Index Abi‐ditan(u), 67–68 Agum I the Great, 127–128 Abi‐eshuh, 67, 91, 97, 108, 111–113, Agum II (Agum‐kakrime), 119, 123, 119–120 127–128 Abirattash, 127–128 Agum III, 131–132 Abu Habba (= Sippar‐Yahrurum) see Ahizushina, 166 Sippar Ahlamu see Arameans Abu Ha’ir see Saggaratum Ahushina, 112 Abu Salabikh, 35, 42 Ahutu family, 263 Achaemenid Dynasty, 12, 14, 233, Akhenaten see Amenophis IV 246–256 passim, 261 Akkad (= Babylonia, or northern Adab, 36, 38, 45, 137 Babylonia), 25, 50, 53, 63, 83, 97, 102, Adad, 113, 119, 160, 165, 230 111, 118, 168, 180, 197–198, 203–204, Adad‐apla‐iddina, 157, 162, 168–169, 206–207, 214, 223–225, 228, 237 177, 182 Akkadian (as inhabitant of Babylonia), Adad‐guppi, 238 25, 175 Adad‐nerari I, 143–144 Akkadian language, 4, 14, 40, 42–44, 56, Adad‐nerari II, 179 64, 77, 87, 97–98, 108–109, 130, 144, Adad‐nerari III, 184–185 151, 162, 173, 194, 219, 222, 227, 248, Adad‐shuma‐iddina, 149 251–252, 262, 264 Adad‐shuma‐usur, 145, 148–150, 155 Alashia (Cyprus), 140 Adad‐shuma‐usur Epic, 149–150 Aleppo (Halab, also Yamhad), 8, 45, Adon (letter of), 228 79–80, 82, 85–86, 105, 113, 118–119 adoption, 92 COPYRIGHTEDAlexander MATERIAL I Balas, 265 Agade, 41, 45–51, 53, 77, 137, 150, 166, Alexander III the Great, 11, 15, 20, 246, 168, 210, 237 256, 258, 264 agriculture, 27 (conditions for), 28–29 Alexander IV, 20, 257–258 (emergence of), 36, 65–66, 94, 104, Alexandria, 261 115, 145, 147, 156–157, 232, 254 al‐Hayit see Padakku Agum (ancestor), 125, 127 al‐Hiba see Lagash, city A History of Babylon: 2200 BC–AD 75, First Edition. Paul-Alain Beaulieu. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. bindex.indd 273 11/16/2017 3:01:24 PM 274 INDEX Almagest, 2, 21, 190 Antiochus Cylinder, 262 Alman see Halman antiquarianism, 182, 227 alphabet, 173, 194, 222 Antoninus Pius, 20 Al‐Sharraki see Uru‐Sagrig Antu, 255, 263 al‐Ubaid, 29 Anu (also An), 84–85, 111, 120, Amar‐girid, 47, 64 255, 263 Amarna letters, 123, 132, 136–137, Anu‐banini, 251 140–141 Anunitum, 50, 117, 242 Amar‐Su’en, 56, 68 Anu‐uballit (Kephalon), 263 Amel‐Marduk, 225, 237 Anu‐uballit (Nikarchos), 263 Amenophis III, 141 Apamea (treaty), 265 Amenophis IV (Akhenaten), Aphek, 228 136–138, 140 Apiak, 53 Ammi‐ditana, 67, 69, 108, 110–111, Apil‐kin, 54 113–114, 117 Apil‐Sin, 67, 69, 72–75, 82–83, 119 Ammi‐saduqa, 67–70, 101, 106, 110, Apollo, 262 113–118 Appian, 265 Ammon (kingdom of), 229 Appuashu, 238 Amnanum, 67, 72 Apries, 228 Amorite language, 56, 64, 69 Apum, 105 Amorites, 50, 56–57, 60, 62–68, 70, Aqarquf, 137–138 see also Dur‐Kurigalzu 74–75, 77, 82, 86–87, 110, 122, 135, Aqba‐hammu, 86 167, 172, 249 Arabia, Arabs, 214, 216–217, 229, 233, Amukanu, Amukanite see Bit‐Amukani 239–242, 264, 266 Amurru (god), 65 Arad‐Ea (ancestor), 201 Amurru (region, people), 64, 66, 75, 86, Arad‐Mullissu, 207 110, 214 Arahtu, 206, 208 Amut‐pi‐El, 80 Arakha see Nebuchadnezzar IV An see Anu Aramaic language, 64, 173, 175, 194, 219, Anabasis of Alexander, 257 222, 251, 264, 267 Anam, 71–72 Arameans, 144, 156, 167–169, 171–173, Anat, 79 175–177, 179, 182, 184, 186–189, 196, Anatolia, 27–29, 119, 142, 147, 240 200–201, 203, 206, 213–215, 222, Andariq, 79, 84 224–225, 234, 237, 264 Annals (Assyrian royal), 