PROFESSIONAL VIDEO 294 Canon www.BandH.com XA10 Professional HD Camcorder Cinema Camera 6MUSBDPNQBDU UIF9"TIBSFTOFBSMZBMMUIFGVODUJPOBMJUZPGUIF9' CVUJOBOFWFO Designed for for independent film, TNBMMFS SVOBOEHVOGPSNGBDUPS(#JOUFSOBMGMBTIESJWFBOEUXP4%9$DPNQBUJCMFDBSE television commercials and episodic TMPUTBMMPXOPOTUPQSFDPSEJOH"CMFUPDBQUVSF"7$)%WJEFPBUCJUSBUFTVQUP.CQT UIF television production, as well as camcorder’s native 1920 x 1080 CMOS sensor also lets you choose 60i, 24p, PF30, and wedding, sporting event and music PF24 frame rates for customizing the look of your footage. Equipped with Genuine Canon video capture, the Cinema Camera 10x HD video lens, with lowlight sensitivity to f/1.8 and a zoom range of 30.4mm-304mm. JODPSQPSBUFTB,JNBHFTFOTPS BMMPXJOHSFDPSEJOHCJU3"8 t'VMMJNBHFDVTUPNJ[BUJPO DJOFNBMPPLTBOEJOGSBSFESFDPSEJOH GPSOJHIUTIPPUJOH DNG files, as well as ProRes and DNxHD formats to built-in t)%.*DPNQPOFOUDPNQPTJUFPVUQVU removable SSD drives while delivering 13 stops of dynamic range. t%VBM9-3JOQVUT SFMBZSFDPSEJOH XBWFGPSN DPMPSQFBLJOH BOE[FCSBQBUUFSOT Housed in an elegant, minimalist enclosure, it can be used hand t%FUBDIBCMFIBOEMFTBMMPXTGPSUSVMZMPXQSPGJMFTIPPUJOH held or mounted on industry standard hardware. It accepts Canon tw5PVDI1BOFM-$%XJUI5PVDI5SBDL 5PVDI'PDVTBOE5PVDI&YQPTVSFGVODUJPOT EF and Zeiss ZE lenses, and the LCD touchscreen provides XA10 (CAXA10).............................................. Call or Log-on XA10 in PAL (CAXA10P) ........................................2195.00 monitoring, plus the ability for users to add metadata such as shot number, filenames and keywords. 9't9'HD 1920 x 1080 4:2:2 CCD Camcorders The camera comes bundled with a full version of DaVinci Resolve, DPMPSDPSSFDUJOHTPGUXBSFGPS.BDBOE8JOEPXT"MTPJODMVEFTB The XF100 and XF105 feature 50Mbps MPEG-2 4:2:2 recording of 1920 x 1080 HD video UltraScope. When connected to a computer via Thunderbolt, the onto Compact Flash (CF) cards. They utilize file-based MPEG-2 compression with an MXF software provides technically accurate waveform monitoring, File Wrapper to ensure full compatibility with existing industry infrastructure, metadata and displaying six live scope views on a single monitor. non-linear editing systems. They are equipped with Canon 10x (30.4-304mm equivalent) HD lens; enable the easy set-up and capture of high-definition 3-D video when two XF100 Cinema Camera (BLCINECAM) ......................................... 2995.00 or XF105’s are paired; and have built-in infrared low-light enabling the capture of HD video Cinema Camera with MFT Mount (BLCINEMFT) ................. 2995.00 in complete darkness. Otherwise the same, XF105 adds HD-SDI output, genlock, and Cinema Camera Handles (BLCINECAMHN) .......................... 181.35 SMPTE time code (I/O) terminals for multi-camera or 3-D productions. XF100 (CAXF100) ......................2995.00 XF105 (CAXF105) ......................3995.00 Canon Accessories BP-955: -JUIJVN*PO N"I GPS9'4FSJFT(CABP955) .. 159.95 BP-975: -JUIJVN*PO N"I GPS9'4FSJFT(CABP975) .. 214.95 9't9't9't9'"MM'FBUVSF BP-970G: Lithium-Ion 7W N"I#BUUFSZ1BDLGPSUIF t)PUTXBQQBCMFEVBMDBSETMPUTBOETVQQPSUGPS6%."