WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SICK AND SHUT-INS OF THE PARISH Area Communal Penance Service: Saturday, November 26 — First Sunday of Advent ST. FRANCIS XAVIER As we prepare for the feast of Christmas 4:00pm SFX Living and Deceased members of both parishes Stone Crossing: Vera Kompara we make ready not only our homes with 6:00pm SG Robert Kastellic by Bernie Rudolph St. Joseph Care Center: Fran Montella, Jerry Nicolet (SG) all the decorations, baking, and gift buy- Sunday, November 27—1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT ST. GABRIEL ing, but we especially prepare our hearts 8:30am SFX John Cinson by Judy & Vince Palleschi Home: Shirl Bonar; Patricia Burman, Ivette Martinez to welcome Jesus. An important way we 10:30 am SG Marilyn Zwick by Kay Hilverding Eldercare: Mildred Rennier can do this is by joining in the celebration of the Sacrament 4:00pm SG Advent Prayer Service, refreshment to follow Arbors (Great Trail) Nursing : Richard Lane, Doris Ferguson. of Reconciliation/Penance on Tuesday, December 13, at St. Luke Minerva: Stella Kiko; Monday, November 28 “Come Together, Build Our Future, 7:00 PM at St. Francis Xavier for all area parishes. A Alliance Community Care: Mary Wadsworth number of priests will be available. Why not make this Ad- 8:00am SFX Donna Macmahon by June Martin The Pines: Roman Ritterbeck (3015 17th St. NW, Canton, OH 44708) “Leave a Legacy” Help keep the momentum growing. Support vent a time to experience God’s love and mercy as you get Tuesday, November 29 Prayer Chain for St. Gabriel and St. Francis: ready to celebrate Jesus’ coming into our world? 9:00am SG Sick & Homebound by Eucharistic Ministers For the prayer list for St. Francis, please call Dolores Hudson Our “New Parish Hall” Building Fund Drive. Help us get to get over the top! YOUTH GROUP: We are very proud of the work our Wednesday, November 30 at 330-863-0273; For St. Gabriel, please call Darlene Mackey 8:00am SFX Dick Contini by Jackie Contini at 330-868-6639. Offerings as of 11/14/2016: youth group did last weekend putting together many beauti- FOR ILL & HOSPITALIZED: Please call Parish $254,294.00 Pledges & Gifts [Goal $350,000] ful ornaments and greeting cards for the shut-ins and care Thursday, December 1 Office as soon as one is hospitalized, and/or to request home $ 55,560.00 Brick, Block and Window Pledges center parishioners of St Francis and St Gabriel to cheer 9:00am SG Sue & Jack Phalen by Jane & Marion Meindl visits and Holy Communion, from either parish. The Eucha- $ 309,854.00 Sub-total them up this holiday season. The youth group will be partic- Friday, December 2 ristic Ministers are not to make these arrangements. Whenever $ 79,169.41 Fundraisers/Organization gifts ipating in bell ringing, food basket help, and Christmas dec- 9am SG Communion Service one is admitted to an area hospital, or nursing care facility $ 12,553.00 Memorial Donations. orating for the churches through the holiday season. please inform the Admissions Office you are Catholic and $401,576.41 Total of Pledges and Gifts Saturday, December 3 your Parish. Due to the Privacy of Information Act, hospitals PSR SCHEDULE & PRESCHOOL PSR: 4:00pm SFX Oldridge Angeloni by Tom Mertz no longer give out personal information. GOOD NEWS! There is NO PSR this weekend of Nov 27th. All PSR clas- 6:00pm SG Joan Nicolet by Friends We hope to have all of the ses will resume on December 4th, and Preschool PSR will BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Sunday, December 4—2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT preliminary design work, diocesan also be meeting that day. If you have a Preschool child and 8:30am SFX David Casper by Anita & John Tokos We will pray for all the names of your deceased loved and state approvals by Fall/Winter are interested in having them participate in our once a month 10:30 am SG Living and Deceased members of both parishes ones written in our Book of Remembrance at every Mass of 2016. At that time we will put the project out for bid Preschool PSR program, and special programs Sundays such during the month of November. and plan to begin construction in the Spring of 2017. as Advent, please contact Denise Laubacher 330-868-3808. Please prayerfully consider ways in ADVENT EVENING PRAYER which you may be able to help make CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CHOIR: PSR chil- CHURCH SUPPORT: Begin the season of Advent with us THIS dren in grades Pre-K through 5th May God bless you for your generosity to our parishes this project a reality: Consider: A Sunday, November 27th,with a Special Pledge, or A One Time Gift , Use of grade are invited to sing Christmas on November 20, 2016 Evening Prayer at St. Gabriel, Minerva