. —i , " A - — mmmf t Advertising Emplrt 4114 Victoria Vicinity Fresh northwest f ) and Biisiness OfBet- E mpir« 4114 Ao:>t wlndfl; inofitly fair nuld, little and a Circulation Uarden 1813 colder at night. Job Printing Oardco 5241 Vancouv«r •nd Vldnltjr—rtMh oorUiwwt- UltorUl Bmplvt «1U erly wlndt; fftir, bMOMlaff * ttttl* «oM«r At toettkl Bdllav nlfciit. (CSTABLISUEO IS&S) TUIKTV-EIGHT PAGES ^(). 6r>_i i(;hty-first year VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1939 - END flf SPANISH WARNEAR: SENDER OffER REPORID VU'iuh i.uiUy to Armistice Expected at Any Momenl—Franco iSaid Sabotaf(inf( Radio To Have Given Written Guarantees That Th|pre On Arctic Flight Would Be No Reprisals — Freedom Frote Provincial Leader Addresses Gemuin and Italiiui Dpmina^on U Stated Conservative Convention PSCOW. Feb. 25 {A').— At Calgary Radioman M. M. Voe- nesensky, charged with sab- otaging Arctic radio conimunl- Britain Plays Major Part STATES DEMOCRACIES caUons during the flight over BULWARK OF FREEDOM the Nortli Pole on which Slg- In Negotiations for Peace i&mund Levaneflsky and five companiODa were lost in 1937, CALGARY. Feb. 25 ID.— today ploadod Riiilty -"hiif not Feb. 25 (/P).— The end of the long Spanish civil war R. Mtltland. K.C., Britiih ^ PARIS, L. in everything" at the opening S hours tonit;ht. The Sp^ju^li Columbia's Conservative appeared to be only a matter of of his pubUc trlaL . Government, officials of the Madrid regime said, has leader, tonight told 300 metn- | agreed to offer its-virtual surrender. The caintul.ition to the btrt of the National Conserva- Nationalist Government of Generalissimo Francisco Franco will Association in Alberta that tive to the officials, who declared to a be called an •'armiatict," according "if you dedicate your time Indians Are it might go Into effact lata tonight or tomorrow. party, you dedicate political — ~ Only nnforr-ron rpbi.stance by impor- I time to the n^nst Navy, forty little fishing vessels, OiaWMd by 200 men your liomeward-bound after a four week period of trainingz withwiin thetne RoyalKoyai Canadian if!:\Anxitnts to Government foUower.s. they said, today. port yesterday morning. by the R.C.N.C.N.Ms.Ms. Skidegate, flagship of the fleet, they chugRed out in line-ahead formation, with tant thing in Canada the naval Led could i>ri'ftvine the end. intervals between boats. The spectacle suggested battle fleet in miniature puiting to sea. as the boats followed one another well out He defended the "old party" well-kept s RECEIVED into the Strait. As they passed out. the Ss. Princess Qiarlottc, bound into Victoria from Esquimalt. kept well clear of the line until she had OlAKAMKbS nystcm of Liberala and Coo- PayHomage itsamed far enough mead to tarn withevt Intshrfaifag with the iwMeiaore. TO EXAMINE The agreement to capitulate waa vatives. •ei .'aid to have been given by Govern- VANCOUVER, Feb. 25 (CP) -Brit- ' ment Premier Juan Negrln after_ written guarantees had reached the pay homage Jto theh: King and I Irredom. Iruni I'lanco I Briluh CKnernmeiU wiun Queen, today <on.":;dered plaius fnr HARBOR PLAN "If there ever wa.s a time LEVIES The.se KU.naiitei.s were .said to be onservatives in AlhertwlM ll\e pan llu'v wui plav in Uic recep- Rua- C :;iwuld say to Oerirttny and Hi^surances !li;ti il < :e would hot be »e tion here fnr Their Majestie.s, unit, It 1» aia that Canada to a solid Engineer to Report on DOck reprL-iiTs' .iii . t .-p.mi.sh dovern- Indians f wni Yakima, Wash., have today." he Mid. inent. Iradi r.s Nati<iiuiU. t authorities a^ked If they may take part in the Situation Here for Early 'Thfre have Ukewu>e would giiarantce BpaUi's Of Ciiinda. ho said: ARE PAyABLE celebrations dref>ed In pirture.';que old partlrt whoj Contest to! Action it Ottawa freedom from German and Xtaliaa niPii In both Remain Out eagle been of beaded buck-skin, and red <lf' I" fl-sToy; domination, it was stated. have done d tn-'i '' feathers. They seek permLs.sion to ais-^n ranees, largely meeting ConfVdencc ol Uie ptxjple and have Income and Motor Vehicle 'Special to Til* Colonlstl The j pitch their tepees on one of the lUrt Feb. 25.