C M Y K C13 DAILY 09-19-07 MD SU C13 CMYK The Washington Post S Wednesday, September 19, 2007 C13 ington sh p a Go around o w s . the world t . Today is the 25th birthday w with our c o w My Name Is of the smiley emoticon. m w :-) series. / k t i s d o s p WEATHER England on Saturday. Prevention. Yesterday the agency Tied with Washington were TODAY’S NEWS Yesterday’s game was played in announced a new, bilingual health San Francisco, California, and At- driving rain, the advance wave of campaign aimed at reducing kids’ lanta, Georgia. U.S. Team Advances a typhoon bearing down on exposure to secondhand smoke. Shanghai. Forecasters said it You Ready to Parrrty? In Women’s World Cup could be the worst typhoon to hit We’re No. 2! Arrrgh! K Today is one of K The U.S. women’s soccer team the area in a decade. K While you’re in the back seat KidsPost’s fa- is heading to the World Cup quar- watching a video or playing a vorite days terfinals, following its 1-0 victory Holy Smoke :-( game, do you ever think about of the year. over Nigeria yesterday. K Nearly 60 percent of kids ages 3 how much time your parents That’s be- TODAY: Sun and Lori Chalupny scored the goal to 11 are exposed to secondhand spend sitting in traffic? cause Sept. clouds. for the Americans, who are un- smoke. That means they breathe About 60 hours a year is the an- 19 is Inter- HIGH LOW defeated in their past 50 games. unhealthy air from being around swer if you live in the Washington national The United States played tight de- adults who smoke. area. In an annual survey released Talk Like a fense on a rain-slicked field in Secondhand smoke puts kids at yesterday, our region tied for sec- Pirate Day. 78 64 Shanghai, China. Nigeria man- risk for infections and disease, ond-worst traffic in the nation, be- So don your aged just one shot on goal in the BY EUGENE HOSHIKO — ASSOCIATED PRESS and it slows lung growth, said Ju- hind Los Angeles, California. eye patch, tie a bandana around TOMORROW: first half. Lori Chalupny hurdles Nigeria’s Lilian lie Gerberding, head of the federal Drivers in that area waste about your head, put a parrot on your Mostly sunny. The U.S. squad will now face Cole during U.S. team’s 1-0 victory. Centers for Disease Control and 72 hours a year sitting in traffic. shoulder and have some fun. High 83. Low 66. ILLUSTRATION BY ANNA HOUGHTON, 11, MCLEAN WRITE KIDSPOST, THE WASHINGTON POST, 1150 15TH ST. NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20071. K E-MAIL US AT [email protected] K FAX US AT 202-496-3780. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME, AGE, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. What happens when kids have to do all the work? “Kid Nation” puts that question, and 40 kids, to the test starting tonight on CBS. PHOTOS BY MONTY BRINTON — CBS What’s Your View? special skills would make you a good candidate to be one of 40 kids in charge? We aren’t connected to the program, CBS already is sorting through applicants for “Kid but we might print your response in KidsPost. Send your Birth of a ‘Nation’ Nation 2.” Kids must have permission to be filmed up to 24 letters to: KidsPost, 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. hours a day. Would you want to spend 40 days away from 20071. Or e-mail: [email protected]. Please Here’s the Reality: 40 Kids, 40 Days, 0 Parents your family? Away from TV? Away from KidsPost? What include your name, age, address and phone number. onight at 8, CBS unveils “Kid Nation,” a weekly series that shows 40 kids, ages 8 to 15, spending 40 days on a movie set in New Mexico that looks Did you get homesick? to drag me out kicking and screaming. “Not really. You don’t have time.” That happened with a lot of us. It was one like a ghost town. They cook, they clean, they run What was the most challenging part? of the most amazing experiences of my Tthe town’s businesses. There are no parents to tell them to “I had never been around that many life.” turn off the TV. In fact, there is no TV. kids for that long. Some were nice, What plans do you have for the money It’s part boot camp, part “Survivor.” For allowing some were difficult to handle, some were you got? themselves to be filmed nearly 24 hours a day, the kids got plain-old rude.” “I’d like to take trips to different What was your biggest accomplishment places. Whatever is left I’ll donate to at least $5,000 each, plus prizes and rewards. on the show? charities that do ecological stuff.” The show has generated lots of controversy. Should “In some of the [team] showdowns, What about the controversy surrounding parents have allowed their kids to do this? Were the kids at how we pulled together. You could be this show? risk, and did the producers break the law by having them at each other’s throats and hate each “Everybody is making predetermined work as much as 14 hours a day? other, but it didn’t matter; you had to decisions without watching the show. CBS arranged for KidsPost’s Scott Moore to speak with GUYLAN, 11, of Upton, Massachusetts, work together.” The people there know there wasn’t child calls himself an average kid — who What was the toughest thing? abuse. I can speak for all of the kids: It three kids the network selected from the show. Although was raised by former elephant trainers. “Going home. My dad practically had was one of the best experiences ever.” the kids (whose last names weren’t released) weren’t allowed to talk about specific events — CBS wants you to watch every week — they all were enthusiastic about the experience. What did you expect when you were kid lived on a farm and knew how to chosen for “Kid Nation”? butcher chickens. So many things about “I was very, very hesitant at first, but I them attracted me.” knew how much it could change my life. Do you watch reality TV shows? My parents were more hesitant than I “I watch Bravo — ‘Top Chef’ and was. When I completely realized the ‘Project Runway.’ I never knew what concept, I was very excited.” they had to go through. I realized Did you get homesick? there’s a lot of drama, but it all came to “On day 3 it kind of hit me that I was me when I got [to New Mexico]: there and had to deal with all this. On Drama is good TV. I never felt day 25 I was extremely homesick. The pressured to say something about longest I had been away from my family someone else. We were asked to say was one week.” the complete truth even if we were Tell me about the other kids on the show. trying to be nice or not nice.” MORGAN, now 13, is a singer from “There was such a mix of kids, I can’t Would you go again? Indianapolis, Indiana, who wants to even describe it. Such a big variety. One “Absolutely.” be involved with journalism. Kids ages 8 to 15 run the stores and the government in “Kid Nation,” a reality show filmed this past spring in Bonanza City, site of a former ghost town. How did you cope with being away from Do you watch reality TV? home for so long? “My parents say I watch too much. I “Everybody out there at one point got really like ‘Making a Band,’ ‘Extreme CANADA homesick. I had never been away from Home,’ ‘Wife Swap,’ ‘Nanny 911.’ I watch home except for sleepovers at a friend’s a lot of TV.” house, but I’ve always wanted to go What was it like without TV for 40 days? camping. [On the show] I made sure “Oh my goodness, I didn’t know what’s UNITED everybody wasn’t going crazy. I sang, I new, what’s hot, any of the new movies. If danced, I laughed, I joked to make sure there was a hurricane, we wouldn’t have STATES Washington, DC Bonanza City everybody was happy.” known about it.” Atlantic Ocean I understand that you are not afraid to What was the best part about being in New Mexico speak your mind. “Kid Nation”? Pacific “Sometimes I have my moment and I “We all had a great time. It was a great Ocean just have to say something. If I agree with opportunity. There were good and bad JASMINE, 11, of Atlanta, Georgia, is an other people, I’m easy to get along with. days. I learned about different cultures MEXICO Gulf of aspiring entertainer. She has more than But sometimes I was, like, ‘Listen, this and people. Although we are different, we Mexico 75,000 friends on her MySpace site. has to change.’ ” have a lot in common.” BY NATHANIEL VAUGHN KELSO — THE WASHINGTON POST C M Y K C13.
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