KENYON COLLEGIA10 n v N A Journal of Student Opinion yoL LXXXVII Gambier Ohio October 14 19B0 XERy No 2 Five June Graduates Actors Prepare Get Woodrow Wilsons 1 For A Millers Five members of the Class of i 960 were named recipients of One of Kenyons finest pub- The Crucible Woodrow Wilson Fellowships lications is Hika a literary by Ted Walch hile four other noteworthy magazine catering to the un- After a highly successful season jrants went to several of their dergraduate poets artists and 4 J last year which included such ellov graduates writers Last year Hika suc- hits as The Misanthrope The The Woodrow Wilson Foundati- ceeded in maintaining the high Glass Menagerie and The Sea on awards one thousand fellows- literary standards for which Gull the Kenyon Dramatic Club hips anually as an incentive to Kenyon is recognized as out- and Thomas Cooke visiting in- raduating seniors to enter upon standing This year Co- editors structor in dramatics have chosen i career of teaching and scholars- Robert C Howell and Robert Arthur Millers The Crucible hip Aid is extended to stud- B Montiegel are looking for- for the fall production ents in their first year of gradu- ward to equaling or surpassing Acclaimed as a powerful and ate work in the humanities and the execellence of last year ed- exciting play The Crucible the social sciences The Foundati- itions While low on finances tells the story of the infamous ons support of candidates in they are high on ambition and Salem witch trials in terms of the natural sciences however is ask all undergraduates to turn individual conflict with mass now limited to those exceptional in any poetry essays short hysteria While it raises pointed- Rehearsing for the forthcoming presentation of Arthur Millers The ases when a clear preference for stories and art work which ly question of guilt by asso- Crucible are from left to right Dave Gueulette Christ Columbi the a teaching is is of merit Art Director John career indicated Mrs Denham Sutcliffe ciation The Crucible presents Hazelton is very interested in Ned Hitchcock and David Franchfelder The Faculty Committee on a vivid historical picture a some cover drawings and will Prizes and Graduate Fellowships picture filled with persons firmly accept these from campus ar- in religion wary whose Chairman is Professor rooted yet as tists OXFORD MUSICIANS of as of wilder- Landon Warner head of the Hist- the unknown the Last year almost the entire ness in they ory Department seni- which lived considers staff was graduated and this ors at B The people of The Crucible with least a cumulative loss must be filled by the GET MIXED OPINION average upon the recommendati- are positive convinced and big- freshman as well as the rest by Spero on of members of faculty Dick roles the movement receeds back oted Puritans yet there are those the of the student body The Edi- The to the initial among them who rebel to injudi- names of those who receive torial Staff and Advisory Members of the Oxford String theme The third this groups sub- movement was something of a cious decisions who judge a endorsement are Board of Hika is made up al- Quartet and pianist Eleanor Vail mitted to Reg- popourri counter- point a person at his worth Foremost the Foundations most entirely of Seniors and Hunt opened the 1960- 61 concert folk- like quality even a few of among these is John Proctor who ional Selection Committee for for this publication to be truly season Sunday October 2 in seconds what seemed like George Gersh- will be played by Fred Taylor ronsideration representative of the Kenyon Rosse Hall wins music were Par- Miller presents Proctor as the in- Last years winners were J undergraduates the student evident Elizabeth Walker and Andon ticular credit should go to Mrs dividual against society the Thomas Moore a philosophy majj- body must submit as much as Foster Joseph violins Bein viola Vail but the ensemble as a steady thinker in face of rising r studying at Brandeis Univers- they can to the Editors The whole and Elizabeth Potteiger cello seemed very sure of this work hysteria ity Michael J OHaire now do- Hika office is located on the played music of Mozart Richard One of Beethovens Rasoumov- It is also Proctor who in the xg graduate work in English Second Floor of Pierce Hall Monaco and Beethoven and for sky Quartets concluded the pro- end is faced with the ultimate John L Stanley continuing his next to the Pool Room The the most- part played it well gram The C major opus 59 No decisions of or not to work in political science at Camb- Editors would like the material whether The D major Quartet K 575 3 marks the beginning of yield to the circumstances His ridge University England and as soon as possible type writ- the of Mozart is one of those Prus- stormy Beethoven No longer wife Elizabeth portrayed