![Sun Chemical Site](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
/ j' •• v ...OUIt • L.uaITKIN .~. IIIC.. AMOI'l ~ASSAIC VALLEY SEWEf'AGIE COMMISSIONE". C_'I" •••• Ii ••• CtU, ....... " 7.0 ."OAC ST"EET " .. 0 ..... I. CUlt.1 H JIt NEWARK. N. J. 07'02 .. TTO" ... > .. " •. CM •• I.•• T .eM.IC.L. C."lIIlN. or. "It....~.''o c..... ··" •••• U.I • •• N.J.... '" w. eo"DON .... u.L. L.•••••......." ,_.". March 31, 1970 POLLUTI~M~ CO~RrCTED DURING 1~69 The following i. • re~rt of pollutions which occurred in f the Passaic River below the Great Falls, or one of its ~rihutaries, I ~ which were corrected during ~he year 1969. Fach report will show the source of pollution, the dates of pollution, and the river in- srector assiqned to the violation until it was eliminated. t II" EERGEN COU1'!TY Central volks\·,aqenInc., ~taT,)leAvenue , Route 208, Pair lawn , N.J • December 3, to 12, 1~69 (T. Costello) Intermit~.nt oily ~ilms in Diamond Prock were traced back to this firm. Upon checking, it was found that this company removed cosmoline from new vehicles in an area where the material went into a ditch which led to Diamond ~rook. U~on being notified that this was a violation, the company made arrangements to have the co.moline removed from the cars bv • firm in Pbrt Newark before beinq delivered ~o ~eir distri~ution point in F.irla~m. Pollution eliminated D.cem~.r 12, 1969. Intermit~.ntly throughout 1968, there were pol1utin9 discharges from the Curtis.-T~ight Corp., to Felds Prook, a tributary of the t • Passaic River. Generally speaking the dicharq •• contained small a- • mounts of 011. Upon being notified of the problem, the Plant Engi- neer explained that it was during filter change. that this occurred and that they would .ee to it that extra care was ~aken during these filter change time•• 0 ~at no oil would reach ~he arook.again. nowever, on Decem~r 3, 1968, the oil was again detected in relds Srook and traced back to this company. on December 10, 1968, ~tt. LUbetkin informed this company that they were pollutinq, that they should make correc~ions immediately. On December 26, 1968, ~tt. Lubetkin received a letter from curtiss-~right Cor~., inform- ing him that consultants were being brought in ~o review ~heir pres- ent sy.tem, in order to make the necessary improvements to halt the pollution. The si~uation continued much the same and finally on March IZ, 1969, Mr. LUbe~in aaain wrote to the Curtiss-~~i9ht Corp. TIERRA-B-005601 ./ 12 soudsil1. Con.t~lction Material. J. Brady 'erlennel of thil company eli.charged pollu~ing .. tarl8l along their driveway which flowed in~o a catch ba.in, and thence to Secone! Il1ver, a tributary of the 'a.l.ic River. Letters were .ent to the company informing them of the violation and directing that they O8a •• pollution immedia~ely. The company ignored the letter., therefore, the Commi •• loner •• tarted an ac· tion in the Superior Court of New 3er ••y against this company, and on a hearing held Friday, OC~Ober 10, 1969, Order for 'en- dente Lite ae.tralnt va. ilsued, aigne4 and filed October 14, 1969 by Judge Nellon K. Min~z. Meanwhile, on OCto))ar 10, 1969 the company hired plumberl and re-piped the I.age, 10 that it entered into the City of Orange .ewerage Iy.tem. Mr. Ver- deramo, A.si.