r ` I' Volume LVII, No. 22 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1937 Price Three Cents - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~i? FOSBER II Goodman To Play Walker Memorial Elections Kolb Is Elected Approved By Inst. Comm. McLellan And Johns Tonight At I. F. C. Recent elections to the Walker 1938 Open House Memorial Committee, approved at I1I In Hotel Statler the Institute Committee meeting Committee Head last night include Frank J. Kear- I1I Eected By Seniors Large Crowd Is Expected To ney, '38, Lloyd B. Magruder, Jr., I1-IInstitute Committee Sets Aside '39, and Wiley F. Corl, Jr., '39. Fill Floor and Balcony Ii,I $45.55 for Activity Senior Class President Completely In addition, C. Kilngsland Directoory Coombs, '38, was appointed chair- Kolb, Muther Win Goodman mall of the Elections Committee Quartet Will Play I of the Freshman Tie Money to be Used Several Specialty Numbers Institute Committee, and Junior Inst Corn. John A. Wilson, Jr., '38, appoint- I ed to the Elections Committee to Frederick J. Kolb, '38, was elected Orchestra Stand and Ballroom fill the vacancy caused by the chair-nan of the 1938 Open House Positions -Committee at the meeting of the In- Have Been Decorated resignation of James M. Gillis, II For Occasion '38. Dale F. Morgan, '38, was an- stitute Committee held last night. In Election Brings Out nounced as the chairman of next addition; $45.55 was appropriated for Tonight brings the long awaited year's Faculty-Student Curricu- the use of the Walker Memorial Com- Record Number Interfraternity Council dance and the lum Committee. mittee in purchasing a directory of IIstudent activities. Of Voters music of Benny Goodman and his Elections to the Nautical Asso- orchestra who have just terminated a ciation, also approved last night, Although the Open House Commit- John J. Wallace, '38, William E. long engagement in the Hotel Penn include John C. Proctor, '38, com- tee which Kolb will head next year is Wingard, '39, and Raymond C. Fos- in New York City. modore, Herman H. Hanson, ';39, not a sub-committee of the Institute ter, Jr. '40 were elected presidents of On the eve of the dance the frater- vice-commodore, and Wendell H. Conmmittee, it will be directly respon- Calkins, '38, secretary-treasurer sible to it. Its personnel will consist their respective classes in the elec- nities are apparently well satisfied tions Wednesday it was announced at with the tickets and tab'es allotted of five members, one of whom, the chairman of exhibits, will be the pres- the Institute Committe meeting yes- them. Tables have been placed in the terday evening. balcony as well as surrounding the Peace Conference ident of the Combined Professional At the same time David S. McLel- floor, while extra chairs are to be Societies. The C. P. S. will have no lan, '37, and Winthrop A. Johns, '37, distributed about to accomodate those Is Well Attended other direct relation to the Open are elected permanent president and unable to .secure tables. The dorms House group. secretary respectively of their class. also seem to have obtained enough Five Speakers Present Views II Directory "Good Use for Money" tickets from friends in ,fraternities to II In explaining the purchase of the John F. Chapin was elected vice- On Avoiding War Before president; C. Kingsland Coombs sec- allow those who really care to go, to ITwo Meetings Walker Memorial directory, Robert Y. I attend the dance this evening. There Jordan, '37, member of the Institute JOHiN J. WALLACE, '38 retary-treasurer; and Frederick J. has been much activity among the I Committee's Executive Committee, Kolb, Jr., and Richard Muther repre- sentatives to the Institute Committee ."fraternities a - -- --. in1 .anticipation.. .. -.v--w of the I Nearly six hundred students crowd- stated that the purchase of freshman ed into room 10-250 on Tuesday (Continued on Page 4) at 11 (Contined on Page 4) 1M.I.T. -Orchestra of the class of '38. I. F. C. Dance o'clock to hear five speakers discuss Institute Committee In the class of '39 William F. Win- i various phases of the problems of Plays This gard was chosen president, Stuart peace. All classes were dismissed for Sunday I Paige vice-president; and Robert G. Goettingen Protest the meeting, which was sponsored by SensorI Week Plannedd Bernard Volkenier Plays Horn (Continzued on Page 2) The Tech, Tech Union, Scabbard and Elections Is Repsorted Signed Blade, the T. C. A., the A. S. U. and With Ball At Statler Solo; Glee Club Will the Institute Committee. Following I Also Be Present By 300 Petitioners the rueetin~, an informal discussion To Climax Graduation session, attended by approximately L The saimual Spring concert of the Dormitories Elect Institute's 1Wove In Accepting seventr-five students, was held in Hotel Continental Secured For M. I. T. Orchestra and Glee Club