The Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Northern Apennines: crustal structure, style of deformation and seismicity. Massimiliano R. Barchi Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, volume 36, paper 11 In: (Eds.) Marco Beltrando, Angelo Peccerillo, Massimo Mattei, Sandro Conticelli, and Carlo Doglioni, The Geology of Italy: tectonics and life along plate margins, 2010. Download from: http://virtualexplorer.com.au/article/2010/220/evolution-northern-apennines Click http://virtualexplorer.com.au/subscribe/ to subscribe to the Journal of the Virtual Explorer. Email [email protected] to contact a member of the Virtual Explorer team. Copyright is shared by The Virtual Explorer Pty Ltd with authors of individual contributions. Individual authors may use a single figure and/or a table and/or a brief paragraph or two of text in a subsequent work, provided this work is of a scientific nature, and intended for use in a learned journal, book or other peer reviewed publication. Copies of this article may be made in unlimited numbers for use in a classroom, to further education and science. The Virtual Explorer Pty Ltd is a scientific publisher and intends that appropriate professional standards be met in any of its publications. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2010 Volume 36 Paper 11 http://virtualexplorer.com.au/ The Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Northern Apennines: crustal structure, style of deformation and seismicity. Massimiliano R. Barchi Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra – Università di Perugia Email: [email protected] Abstract: Since Lower Miocene, the tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines has been characterised by the contemporaneous activity and eastward migration of coupled compression (in the foreland) and extension (in the hinterland). Compression and extension are co-axial, i.e. the direction of maximum extension is nearly parallel to the maximum shortening induced by the previous compression. As a result of this tectonic evolution, the Northern Apennines can be divided into two different crustal domains: a western Tyrrhenian domain, where extensional deformation destroyed the pre-existing compressional belt; and an eastern Adriatic domain where the compressional structures are still preserved. The upper crust of the Tyrrhenian domain is thinned by a set of east-dipping low-angle normal faults, driving the onset and evolution of the syn-tectonic hinterland basins. The age of the syn-rift deposits testifies the regular eastward migration of the extensional deformation. The shallow structures of the Adriatic domain correspond to the arc-shaped Umbria-Marche fold and thrust belt where the timing of deformation is marked by the onset and evolution of syn- tectonic foreland basins. The structural style of both compressional and extensional structures is strongly influenced by the mechanical anisotropy in the upper crust stratigraphy. Consequently, both thrusts and normal faults show marked staircase trajectories. The present-day stress field (seismicity, boreholes break-out) as well as the on-going deformation (GPS data) of the region also reflect the contemporaneous activity of compression in the foreland and extension in the hinterland, supporting a uniformitarian view of the recent tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. Citation: 2010. The Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Northern Apennines: crustal structure, style of deformation and seismicity.. In: (Eds.) Marco Beltrando, Angelo Peccerillo, Massimo Mattei, Sandro Conticelli, and Carlo Doglioni, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, volume 36, paper 11, doi: 10.3809/jvirtex.2010.00220 Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2010 Volume 36 Paper 11 http://virtualexplorer.com.au/ Chapter 1. Introduction South (fig. 1). From a geographical point of view, the on- land portion of the belt comprehends almost entirely the Location and limits of the study area regions of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and Mar- The Northern Apennines (NA) of Italy are an arcuate che, along with the NW portion of the Latium. The off- orogenic belt, formed within the convergent boundary shore part comprehends the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea between the European continental crust (the Corsica-Sar- (from Corsica to the Tuscan coast), which is the hinter- dinia block) and Adria (considered either as a promonto- land of the NA (or of the Tyrrhenian-Apennines system); ry of the African Plate or as an independent microplate). and the Northern Adriatic Sea, which is part of the The NA are comprised between the Western Alps arc to present-day foredeep. the North and the Central-Southern Apennines arc to the Figure 1. Geological sketch of the Neogene-Quaternary basins of the Northern Apennines. Hinterland