THEWESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WttK-LY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY at Wrstfltld. N. J. /ENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 15 Second ClaaB PostaKe WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1962 46 Psgei—10 Centi wakers, Topics Named ^0 Pledge Cards Absentee Votes! Any Westfield voter who will be outride the state of New Jersey Dec. 27, when the Board Official Responds To Leader Editorial for 8th Trinity Forum M Answer To of Education proposal to expand 1 Roosevelt and Edison Junior I (Ed. Note) The following letter that in actuality this editorial columns explains the situation was received by the Loader from provides. If 1 understand it cor- very clearly and points out 111 cial conflict in the commun- High Schools is to be voted on, -... Success of UF niay request that an absentee Willis C. Cue, President of the rectly, you are concerned over the simple terms that regardless of the Although this year's United Wi'slfteld Hoard of Kducation, in assessment, the total dollars to be lie virtues and sicknesses of Foggy Act ballot be sent to him. political fiituatiou in which the Monday night'i fog pro- Fund campaign officially closed answer to the Leader's lead edi- proposal id enmeshed, compound- raised by taxes, using 19U2 an a Itheater. The voter should apply in duced problem! for many Nov. 30, the euinpaign committee torial in last week's issue. The ed, of court!', by the exceedingly base, does not change and that pie layman and the clertjy, and writing to Howard Totnlinson, motoriiti and alia for the still has 140 cards to be heard Lender is printing Mr. Cue's letter unfortunate need for (hnujrinK the therefore while them will be relationships on the parish Secretary, Board of Education, Public Worki department from and will make every effort in this fashion in order to provide date of the selection to .satisfy changes in individual assessments, [diocesan levels, 305 Elm St., any time not less when vandalt taking advan- to obtain the $12,-1<>7 still needed full news coverage on the Ji.4 legal requirements. both up nnd down, with conse- hose are three of four topics than 8 days prior to the elec- tage of the thick cover iplaih- to reach the goal of $!!:!<>,tilil) for tion, or by Dec. 18, Included in million school expansion proposal "The political problem, of quent increases und reductions In discussed by prominent ed green paint on the veter> the support of 12 member agen- which will be voted on by Wt'st- course, is the unfortunate manner individual tax bills, the aggregate kcrs assembled from various , the request should be tlie voter'I an's monument in the Plaza. cies. nnme, home address, reason for tield School District voters Dec. with which the proposed re-evalua- tax bill for Westfield will be the i of the country to lecture at It took four men scrub- in making this announcement, the absentee ballot being re- 27.] tion has been received. It is not .same—using 1U0U town, school, eighth annual Trinity Forum bing for two hour* and 20 Henry M. Men-ness, general cam- quested, and address to which at all surprising that taxpayers and county budgets as a base. n. 30 in the Holy Trin- "Hecause of your load editorial 1 gallom of gaioline to eradi> paign chiiinnnn, sanl that the the ballot should be sent; it in confiisfd «ud upset, mid 1 "Therefore, the Hoard of Kdu- Illigh School auditorium. The 1 in last week's issue and various cate the thoughtleis act in money raised to date, ^l-l,!! -!, is must be signed by the voter re- readily agree that no amount of cation has maintained only that letters to the editor recently, 1 pros take place on consecutive addition to requiring the lime IM.f) per cent of the total goal, or questing the ballot. conversation will change the Im- the coat of the bond Issue pro- feel a few comments concerning • nights, of firemen to wmh avray the one per cent more than was raised Any voter who cannot be at pression that has been created un- posed will he approximately $80,- urge E. Keenen Jr., chairman la!t veitiges of gai. last year. the fcliool bond proposal ate In til, in actuality, the re-evaluatlon 000 (fur interest) the first year, the polls because of illness, order. he committee of lay organiza- Merciless cited Arthur C. Kried has been completed mid the tux or about 111 points, or l.i! per cent physical disability, observance 1 and members ot his Residential of a religious holiday, or resi- "First, with respect (o your edi- late established, based on present of present (UXiL ) Individual tax ^tnelec^^^^d'tt Hughes Withdraws Division task force, which went dent attendance at a school or torial, the board is grateful for (l!Hi2) budgets. This is true, 1 bills, and $100,00(1 additional (for lh speaker will be announced g over the top with 100.'