tl ti f n THE REPUILIC OF UGANDA MINISTRY OF VIATER AND ENVIRONMENT RtsPoNsE TO CONCERNS RAISED By HON. KABAGYENYT ROSE (Mp KrsoRo) oN INADEQUATE WATER SUppLy rN HTSORO DISTRICT By Hon. SAM CHEPTORIS MINISTER OF WATER AND ENVIRONMENT 17th July 2O18 Page | 1 OPENI NG REMARI(S BY THE MINISTER Rt. Hofl. Speaker Hon. Members of Parliameat, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to thank and respond to the issue rarsed by my colleague and Distinguished Member of Parliament Hon. Kabagyenyi Rose on the tssue of rnadequate water supply rn Krsoro district. I would hke to inform Parliament and Public :.n general, that the dry spell rs quickly approaching m most parts of the country hence some areas wrll expenence challenges and intermittent water supply and climate change however, Government of Uganda and the Ministry in partrcular rs and has been implementing various water supply environment restoration and other related activities to facilitate water supply and climate chalge resilience in the country. Rt. Hon Speaker, ln response to the concern raised by Hon Rose Kabagrenyi, the Minrstry of Water and Environment and in Particular National Water and Sewerage Corporation rs aware of the sltuatton m Kisoro Distrrct like other parts of the country and has been putting in place measures to address the situation. 1.O SltuationAnalysis: Natlonal Water and Sewerage Corporatron took over management of Kisoro water supply and sewerage services from a prrvate operator rn July 2013 and later on the water supply scheme for Bunagana Boarder Town in 2015, whrch had some major operatronal challenges due to dried-up borehole source. 2,O Descriptior of water supply scheme: The water supply system at the time of takeover comprised of the following: . Chuho Water Treatment P1ant of capacity 770, O0O litres/day from where water is pumped to two feservoirs on Kisoro hr1l of total capaclty 600,000 Itters and a reservoir at Mutolere parish of capacrty 45,000 litres Page | 2 From Kisoro hill reservoirs water ls supphed to Kisoro town by gravity and part of the water is pumped to a 600,000 htre capacrty Karambi reservoir using a booster pumping station of capaclty 35,OOO lrtres/hour mstalled at Klsoro Reservor s1te. From Karambr Reservoir water gravitates to a number of hrgh altrtude areas including Nyarusza Sub-county. At Nyaruslza sub-county, water is boosted from Nyarusrza Booster Station I to Nyarusiza Booster Station II where water is pumped to Nyarusrza Reservoir of capaclty 100,000 hters that supplies Nyarusza Sub-county and parts of Muramba sub-county. From Mutolere Parish reservor water gravltates to Mutolere village and parts of Nyakabande sub-county. Sewerage system . Kisoro town has a sewerage system where sewerage was treated using lagoons that had ma-lfunctioned and had become a maJor source of nuisance to the town dwellers At the trme of takeover from the private operator, many communities wrthin the Kisoro water supply area were not receiving supply wtth exception of the then Kisoro Town Counc and a few neighboring areas due to the limited capaclty of the water supply infrastructure and unrehable power supply. 3.O. Water and scwcrage sewices lmprovement measures undertaken since takeover by NWSC: 3,1 Completedlrnprovemcutmeasuresi Since the takeover of the management of the Kisoro water and sewerage scheme in 2013 and Bunagana Boarder Town water supply scheme tn 2015, the corporation has implemented the following interventions: . Upgraded the capacity of the Water Treatment Plant at Chuho from 770, 000 litres/day to 2,200,OO0htres/ day . Installed standby Generator at Chuho to optimize production at the water treatment p1allt. Upgraded the Booster statlon at Krsoro hrll from 330,000litres/ day to TTO,OOOlitres / day . Lard 2km water maln tnterconnection from Chuho water dlstributiorr system at Mazrba to Bunagana system to allevrate the water situation Bunagana due to dried up borehole source. Undertook a total of 14km of water mains extensions to some vtllages in the sub-counties of Nyakabande, Nyarusiza, Chahr, Nyakmama, Mutamba and Kisoro Municipality. Page l3 Upgraded water supply system for Mutolere though rnstallatron of high capacrty pump at Chuho, constructron of 160,000 litre capacity tank at Mutolere Parish hill and expansion of water transmission and drstnbutron system to adequately serve Mutolere vrllage and parts of Nya-kabande ald boost supply to some parts of Kisoro Municipality. 