Tabell1 BCI-AV# Gloss 8483 exclamation_mark 8484 percent_sign 8485 question_mark 8486 period 8487 comma 8488 colon 8496 zero_(digit) 8497 one_(digit) 8498 two_(digit) 8499 three_(digit) 8500 four_(digit) 8501 five_(digit) 8502 six_(digit) 8503 seven_(digit) 8504 eight_(digit) 8505 nine_(digit) 8993 indicator_(action) 8994 indicator_(active) 8995 indicator_(conditional) 8996 indicator_(description_after_the_fact) 8997 indicator_(description_before_the_fact) 8998 indicator_(description) 8999 indicator_(future_action) 9000 indicator_(future_conditional) 9001 indicator_(future_passive) 9002 indicator_(future_passive_conditional) 9003 indicator_(passive) 9004 indicator_(past_action) 9005 indicator_(past_conditional) 9006 indicator_(past_passive_conditional) 9007 indicator_(past_passive) 9008 indicator_(present_passive_conditional) 9009 indicator_(thing) 9010 indicator_(things) 9011 indicator_(plural) 12321 any 12322 ability 12323 abortion_(induced) 12324 about 12325 absorbent_material 12326 celibacy,chastity,abstinence 12327 abuse 12328 accessory 12329 accident,chance_event 12330 account 12331 ache 12332 acne 12333 across 12334 action Gloss change 2009-09 12335 activity,action,act,deed Gloss change 2009-09 12336 active 12337 Adar Sida 1 Tabell1 12338 add-(to) 12339 addition 12340 adolescence 12341 adult,grownup 12342 adult,mature 12343 advance-(to) 12344 advertisement 12345 advice 12346 advise-(to) 12347 afraid 12348 after,behind 12349 afternoon 12350 again 12351 against 12352 ago 12353 agree-(to) 12354 agreement 12355 aid 12356 air 12357 airplane 12358 airport 12359 alcoholic_drink 12360 all 12361 all_gone 12362 alligator 12363 alone 12364 along_with 12365 alpana,rangoli_(decoration) Gloss and symbol update 2009-11 12366 alphabet,letters_(1) Gloss and symbol update 2009-11 12367 although 12368 always 12369 ambulance 12370 amenorrhea 12371 amphibian 12372 amuse-(to) 12373 anal_intercourse 12374 and,also,plus,too Gloss update 2009-11 12375 angel_(OLD) 12376 angle 12377 angry 12378 animal 12379 animal_(bovine) 12380 dog 12381 deer 12382 animal_(domestic) 12383 cat 12384 kangaroo 12385 animal_(protected) 12386 rat 12387 animal_skin 12388 animal_(snake_like) 12389 animal_(water) 12390 animal_(wild) Sida 2 Tabell1 12391 ankle 12392 anniversary 12393 answer 12394 answer-(to) 12395 ant 12396 anus 12397 anxiety 12398 anxious,anxiously 12399 anyone 12400 anything,something 12401 any_time,sometime 12402 anywhere,somewhere 12403 apartment 12404 apologize-(to) 12405 apple 12406 appointment 12407 approach 12408 approve-(to) 12409 apricot 12410 April 12411 apron 12412 architect 12413 argue-(to) 12414 argument 12577 arm 12578 armchair 12579 army 12580 around 12581 art 12582 art_gallery 12583 artificial_insemination 12584 artificial_respiration 12585 give_artificial_respiration-(to) 12586 ashes 12587 ashtray 12588 ask-(to) 12589 asleep 12590 astronaut 12591 at 12592 atom 12593 attack_(of_illness) 12594 attention 12595 August 12596 aunt 12597 autumn_(ckb) 12598 autumn 12599 Av 12600 avocado 12601 awake 12602 away 12603 baby 12604 baby_boy 12605 baby_carriage Sida 3 Tabell1 12606 baby_clinic 12607 baby_girl 12608 babysitter 12609 back_(body) 12610 back_and_forth 12611 backpack 12612 