.I per cent. college nttty also request an ab- all of the support you have given believe, in ['pile of the fact that principal repayment) subsequent- . Tentative arrangements have The goal for this division was $81,• sentee ballot. in the past nnd for the support tliB mayor's recent letter in your (Continued on pngu 4) made with a member of the •171 and they received contribu- The legal notice to voters Ap- Lan Catholic hierarchy in this Davidson's Name tions of $Sl,(iTH. peared in the Nov. 15 edition of IKMMSnn^ fctry who is in Home attending (Continued on page 4) the Leader. [Second Vatican (Ecumenical) mil. For Court Post i speakers, the dates of their Accedes to Stamler fares and their topics are: An Answer To A Citizen School Board Urges All Citizens |n. 30—Dennis J. Clark of Request* for Time York, executive secretary of To Sift Nominees In a rivent issue of the Leader referred to actually results from S'ow York Catholic Interracial John Henry Frazee of 1»22 Cen- the fact that this is PO. There- bcil, "Conscience, Color and Four Union County noiniiiationH tral Ave. wrote a kilter in which fore wfliile it is certainly true the nunity." including that of Cudtlic K_ David- Attend Public Hearing Monday he commented on the WesUicld Hoard of Kducation uses a uub- 'r. Clark, former supervisor of son Jr. for a District Court judge- Hoard of Education's proposals for stantial jwrlion of the tax<\s col- Housing Division of the I'hilu- ship, were withdrawn Monday by Roo.sevWt and Kdison Junior High iM-tod in town, il is not true that hia Commission on Human Ke- (iov. Kiehnrd J. Hughes following .Schools. On IXov. M, Willis <!. the Hoard of Kilucation has there- • of School ChrislniuM Session in Senior High Auditorium ns, haa written extensively on a reiiuost to da so by Nelson l'\ Coi'i president of the Hoard of Kd- fore caused delinquent taxpayer*, ems of race, housing and ur- Slamler tho county':) now senator. ucation, replied to Mr. Frn7.ee for iflin exj)enence is that WYstfield ' Date School Time Date School Time affairs in the magazines The other nominees were Rich- the board. haa very fmv such, Dec. lit Washington 7:-ir> l'.M. Dec. 18 McKinley 7:30 I', il. To Air $2.4 Million Expansion Plan •erica," "Commonweal," "So- ard !'. (Iroen, Kliy.abelh Democrat, i.M r, Frazce today exprt^wd his (Continued on page 4 ) Doc. til Lincoln 7:-lf> P.M. Dec. IK 1'Vklin AII'X 7:45 ,1'.,M. The inciithcru of tlip WwtflnW Hoard of Kducation Tuiwduy nlifht \Order" unit "The Jewish l)i- for anility District Court posts; appreciation for Mr. Coo's reply Dee. 1-1 tirunt 7:-IFi P.M. Dec. lil Tammiues 7:i!(l P.M. 1 issued II Htrong nppejil to Hchool dlatrii't voters to attend the public J" His book, "Cities in Crisis," N'l'lson I.. Can , Klizabeth Repub- but added "1 am very sincere nnd Dec. U lOdlson N:IK) I'M. 'Dec. lit Columbus 7:iH) J'.M. Santa, Exchange Club hearing'Monday in tho .Senior lliprh School on tho board's proposal to (published in 11)00 by Sheed & lican, for reappointmont to the absolutely sure of my grounds «s Doc. 17 Wilson 7:-ia I'.M. Dei'. Ill Koowvelt H:00 l'.M. build additions at Roosevelt and Kdinou Junior High Schools lit an county tax board, and Joel Ft, Jnc- pertaining tii the costs in provid- To tiring Yule Joy Dec. 17 .IOIIOIYKHI 7:ilO l'.M. Doc. l!() 'Senior High 7:15 ostimaUxl oiwt of ?2.I million. The board announced that n printed ob.oii, Union Democrat, for anoth- ing for -Ji one-story 'building in com- Dec. IK Franklin 1:1111 I'.M. and H'.'lf. I'.M. |b. 6—To be announced. To Youngsters brochure detailing the expiuiuion er term on Rutgers University's parison to u two or three-i-tory 13—The Kev. Gilbert D. plan.i will bo In the. niulU thin board of governors. structure. I am sure nine out of ke, OP, chairman of the At the Westflcld KxchniiKu wiidioiid. |ch nnd Drama Department of Stamler'n request was made on ten 'architect.') would ugreo to my Club's regular meeting last night, Farkiug ate Grant position -which i:i based on my long Teacher Eulogized Tho public Hiring of tho pro- Catholic University of Amor- the biuin Hint lie be given n fhiince Joseph Verzillo, chairman, ami Mayor Uurr A.
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