by Mrs Russell E Van Hooser another ten double spaced and signed sian Quartets commissioned es- is the music restricted by the Samuel Lord is also at the crux political scientist now at Johns with the authors name ad- pecially by a cellist of Mozarts classical style The with of conflict with evi- Hopkins University Richard M dress and class break the little time Hence the composer has the past is evident in the dence against her she is accused Schori a mathematics major now minuet gone to some length to provide and overwhelming in the final of witchcraft in trying to save t the State University of Iowa the cello with the dominant voice allegro molto Here the Oxford from the Court of Salem her urned down the Woodrow Wilson More Than S200000 her Unfortunately however Miss group was more than adequate in husband is accused also and the jrant in favor of a National Def- Dorm Potteiger was not at her usual capturing the changing of to a gripping ense Scholarship For Renovation mood drama snowballs best and the performance suf- the composer and interpre- provacative climax The remodeling of Leonard and their and In addition Charles A Brons- fered because of it She mis- tation was clearly the highlight of Hanna Halls has finally been ap- There are many scenes involv- on is continuing his study of played a number of notes in afternoon proved and work is scheduled to the the ing large groups in The Crucible philosophy at Brown University andante and menuetto and not The first of two concerts pre- begin next summer as soon as yet the drama is primarily one of ith the aid of a Danforth Fellows- the final allegretto did of necessary plans and surveys until the sented under the auspices The individual decisions and relation- hip William S Reed the winner the to is whole ensemble seem play as George Gund Lectureship fund ships The Crucible is neither of a Dalton Fellowship is doing have been made The projet a unit will be the next musical event of a pagent nor an epic Miller with Psduate work in political science anticipated to be completed by Richard Monaco a member of the season Duo di Roma will the care of a craftsman has given st the Maxwell School of Public the fall of the academic year the music faculty at Wetsern Col- perform Monday evening Novem- the audience vivid portrayals of Administration at Syracuse Univ- 1961 1962 lege was represented by his ber 28 Cont on Page 4 Col 3 ersity and Walter H Taylor So far as the actual work to be such as Quartet for Piano and Strings low a history student at the done mechanical services This was quite impressed Virginia Seminary was awarded door locks and light switches will listener Some with the work The opening PUNS AND EVOLUTION s Rockefeller Brothers Theologic- be checked and repaired movement featured frequent use al Fellowship articles in the bath and toilet LECTURES rooms will be replaced All in- of the pizzicato effect and good HIGHLIGHT by Bob Kass terior plaster and wood surfaces string interplay In the adagio by Ed McCampbell on will be repaired with new floor the strings built an introduc- There are two kinds of puns The idea of evolution is a part WKCO Takes tory melody with the piano pro- coverings and complete interior good ones and bad ones This of modern thought in sometimes viding a background of chords On decorations are being made is the manner in which Mr Wil- very subtle ways This was the 1 an exchange of New Look Cont on Page 4 Col After dominant liam C Craig described his sub- opening remark made by Profes- Radio station WKCO its open- ject the pun when he addressed sor Robinson of the Biology de- Mg delayed for one week by the the Kenyon student body at partment in the new science breakdown of crystal and cons- Rosse Hall Tuesday October 4 series now being presented by ole began this years programm- Mr Craig chairman of the the Kenyon Christian Fellowship ing on September 26 carrying speech department at Wooster Professor Robinson continued te heaviest programming schedu- College describes the various and gave in a few short minutes le in its history The stations typs of humor that the human a definition of evolution in which Weekly air time is forty- seven race has suffered through over the ideas ranged from the practi- ours this year an increase of the ages cal definition of evolution to the five fortyt- hours over last years A years from now philosophical problems which this wo hundred students will look back on this subject poses When the topic of A continuing increasing camP- century and call it the semantic evolution is discussed inevitably Us interest in WKCO is respo- period he began the name of Charles Darwin is nse for the expanded programm- In the early 1930s everyone did introduced so it was in this lec- ing reflected
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