the ide pendien t.florid a Greek system becoming integrated. 5 Basketball team loses 14th game VOLUME 83, NUMBER Ill MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1990 in a row.16 Hispanics overlooked in black/white tension By DEBBIE CENZIPER "whether through my speaking to fic students. yet Hispanics are as perceptions " (olor, he said Alpgator Writer people and them making fun of the much a minority group as others But HSA member Victor Malo Malo said the recent lorimatori way I speak, or looking at me funny Hispanics have a low represen- said Hispanics sit more on the side oF a white rights group, which is In the midst of racial tensions when I say my name. You can tation of faculty members, lower lines in the right between blacks new awaiting UF approval to be between blacks and whites, an- notice the difference in people than any other minority group ex- and whites tunie an official organization. it other minority group said it is con- when I say my name isJuan instead cept American Indians, which limit "We're caught in the middle, lecs blacks more than H ispanics sistently ignored even though the of John." the number of role models stu- more of a neutral area," Malo said Although Affirmaive Action laws, tensions affect them also. Several organizations, including dents may have, Gonzalez said Blacks versus whites is more ol which the group , opposed to, Juan Vitali. founder of the for- the Hispanic Student Association Hispanic students also tend to an older racial tension" apply to Hispamits as well as mer Hispanic Student Union, said blacks, Malo said he doesn't feel and the Hispanic Engineering So- score lower on the College Level Blacks present a more unified although Hispanic students repre- ciety, try to group together the Academic Skills 'est and similar threatened by the group sent a large miority at UF, their force than Hispan Its. Maio said, estimated 2,094 Hispanic students tests, he said because there are many different problems are overlooked. Hispan- on campus. 'I think they havea right to ics face discrimination, but it's not "If you look at typical indicators types of Hispanics such as Cuban. their own unin,' Malo said 'l"t as evident as that faced by blacks, Quality of Life Task Force co- of progress, it's hard to say that Mexican and Span ish I'm not i auordance with what he said. chairman and education professor Hispanicsare doing OK." Gonzalez Hispanics may fit in better be- they sland for because I don'I "I've experienced many in- Gerardo Gonzalez said UF tends to said "Its just that we don't have cause they are nore integrated think they know what they're talk stances of racism," Vitali said, ignore the problems facing Hispa- any real data to tell us of students' than blacks and have a high ier skin ing about " Bryan starts final week By RONALD DUPONT JR. Alligator Write, Alter armisi p ears of service to I F -- - including a short [cin as is [eider durmig ant t1 ir, worst st mad1 over 41 lterii IPresildeit Robeto Bryat will begin his imal week tom ligert Hall today One might think this week would be an emotional time for hin - a time to be eay-eyed, to shake thousands of hands to make rinmerous farewell speech hes Not so. he says "It's just like any other week, ' Bryan Ti said sunday Irom 1, Cew hole "You. just keep doig th1g urn vou have to 9 $ 0-9 quit " Bryan spent Saturday and Sunday mo(vlrng ot 01 the massive Presidet's Manlslon lod sold it anything is dhtiert-11 about his imal week, it will be his sched- ale at home "The coming week will be unusual buying stuff and having to put it together, running down to Home Depot every half hour," he said (My wile's) very happy All of her nesting istnets are in full Someting fishy bloom " Nour Nazef, a graduate student in civil engineering, swims at the O'Connell Center pool. He says he swims three Even his final staff meeting Friday, times a week for the exercise. when he officially meets for the last time with those people who have worked for him for years, will be no different, he says above average "No melodrama,"Boryaisaid Wo'lligo Survey rates Infirmary around the room and talk like we've bottom of the survey, a yes/no question pressed with waiting, understanding Student always done." see Health Services procedures, and general Algatorl itner asked students if they knew they could Bryan joked that his last week may be a physician by request. campus impression of services. hectic