••.:;^l'.;.;; "Thirty-five Years of JResponsible Freedom" v '.•:W-:5: k- ::5^fcj;\ ;'k^P •; *• '-.'.W^i.; o : .^-;, W. 1...Page 7 1 Miiiiiiiiiiffffii^^ •B —— Stye (Sag OlpIIggg of &gm fgyfe —— — ™i"«2iissnnis3iin!s^ fenanf M. foncfr Scftoa/ of Business £ Public Administration ka Vol. LVilt, No. 10 Tuesday, April 2, 1968 --*ki?.! ml By Subscription Only i^;;i;;;:; :::: ;i;;:::;;;i!:;;:;;!ii!;mi!M i : , l: ; ; i::i:n:ii::;!!!!i;;; 'ii:;!:!i! ': : :!:f! ;i'!!i!'!!'! « ,« c ^ ^ , .Petitions for Treasurer Due: Quotahons of the Decade jjCouncil Denies Win Fttttai v-**^s:; '% AhalL rwL AJ&L ami 4L will Action Is Taken Plans Readied For On Diploma Role noL accept jthsi, JWjmhiaiwfL, &£, nu^ Special Election pcurfy^ OA, JUDJUA. (pAji&idsmL." Student Council, while re­ m fusing to grant fifty dollars Petitions are due tomorrow to show the film "Inside I at 12 for, the position of Stu­ m = // North Vietnam/' discussed dent Council Treasurer in a the Baruch College diplomas, special election te be held JCUCJJJOJL. wiLL I&OJCL lo^ juvih^ talltA,, The Ticker's finances and the next Wednesday. Fees Committee allocations at There will be an election meet­ 9~ anu hiking ifuL gvt&JL Atep. Jto^ Thursday night's meeting. ing: tomorrow at 3 for the purpose ._• After a lengthy debate, Council of determining ballot positions and jd^-jL&xxdai^ JJm, jcongtidL. (J&SL, WUL, voted down, a motion by David reviewing the rules and regula­ Tracer '70, Campus Affairs Com­ tions of campaigning in 303 S.C. mittee chairman, to co-sponsor Ji&ducbu^ — Ajui^Lzniicdtj^ Asuhicinq^ - Felix Greene's controversial film The position of treasurer became "Inside North Vietnam." vacant when Paul Rogoff resigned ihsi, pAoAsmt bw&L />£. /wsf/f/ftQA. A representative of one of the- from that post, two weeks ago. In eight clubs already sponsoring the interim Arthur Ainsbero- '68, IVJL. OJVL* AX>^ the film, claimed that another Max Berger Student -Council Treasurer last tinxL doiruq^ JunUaJbihjaJUj^, year, and an assistant is fullfilling fifty dollars was needed, for the Council President presentation. the function of the treasurer. Mr. Ainsberg this term, is serving as Some factions on Council felt The motion passed and letters ~r& ' -that the-._film- was anti-American, .^ =3(iHl!iin!i!!!l!M^ nam war. Leon Weissberg '69, introduced filing D ate Announced For a motion which was subsequently cil desires that The Ticker be al­ amended by Robert Berman *70, lowed to print, and that the Fees Financial Aid Applications requesting that aU^tudents who Committee do everything "within of fifty signatures is requii^^^to place one's name on the ballot. \1 Undergraduate students wishing to apply for financial entered the College^oefora July 1 reason" to insure that The Tick­ assistance must submit their applications no later than be given a choice about the dip­ er continues to print. The election will be held next April 22. - ® = loma they receive. Asserting that The Ticker was Wednesday in the auditorium lob­ Forms, which may be obtained ing to information supplied by Under this proposal those stu­ in trouble of not being able to by at a booth run by jointly Boos­ in the Financial Aid Office, 411 the School in determining who dents requesting a City College print any more because of its re- ters and Sigma Alpha. In order to S.C., are applicable to National shall receive awards. diploma could then receive one. (Continued on Page 11) vote Bursar's ,and Identification Defense l«oans, Educational Op­ Cards are required. portunity Grants, Federal Work- To prevent students from vot­ Study positions, Bernard M. Bar­ Button Sale Halted for Student Strike; ing twice the student's program uch Scholarships and other finan­ card will be punched as he votes. cial aid programs for the upcom­ Charity Drive Committee to Hear Case Before last term it was possible ing academic year. for a student to vote twice by ob­ According to Leon Woloshin, The steering committee for the international student strike was dealt a slight set­ taining another Bursar's Card from the newly appointed financial aid back Wednesday when it was informed by Dr. Irving- Gregor that it must discontinue its the Bursar's Office claiming -to 3! officer, a standard application sale of buttons because a "political" group must exist as a non-profit organization. have lost his original. At that time ~^i ^ Dr. Gregor, director of student f* s-. form prepared by the College Bursar's Cards were punched to •** r-*V . •- - services, told representatives of *< ; Scholarship Service located in prove that a student had voted. %••' | the committee that it is against" S&Sfr- '-•- Princeton. N.J. is to be filed by -V, School regulations to continue but­ A member of the Student Coun- * :~ '_- students. <rr L" ton sales within the confines of cil stated at press time that at -':.."f:_; The service, which is used r.