will Invite To German Fete room 4-270. Senior Banquet On be given at 3:15 o'clock Sunday after- Ten Men To Posts Is Opposed At the main meeting, Chairman June Fourth noon in Walker Memorial. Mr. Bern- Thirteen John J. Wallace, '38, introduced the ardc Volkenier, French horn player Men Picked to Join Over three hundred signatures have speakers who were, in order, Dr. Hen- Free beer is the novel attraction with the Boston Symphony Orches- IDorclan, Honorary been gathered in a period of three ry J. Cadbury, of Harvard, Lieutenant offered to those who sign-up at the tra, will play a solo with the orches- Dorm Society Senior Bar starting on May 3, for tra in a Mozart concerto. days to a petition protesting against .Colonel Thomas-Stahle of the Mili- tary Science Department, Phil Frank- any of the events comprising Senior The orchestra is under the direc- As a result of elections held this the Ins-tute's policy inl accepting an field, J. Lester Hankins, and Leonard Week, it was announced by Walter tion of Jaques Hoffman, formerly of week, six new hall chairmen and four invitation to send a representative Cronkhite. Dr. Cadbury discussed the Blake, '37, publicity chairman. "Per- the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and new members-at-large were elected to to the two hundredth anniversar- point of view of the conscientious ob- haps root beer but still beer," Blake (Continued on Page 4) the Dormitory Committee. Lrl addi- celebration of Goettinger University (Continued on Page 2) conceded under pressure this after- Music Clubs tion thirteen men were elected to Dor- in Germany, circulators of the docu- Peace Conference noort clan, the honorary Dormitory society. ment claimed last night. The chief events of Senior Week The newly elected chairmen are: Cor- The Nazi celebration, at which and their dates are as follows: June Coelonel B. O. Lewis nelius K. Coombs, Walcott; Roy W. Techlolo-y will be represented by 5.15 Club Will Aid 4, the Senior Banquet to be held at Prince, Jr., Goodale; Bertram F. the Hotel Continental; June Lectures On Ordnance Werner Schaurte '14, prominent Ger- Seagoing FishermenI 5. Pops Grosselfinger, Bemis; Fraklin S. At- man industrialist is to be held this Concert at Symphony Hall with water, Munroe; Robert Treat, Jr., sunmmer. It has provoked much dis- Arthur Fieldler conducting; June 6, ITesting At Aberdeen Grounds Hayden; WTelcome W. Bender, Jr., cussion at tle Institute, on other calrn- Deep-Sea. Fishing Excursion To Baccalaureate at the Oid South Shown With Pictures Wood. The new members-at-large ruses, and throughout the nation's Take Place May 8 Church with an address by President are Frederick Kolb Jr., Carl McEvoy, press. A number of prominent schools, IICompton; June 7, Class Day; at which Colonel B. O. Lewis, head of Auto- Joseph Vallone, John Wallace. both here and abroad including Yale, Fun and fish will prevail at the IIannouncement of senior ballots will motive Technicai Development in the The new members of Dorclan are Princeton, and Cambridge, have de- Deep-Sea Excursion to be held Sat- be made to be followed by a Tea Ordnance Department of the United Franklin S. Atwater, '38; Welcome W. clined to send representatives. urday, May 8, under the auspices of Dance in Walker Memorial; june 8, States Army, spoke before an au- Bonder, '38; C. Kingsland Coombs, the 5.15 Club. At 2:30, the motorship Graduation, the Presidents Reception, dience of Institute staff and student T'he text of the petition is as foi- '38; Philip Epifano, '39; David S. "Lois Corkum" will leave T-w-harf A Tea Dance, and the Senior Ball in members and visiting military officers 10o1vs: "As students of the )~assachu- Frankel, '39; Clifford Griffin, '38; |and proceed 18 miles out to sea, where the Hotel Statler in the evening. last Tuesday evening. In a public setts Institute of Technology, we Thurston S. Merriman, '39; Harold J. nautical'y minded Institute staff mem- A blanket subscription meeting sponsored by the Combined Protest against the policy of the in- covering all Muckley, '39; William H. Preece, '38; bers and students, supplied with line events to be held during Senior Week Professional Societies, Colonel Lewis stitute in accepting the invitation to ,John P. Renshaw, '39; Paul W. Soko- and bait, may vie for the honor of can be purchased for $10.50, a discussed "The Development of Auto- attend the Goettinen University's saving loft, '39; Joseph .R. Weeks, '39. The hooking the biggest batch of cod, i motive Vehicles in the Ordnance De- two hundredth anniversary celebra- iof $2.00, at the Senior Bar in the initiations will be conducted starting haddock, or pollock; with which the partmient." tion. Remembering last year's fete at IIMain Lobby by buying an option for Friday under the direction of J.
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