.V -W —*—————— ; : •—' -- . I^S -S Y % Sl^A-THtf?**} & »< T "Equal and Exact Justice to all Men of Whatever State or Persuasion?Religious or Political."—Jefferson <• < - -= » • ; w. Vol. in.—Whole No. 674. Norwalk, Conn., Monday Evening, August 21,1893. r r ~pS- "cv.-'':,^r54 PriceMe Cent^:. State Shots. were conditioned, we are told, on the debt engulf us ! Where, how, when, G. H. Wardwell and "Al" Chinery *• As Bad off as Norwalk. Eighth.—Is it true, as widely report­ with their hip boots filled with good oh when shall we ever again reach those The law which abolishes town boards NOKTO ed, that members of th.e present Court size of the old main and their cases bait, left early this morziing for Great The Bridgeport Machine Tool'works of health and leaves us without a sub« of Burgesses and their agents, have cannot be re-opened in the way of new green and prosperous shores of econ­ Pond, where they expect to capture have shut down for two - weeks vaca­ stitute until the middle of next year is about 100 pound3 of pickerel. tion. on a par with the the new charter. It' had in personal use the funds of the claims until the line of enlarged pipe, omy, where faith, hope and religion bid THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER. Borough? Mrs. Emma Heath is the first woman is, however, a comforting thought that now partly laid, is put down through­ US PAX AS WB GO ' V There was a happy little party at the to be made a voter in Danbury under the Town Board of Health in Stamford Ninth.—Can you state, witlijany de­ Lawn Tennis club Casino Saturday tho new law. never amounted to much, ahd we can MMeat U all tMngs; Mtralii noting. gree of accuracy, the total cost of the out. evening, despite the very unpropitious see it buried without wasting any tears Main street improvement ? TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. weather. The leading feature was Four stores in Norwich were entered —Advocate. Fifih.—Our correspondent must ask dancing, and all had a merry time. by burglars early Sunday morning and Tenth.—Can you tell us of any good us an easier conundrum than this. a large lot of goods taken. 3 The Gazette has the largest cir­ 1 thing our present Board of Burgesses The Robert Emmett club will meet Tin Weddings, E. B. Robinson of Norwalk, scratch culation of any paper In Norwalk. has accomplished to lighten our burden However, on the completion of this en­ to-night, y ______ ; Oyster shells are selling in Fair Ha­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Day and furnishes the lowest advertising won first prize in the running high ven at nine cents per bushel whioh is street will celebrate their tenth wedding * of taxation or substantially benefit the larged main for the entire line, we un­ John R. Hunter leflj for the White jump at the Woodside Park, Stamford, about double the former price. ' rates- anniversary at their home on Day street, Borough? derstand, Jiew claims and new legal City, to-day. , events, Saturday, and W. L. Geer also to-morrow evening. won a prize in the 880 yards handicap The 26th annual reunion of the fif­ §|g _ Eleventh.—Are we now lawfully a complications for damages are liable to The Painters' Union will meet to­ ! teenth Regiment Veteran association Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason,"of Har­ .Tr Reminiscent Outing. r un. His handidap was 40 yards. ; will be held in Milford August 25. Borough or are we a City ? occur and the Water Commissioners morrow evening. bor avenue will have been married ten : Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Nichols, accom­ Twelfth.—"Where are we at," any­ The Connecticut Fife and Drum years on the 12th of next month,and will naturally desire to postpone all such Mr. Ferris of Stamford, who has celebrate the event by giving a party to panied by Bev. Mr. Selleok, made on way?- , A. 0. A. —Hale's Cordial 25c., cures all bowel leased the store at present ocoupied by Corps association are making arrange­ troubles. 33tf ments for their annual meeting, which their friendsL It will be a happy day for Friday, an excursion to Bedford, the vexation and expense as long as possi­ John F. Bennett, on Main street, has the nine little tots who call Mr. Mason scene of the early ministerial labors of engaged Taylor & Co. to repaper and is to be held in New Haven on Septem­ In view of the fact that the new ble. Charles S. Barraclough is moving out repaint the same, and expects to open ber 37. • papa.; , ,rr . ' -f the former's honored father, Dr. Sam­ of the Hadden building. ; it as a clothing store on or about Sep­ reservoir question is to come up. at Sixth.