8, 167, 179–180, Arbela, 158, 242 182–183, 188, 193, 196–198, 200, archaeology, 4 (as discipline) 203–206, 210–211, 213–214, Archaic Texts from Uruk, 32–33 216–217, 220 archival texts, 18 (as primary sources) Anno Domini (AD), 20 archives (and archival accumulations), 4, Anshan, 62–63, 80, 240–241, 248 6–8, 32, 38–40, 45, 52–53, 60, 62–63, Anshar, 207, 209 85–86, 91–92, 99–101, 103–106, antediluvian period, 16, 29, 36, 163 108–110, 112–113, 117, 119, 125–127, Antigonus Monophtalmos, 258–259 129–130, 132–133, 139–140, 146, Antioch (Antakya), 259, 263 189–190, 193, 220–222, 231–232, 249, Antiochus I, 9, 20, 259, 261–265 252, 254–257, 266 Antiochus II, 263 Argead Dynasty, 12, 14, 246, 256 Antiochus III, 259, 263, 265 Aristarchus of Samos, 267 Antiochus IV, 11, 265–266 Armenians, 251 Antiochus VII, 266 army, 91, 113, 145, 255 bindex.indd 274 11/16/2017 3:01:24 PM INDEX 275 Arrapha, 113, 180, 225, 237 astronomy, 1–2, 115, 176, 190, 257–258, Arrian, 253, 257 264, 266–267 Arsacid Dynasty, 12, 14, 246 Astyages, 240–242 Arsacid Era, 266 Atamrum, 84–85 Arsham, 255 Aten, 138 art, 4 (art history as discipline), 48, 51 Atra‐hasis, 109 Artaxerxes III, 257 awilum (social class), 90, 235 Artaxerxes IV, 247 Aya, 103 Asaluhi, 30, 114 Ayadaragalamma, 14, 129–131 Ashdubba, 99 Ashkelon, 228–229 Baalis, 229 Ashlakka, 79, 85 Baba‐aha‐iddina, 184 Ashratum, 87 Babylon, 24, 40–41 (etymology, Ashur, 139, 142, 148, 163, 207, 209 archaeology, earliest mention), 50–51 Ashurbanipal 10, 56, 175, 194, 209–217, and 58 (name), 119–120 (archaeology, 223, 230, 248 see also Library of topography), 163 (name), 229–232 Ashur‐bel‐kala, 168 (archaeology, imperial city), and Ashur‐bel‐nisheshu, 135–136 passim Ashur‐dan I, 150 Babylon I see First Dynasty of Babylon Ashur‐dan III, 21 Babylonia, 24–25 (definition), and Ashur‐etel‐ilani, 217, 223 passim Ashur‐nadin‐apli, 148 Babyloniaka, 2, 16, 259, 264 see also Ashur‐nadin‐shumi, 194, 201, Berossus 203–204, 207 Babylonian, 25 (as inhabitant of Babylon) Ashur‐nasir‐apli, 148 Babylonian empire, 224–225 (definition) Ashurnasirpal II, 180, 183 Babylonian Epic of Creation see Enuma Ashur‐nirari III, 149–150 elish Ashur‐resha‐ishi I, 158–159 Babylonian language see Akkadian Ashur‐uballit I, 141–143 language Ashur‐uballit II, 226, 240 Babylonian Theodicy, 169 Asia Minor, 233, 238, 242, 259, 265 Bactria, 261 Asqur‐Addu, 86 Bad‐Tibira, 36, 99, 103 Assur (city, also Baltil), 36, 67, 77, 79, bala (historical concept) see palû 85–86, 102, 139, 142, 159, 184, 194, bala (taxation system), 11, 55, 57–58 201, 207, 209, 225 (Babylon’s participation in) Assyria, Assyrians, 2–3, 6–10, 15, 21, Balawat gates, 175 24–25, 97, 132, 135, 139–144, 147– Balihu, 225 150, 152, 158–159, 163–168, 171–173, Baltil (= Assur), 194, 197, 201, 209 175, 177, 179–180, 182–185, 190, Baranamtarra, 40 193–218 passim, 219–220, 222–223, Barattarna, 142 230, 232, 234–235, 237–238, 240, Bardia (also Barziya), 250 248–249 Bas, 75 Assyrian King List, 21, 67, 77, 85, Basetki, 47 128, 158 Ba’u, 38–40 (temple and estate of) assyriology, 3–4 (as discipline) Baz (Bazi, Bit‐Bazi), 177 astrology, 1, 176, 257 Bel (name of Marduk), 160, 185–186, Astronomical Diaries, 15 (description), 200, 209–210, 226, 