but shouldn't be too difficult After 'The Infirmary is cruising through school Students gave the Infirmary "'s" in con- History senior Robert [ vinski said he all, he doesn't have to deal with budgets with a 'C+" average, according to a survey venience, confidentiality. phone service, per- gave the Infirmary a "C" for general impres- "Those are all Dr Lombardi's tasks sponsored by the Student Health Outreach sonal impression of services and staff sion on campus because he and his friends he said, laughing Team. attentiveness. The Infirmary received agrade have had bad experiences, but he said ser- Lombardi, who will be sworn in as iF's of 3.28 in staff attentiveness vices have improved in the four years he has Now members of SHOT are planning to point average ninth president Monday, said he too, sort their list of recommendations before with 43 percent of the respondents giving been using them. doesn't expect his last week - which handing it in to administrators them an A. "I know a lot of people who won't come ends Wednesday at Johns Hopkins Uni- to versity - to be unusual. Each semester, the survey asks students Respondents gave the lowest scores here because they're not sure of the service, procedures and "I don't go forelaborate goodbyes he to grade Infirmary features, which includes waiting time, understanding but I think they are good," Levinski said, ofStudent Health for said. "You sign your last papers, shake distinguishing between their personal Im general campus impression adding that he gave the Infirmary "A's" and what they thought Services. hands and walk outthe door.On Wednes. presslon of services see I Rhy, page 8 day, I'm gone." U11was the general campus impression. At the But respondents said they were less m, WHAT'S HAPPENING COAR: ( amIpus Organi/cd Books in the (ator liti 'lease Elder Abuse (ertatri nurse Against Rape will have a peer edut a bring v. rabble sets And SI ('a1 374- praito llner, M (on in. wi p present HARVARD (I tion training session today at Ii 1211 lec Cli iial Care ol the A ture oi ,--' Retz Union Reorm 123 Call N2 Communication: ithe Asst iaition Elderly tody at I in the V. terms G R A P H I C S Il1, ext 294 of block Commuicators will most Administration Medical Center's Honors Week: Golden Key Na night at 6 05it We, mr Hall Room Nursing Dlme Care Unit cal- lional Hoinir t0 lIly sponsors tiht 180 Call Shasta Brown. 345-7115 frent e Room Call )r Dorothy lCst Hontriiy on ( ampus ln) Circle K: Ihe bismss organiza- Gagnir .A14-6114 SYMBOL rimpjtiti o with vtnitstllrougholi ljon, ( iri K. will itit tionightatti Ultimate. Begi rsare welp ir liwiek ( lil katrina C6-4261 in I raer Rogers all Roon 21and at LI Women's tItimale practice PSs' SOLUTIONS Amnesty he studentGroup Am ature speakers ron local Key and tuesday at 5 at Hume Field tall t sty International will meet tonight Kiwanis clubs Call 399590 311-9524 it I in Reit Union Room 121 fir i The Good Book: c thi Alpha t aim- Honors Week, (olden Key will presenTiatior il, refugees in tilt pns Ministry will ieit tonight it Iin show Indiana ]ones and The Last Uiimtod Sats .md It write irgi ii tirlimgton Hail Room 2342 to dis Crusade Tiiesday tight at 8 Il Car jUILI[) letters (all 312 1593 tiss 'How to appro h the Bible - eton Aiditorium for 50 cents to fI I A:-;, , ip hId Words: rho Gainesville clrabhlt (all Dave, ecit IM I Mabel. H6- benelit Habitat or Humanity Call tinas shrv Fr I ['layers ( le mels tonight lit at Robin. 395b9 f) soo0 sld ei Il Il It pr I des 7Nveheap r iori . a , O erhad' Qgjs tory t r, I. I. i , Nf l p r Per ot ~' rjd N 7 46 v6 Vss R.S.V.P. Career14orkshop 1-800-426-3215 IN5 Wesi Tluesd Februanj27,1990 -- 3rdF(WrReitz Union ex~it373-1234 Companies Invited Include: March 7, 1990 f~ont 4310 Now GAINESVILLE IBM Now 3 locations!1 375-12.34 Holiday Inn West Ste, 1,11i1on Procter & Gamble 22e St. Petersburg Times 1-75 & State Rd. 126 Roses -q Barnett Bank 1-904-332-7500 L 914' 5/Doz 336-1234J Honda Power Purina .and mor! D o it Coffee Hour 10:00-10:40 R ong U nd yer Workshop 10:40 -11:30 S one, Sessions: 11:45- 12:35 ALL STUDENTS INVlTEDl ucker 1,55- 2:45 S 3:00- 3:50 (In case you ever wondered what For more infrtion Call the Caner Resource Center. 392-1601 DRUGS stands for) volume 83 ISSN 0889-2423 number 111 florid.s 0 g the independent 'BRAKES $ 495' I9S|Ala Not oiicilly associated wh ely of Ful Pbod on% Inc.
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