—We have been asked many The staff officers at Niantic, on Sat­ i .'j , At thei'White City. uel Nichols. The drive over Parker's tember 1st. urday night, presented General Haven Eidge and thence across the romantic the meeting of the Court of Burgesses times before to give this information, Mr. M. Hurd, of Danbury is visiting The following Norwalk people have friends on Belden avenue. Capt. Isaac Buxton celebrated his with an elegant dress sword with a recently registered at the Connecticut Indian game pound brought the party to-morrow evening, and the initiative but have never been able to separate 80th birth-day yesterday. His is a guarded tortoise shell hilt, and silver building in Jackson Park, Chicago: A. case of good care and good living, scabbard. anon to Bedford street, at the lower for the immediate reservoir construction the two accounts. The engineer, we Connecticut Pensions: Original,- K. Eaton, Mrs^ -S. W. Grosbeck, Mar­ end of which is located the fine old and a vigorous constitution ss the re­ garet I. Claven, Julia A. Claven, Dr. is to be determined, the queries of our are told, is paid $6 per day for his own Abram Geer, of Norwich... Belle Mayo, eight years old, of Hart­ Jndge Benjamin Isaacs homestead. sult. Mr. Buxton still continues to ford, is dead of lockjaw. Two weeks W. H. Baldwin and wife, Mrs. Imo- correspondent in reference to our water services, but what his assistants get, or work at his trade as a, carpenter, with ago she ran a rusty nail into her foot. gene Ross aiid W.. H. Hunter. From Here the party was Welcomed by Ben­ Mrs. Charles H. Hendricks is very unabated strength and apparent enjoy­ Lockjaw supervened and she died in Ridgefield appear the names Anna E. jamin , Isaacs Ambler, Eeq., and his system, possess and deserve a serious whether paid by tbe Borough in all siok at her home on Main street. ment. great agony. Ericson, J. Mark Ericson, R. A. Glenn very agreeable wife of the Norwalk and prompt reply. It is p roper to state, cases or by himself-in pact, we have no and E. Jtt. Glenn. From Darien, Mrs. The second degree will be conferred The Janko Key-board Piano forte The Danbury Machine company J. M. Carroll and Henry B. Morehouse. Phillips family, and the time spent in as we are authorized to do, that he is means of knowing. The bills passed by Our Brothers Lodge to-night. Recital at the residence of Hon. John closed at noon on Saturday and anoth­ their company was only too short and S. Seymour on West avenue, was a de­ er reduction was made in the working not only one of our old and esteemed upon for engineer expenses at every lightful success and a large company force. There afe now only twelve USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA,IT'S its memory will not soon pass oat of Hattie, the only daughter of Mr. and •1'THE KIND THAT CURES." - tax-paying citizens, but has himself monthly meeting, and which occasion of Nor walk's best people were present hands at work there. f ' mind. The drive was then • resumed Mrs. W. F. DeKlyn is reported as being to witness the exquisite playing of Miss until the ancient St. Matthews church been a member, more than once we so much suspicion and unfavorable very. sick. ' _ - * . They do queer things in Waterbury. uhcle Hiram. Newcomb and view the novel instru­ According to the American, Michael and rectory, formerly the incumbency believe, of our Court of Bargesses. comment, could be made far more, if There was no camp meeting at Betts ment. Curley was brought before the police Aaron H. Woodhull in Uncle Hiram, of Dr. Samuel Nichols, now watchfully We know he is sincere in his desire for not entirely satisfactory, if full item­ grove, Sunday. The heavens were leak­ USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA,IT'S court in that place charged with the play that, has amused thousands and happily cared for by the He v. Lea ing too badly. - : _ ' THE KIND THAT CURES." "drunkenness and not shaving." He in every city in the Union, is the at­ information, and for nothing but the ized details wero given the public.. ! was discharged. traction to be presented at Music Hall Luquer, was reached. There was a Mrs. George Simmons of New York, Saturday Aug. 26. • brief halt at the parish cemetery where truth, although some of his questions Seventh.—Yes, probably this is true. is a guest of Mrs. Tyler Waters, on The Fat Men. James McGurk, a laborer employed Mr. Woodhull has made Uncle Hiram sleep Judge and Mrs. William Jay, and seem to convey a lurking inference of Merwin street.
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