$'DBSET t#VJMUJOXBWFGPSNNPOJUPS 9'9'BEEBWFDUPSTDPQF XF100/105/300/305 (CABP970G) ...................................... 154.95 t$BOPO9'$PEFDJTTVQQPSUFECZ"EPCF "QQMF "WJE BOE(SBTT t0.24”, 260,000-dot (XF100/300) and 0.52” 1.55-megapixel color Pearstone BP-970: Lithium-Ion 7W N"I#BUUFSZ1BDLGPS Valley to ensure compatibility electronic viewfinder (XF300/305), for critical focus and 100% the XF100/105/300/305 (PEBP970) ....................................99.95 t$BOSFDPSEBUNVMUJQMFCJUSBUFT SFTPMVUJPOTBOEWBSJBCMFGSBNF field-of-view coverage for accurate judgment of composition. CA-930 Compact AC Adapter: rates for slow and fast motion. t7BSJBCMFJOUFSWBM GPSUJNFMBQTF BOEGSBNFSFDPSEGPS Keeps compatible Canon camcorders running and charged for tXF100 and XF105 have 3.5” (920,000 dot) LCD monitor; the XF300 stop-motion animation uninterrupted recording or review of footage (CACA930) .....129.50 and XF305 have a rotating 4” 1.23-megapixel LCD monitor that t#VJMUJOTUFSFPNJDBTXFMMBTEVBM9-3JOQVUTGPSFYUFSOBMBVEJP CA-940: "$"EBQUFSGPS&04$$1(CACA940) ...249.95 can be positioned on right or left side of the camcorder. sources. CB-920%$"EBQUFS#BUUFSZ$IBSHFS(CACB920) ............. 109.99 DC-920:%$$PVQMFSGPS$" $#(CADC920) ..........19.99 DC-930: %$$PVQMFSGPSUIF$"(CADC930) ..................29.95 9't9' HD 1920 x 1080 4:2:2 3-CCD Camcorders D-Terminal to Component Video Cable (CADTC1000) ......39.99 The XF300 and XF305 step up with three 1920 x 1080 CMOS sensors and Canon 18x HD WD-58HW: NNY8JEF"OHMF$POWFSUFS-FOTGPS9" (29.3-527.4mm equivalent) L-series lens and a full manual focus mode with mechanical “hard” XF100, XF105 (CAWD58H) ................................................ 199.99 end stops and distance markers for repeatable manual focus. HI-UD (high-index, ultra low dispersion), WD-H72NNY8"-FOTGPS9)"T(CAWDH72) .... 179.00 UD and aspherical lens elements minimize chromatic aberrations and provide a compact size and WA-H82NNY8"GPS9'(CAWAH82).......579.95 weight to the lens – while also delivering a resolution of 1000 TV lines. The lens incorporates TA100: 5SJQPE"EBQUFSGPS9-(CATA100) ........................ 149.95 SuperRange Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) system with Dynamic and Powered modes for TB-15SJQPE"EBQUPS#BTFGPS9 (CATB1) ................34.95 optimal performance in any situation. Otherwise the same, XF305 adds HD-SDI output, Canon Ikan Stealth-ENG EV2 Shoulder Mount System for genlock, and SMPTE time code (I/O) terminals for multi-camera or 3-D productions. XF100, XF105, XF300 and XF305 (CASMR)....................... 619.95 XF300 (CAXF300) .......................6495.00 XF305 (CAXF305) .......................7495.00 $JOFNB&044ZTUFN &04$%JHJUBM7JEFP$BNFSBt$%JHJUBM$JOFNB$BNFSBt&04$,%JHJUBM$JOFNB$BNFSB Canon’s Cinema EOS System cameras are engineered to provide exceptional image creation capabilities for professionals in the motion picture, television, and other high-resolution digital production industries. They each feature a Super 35mm-equivalent 8.29-megapixel CMOS sensor, use MPEG-2 Full HD (MPEG2 422@HL compliant) compression, employ 4:2:2 color sampling, and have a maximum recording rate of 50 Mbps. Compact bodies offers exceptional