-.i the School grounds. least two students had already ;•'-> thx-oughout the country and on taken out petitions. *;': .-• JTw -. Despite these circumstances, it - the Uptown campus, evaluates «•=-" was learned that the Charity Drivg. The special election is being "~1" the needs of the student accord­ r*>" *" Committee""can""approve" the safe called by the Council president ac­ gi. ~ of the buttons. This committee -will cording to "the charter and will Sfc ::;::;!;iiiii meet this week to render its de­ «r " ' be held from 9-3:15. *"* .• r*- cision. — INDEX ri Thus far the committee has "s^Jj^ \mr. g£ 7 400 buttons at twenty-five cents Calendar of Events 2 each for a revenue of $100. A Course and Standing .S i. Chib News . 2 committee spokesman said__that the primary costs of the organiza­ The Committee on Course and Crime in the Streets . < . ,... 7 tion focus on. publicity. Standing will meet tomorrow Sandy Eagon 7 At ' the ^steering ~ committee's In 312, Office of the Registrar. STRIKE PREPARATIONS: Members of the steering committee met On its agenda will be a review Editorials 6 meeting Thursday several sub­ Thursday to discuss a plan of action, to encourage an April 26 strike. ";«£-:^S-: Lamport Leaders committees were established to -^pf_the appeals made by students U protesting alleged changes in 6 deal with different facets of the in charge of procuring and dis­ to the. entire student body re­ proposed strike, which is slated questing their-support. philosophy grades received last 12 tributing leaflets, flyers and speak­ for April 26. ers to gather support for the "Ar faculty committee was form- -term. -— -.____ ""!>! i!il:'l:..;.!iu,;::.,;.:...,:;i..ii::i,:i;,IUU:;:ailll!l::liiL!lalii:iill:!l::.::L;..;::.; .^-. A publicity committee .will be strike. Letters will soon be sent j (Continued on Page 11) *f iS^.i^ ,,„— n >; gaJkndaA. og, £VJW£A. DO YOU HAVE AN Camera Club co Over fifty million people in Elliott Is Appointed '"Mi Events Tim < Place AUTO INSURANCE the United States own cameras. CLUB NEWS { They range from-the-oeassionai Tuesday X \ PROBLEM? sharpshooter to the artist. "For Current Term es E;;;;:;^;;;:;;^;;;:;;:^"!! By NEIL LIEBERMAN iiiii«'i^i"iiiiiiiiiiii!i«isi;';i3 {I • Booster's Free Jazz Concert 12-2 Oak Lounge Call Us Before You Go On / In almost every college in the Profess&r William Elliott, author, . academician and =* • Lamport Leader's Booth, * All Week Lobby, S.C. United States, there exists a ••.•^^Efeifc. o. Which organization has the most members ? If you mention the I onsultairt to the Secretary of State, has been named Buell S Questions re: Workshop The Assigned Risk Plan camera club. All except in the -Mm ^ Baruch fraternal system or thee School's house plan system, you '-•Mlagiier Distinguished Visiting Professor at Baruch. 3 Delta Agency, Inc. Day Session of Baruch. Al­ >^ would be. wrong. The organization whose membership boosts some Wednesday appointment was made to*\" —————— s ^ - ^_ - 2343 Coney Island Ave. though many students at Bar. nt of Political Scion- [ ^^ lg58» ~fe was named Consul- £* -^__^Qn_p7n«; students- is the Accounting Society. ._. • Booster's Jelly Bean XcfhTest Thl tabbyy-SrCr uch would like.to. join a camera current academic se- tant to the then Secretary of. 2 "Although this society has held many interesting events for its Begins, club, it seems hard to find one members, we are seriously thinking of instituting a new concept which State, John Foster Dulles, and o" * "A Slight Ache"—Day Session 2 403 who is interested in forming: Elliott is also Univer­ has continued as an advisor to ^ ^- will revolutionize the whole organization," responded President War- Drama Soc. one. 5|? ren Bergstein '68, in a- recent interview. Warren would not divulge this sity Professor in the School of that office. Among his other posts >„ • "A Slight Ache"—Day Session 7 Oak Lounge Perhaps this lack of interest W new concept but hinted that it wouTd-^take some time to develop. International Service at American during the Eisenhower Adminis- "5^ i Drama Soc. X accrues from the red tape in­ University and Williams Profes­ tration, Professor Elliott was a "" The Boosters organization has shown that it not only can serve volved in forming' a club, but a S sor Emeritus of History and Pol- member of the Planning Board of •!*" X s hostesses to the Baruch students but that it also can serve as hos- Thursday Club Members . will eye these targets ^ the National there are, however, benefits itical Science at Harvard Univer- j Security Council and —• r1 *~ te.sses to the neighborhood community. The altruistic Boosters and • Accounting Society, "Film an 12:15 1220 which may be derived from the proposed club will be' glad scriptions to leading photo sity.
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