253, 257, 260, 16, 18, 20, 190, 214, 256, 258–259, 262–263 261–263, 265–266 Belesys see Belshunu bindex.indd 275 11/16/2017 3:01:24 PM 276 INDEX Belet‐ili see Ninmah Burna‐Buriash I, 128, 131 Bel‐ibni (king), 203–204 Burna‐Buriash II, 9, 132, 136–138, Bel‐ibni (military commander), 215, 217 141–144, 147 Bel‐iqisha, 213 Bel‐sharru‐usur (Belshazzar), Caillou Michaux, 156 238–239, 242 calendar, 20–21, 55, 62 Bel‐shimanni, 253 Cambyses, 248–250 Bel‐shumu‐ishkun, 225, 237–238 Canaanites, 137, 141–142 Belshunu, 254 Canon of Ptolemy see Ptolemaic Canon Benjaminites, 67, 79–80 Carchemish, 227–228 Bensim’alites, 67, 75, 77 Carmania, 243 Berossus, 2, 16, 190, 221, 223, 225, Chalcolithic (period), 30 237–238, 243, 259, 263–264, 267 Chaldea, 173–176, 180, 182–186, 190, Bible (as historical source), 1–2, 86, 88, 203, 208, 210, 214 163, 197–199, 219, 221, 224–226, 228, Chaldean Dynasty, 224 234, 237, 254, 267 Chaldeans (people), 134, 171, 173–176, bilingualism (Aramaic‐Akkadian), 179–180, 183–189, 193, 196, 198–201, 173, 222 203–206, 210, 214–215, 217, 222, bilingual texts (Sumerian and Akkadian), 224–225, 234, 249, 264 16, 130, 160 Chaldeans (priests), 176, 257–258, Bimatites, 116 260–261, 267 Biratu, 237 Charax, 266 Bisitun, 47, 250–252 Chatal Hoyuk, 29 Bit‐Adini, 173–174 Christian Era, 20 Bit‐Amukani (Amukanu), 173–175, chronicle(s), 15–16 (description), 18–19 182–183, 189, 196–197, 224, 237 (as sources), 21, 220, 256–257, Bit‐Dakkuri (Dakkuru), 173–175, 179, 269–270 182–187, 196–197, 200, 205, 210, 217, Chronicle 14, 158 224, 237 Chronicle 15, 154, 167 Bit‐Hashmar, 177 Chronicle 16, 188, 190, 197–198, Bit‐Hunna, 164 203–207, 209–211 Bit‐Karziabku, 123, 125, 159–160, Chronicle 18, 209–211 163, 179 Chronicle 19, 187, 213, 215 Bit‐Sha’alli, 173–175, 196 Chronicle 20, 177, 209, 214, 223 Bit‐Shilani, 173–175, 196, 237 Chronicle 21, 223 Bit‐Tunamissah, 125, 179 Chronicle 22, 225 Bittutu, 205 Chronicle 23, 227 Bit‐Yakin (Yakin), 173–175, 179, Chronicle 24, 228 184, 186, 196–199, 201, 203–205, Chronicle 25, 238 210, 215 Chronicle 26, 18–19, 21, 238, 240, Borsippa, 57–58, 63, 71–72, 75, 150, 157, 242–243, 247 168, 173, 182–188, 190, 200–201, 207, Chronicle 40, 84, 102, 108, 112, 118, 131 209–213, 215–217, 221–222, 230–232, Chronicle 45, 132, 136, 142–143, 238, 249, 254, 262–263, 266 148–149, 158 Broken Obelisk (of Ashur‐bel‐kala), 168 Chronicle 46, 132, 149, 158, 164, 168 bronze, 54 Chronicle 47, 168, 176, 184, 186–187 building inscriptions see royal inscriptions Chronicle 51, 158, 179 Bunu‐Eshtar, 79 Chronicle 52, 187 bindex.indd 276 11/16/2017 3:01:24 PM INDEX 277 Chronicle 53, 238–239 deportations (mass), 196, 201, 203, chronology, 20–22 (general discussion), 228–229 44, 51, 115, 154, 171, 179 Der, 54, 83, 137, 144, 149, 160, 168, 180, Cilicia, 238 184, 198, 237 clay tablets, 5–6 Dilbat, 70–71, 74, 117, 187, 217, 221, 237 climate (of Babylonia), 27–28 Dildaba, 84 Code of Hammu‐rabi, 6, 40, 53, 86–92, Dilmun, 148 110, 150, 235 dimorphic kingdom, 66–67, 76 Code of Lipit‐Ishtar, 62–63, 87 dimorphic zone, 66, 76, 172 Code of Ur‐Namma, 53, 87 Diniktum, 136 coinage, 233 Diodorus of Sicily, 259 Commagene see Kummuhu Ditan(a/u),
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