Att. Alitigt. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD AND ADVENT WORLD SURVEY ------- II MIMS/ WEUMW SWIM-- • Milli NW WWWWW -•••••44•••• • MR•1••• EDITOR: R. H. PARR WARBURTON, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Volume 78, Number 13 Price: 8 cents April 1, 1974 DR. FRANCES HARDING RECEIVES HIGH AWARD FRANCES K. HARDING, M.D.* (daughter of the late Doctors Martin and Florence Keller), of Columbus, Ohio, was selected by Hobart and William Smith College as the 1974 recipient of the Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D., award. The anniversary of the graduation of the first woman doctor trained in the Western hemisphere was chosen by Hobart College to hon- our the graduation of Dr. Blackwell from Geneva Medical College, New York. The United States Postal Ser- vice joined in the recognition by issu- ing a commemorative stamp to mark the occasion. This is the first postal stamp issued by the U.S. Postal Ser- vice honouring a woman physician. The award has been presented to seventeen women, among them being Frances Perkins, Margaret Mead, Marian Lasher, Marian Anderson, Helen Taussig and Catherine McFar- land. Dr. Harding was selected for her pioneering work in family plan- ning both in Australia and the United States and as immediate past-president of the American Medical Women's Association. The programme, re-enacting Dr. Blackwell's graduation in the Presby- terian church in Geneva, New York, was followed by a banquet at Hobart College, and a visit to the Blackwell Room in the college library took place on January 23, 1974, exactly 125 years after the original graduation. *Dr. Frances Harding and her husband, Dr. Warren G. Harding, spent some years in Australia during the 1930s on the staff of the Sydney Sanitarium (now the Syd- ney Adventist Hospital). A life sketch of Dr. Frances Harding's mother, Dr. Flor- Dr. Frances K. Harding. ence Keller, appears on page 6. Registered jor posting as a Periodical—Category [2] 1/4/74 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Youth/Family Life Year A HAPPY HOME AND FAMILY WORSHIP JOYCE TOTENHOFER "BUT WE CAN'T GO YET, we haven't had worship," lisped my little tow-haired brother. I turned and looked at his serious face. You see, there had been an emergency on the farm. The cows had broken through the fence and were devouring the next-door-neighbour's grass instead of their own, and both Father and Mother had been needed to get them back to their own pastures. So big sister had taken over the preparation of breakfast. Now with three heads of hair neatly combed and faces wiped clean of the remains of breakfast eggs, I thought my steps-and-stairs brothers were ready to go to school, so I ushered them towards the door. But I was wrong. I had quite forgotten no time at all before I was able to return "You have not taken time to instruct that we had not had family worship, and to where I had left my young charge. your children, keeping before them their this nine-year-old didn't feel ready to But as I gazed at the backs of the heads highest interest. God loves your chil- leave home until he had had worship and peering eagerly at the actions of the dren; but they have had little encourage- prayer. "We gotta have worship," he re- funny little people in the shop window, I ment to live a religious life."—Id., page 54. couldn't recognize Stephen. I went from iterated. He quickly got the book we I read recently the views expressed by were reading, and together we talked to one end of the group to the other, check- a group of ten-year-olds at Sunday ing for a boy with red hair and a yellow God. Then there were happy good-byes. school. These children were asked, shirt, but in vain. I searched up and It is a fact that no Seventh-day Ad- "What's wrong with parents?" Their down the street. I asked the shop assis- ventist family should think of starting complaints, which made interesting read- tants, but no one had seen a red-haired the day without "the morning watch." ing, were that grown-ups break promises; boy in a yellow shirt. A home where family worship is unknown they don't do the things they tell their There was nothing else for me to do is a home where the children are in peril, children to do; they never listen when but to go to the police station. Surely and where the parents are failing in their children talk; they won't admit their mis- he would be there! God-given responsibilities. takes; they talk too much about money; The officer was kind and sympathetic, they are always discouraging . need I The enemy of souls has worked hard but no, they had not seen any boy an- go on? Does that sound like you? Or and had unqualified success in his efforts swering to Stephen's description. How- me? Let us ask ourselves the question, to divide the family into separate units, ever, they would alert the patrol car to "If my children follow in my footsteps, each one going his or her own way, with search for him. In the meantime, they will they reach heaven?" little communication between members suggested I return home. and certainly never any endeavour to do All the way down the streets and lanes, The Right Direction things together. And this is just where I prayed. But I didn't expect to find him For parents, what are steps in the right we must commence to build a bulwark at home. He had lived with us only a few direction? against the wiles of him who would seek months, and he was such a little boy; and to ensnare souls. the way home was very circuitous. Per- I would suggest, first, demonstrate In Psalm 106: 38 we read of "their sons haps this is where he got lost; trying to LOVE. I personally believe that this is and . their daughters, whom they sac- find his way home, but with no one to the most important factor in any home. rificed unto the idols of Canaan." Our show him the way. How unimportant It does not mean that we should spoil sons and daughters are disappearing too was my Christmas shopping now; I could our children or give them lavish and ex- —from the church. Can it be that we are not have cared less about any of it. A pensive presents; but we give them the sacrificing them to the idols of this world little boy was lost, and that was what best gift—ourselves and our time. Let our —a home dominated by a TV screen and mattered until I found him! children know that we love them and want them in our home. "Let not the the fastidious fashion of a house for look- Sometimes I have met up with friends heart of one connected with you starve ing at rather than for living in? whom I had known in previous places for the want of kindness and sympathy." and seasons, and upon asking after their Homes should be for families to work ("Ministry of Healing," page 360.) Do children have been told in glowing terms together, play together and pray together things together with your children. that the particular son or daughter was on our way to our heavenly home. Usually the happy child is the one whose doing fine, heading up some firm or de- parents give him much of themselves. partment, owner of a lavish home and Little Boy Lost Our parents were past masters at this— status-symbol car, at which news I have I shall never forget my first personal in fact, they still are. If any of us were rejoiced—until I discovered that the experience of a lost child. Stephen had away, we were missed, and we knew it. young person no longer responded to the red hair and an engaging smile and had We were welcomed home with such gusto, been our foster child for some months. Master's invitation. I have gone away sadly reflecting . children . lost . we almost felt we didn't want to ever go Getting near to Christmas time, we set tragedy. away again! Is it any wonder that home off happily to walk to the shopping centre. is still a very attractive place to us? All went well, but I had so much shop- How much do we care if a child is lost ping to do, while Stephen was more inter- eternally? Could a testimony given to a If we love our children, we will watch ested in looking at the Christmas panto- brother long ago apply to us? over them with ceaseless vigilance; we will spend time with them, listening in- mime in the shop window. He begged, "What's Wrong with Parents?" "Couldn't I just stay and look?" terestedly to what concerns them, and "If you love your children, let it be helping them to make the right decisions. Feeling this was a solution to how to your chief study to prepare them for the get all those articles crossed off my list future, immortal life. Work while it Second, God is glorified and children more quickly, I agreed, after making very is day; redeem the time, and win the are saved for eternity when we, like definite arrangements regarding meeting crown of immortal glory. Save yourself Abraham, the friend of God, fit into the back at the same place. I felt quite and your household, for the salvation of pattern of Genesis 18: 19: "I know him, happy as I hurried so much more rapidly the soul is precious."—"Testimonies," Vol.
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