at carols before the 4 pm Christmas the Monthly Envelope, Volunteer time St. Gabriel: Adult $1,715.50; Loose $266; New Hall $20; Hu- 4PM. Refreshments will follow. All are and talent with Fund raisers, Gifts in Kind, or a Memori- Eve Vigil Mass on Dec. 24th . Chil- man Development $127. welcome. dren are asked to meet in the educa- al Gift. Our Financing, according to Diocesan Policy in- St. Francis Xavier: Adult $1880; Loose $40; New Hall $95; volves three parts: tional wing no later than 3:20pm, Human Development $80. PARISH SURVEY– PLEASE PARTICIPATE and can dress as shepherds and an- Bishop Monforton invites all of our parishioners, 16 years I. Pledges/Gifts. Individual Pledges towards the project. gels. We have some costumes and several angel wings avail- PARISH SUPPORT: Please make any Checks cover- and older, to participate in a brief five-question survey Preferably payable over a five year period. Our Building able. Practices have been taking place during music time at ing your Regular Church contributions payable to the regarding ways to strengthen our parishes and the Diocese Committee set this target goal at $350,000.00. PSR. Information: Mrs. Denise Laubacher 330-868-3808. parish in which you are formally registered. The of Steubenville. You have the option of responding by II. Savings and Fundraisers. We do not want to totally exception would be if you are making a donation to the using ONE of the three available options. To participate deplete our savings and investments. We will need to keep PLASTIC GROCERY BAG COLLECTION New Church Hall Fund., which should be made payable online now through Dec.11, please see the Survey Link a “rainy day” fund for emergencies. All Fund Raisers and FOR SALVATION ARMY to: St. Francis Church. Thanks. at www.diosteub.org/MAP. The survey will also be print- gifts received through the “Building Fund Envelopes” and A collection box has been placed in the coat rack area at St other special gifts are earmarked for this project. The An- LOW GLUTEN HOSTS AVAILABLE: Low-gluten ed in the December 2 issue of the Steubenville Regis- Gabriel's to collect plastic grocery bags for the Salvation Ar- (0.01%) host available. Please inform the ushers before Mass ter. Or, at all Masses the weekend of December 10-11, nual “Quarter Auction” is one example of what we are my food pantry. They use many bags for food distribution. begins. Those receiving should come forward in the line in you will have the option of completing a survey in-the- able to accomplish by working together. This effort is overseen by one of our youth group members, which the priest is distributing the Eucharist. pew. Please participate only once through any one of III. Bank Loan. As soon as we are able to determine pro- Please place your plastic grocery bags in the marked these methods. Your survey responses are anonymous, so jected costs we will need a bank loan to cover the unpaid box. Thank you! STEWARDSHIP “For you do not know on which day please feel free to voice your opinions. If you have any pledges and balance of costs. We estimate this amount to your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42 People who have questions, call Sr. Mary Brigid at the Chancery, (740)317- be in the range of $400,000—$600,000. Information RCIA: Wednesdays at 7 PM. If you, or someone you had health issues or near-death experiences generally have 5678, or email her at [email protected]. We truly sheets and pledge cards available in the narthex of know, would like to explore and/or join the Catholic faith a greater appreciation for each day being a gift from need your input! Thank you, and may God bless you all! church, parish Web Site, or by calling Parish Office. call Linda Shaw, or Fr. Victor Cinson at the Parish Office: God. The rest of us usually take for granted that we will be 330.868.4498. around tomorrow. But when you start to look at each day FULFILL TODAY Helen Edwards, of St. Gabriel, is as a gift, you realize all the little miracles that happen daily If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, surely SEND A CARD: and grow in gratitude for all that we have been given. you have not done much today. — Anonymous living with her daughter-in-law Pam in Florida. She would enjoy hearing from friends. You may send a card to her at First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2016 1435 Grant St., Hollywood, FL 33020. “You . must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” — Matthew 24:44 DIOCESAN/PARISH SHARE CAMPAIGN: TUESDAY “FAITH & FELLOWSHIP” “Give to the Most High as he has given to you.” Come and celebrate the new beginning of “Faith and YEAR—END GIVING! Fellowship” (formerly “Tue.
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