^Publlc Works Negrin'.s term.s for Ciov< i nnirnt cauMd ineompetent bodlea to local reserves. OTTAWA, , Taxes Due Treasuf^ Cardin announced render, were said to have been given up. Support Unity Movement Minister P. J. A. SCOKKS PATBONAGl This Week loniRht that on repre-sentatlons from by Franco apart from negotiations Federal member, the in Great Britain and Prance for "Once a man sets himself up a« a I{ \V. M.iNliew, recognition of the NationalLst repinie, his dock situation in Victoria har- diftKtor and resolves to maintain Wi'Ji Rii nnnual combined volume outer Association Decides Not to Nominate Candidates REVERSAL OF immediate con- expected Monday. niaclilnr even through the practlct? Miners Refuse to exceeding $10.000 000. exclu.slve of bor was being glVen lie It was understood that the time him down s .Mderatlon. Mr. Cardin said was < f iwtronage. I say knock For Next Trovinciiil Eh ction—Attempt to Se- rebates, two of British Columbia Leave Mines; Plan for the "armistice". to become' effee* . wllh selllah ambilioni, become due In.slructmg Acting Oi.strlcl KiiKiueor These men main sources of revenue '«) Progres^ivr tive Iwiit di' i l>et\veen kUUng all Dance cure ^^Efficient and Govern- Morton for the Public Works l)i - are nilntat. bfeaUng and CImrch and and payable for the most part on ACTION LIKELY | partment at New Westminster to Continued on i'age 3, Columa 1 that Is ROod ments'—Organise Young People's Party Tue.sday Die income lax and motor report. the Pa.. Feb. 25 (Jf) make an investigation and "They are killing all that lAZLLIXJN. vehicle levies. Taxation and motor | United States Senators See The report is to be back in the inin- eradte of party poUUca has done, -Arranging for an under- licence offices remained open yes- Lster's hands within Uie next three Hall "barn dance." church Feb. 25 ((P .— National Conservative Asso- to accommodate iini if^ariiiiK to a Tammany ground C^iALGARY. The terday untU ft p.m. Bad Psychological Effect weeks so that provision may be made And undrt a British sy.stem we »111 .servlcan by telephone and a ciation in Alberta will not nominate Conservative candi- the rush. HINES GUILTY estimates - in- In Guam Decision in the supplementary dur- not I' l fl"*f be chicken dinner, fifty four dates in the next provincial election, it was decided at the On Monday and Tuesday the your party, but until ing tiie present .se.s.sion of Parliament "Stand ttrin before miners refused afaln today a association's provincial convention here today. ^ come tax of&ce will stay open I i/P).— for the expenditures involved. Canada must coote first." priest's entreaties to end their ————————— than 200 delegates approved 9 p.m.. and the. motor licence offlce WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 j Mote Rowell ONALLCpyNTS Ma I Hand the • It was announced pvedirtioii tliat the United States FOR JOINT rSE Mr mM strike until 5 . unhealthful" .<;ltdown ft i«'.soliiiion that the parly whole- p m by poll- Coiiuiu sion had been ^d deep down in a Wolfe Collier- heartedly bupports the unity move- For the fi.scal year ending Mardi .Senate would lever.c the House of The plan envisioned by Mr. May- obtain new.-i):ii)i'r head- ticiaiLs to I the Trea.sury received Representatives' action and author- ies' mine at nearby ment in Alberta. Party ofBeers were 31. 1938. hew calls for Joint use by the Canai> Political Leader Convicted advantage. HAY DISALLOW lines and thus poUUc%l Instructed to confer with the Pro- ^7.343.237 In income taxes, exclusive ize $5,000,000 in naval Improvements dian National and Canadian Pacific partlts were always Attorney New political vi?;ional Unity Council and other of refund.s under the 1 per cent plan at the Island of Guam came from Railways of the Government-owned —Defence Says troufcloiis depression years bom In • • poluiial p,uti('.> to determine the believcil to lia\i $1,000,000. Senator Lewis. Democrat. IlllnoLs, Outer Dock now leaved and utilized Case to Be Appealed through exploiting thje emotions of 1' Dominions L i most eflectlN'e means to ensure ON MOTOR \ KIIK I.KS today ap the Senate miliUtry comr by the Canadian National KaUways beings. He claimed they touman election of an "eflteient pro- Its with grain elevator and In the same period motor \t'hUle mittee gave approval to the only, and storage NEW YORK Feb. 25 i>l';.-Tai..- ' CeatlniMd Pag* t. CetaMo 1 ' gre.^slve Government plant It proposes purclia.se of the revenue.s, exclu.si\e of the ga.soline $358,000,000 army and air oorpe ex- many di.>lru-t leader. James H. Lumber in Pointing to j Government privately -owned RIthet Dock and . The unity movement's objective is tax, produced $2,870,539; made up of pansion bill. Hlnes. was convicted tonight on iJk first-class improvements the Fed- """" I to place an Independent candidate 12.407.228 from motor vehicle reigls- Lewis, veteran memlier of both the [ thirteen counts of an indictment in each of the Alberta constitu- foreign relations and military com- eral authorities for utilization of High Place, t ration. $409,860 In drivers' and olher cliar;'iii.; hiin with li.iviiiK i^uen I jencies thi.s do;'k by both systems.
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