COMMUNITY HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT Upstage Happy Hippie Where am I? Players perform Mama Lion King Jr. PAGE 27 PAGE 22 PAGE 8 FREE TO READ! FREE TO WRITE! Submit your story online by March 25th at EuclidObserver.com Proud Member of the Observer Media Family of Community-Owned and Written Newspapers & Websites Volume 10 • Issue 3 March 2019 4th Annual Lake Erie Folk Fest Draws Patrons from Near and Far by Laura Lewis 50 free daytime events were enjoyed by during their visit to Euclid, and many com- The sounds of accordions, banjos, fiddles residents of all ages from Euclid, Northeast mented throughout the day how wonderful and drums filled the halls of the Shore Ohio and beyond. the Shore Cultural Centre facility is. There Cultural Arts Centre during a culturally The festival featured music and dance were also a few graduates who attended the diverse celebration of music and dance this from Brazil, Ireland, Appalachia, India and event and were reminiscing about their past weekend. Cleveland. Artists from Arkansas, New school days in the building. The 4th annual Lake Erie Folk Fest be- York State, Northeast Ohio and Euclid were The annual folk festival is a collabora- gan Friday, Feb. 23rd, with a rousing school involved. A special performance by the Eu- tion between two non-profits groups, the program presented by the Chardon Polka clid High School Marching Band drum line Shore Cultural Centre for the Arts and the Band for students from Bluestone Elemen- was a highlight of the day. Northeast Ohio Musical Heritage Associa- tary School, Conneaut Middle School and Early estimates are that almost 1,000 tion. Previous festivals have featured artists others. The fun continued Friday night people attended the festival’s daytime from Michigan, Cape Breton, and Tuva. with a contra dance before the main event events and 600 attended the evening con- on Saturday, Feb. 24th when more than cert. Attendees dined at local restaurants Commercial Development Booms in Euclid Faith in the City Annual MLK Celebration and reopened the former B&B appliance store on Lakeland Boulevard. Construc- tion of a new O’Reilly Auto Parts store be- gan on East 200th Street. Lincoln Electric increased its footprint in the City by leasing the entire third build- ing at Bluestone Business Park. Other major industrial investments were made at Keene Building Products, American Punch Corporation and Terves Inc. The new O’Reilly Auto Parts building on East 200th Office vacancies in the City fell as the Street is one of the many commercial development Government Services Agency leased much projects of 2018. The store is scheduled to open of the Rockwell Office building at 24701 in April. Euclid Avenue and Universal Electronics by Jonathan Holody claimed an entire floor of the Euclid Medi- By all accounts economic development ac- cal Office Building at 26250 Euclid Avenue. by Dana Heil tion of Euclid residents, faith leaders, city tivity soared in Euclid in 2018. Based on All told, an estimated 1,829 new jobs will On Sunday, January 27th, the community council representatives and police officers. permit data, an incredible $157 million of be created in Euclid as a result of the eco- came together to celebrate the life and ac- Much of the focus was on the idea of being commercial construction took place in the nomic development activity that took place complishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, of service to one another. A Litany of Ser- City last year. last year. Jr. and at the same time pray for our Eu- vice included quotes from a variety of civic The commercial activity was boosted by 2019 is also expected to be another tre- clid community, it’s leadership and first leaders intended challenge us to make ser- over $100 million of construction spending mendous year for economic growth in the responders. Rev. Denise Cunningham- vice a regular part of our lives as Dr. King on the new Euclid-Amazon Distribution Fa- City as developer Ray Fogg Building Meth- Doggett, pastor of Lake Shore Christian did. Church, planned the annual Faith in the “Service is the rent we pay for being. It cility at the former Euclid Square Mall site. ods prepares to construct two buildings City event that was originally planned for is the very purpose of life, and not some- A variety of other commercial projects totaling over 212,000 square feet of indus- January 20th but postponed due to the thing you do in your spare time.” -Marian also contributed to the widespread con- trial space at Bluestone Business Park and weather. Wright Edelman BWX Technologies begins a major facility struction boom. This event truly was a celebration! The “True leaders understand that leadership is upgrade. Northeast Factory Direct refurbished participants included a diverse cross sec- ( continued on page 20 ) 30th Anniversary of