‘ ‘ -'~ as , vr - ‘-ww _ ; V“ ;;_. 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F "W . v [email protected]~ 44 . 695941-68 CIA 1; Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 ‘oi lop-szcfifr 8-5<<=> \ I. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH VIETNAM l. No major new enemy initiatives have been reported during the past 24 hours in northern I_ Corps. Signal intelligence, however, continues to reflect extensive reconnaissance, maneuvering, and battlefield preparations by North Vietnamese forces against allied positions from Khe Sanh, east across_ - the Demilitarized Zone, and south toward Quang Tri city. 2. Khe Sanh came under light and sporadic mortar attacks and small-scale ground probes against its perimeter defenses the night of 12-13 February. The headquarters elements and as many as eight sub- ordinate regiments of the North Vietnamese Army's 304th and 325 "C" divisions remain in the general area. 3._ Elements of the 325 "C" Divisionfs 101 "D" Regiment southwest of Khe Sanh have sharply inten- sified their reconnaissance reporting on allied heli- . copter movements and artillery firing in support of the base. In other developments, there are indica-_ tions of resupply activity from Laos in support of the 325 "C" Division's 95th Regiment northwest of "' Khe Sanh. g * 4. North Vietnamese artillery and infantry units operating in the central and eastern portions of the Zone are also being heavily resupplied. Since 2 February, the communications of North Viet- namese rear service elements have reflected the move- _ment of large quantities and varying types of am- ' munition to the 164th, 204th, and 184th artillery regiments and to the 270th Regiment. 13 1968 . February I-1 / s.5(¢) ‘Approved _ __ for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 A Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 A . ' x . k lo l 35(6) ' - 5._ The 90th Regiment 324 "B" Division has joined the division's 803rd Regiment in a move south from the Demilitarized 3jflhX2) T Zone,E::::::::::::::j Elements of both, _ \ regiments are now believed to\ be located south of the Cua Viet 4 Cam Lo River in northeastern-§. Quang Tri~Province°- The presence of these forces in this area poses an immediate threat to the US 3rd Marine Division f0rward_operating base at Dong Ha, and also to Quang Tri city. ' 6w' There is limited evidence‘ sixhxz) _ i E::::::::;:::::]that elements of.the 90th Regiment may continue-their deployment farther south through the Ba Long Valley to link up with the 324 "B" Division's-remaining subordinate, the 812th Regiment, in Base Area l0l southwest of Quang Tri-city. This move,_if confirmed, would significantly.increase the enemy threat to Quang Tri city from the south and would also pose serious problems for allied positions astride Route-l from Quang Tri city to Hue;- 7. Elements of the 812th Regiment attacked Quang Tri city during the opening[phase of the Com- [munist Tet offensive in I Corps@- 3jflhX2) ] [the entire regiment has been ' \ resubordinated to the Communist's Military Region Tri4Thien—Hue command. This command authority is~ responsible for enemy operations in lower Quang Tri Province and in all of Thua Thien Province, -The 812th Regiment is still-carried in MACV's order- of—battle holdings as subordinate to the 324 "B" Division and to the DMZ Front, but_its move southe- ward in early January, coupled with-the current southward movement of-the 90th and 803rd Regi4 ments, suggest that a resubordination of 324 "B" Division forces may be taking placeo l3 February l968 I-2 s.5(¢) l Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 ; Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786604 \ 10- ‘\\ \..\|<'1e . =1 NORTH \ VIETNAM ‘> \.. -5 # ( 1, ¢- Demiliiarixed Zone ._,! ,_ | /--_-a-_-% '7 TRI \s_:.>u/-\~<s \ I \.
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