Ffiier11 Under Secretary to Government' Contd.-P-2 //2

Ffiier11 Under Secretary to Government' Contd.-P-2 //2

Government of Odisha Works Department + * :l' NOTIFICATION Bhubaneswar,thedated: \ b' a,19 restructuring of Odisha No.07381400592014 W., Consequent upon EngineeringservicesCadre,notificationshavebeenmadeforreorganisationoftheofficesabove Dtd. 31.10.2013, and No the |eve| of Division vide No.11949/W Dtd. 31.10.2013, No. 11944/W 12056/WDtd.4'll.2ol3.However,reorganisationoftheofficesbe|owtheDivision|eve|swere beingexaminedtakingintoaccounttheirgeographica||ocationsandincreasingwork|oadetc. pleased reorganise the engineering Now Govt. after caretul consideration, have betin to new sub-divisions and structure down below the level of Division by creating/establishing sectionskeepin8thesanctionedstrengthofthecadresintact.Thedetai|sofSub.Divisionsand sectionsafterre.organizationre|atingtoR&BandQua|ityControlwingsareattachedheretoas Annexure | & ll resPectivelY' and issue of the notification' This will come into force with effect from the date By order of the Governor N 'K. Pradhan EIC-cum-Secretary to Government' q.tY y"n,.o xo. \ o l?\ /w., ot. \ b. Secretary to Governor' Odisha' Copy forwarded to All Departments of Government/ Bhubaneswar/A||Headsofthe.Department/A||RevenueDivisionalCommissioners/A|lTribunal' frigh iou't, C'tt""t/ Registrar' Odisha Administrative Collectors/ Registrar, OOi,n" (A&E), pri".tpli General (A&E) odisha, thubaneswar/ A.G, Bhubaneswar & cuttack/ n."rr"tant Puri Branch, Puri for information' - *";ffio12--tU Under SecretarY to Government' ) b - Q'lY rvremo r'ro. \ Borlr( /w., ot. Chief Minister' Odisha/ Private Secretary to Copy forwarded to the Private Secretary to Secretary' Odisha/ Private Secretary to Minister, Finance/ Private Secretary to Chief secretary, odisha/PA to Elc-cum-secretary to Development commissioner-cu m-Addiiional chief GoVt.WorksDeptt.forkindinformationofHon,blechiefMinisterodisha/Hon,bleMinister, commissioner-cum-Additional chief Secretary' Finance/ Chief SecretarV, odisha/ Development respectively' Odisha/ EIC-cum-Secretary to Gow' Works Deptt' /) a- ffiier11 Under SecretarY to Government' contd.-P-2 //2// tvt"rnotrto. \b4)t /*,o.. \b' ?' 1\ Copy forwarded to EtC (Civil), Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ ElC, R.W., Bhubaneswar/ CMD, oB& cc Ltd, Bhubaneswar/ chief Architect, odisha, Bhubaneswar/ All chief Engineers/ All Superintending Engineers/ All Executive Engineers of Works Department/ All Officers/All sections/GF (10 copies) of works Department for information and necessary action. v'*-4;2-1TT4la_6,11 u nde r secretarv tfc ou"trFrnl"nii - wtemo tro. \ D 9\F)r- /w., ot. \ t' q.r\ copy forwarded to M/s Luminous Infoways p'1. Ltd, N 6/373, Nayapa i, Jayadev Vihar, thubaneswar e mail rD-support @ ripr.in. for information and necessary action. He is requested to up-load the