Basins - AL: Albegna; AQ: Aquila; CA: Casino; CO: Colfiorito; CH: Valdichiana; CT: Casentino; EL: Valdelsa; FI: Firenze; GU: Gubbio; MU: Mugello; NO: Norcia; PA: Punta Ala; RA: Radicofani; RD: Radicondoli; RI: Rieti; SI: Siena; TE: Valtiberina; VA: Valdarno; VI: Viareggio; VO: Volterra. Foreland Basins - CM: Camerino-Matelica; LA: Laga; MA: Marnoso- Arenacea; MV: Monte Vicino; PA: Po Plain-Adriatic; US: Urbania-Serraspinosa. Major Neogene-Quaternay thrusts - tn: Tuscan Nappe thrust; mr: Main Ridge thrust; pa: Po Plain-Ariatic thrust. The NA are commonly interpreted as the result of the al., 1998). In this view, the Late Miocene-Quaternary convergence between the already formed Alpine orogen tectonic evolution of the NA, on which this paper focu- and the continental crust of the Adriatic promontory of ses, is superimposed on previous compressional events, the African plate (e.g. Reutter et al., 1980; Doglioni et related to the formation of the Alpine orogen The Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Northern Apennines: crustal structure, style of deformation and seismicity. Page 3 Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2010 Volume 36 Paper 11 http://virtualexplorer.com.au/ (Cretaceous-Eocene), and to the consumption of the oce- features of the NA can be framed into a relatively simple anic lithosphere of the Western Thetys (Late Oligocene- scheme, beyond many local variations and peculiarities. Early Miocene), simultaneous to the rotation of the Cor- These concepts are not new and some of them are re- sica-Sardinia microcontinent (Alvarez, 1972; Carminati markably old, based on the collection of extensive data- et al., this volume; Molli et al., this volume). sets, mainly performed by field geologists of the last cen- As the other arcs of the Apennines and of the Mediter- tury: successively, modern geophysical surveys and up- ranean region (e.g. Lister et al., 1994; Jolivet et al., to-date geodynamic models have offered new technical 1998b), the NA incorporate tectonic units derived from and theoretical support to these ideas. the Mesozoic Thetys ocean and the adjacent continental After this introduction, Chapter 2 deals with the deep passive margins. Top to bottom (i.e. hinterland to fore- (crust and mantle) structure of the NA, as imaged by a land), they are: the Liguride units (mainly oceanic), the multiplicity of geophysical data, revealing the existence Tuscan and the Umbria-Marche units (both deposited on of two well-distinguishable domains, namely the Tyrrhe- the continental passive margin of Adria). The pre-oro- nian and the Adriatic domains. genic successions are unconformably overlain by syn- This crustal structure is the result of a peculiar tecton- compressional units, mainly consisting of turbidite sand- ic evolution, characterised by the contemporaneous activ- stones, deposited in foreland basins (foredeep and/or ity and eastward migration of coupled compression (in thrust-top basins): the eastward younging age of these ba- the foreland) and extension (in the hinterland). Chapter 3 sins marks the progression of the compressional deforma- summarises the sedimentological, structural, morphologi- tion from the hinterland to the foreland. Both pre-orogen- cal and magmatological evidences constraining the na- ic and syn-orogenic successions are involved in the com- ture and timing of this long-lasting geological process. pressional belt, which is successively uplifted and partial- Chapter 4 will go deeper into some details of the de- ly eroded. In the western part of the NA the compression- formation style of the upper crust, illustrating how the al structures are disrupted by later extensional faults, bor- mechanical stratigraphy of the upper crust influenced the dering hinterland basins, where continental and/or shal- geometry and kinematics of both compressional and ex- low marine clastic successions are deposited: the age of tensional structures. these syn-extensional units also becomes younger from Chapter 5 will go back to the present-day setting, ana- SW to NE. Neogene magmatic activity accompanies and lysing the presently active stress and strain field, here re- post-dates normal faulting. Both compressional and ex- garded as a snapshot of the present-day stage of the NA tensional structures are segmented by transverse faults, evolution. This snapshot is captured through the seismici- which were active simultaneously to the main structures ty (both historical and instrumental) and the geodetic they are related to. The origin, role and relevance of these (GPS) data. transversal structures is still debated (e.g. Pascucci et al., The final chapter 6 compares the long-term tectonic 2007). evolution of the NA and their present-day setting, in or- der to propose a uniformitarian model of the tectonic Aim and outline of the paper process which built up the
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