~t Superintendent of the Sewers of the City of Orange, vho aided the Commi.llonerl in the ca.e, V.I warned that the di.charte val highly acid and ahould be neutralized before baing accepted into thil City Sewer sy.tem, a. damage to the pipel could incur. SOWever, 1:hil W.I • local utter, •• the material would be diluted before it re.ched Pal••ie Valley, and would have no adver.e affect on the .... aic Valley Sewerage Commi •• ionerl' SYltam. City of Newark - Roanoke Avenue storm Sewer ( I. McLAughlIn ) 'lbe City of lIewark ba. a lixty inch .torm .ewer which di.chuge. into dle 'a ••aic aiver at the foot of Roanoke Avenue. ~ere are many illegal indu.trial connectionl into this .~orm aewer, ao that the di.charge of thi •• _er i. highly pollut.inq. The City of Newark bad b.en •• rvice4 notice many ttma. concern- ing thil atOal •.,e%', and finally a court action ".. .tart.ed again.t the City in order to eliminat.e thi. pollut.ion along TIERRA-B-005602 -- _.-- -~_. 13 .-ttoJte Avenue s~orm sewer (continuaa) ~~~ ot~.r storm sewer. th.t were 41.ch.rglng pollQtlng mat.rlal r 9 ilIt~ t:he p.... lc River. 1'1n.lly In oecaml>a ,196 , the City built II cllllll. near the outfall of this .ew.r. 4iverting the 4ry ".eth flaw intO th•• anitary an4 in4u.tdal .y.t .... which ioner re r-ho4er the Pasaaic Valley Se..arag. commis. .' ~reatment Pl.ana • IleW the only eSiachargethrough the .torm .ewu ..ou14 toe 4udngt .to:rlll..eathar whentha cambine4flaw ..ou14 overflOW th!l 4a1l1.thQll. th. eSryweath.r pollution was eUmnat.4 at tha end of 1969. S~c~~n, co~ration. orange Str.et. IloomfieleS. No 3. Yufy~1. 19 13. Brady) 1k A brealc.in the ._r an4 • waah-Ol1tof the al.4..... cau~e4 .~ pow4ereeS4ye on the grouneSto be w•• he4 into the StOrl\\sewer aneSthence to seconeSRiver. '1'he.re. was eSuglSP. to prevent any IIltlreof thiS 4ye from reaching Secone!.River. o As of ~115 P. M. on Augu.t 1. 1969. no further ~e reach.4 second aive:, and the pollution was abated. OVerfl~ from this ~any'. neutralie.tlon tank reached the paa.alc Rlver. '1'hematerlal was highly .cieS an4 constltuted • pollQtion. Mr. Lubetlcin..rota to this C01llPanony 3un. 26th. informing them th.t they were pollQting an4 they ..ere eSirected to caa•• pollQting .t once. CD,Tune28th. the COIIlPanyrapUeeS. explalning th.t the pollQtion .... ca,..e4 by the overflowing of their neQtr.1U.tiOll tank•• 4ue to • very long pedocS of heavy rain. 'file plant _Q14 .hQt 4awn 4Qring the firet tWO _ek. in July. ancS the neQtraU.atiOll tank. _14 be cOlllPlete- ly eSre4gaeS.rebuilt. re-inforcaeS an4 inerea.e4 in height •• 0 that there wou14be nO fQture ovedlaw. 'fIley_leSn .uo in- ere .. the effluent piping from the neQU.Ue.tiO tank to temthe ineSQ.ui.la _r wbich 41.charga. to the p ic V.lley sY. • • 0 that the" _14 be nOpollQtioa to the ic River. '1'h18 promi.e« workw.. oaaPlete4 on July 11, 1961. l1utlon) INl\an Avenue "venel If • 3. 