back_up-(to) 12613 backward 12614 bacon 12615 bad 12616 badge 12617 badminton_(activity) 12618 baggage,bag,luggage,suitcase 12619 bake-(to) 12620 balcony 12621 ball 12622 balloon 12623 banana 12624 band,orchestra 12625 bandage 12626 bank 12627 bar 12628 barber 12629 barbershop 12630 barn 12631 barrier_(contraceptive) 12632 baseball_(activity) 12633 base_camp 12634 basketball_(activity) 12635 bat_(sport) 12636 bat_(animal) 12637 bathroom 12638 battery 12639 be-(to) 12640 beach 12641 beach_tennis_(activity) 12642 bean 12643 bear 12644 beard 12645 beautiful,attractive,good-looking,handsome,pretty 12646 beaver 12647 because 12648 become-(to) 12649 bed 12650 bedroom 12651 bee 12652 beef 12653 beer 12654 beet 12655 beetle 12656 before,in_front_of,prior_to 12657 begin-(to) 12658 beginning Sida 4 Tabell1 12659 behaviour 12660 belief 12661 believe-(to) 12662 bell 12663 belongs_to 12664 belt 12665 bench 12666 berry 12667 best 12668 better 12669 between 12670 beyond 12833 bib 12834 bicycle 12835 big 12836 bindi_(decoration) 12837 bird 12838 bird_(domestic) 12839 bird_(protected) 12840 bird_(water) 12841 bird_(wild) 12842 birth_(reproduction) 12843 birth_(ckb) 12844 birth_control 12845 birth_control_pill 12846 birthday 12847 bite-(to) 12848 bitter 12849 black_(bci) 12850 black_(ckb) 12851 blackbird Symbol update 2009-09 12852 blackboard 12853 bladder 12854 blanket 12855 bleed-(to) Symbol update 2009-11 12856 blind 12857 blissymbol 12858 blissymbol_part 12859 blissymbolics_resource_centre 12860 block 12861 blood 12862 blow_(wind)-(to) 12863 blow_(mouth)-(to) 12864 blue_(bci) 12865 blue_(ckb) 12866 blueberry 12867 bluebird 12868 board_(material) 12869 boat 12870 body 12871 boil_(food)-(to) 12872 boil_(liquid)-(to) 12873 bone Sida 5 Tabell1 12874 bonfire 12875 book 12876 boot 12877 borrow-(to) 12878 boss 12879 both 12880 bottle 12881 bottom,base 12882 bow_(knot) 12883 bowel,intestine 12884 bowel_movement 12885 bowling_(activity) 12886 box 12887 boxing_(activity) 12888 boy 12889 bra 12890 brace 12891 bracha 12892 Brahma 12893 brain 12894 branch 12895 bread 12896 break-(to) 12897 breakable 12898 breakfast 12899 breasts 12900 breath 12901 breathe-(to) 12902 bridge 12903 bright 12904 bring-(to) 12905 broccoli 12906 broil-(to) 12907 broken 12908 broom 12909 brother 12910 brown_(bci) 12911 brown_(ckb) 12912 brush 12913 brush-(to) 12914 brush_teeth-(to) 12915 brussels_sprout 12916 bubble 12917 buffalo 12919 bulb_(flower) 12920 bull 12921 bull_(fighting) 12922 burn-(to) 12923 burned 12924 burning 12925 burp-(to) 12926 bury_(person)-(to) 13089 bus Sida 6 Tabell1 13090 bus_bay 13091 bus_driver 13092 bush 13093 business 13094 but 13095 butter 13096 butterfly 13097 buttocks 13098 button 13099 buy-(to) 13100 by 13101 cabbage 13102 cabin,cottage,hut 13103 caesarean_section 13104 cafe,coffee_house,snack_bar Symbol and gloss update 2009-09 13105 cage 13106 cake 13107 calculate-(to) 13108 calculator 13109 calendar 13110 camel 13111 camera 13112 camp 13113 camper 13114 can,be_able-(to) 13115 can,container 13116 Canada 13117 candle 13118 candy_(OLD) 13119 cane 13120 cannon 13121 car 13122 cards,playing_cards Gloss update 2009-09 13123 careful 13124 carrot 13125 carry,move,transport-(to) 13126 carrycot 