maneuverability, enabling shooting from vantage points all but inaccessible to large cinema cameras. *EFBMGPSCFHJOOJOHGJMNNBLFSTXPSLJOHPOBCVEHFU UIF$EFMJWFSTGVMMY)%WJEFPJOUIF"7$)%GPSNBUGPSDPNQBUJCJMJUZXJUIMBQUPQBOEEFTLUPQFEJUJOH systems. It has an EF mount making it compatible with over 70 zoom and prime lenses in Canon’s EF, EF-S and EF Cinema lens lineups. Designed for extensive operational versatility, the EOS C100 features a mobile core configuration that allows users to add accessory parts according to their production needs. Stepping up, the EOS C300 is available in EF- and PL-mount versions and are equipped with four start/stop buttons positioned at various locations to satisfy any preferred camera-holding style, and can be outfitted with a host of accessories, including matte boxes, follow focuses and external video and audio recorders. They can be also be outfitted with a handle, grip, thumb rest and monitor unit. "WBJMBCMFJO&'BOE1-NPVOUWFSTJPOT UIFGMBHTIJQ&04$BOE$1-TBSFQSPGFTTJPOBM, YQJYFM DJOFNBDBNFSBT,SFTPMVUJPOJTUIFTUBOEBSEGPSBEWBODFEFGGFDUTBOEJTQBSUJDVMBSMZJNQPS- tant for big-budget motion pictures that include scenes compositing live-action cinematography with high-resolution computer-generated imagery. The C500 and C500 PL output 4K resolution to external recorders BTBCJUVODPNQSFTTFE3"8EBUBTUSFBN BTXFMMBTPGGFSJOHUIFBEEJUJPOBMWFSTBUJMJUZPGCFJOHBCMFUPPVUQVURVBEGVMM)% Y , Y GVMM)% Y BOEPUIFSJNBHJOHPQUJPOT EOS C100 &'$JOFNB$BNDPSEFS#PEZ(CAC100EF) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6499.00 EOS C300$JOFNB&04$BNDPSEFS#PEZXJUI&'-FOT.PVOU(CAC300EF) .............................15,999.00 EOS C300 PL$JOFNB&04$BNDPSEFS#PEZXJUI1--FOT.PVOU(CAC300PL) ........................15,999.00 EOS C500,$JOFNB&04$BNDPSEFS#PEZXJUI&'-FOT.PVOU (CAC500EF) ........................25,999.00 EOS C500 PL,$OFNB&04$BNDPSEFS#PEZXJUI1--FOT.PVOU (CAC500PL)....................25,999.00 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO 295 800-947-1175 | 212-444-6675 JVC (:).6t(:).6t(:).6 GY-HMQ10 )BOEIFME,$BNDPSEFS ProHD Memory Card Camcorders The GY-HMQ10 can capture and record real-time video at 4x The hand-held GY-HM150U and shoulder-mounted GY-HM710U/GY-HM750U are solid state 3-CCD the resolution of full HD—3840 x 2160 images at 24p, 50p camcorders that record 35Mbps HD video and uncompressed and 60p. It incorporates a 8.3MP CMOS sensor and employs a audio directly to SDHC media cards in the native Quicktime razor sharp 10x zoom lens specifically designed for 4K imaging. GPSNBUVTFECZ"QQMF'JOBM$VU1SP9 Bllowing instant Data is processed using an array of custom LSI chips that editing of recorded material without file conversion. EF#BZFSUIFJNBHFBOEQSPWJEFBMJWF,PVUQVUXIJMF simultaneously compressing video for recording onto memory The GY-HM150U features three 1/4” CCDs, integrated Fujinon cards. 4K recordings up to 2 hours can be made using four 10:1 Zoom HD Lens and records 1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080 (#4%)$DBSET5IF(:).2BMTPGVODUJPOTBTBO and 1280 x 720p to SDHC and SDXC memory cards. FYDFQUJPOBM)%DBNDPSEFS SFDPSEJOHGVMM)%YPOUPBTJOHMFNFNPSZDBSEJOUIF"7$)%
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