Thursday, 0ctober I Sunday, 0ctober 4, l98l EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTRE .3333 :t A panel discussion on "The Soviet Union and Eastern Europel will be sponsored by l,,lcLaughl in College, as part of their Symposium Series, on Tuesday,0ctober 6 from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. in the College's Junior Common Room. Members of the panel will include: Glendon Professors V. Robert Augustine and Philippe Garigue; York Professor Henryk Flakierski; and Professor Richard B. Day, University of Toronto. The moderator will be Edgar J. Dosman. Interested members of the community are invited to attend. ,k The Centre for Continuing Education, in cooperation with tre Faculty of Arts, is presenting a seminar in "Environmental Psychology for Architects and City Plannersil November 7 and 8. Seminar leader is David L. Wiesenthal. For further information call the Centre at local -2524. * The formation of the annual Harry Crowe Memorial Lecture Series has recently been announced. Friends and colleagues who wish to support the funding of the Lecture Series are asked to make their cheques payable to: York University, Harry Crowe Lecture Series, Office of the Dean, Atkinson Col lege. * Members of the community unable to attend Sam lon's session on 'rAdvice to working l{omenrr earl ier this week, are advised that a videotape will be shown in the Career Centre, Room Nl05 of the Ross Building, between 8:10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. :! The October meeting of the Council of Atkinson College will be on Wednesday, October 14, rather than October 7. ;t The Counselling and Development Centre is offering a variety of groups and workshops this term which are open to staff, faculty and students, The groups will include: Assertive Training; Speaking out in Class; Yoga/Movement; Single Parents; Stress; Juggling Home and School; and SCAMP. For further information call Charlene Denzel at local -2J0\ or Rosemary Clewes at local -3213. * The York Student Christian Movement (SCM) is having its first General l''leeting of the year on Tuesday, 0ctober 5 from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in Room 120 of Vanier College. The SCH is an open group of people who "...strive for a better understanding of justice and act for human rights i ssues. " ;r The Counselling and Development Centre is presenting a weekly discussion and exercise group -- I'A View on the Sleeping World: Adventures in Psychology, Mysticism and Cosmologyrr-- to explore the nature of man, the purposes of life on earth and methods of awakening. The group will meet each Tuesday from 12:00 noon-l:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in Room 108 of the Behavioural Science Buildinq. For further informaiton call Professor Chris Holmes at local -2305. * Eleven Rhodes Scholarships will be awarded to Canadians again this fall. They will entitle the winners to study at 0xford University in England for two (and possibly three) years commencing in September lgbZ. The value of each scholtrship is J6,OOO per annum. Applications for the 1982 awards may be made until October 26,1981. Forms are available from J.M. Farley, Esq., P.0. Box 451, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto t'l5K lM5. * The writing manual, Essay Writing by Candace Seguinot and Thomas Greenwald (York University),^ was well received bv-boTI-TEEuTFand students iast year and has been reprinted for the l98l-82 session, lt is available from the Information Desk at the Bookstore for 53.50 a copy. Yorkts Writing Workshop recommends the book as it emphasizes pre-writing and organizing stages of preparing an essay; as well, it contains the standard practical information concerning grammar, footnotes, bibliographies, etc. Copies of the manual are available for inspection in most Department Chai rmen's off ices. * Peter Brunner of the Centre for Continuing Edu-cation requires a A-drawer filing cabinet. Any area of the University which can supply same is asked to call at local -3403' EV ENTS Thursday l2:00 noon - I:00 p.m. - Brown Bag Lecture Series - [Founders College] York Professor Johanna StuckeywillgiveaffimenatYork|'-SeniorCommonRoom,FoundersCollege 3:00 p.m. - CUSO Seminar - [Canada Employment Centre] representatives from the Canadian University ServiceT-dv6il6El-will present a briefing on job opportunities in many foreign countries - Room N105, Ross Building 4:00 o.m. - Bioloov Research Seminar - "Neurohormonal control of insect developmentrr with Dr' L. l. bi luertffiessor of Zoology, Un ivers i ty of North Carol i na (Chapel Hi I I ) - Room 120, Farquharson Bui lding 4:10 p.m. - Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies - nieeting - Senate Chamber (S915), Ross Building 7:30 p.m. - Native Students Association - informal organizational meeting refreshments served - Apt.50@ 8:30 p.m. - Writer, Reader and Revolution Lecture Serieg - [nttinson College, Glendon College, Latin AnericaconjunctionwithThelnternationalWriters' Congress and featuring Alan Silito; (England), Rudy !'liebe (Canada) and possibly Chinua Achebe (Nigeria) - rel lows' Lounge (Room 004), Atkinson Col lege -con t i nued EVENTS (cont 'd. ) Fr i day l0:00 a.m, - Career lnformation - [Canada Employment Centre] Dr. Norman Smith of the Kennedy School of cove?imEiT-ET-TEiiEfi-University will meet with all students interested in learninq of the Schoolrs Master in Public Policy degree - Room S105, Ross Building ll:00 a.m. - Guest Sfglg'- - [Rfrican Studies Program, Bethune, Founders and Stong Colleges] Mongo Beti, C5mEi66frlEfr-i&elist and intellectual in exile, will discuss the situation oi th" committed African writer - Bethune College Gallery until l2:00 noon; discussion period will continue in Norman's until I:00 o.m. Il:00 a.m. - l:00 p.m. - Rummage Sale - lYork University Women's Athletic Council] items wiII include shorts, sweat suits, bathing suits, all at good prices - Lobby, Tait McKenzie Building 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Film - [Languages, Literatures, Linguistics] "Sansho the Bailiff'r (by Mizoguchi) - part of Japanese 250.5 course; extra seating available - Room J, Curtis Lecture Halls Sa tu rda y 9:00 a.m. - l2:00 noon - Founders College 0rientation Program - designed specifically for new students toprovideinformatiicesofferedbytheUniversity;facu|ty members will be present to answer course questions - Junior Common Room, Founders College 7:30 p.m. - Bethune Movies -'rThe Howling'r and "Scannersrr- general admission is S2.50; $2.00 for second feature only - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls Sunday l0:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Ceramics Club - members of the York community are invited to join; organizational meeting=;A--il;truction - I ight refreshments provided - interested persons are asked to call Audrey at 884-1555 - Vanier College Residence 8:30 p.m. - Bethune Movies -'tThe Tin Drum'r - general admission 52.50 - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls STAFF PoSlTloNS: applications for internal transfers/promotions, which are available from Personnel !!;tlcg;-Soui?- reach that department no later than 5:00 p.m., October 8, l98l; * indicates position i s exempt from barga i n i ng un i t. Counsellor - Mrs, L. Tam gsgoode - Student Programs Assistant (Office of Student Programs; university degree or equivalent; minimum of four years administrative experience; previous responsibility for management of computer records including familiarity with visual and on-line terminals essential; excellent cornmunication and counselling skills required; educational or working exPosure to the legal profession required) grade 7 (Sl7'983) Counsel lor - Mrs. B. Friedman Admissions - Admissions Assessor (one year of university required or equivalent;.university degree preferred; l-2 years student related experience required) grade 6 ($15,1 l2) Academic Computing - Senior Advisor (Academic Liaison Group; university degree or diploma in computer science or ietated area; practical procedures knowledge required in the following areas: variety of programming languages i.e. Fortran, Cobol, APL,Operating System, Applications Packages, Util ities, Communilations, JCL, Monitor Commands, Paycal; previous advising experience preferred) cs5 (sr8,357) YORK ACTIVITIES Monday, October 5 Sunday, 0ctober ll, l98l EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTRE .3333 ART GALLER I ES D I SPLAYS 't The Glendon Co) lege Art Gal lery is presenting "Peter Kol isnyk: Drawings'r until 0ctober 8. The gallery hours are from l0:00 a'm. -5:00 p.m. weekdays, from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Thursday evenings, and from 2:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Sundays. * trNineteenth Century German Drawings and Printsrr are on display at the A.G.Y.U. (N145, noss Bui Iding) unti I 0ctober 16. The gallery is open from l0:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays. Monday l2:00 noon - 4:00 p,m. - Red cross Blood Donors clinic - Bear pit, central Square l:00 p.m. - Grlest lpgaker - [York Internat.iona] S:"i?].istsl."The Crisis,ll E"t!.:l-!"i:q":-l: Examinailon-oF- Contemporary Marxi st Theories" with Chris Harman, editor, author and active member of the British Social ist Workersr Party - Faculty Lounge (s869), noss l:15 p.m. - Recital - in conjunction with the A.G.Y.U.'s display of "l9th Century Drawings and prints"l-a recital of German Lieder sung by Donna Ewer (soprano) and accompanied by Brahm boldhamer (piano) wi I I be presented - A'G.Y.U. (N145), Ross Bui lding l:00 p.m. - Guest Speaker - lYork International Socialists] "From Riot to Revolution - Margaret inatcne?F[6ii-TFSurmer" with Chris Harman - Room Sl5!, Ross Building 4:00 o.m. - Bioloqy Research Seminar -rrAnalysis of developmentally regulated genes from ;rosophffi,Queen'sUniversity-Room]20,FarquharsonBuilding 8:30-irmericaionwiththe|nternationaIWriters' o.m. - Writer. Reader and Revolution Lecture Series - [Rtt<inson and Glendon Colleges, Latin r Congress and featuring Fernando Alegria (Chile), Daniel Viglietti (Uruguay) and Luisa ValJnzuela (Argentina); translationi by Margarita Feliciano, York Professor - Fellowsr Lounge (Room 004), Atkinson College Tuesday '12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
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