above information in the website of works Depaftment. Government of Odisha for information of general public. Under Secretary to Government. ANNfXURf-I the Sub-Divisions Nu*" of the Sections after re-organisation /' sl. Circle/ sl. Name of No Division No. after re-organisation 7 2 J 4 1A Office of the E.I.C (Civil) Odisha, Bhubane3war Office of the C.E, R.D & Q.P (R&B) Odisha, Bhubaneswar 1 Central (R&B) Circle (R&B) Section-1 1 Bhubaneswar (R&B) 1 Bhubaneswar (Roads) Sub- i Sh"b""*** Division No.-l Division No.-l ii. Bhrba.,es'tur (R&B) Section-2 iii. Bhrlba.t"s-ar (R&B) Section-3 2 Bhubaneswar (Roads) Sub- i. Bhubaneswar (R&B) Section-1 Division No.-ll ii. Bhubaneswar(R&B) Section-2 New New iii.Bhl'rbutlet*ar {R&B) Section-3 J Bhubaneswar (R&B) Sub- i. Bhubaneswar (R&B) Section-1 Division No.-lll l.ii. Bhubanes*'ar (R&B) Section-2 iii. Bhubaneswar (R&B) Sectiou-.J (R&B) (O.L.A) 4 Odisha Secretariat fTh,,l-r"..,.*rr Section-1 (R&B) Sub-Division ii. Bhubaneswar (R&B) Section-2 New /fl,licha Secrpta ria fl iii. Odislla HOD (Buildings) Section New Page 1 i-Eh-trbun"t*'nr(R&B)Section-1 Bhubant'swa r(R&B) Bhubaneswar (lt&B) Sub- Division No.-ll Division No.-l rj-Bhr-bunetl"ur(R&B)Section-2 r* Bh"b"*t;ar (R&B) Section-3 Bhubaneswar (R&B) Sub- IBh,rbu.t"t-ur(R&B)Section-1 Division No.-ll ii. Bhubu*t*ur (R&B) Section-2 iit. Bh"b"*t;ar (R&B) Section-3 i*'. Odi"hu Bhawan (R&B) Section Bht,bu.t""*u. (R&B) Sub- iEh,rbu.t"t*ur (R&B) Section-1 Division No.-l[[ i. Et iUu""t*ur (R&B) Section-2 tlt Bh"b"*t*ar (R&B) Section-3 iv. Utkat Bhawan (R&B) Section Pipili (R&B) i. Pipiti(R&B) Section-I Sub-Division New ii. Pipili(R&B) Section-ll iii. Su.udh"iPr'tr (R&B) Section (R&B) Sub- l-B-bot,*t*'u t (R&B) Section-l J Bhubaneswar(R&B) I Bhubaneswar Division No.-lll Division No.-l i Bl'rubanes*a r (R&B) Section-2 Fi Bh,rbun"t*ar (R&B) Section-3 2 Bh.tbot,"t*u. (R&B) Sub- @ Division No.ll #ll. Dnuoalrsswdr \r\s v/ :: : tti-Bh, b"."t*ar (R&B) Section-3 n"t*u r ( R & B) Sec tio n-1 3 Bh,rbut ((R&B) Sub- lB h-u "t*ut *+inn-? Division No.JII 11. DnuudllEswar \r\sul vv!! ;=; ;, ilew : (KotD,;i DsLu-;!^l i 4 Bh,rbu.,""*ur (R&B) Sub- . Bhubaneswar n:,,:-;^- NT^-I\/ @ New New ffi New Sub- 4 Bhubaneswar(R&B) 1 Bhrbun"s*ur (R&B) @ No.-lV Division No.-1 I-iBhubun"t*ur (R&B) Section-2 Division ffi 2 i-n"tr"ut(R&B) Sub- ffi Division No.-2 @ B Sec tion-3 ,rinffi" *t; a r ( R & ) J r (R&B) Sub- ffi -BhubaneswaDivision No.-3 ffi lI[BIGan"t*ar (R&B) Section-3 --EhuGn*t*ur New 4 (R&B) Sub- ffi Sec tion-2 New Division-4 i i b*-,b" *t*a r( R&B) I -gt New ti on-3 N"* l-iii.Bhu bu r,"t*a r (R& B) Sec Page 3 New Bhubaneswar(R&B) Bhrburl".*u, (R&B)Sub- ffi Division No.-V New Division No.-1 New @ New ffi New New Bh.rbutt"t*ur (R&B) Sub- @ Division No.-2 New @ New ffi3 New New Bhubaneswar(R&B) Sub- ffi-t Division No.