13127 cart,carriage 13128 videocassette 13129 cast 13130 castle,palace_(OLD) 13131 catch-(to) 13132 caterpillar 13133 cauliflower 13134 cause 13135 cause-(to) 13136 be_caused_by-(to) 13137 cave 13138 cavity 13139 ceiling 13140 celery 13141 celibacy,chastity 13142 cemetery Sida 7 Tabell1 13143 cent Updated symbol 2009-09 13144 century 13145 cereal 13146 certain_(OLD) 13147 cervix 13148 chair 13149 challah Symbol update 2009-11 13150 chameleon 13151 change 13152 change-(to) 13153 Chanukah 13154 charity 13155 cheap_(OLD) 13156 cheek 13157 cheese 13158 chemical_product 13159 cherries 13160 Cheshvan 13161 chest 13162 chest_of_drawers 13163 chew-(to) 13164 chicken_(bird) 13165 chicken_(food) 13166 child 13167 child_abuse 13168 chimney 13169 chin 13170 chipmunk 13171 chocolate_(OLD) 13172 chocolate_drink_(OLD) 13173 chocolate_flavouring,cocoa,cacao_powder_(OLD) Gloss change 2009-09 13174 chocolate_spread_(OLD) 13175 choice 13176 choir 13177 choke-(to) 13178 choose-(to) 13179 chop-(to) 13180 christian 13181 Christmas 13182 Chumash,Pentateuch 13345 church 13346 cigarette 13347 circle 13348 circumcision 13349 citizen 13351 city 13352 class 13353 classroom 13354 claw_(animal) 13355 claw_(bird) 13356 clean_(OLD) 13357 clean-(to) 13358 clear Sida 8 Tabell1 13359 clerk 13360 climb-(to) 13361 clinic 13362 clitoris 13363 clock 13364 close-(to) 13365 cloth 13366 clothing 13367 cloud 13368 cloudy 13369 club 13370 coal 13371 coat 13372 coconut 13373 coffee Symbol update 2009-10 13374 coin 13375 cold 13376 cold_(opposite_hot) 13377 colour 13378 comb 13379 comb-(to) 13380 combination 13381 combine-(to) 13382 indicator_(combine) 13383 come-(to) 13384 comet 13385 comfort-(to) 13386 comfortable 13388 commandments 13389 communicate-(to) 13390 communication 13391 compare-(to) 13392 compete-(to) 13393 composer 13394 computer_(OLD) 13395 conception 13396 concert_hall 13397 concrete 13398 condom 13399 conductor 13400 cone 13401 conscience 13402 considerate 13403 container,bowl,holder,pouch 13404 continue-(to) 13405 uterine_contraction 13406 contrast-(to) 13407 control_oneself-(to) 13408 cook-(to) 13409 cookie 13410 cool 13411 cool_(opposite_warm) 13412 copy Sida 9 Tabell1 13413 corn 13414 corner 13415 cornmeal 13416 correct 13417 cost 13418 costume 13419 couch 13420 cough-(to) Symbol update 2009-09 13421 counsellor 13422 count-(to) 13423 country 13424 countryside 13425 couple_(heterosexual) 13426 couple_(two_persons) 13427 couple_(cohabiting) 13428 court 13429 cousin 13430 cow 13431 craft 13432 cramp,spasm Symbol and gloss update 2009-09 13433 cranberry 13434 crane 13435 crash_(forward) 13436 crash_(downward)-(to) 13437 crash_(air) 13438 crash_(car) 13601 crash_(forward)-(to) 13602 crash_(downward) 13603 crawl-(to) 13604 crayon 13605 cream 13606 create-(to) 13607 creation,nature 13608 creative 13609 creature 13610 crescent 13611 crochet-(to) 13612 croquet_(activity) 13613 cross 13614 cross-(to) 13615 crotch 13616 crush-(to) 13617 crutches 13618 cry-(to) 13619 crystal 13620 cucumber 13621 mug,cup 13622 cupboard 13623 currants 13624 current 13625 current_events 13626 curtains 13627 curve,curved_line Sida 10 Tabell1 13628 cut_(scissors)-(to)
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