'fIli. viol.tion w.. c.ue4 bY • fuel oil u.Uerr j.ck- knifing ancS _tuning on Cl.y Street an4 ltCCarte BighW.Y in _.rk. N. 07., .11ClW1ngabOl1t,,000 •• 11on. of " £_1nt oil to .pill onto ltCCarter Bi9h¥AY' 'file ..... rk I'1re oeper- • over prote. bY the COBIIi•• ioners' repre.ent.tive., wuSar the 41rectiOllt of I'ire Chief •• ppi. .... haeS.11 the fll81 oil into the storm sewers on lICCartu Big"".y, which .11.,...cSthe nt oil to 4i.chU98 intO the .... aic River. '1'heI'i" oapart:me .t.te4 they hacSto 40 this in order to .voieS• fin h•• ar4. 'fha State oap~t of ft_portation .an4aeSancS cleana« the _. ._A. TIERRA-B-005603 V;4ZQ. 'LJT;Z. f-.i:Jt. ,..----_..:._------------- (lnilids) NATURE OF INCIDENT: _ClUzlN1 ~lIoo _Ml.Ktlc. No1l!Icatloo INCIOENT REPORT BY: Icbl\l INCIDENT LOCATION: __ TraMpOrtaUorl _2{J«My __ Clth« Nama (SIts)' -~ U Aj C H EfYJ I CPIL UN h,' c wfo.j Sli'eat 1= C U l'-.J I';'iC Y ::r-k F£T Mun!Cipllllty N i::: Lv HJC Ie. Coon1y E::; ~ EX State JJ I Zip Code. I LoclI1lon Typ$: Ae$ldentlld x..lndwttlal Rural __ ~WUwI Pq:JU§tlon (Hospltal, School. Nursin<;lHom<l) /'t.::" /U DatGoIlnddoo1: ~-~-...5.J..:2 llrmt: Q7(JO (Mo) (Day) (Yr) l~lmTY OF SUBSTANCE{S) SPlUED, RELEASE, ETC.: I<rlown __ ~ ..Lu~ N~ofSubstM1c<l(S): (Gas@Solld) --,-7T"~----'-1-1-'-'t::..[) ;;;Ue::THNC E TePA Ct.emicllJ (Y~ yAS I\Iurrtler ----f-'----- 'J!Imcurlt Re/1ila$00'SpI1M1d uAJ K __ ~ __ Emrnl.Ied Subs1.llnce CootaIoed (~) Type of Rellila$efS!:llI: __ Tmnlnal.iltd -X.-Con1Inuclw __ ~ .Hezardous Material (YtMil A310 Lder ~ rn::IIElJ IQ][] OOMU a:>I:»l REF a:>r:lB 'INClDlENT DESCRWTIOK: __ FIre __ ~ __ AlrFkll __ SpIt __ ~~ Lil!9gaI~ __ WNA __ Odoi':a __ SmoklilIOusl __ ~ __ N.JPDES __ LU.S. T. __ WlIdlto __ EqI,ip. SlDl'tupIShuldown, Equlp. FmJlIUpset, stc. _ __ OOer (D6r~ OCean Dumping. NoIse, etc.) _ I PublIc Expo$Uf0 (Y!!'IO F'aIIc:e at Scene ~) Aremsn III seeoo ~) A$slstanOil R$QIl~ M&ul WInd Dlr@C!:lorVSPMd N IIt AJj 14 /Jor/~11:o72 ell/? I'tIG(-~1!' U'~\ _ __ l.In!<ncwrl ~ vo...lkk.!CWN k;AJkNOf..<..;N c$S£X A..KT Zip Cod<il_ OFFICIALS NOTIFIED (NamemU§): NJSP N 1ft I ('; e:f) 1 Phone err; (£ Lr.x:aI HeaIth 1 ~ Looaf!llll.mle. cp ~7 I NEWtkK ?t, ~ 73;'- fcCOO 00- Pl'loolI . INCIDENT REFERRED TO: ~ _OWR- _DSWM __ lJI'lSM _DOI-t, .. ~ _~. _DCi DCA RegIon: _c _~ __ ~ __ C«lhI ~._)( Ef* El"I2 ~=:V:-V:;;IC-~k.; itJr =:~~ =-:Ut1if-~~ 3. NilIITI$/AflII I ~ ~ DilimlTlmil .I (TIM) COMMENTS Q7 4'( hie.. ~, TIERRA-B-005604 UFP-090 New Jersey Department of environmental Protection and Energy 7/9-, COMMUNICATIONS CENTER NOTIFICATION REPORT Received ,9t~.:s.a~'¥""".~., ~ Operator RoSe'~;;~~,~~"." _~i Case # Notification Type 0 t her -} Reported By Affiliation Phone ''''f\~_'f ~'<"'l',*"--::~",,,:"!~ OFC MUNDORFF NJSP MARINE BUR 20]::.-57 &--a 177~ Street Address Municipality State .....1 .~ Incident Location: Fac i 1it V _ '.'---,' "-"'1 Site: SUN CHEMICAL ~'~ :..~ ..,'~-".- Phone 20.1..".Z44 ..".,4879 Street Address Municipality County State NEWARK ",.~ ESSE X;;;&.ic,,;~~;,:~ N'J .
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