the Euclid Municipal Complex by Paul Oyaski to permit local governance and services to When George Washington still lived and local residents. In Ohio, these large areas before Ohio became a state, real estate de- were generally designed to be square in velopers from Connecticut sent a group of shape, five miles long by five miles wide surveyors to explore the Western Reserve The first organizational meeting of -Eu in northeast Ohio. They were led by former clid Township took place in 1809. Local Revolutionary War officer Moses Cleave- officials were selected. land. The surveyors named one of the For more information about Euclid’s townships that they laid out after Euclid, earliest days, please visit the Euclid His- the Greek mathematician whose work they tory Museum at 21129 North Street (phone: relied upon to do their jobs. 289-8577). The museum is located in Eu- clid’s public school opened in 1894, one David Dille was one of the first settlers block north of Euclid Avenue and one block on land near Euclid Creek near the road east of Chardon Road. The Euclid Histori- that today carries his name. Euclid’s early cal Society will celebrate its 60th anniver- growth centered on the intersection of Eu- sary in 2019. clid Avenue (once known as Buffalo Road) In the late winter of 1903, an election was and Chardon Road. held by Euclid residents to decide if the Townships are sections of land created ( continued on page 4 ) Page 2 The Euclid Observer Volume 10 • Issue 3 The Euclid Observer Volume 10 • Issue 3 Page 3 March 2019 March 2019 DIALOGUE EUCLID LIBRARY From the desk of the Mayor March Programs at Euclid Public Greetings neigh- The most visible progress last year includes: also making progress on our Emergency Library Proud Member Of The Observer Media Family Of Community Owned Newspapers & Websites bors! Last month I • Groundbreaking of Phase 2 of the Water- Operations Plan and outreach activities presented the “State front Improvements Plan – rocks are going • Began reconstruction of E. 222nd Street YOUR INDEPENDENT SOURCE FOR of the City” to the in the water! • Completed the 15 million gallon Equal- EUCLID NEWS & OPINION public and to the • Demolition of Euclid Square Mall and ization Tank at the Water Reclamation Published monthly with a current circulation of Chamber of Com- building of the new Amazon Fulfillment Plant 10,000+ copies. The paper is made available free merce and I want Center • New Tennis and Pickleball Courts com- of charge and can be found at business locations to take a minute to • Opening of the Lincoln Electric New pleted at Memorial Park, improvements within the City of Euclid and on our web site. The share the highlights Welding Technology Training Center and to baseball fields and new walking paths views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions with you. I framed announcement of their new Additive Weld- through Memorial Park of the publisher and staff. my remarks around ing Division at Bluestone Business Park • New mural painted as part of the Art a quote from Peter Block, author and com- • Other business growth at Keene Build- Walk, City Hall Academy and many other Copyright 2014—The Euclid Observer, Inc. All munity building consultant, which reso- ing, American Punch, BWXT, DriveTime, community engagement events across the rights reserved. Any reproduction is forbidden by Ashley Gowens Monday Morning Movie: Won’t You Be nates with me: “We are a community of Terves, and more City without written permission. Augmented Reality for Teens My Neighbor? possibilities, not a community of problems. • Increase in Housing Values in county re- There is so much more than what I can The mission of The Euclid Observer is to attract, Tuesday, March 12 Monday, March 18 Communities exist for the sake of belong- appraisal – greater than any other eastside share here. When you take the time to look articulate and amplify civic intelligence and com- 2:00 PM / Shore Room 10:15 AM / Lake Room munity good will in the City of Euclid and beyond. ing and takes its identity from the gifts of suburb! Growth in both residential and at it all– I think you will agree there has Have you ever played Pokemon Go? Curi- This documentary paints a portrait of the its citizens.” commercial building permits issued been a lot accomplished. We all agree that BECOME AN OBSERVER! ous about augmented reality (AR)? Step life and work of children’s entertainer Fred I am grateful for the many gifts our em- • Euclid Police Department improved out- there is more work to be done, but also that As a product of citizen journalism, The Euclid Ob- inside another world with AR at EPL. Reg- Rogers, star of “Mister Rogers’ Neighbor- ployees, partners and residents give every reach efforts, training and community ini- there are great possibilities.
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