-3 New iluunes*ur(ncs)s.ction-zNew- ffi New New (R&B) Sub- ffi1 Bh.rbut "t-ut @-z New @3 New Page 4 2 Khurda(R&B) Circle New i. Khurda(R&B) Section-l I Khurcla(R&B) 1 Khurda(R&B) Sub-Division No-l (DY. E.E.) Division ::. New ii. Khurda(R&B) Section-ll ii. Begunia(R&B) Section Section 2 Khurda (R&B) Sub-Division i.Jatni(R&B) No-ll Sectron New I ii.Khurda Buildings New I New liii. NirakarPur (R&B) Section Section 5 Balugaon (R&B)Sub-Division li.Tanei(R&B)t" New New ffill. f\fuSIUlaPldDau \r\su, *\ New iii.Balugaon (R&B) Section i. Nayagarh(R&B)Section 2 Nayagarh(R&B) 1 NaYagarh(R&B) (DY. E.E.) Division New Sub-Division ii. Odagaon(R&B) Section Ranpur(R&B)Section liii. i (R&B) SectionJ 2 Khandapara (R&B)Sub- I .KhunJupu.u Division I i o n- I I New New [i-i<n u t',.,t u pu ta ( R & B ) Sec t I New Bhapur(R&B) Section lii i Section J Dashapalla(R&B) li. Dashapalla(R&B) Sub-Division Gania(R&B) Section lii. New li ii. NuagaonlR&B) Section Page 5 Section-l Puri (R&B) Di'.'ision Roads Sub-Division-l i. Puri(R&B) Puri (DY. E.E.) ii. Puri (R&B) Section-ll iii. Bramhagiri (R&B) Section iv. Delairga (R&B) Section Roads Sub-Division-lI i. Konark (R&B) Section Puri New ii.Balighai (R&B) Section iii. SakhigoPal(R&B) Section -Buildings Buildings Sub-Division. Section-I, Puri Puri (Ralbhawan) ii Auildings SectionJI, Puri iii. Buildings Section-lll Pun Nimapara(R&B) i. Nimapara(R&B)Section Sub-Division ii. KakatPur(R&B)Section 3 Cuttack(R&B) Circle Kathalori(n&B) Section I Cuttack(R&B) 1 Cuttack (R&B) Sub-Division-l i Division No-l (DY. E.E.) ii. TulasiPur(R&B) Section iii. Chauliagani (R&B) Sectittn store seLtrurV iv. Bi,lanashi (R&B) Section-l (Renamed trom Section-I 2 Cuttack (R&B) Sub-Division- i Medical(RCB) II :l (Renamed from store section) ii. Metlical(R&B) Section-t I lsection) (R&B) Section 3 Cuttack (R&B) Sub-Division- li Cantonmentn III ffiamed from store section) ii-i.R"t"-" Police line (R&B) Section ,-gh---'bunu*.doEngineeringSchool(R&B)Section New 4 Cuttack Projects Sub- i Co*t.*Gn lRCn; S"aiot"t-t Division New New ilortttru.tiontn&B) Section-ll iii. Revenshaw (R&B) Section Page 7 (R&B) Section-l Cuttack(R&B) Banki(R&B) Sub-Division i.Banki Division No-ll New ii.Banki(R&B) Section-ll iii-icouinuup* (nce) s".tio" New Sutip,.t. (R&B) Sub-Division i Salipurl R&B)Section-l section) ii. SaliPur(R&B)Section-ll (l iii. Mahanga(R&B) Section iv. JagatPur(R&B) Section Section, KhaPuria Sadar (R&B) Sub-Division, i C"ut Pt*t tn&B) Khapuria New -fromstore I F..t P** E&B) Section, KhaPuria iii Bairakabati (R&B) Section om FlY Over Bridge Page 8 - I ilK"K",ltl.n p..t tu ( R & B ) Sec ti on J Kendrapara(R&B) 1 Kendrapara(R&B) Division No.l (Old) Sub-division No.l (DY. E.E.) @ 2 Patamundai(R&B) ffi Sub-Division L lii. ,tutlRCe; section r-^- E| iii. Chaudkulat (K&tJ) becfion (l(enarrlclr [t,ur u Bridge (R&B) Section) Section 5 Rainagar(R&B) Sub-Division i.Rainagar(R&B) lii.Babar (R&B) Section New i.

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