3,2 On-golng improuement mea.sures: The Corporation, using internally generated financial resources, is in the process of rmplementing the Nkanka Water Suppty project which arms at provrding long-term solutron to water supply challenges of Kisoro. This prolect ls being rmplemented in a phased approach: Phase 1: Phase I of the project is expected to be completed wrthrn six months and comprlses of the following key outputs: . Constfuctlon of Water Treatment Plant at Nkanka in Nyaburye Sub- county of capaclty 3,00O.0O0litres/day . Laymg of 6.5km of water transmissron main of 2OOmm diameter srze from Nkalka Water Treatment Plant to Ruko hrll Constructlon of water reservor at Ruko hill of capacity 260,000 Iitres, e Interconnectron of the New Nkanka system with the old Chuho water supply system and laying of 2km of distrrbutton main. Phase 2 Phase 2 of the project rs expected to be completed by June 2O2O and comprises of the following key outputs: . La),mg 2okm of water distrrbutron malns to supply sub countres of Nyaburye, Nyaruzisa, Mulamba and parts of Kisoro Mumcipality Installation of water booster at Maziba and upgradrng Nyarusua water . Laymg 20km of water drstribution mains to supply sub-counties of Nyaburye, Nyaruzisa, Mulamba and parts of Krsoro Munrcrpality . Installation of water booster at Mazrba and upgrading Nyarusiza water booster stations I and II and rncreasing the storage capaclty Nyarusiza. Page | 4 Note3 Plctutea taken at various Project sites in Kisoro 'r i't.,, .-"'-g;iJ'i--* sflF i'tU FE I a * .'-( !l h Page l5 3.3 OTHER WATER SUPPLY ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE KISORO TOWN I. The Mrnistry has extended the Krsoro town water supply system to serve Gasiiza growth Centres of Kabale, Gasiiza TC, Mubanda, Mugwata, Buhangura, Nyagihange, Matyazo and Park TC in Nyarusiza Sub-County. II Implemented remedial works on the Rubuguri system as a short term intervention as the ministry plans to expand the system in order to meet the future demand. III. Through South Western Umbrella of Water and Sanitalion (SWUWS) rs doing some rehab itation works on the Karenganyamtrr Water Supply and Sartltatlon System still withrn Rubuguri, rn addrtron to a-lso rehabihtating Mwrhe A and Mwlhe B systems. 3.4 Plenned Activities for Increasing Access in Kisoro District by the Mlnistry of fiIater and Environment The Mrmstry has planned the following projects that will be able to increase on the coverage withln Krsoro Drstrrct: I. Continued management of the water systems rncludrng Rubugurr, Karenganyambi, Mwrhe A, Muhe B, Krnanira, etc, II. Construction and extension of Chuho Prped Water Supply System to serve parts of the sub-counties of Nyarusiza and Muramba in addition to mcreasrng water supply coverage rn Kisoro Munrcrpalrty. 1II. Constructron of Nkanka Water Source to increase on water availability that wlll make rt possrble to serve the sub-counties of Nyarusiza, Muramba, Nyakabande, Chahr, Kanaba rn addrtron to Chuho Water Source. This sha11 be interconnected to the Chuho system to improve on the rehabrlrty in all areas supplled from Chuho Sprrng, IV. Constructlon of Grfumba, Katerrtefl and Mufumba Water Supply and Sanrtation System whrch rs located in Bufumbrra East Constrtuency. Considering that the terrain of this area is very steep, there was a need to estabhsh a possrble interventlon for this partlcular area. Page l6 Rehabilitation of Kaberanfrma Water Supply System rn addition to the Water resources assessment and identification that would be able to meet the current and future demand. VI. Development and construction of the water supply system using ground water at Grhuranda. This will rnclude assessment, design and construction of the water supply system so as to meet the water demand for the communrty withrn the area, VII. Construction and expansion of Rubugun Water Supply and Sanltation System as the long term tntervention. This wrll improve on the productron capaclty and the ability of the system to meet the current and future demand, VIII, Constructlon of Gahamagarrro Gravrty Flow Scheme. This system has never been lmplemented ald once constructed. it will be able to solve the water challenges in the area for the current and future water demand IX. Pumping water from Lake Bunyonyi to Karen$/ere and gravitating it to lhe sub counties of Bukrmbrrr, Kashenyi, Nyanama, Kanaba and beyond. Rehablhtation and expansion of the exlstlng 12 Gravity Flow Schemes which exrst wlthm the different Sub - Countres in the Drstrict. XI. Utilizing other exlsting water sources such as Lake Murehe and Lake Mutanda to supply water to the adjacent communrties. xII For scattered homesteads where all the above prped schemes cannot provrde water supply, the ministry is plannrng to support the different communltles so that they can constder use of Ratn Water Harvesting facrhtres smce the terrain in some of the areas cannot permit laying of pipelines in the area. 3.5 Progress orr the Planned Activities for Increaslng Access in the District The Mrnrstry of Watef and Environment has so far hired a Consultant to design/redesrgn the respective water supply systems. The consultant is Page | 7 5 tlerefore expected to start work in June 2018. The systems being desrgned under this consultancy include: I. Redesign of Chuho Piped Water Supply System to serve parts of the sub-counties of Nyarusiza and Muramba in addition to increasrng water supply coverage in Kisoro Munictpalrty. IL Re-design and development of Nkanka Water Source to increase on water avarlability, This sha-ll be interconnected to the Chuho system to improve reliability in a-ll areas supplied from Chuho Spring.
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