Prepare for the Blessings of the Temple By Elder Russell M. Nelson ach temple is Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles E symbolic of our faith in God and an As temples are prepared for the ordinances include baptisms, mar- people, the people need to prepare riages, endowments, and sealings. evidence of our faith themselves for the temple Each temple is symbolic of our faith in life after death. The Inscribed on each temple are the words in God and an evidence of our faith in “holiness to the Lord.” 1 That statement temple is the object of life after death. The temple is the object designates both the temple and its every activity, every of every activity, every lesson, every purposes as holy. Those who enter the progressive step in the Church. All of lesson, every progres- temple are also to bear the attribute of our efforts in proclaiming the gospel, sive step in the Church. holiness. 2 As temples are prepared for perfecting the Saints, and redeeming the people, the people need to prepare the dead lead to the holy temple. Ordi- themselves for the temple. nances of the temple are absolutely cru- A temple differs from other houses cial. We cannot return to God’s glory of worship. Unlike chapels, the temple without them. is closed on the Sabbath so that people can attend church and be with their Each temple ordinance is an act of families on that hallowed day. Temples solemn promising are open for sacred work on other days In the temple we receive an endow- of the week. A temple is literally the ment, which is, literally speaking, house of the Lord, reserved for ordi- a gift. We need to understand the nances of eternal significance. Those ◀ Houston Texas Temple. Dedicated Aug. 26, 2000. 41 spiritual significance of it and the of the priesthood also transcend time. importance of keeping the sacred The first revelation given by the angel covenants and obligations we make in Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith receiving this gift. Each “temple ordi- referred to this priesthood authority. 7 nance is not just a ritual to go through, In later instructions to the Prophet it is an act of solemn promising.” 3 regarding the temple, the Lord said: The temple endowment was given “Let this house be built unto my by revelation. Thus, it is best under- name, that I may reveal mine ordi- stood by revelation, vigorously sought nances therein unto my people; with a pure heart. President Brigham “For I deign to reveal unto my Young explained that “your endow- church things which have been kept President Brigham Young ment is, to receive all those ordinances hid from before the foundation of the explained that “your en- in the house of the Lord, which are nec- world, things that pertain to the dis- dowment is, to receive all essary for you, after you have departed pensation of the fulness of times.” 8 those ordinances in the this life, to enable you to walk back to We are living in that dispensa- the presence of the Father, passing the tion. Temples, ordinances, covenants, house of the Lord, which angels who stand as sentinels, . and endowments, and sealings have been are necessary for you, gain your eternal exaltation.” 4 restored, precisely as prophesied. after you have departed Ordinances of the temple provide for Obedience to the sacred covenants reconciliation with the Lord and seal this life, to enable you to made in temples qualifies us for families together forever. Obedience to eternal life walk back to the pres- the sacred covenants made in temples In each temple the sealing authority of ence of the Father.” qualifies us for eternal life—the great- the priesthood is exercised. President est gift of God to man. 9 Gordon B. Hinckley explained that “no king, no president of a nation, no offi- Anyone who is willing to prepare well cial of any entity in the world of which may enter the temple we are a part has any authority over Because a temple is sacred, the Lord matters beyond the grave. Everyone asks that it be protected from desecra- is helpless before the reach of death, tion. Anyone may enter who is willing but the humblest, good, righteous high to prepare well for that privilege. The priest who has received the sealing concept of preparation prevails in other authority may bind in the heavens that fields of endeavor. I remember when I 5 which is bound on the earth.” was but a young boy, I told my parents Just as priesthood is eternal— I wanted to attend the university. They without beginning or end—so is the said I could, but only if I worked hard 6 authority of that priesthood. Conse- in preliminary schooling and met all quently, the ordinances and covenants 42 the requirements for admission to the interviews are conducted in a spirit of university. Similarly, we must qual- accountability. We must qualify for ify for admission to the temple. We How do you prepare for a temple admission to the temple. prepare physically, intellectually, and recommend? You may consult with We prepare physically, spiritually. Eligibility is determined your bishopric, as well as your par- individually for each person applying ents, family, stake presidency, teacher, intellectually, and for a recommend. or quorum adviser. The requirements spiritually. Those who hold keys of priesthood are simple. Succinctly stated, an indi- authority and responsibility help us vidual is required to keep the com- prepare by conducting temple recom- mandments of Him whose house it mend interviews. These leaders care is. He has set the standards. We enter for us and help us determine if we the temple as His guests. are ready to attend the temple. They The Lord would be pleased if also love the Lord and ensure “that every adult member would be no unclean thing shall be permitted to worthy of—and carry—a current come into [His] house.” 10 Thus, these temple recommend. “Interviews . for temple recommends, with 43 44 You prepare physically by dressing properly to go to the temple. It is not a place for casual attire. Respect for our physical bodies should be observed especially by those who enter a holy temple. [members of your bishopric and All sit side by side and are considered members of your stake presidency are equal in the eyes of the Lord. Through precious experiences. And, in a way, a democracy of dress, temple atten- they could be considered meaningful dance reminds us that “God is no ‘dress rehearsals’ for that grand col- respecter of persons.” 14 loquy when you will stand before the Brides and grooms enter the temple Great Judge.” 11 to be married for time and all eternity. In the temple, brides wear dresses that Prepare physically to go to the temple are white, long sleeved, modest in Now, with a temple recommend in design and fabric, and free of elaborate hand, you are ready for additional ornamentation. Men do not wear tuxe- preparation. You prepare physically dos or formal wear. President Boyd K. by dressing properly to go to the Packer, now President of the Quorum temple. It is not a place for casual attire. of the Twelve Apostles, wrote: “It is Latter-day prophets have emphasized pleasing to the Lord when we bathe self-respect for our physical bodies. our bodies and put on clean clothing, That respect should be observed espe- however inexpensive the clothing may cially by those who would enter a holy be. We should dress in such a way that temple. 12 we might comfortably attend a sac- In the temple, all are dressed in rament meeting or a gathering that is In the temple, all are spotless white. “The symbolic purity of proper and dignified.” 15 dressed in spotless white. white likewise reminds us that God is Speaking of temple attire, mothers to have a pure people.” 13 Age, nation- and grandmothers can exert a great Through a democracy of ality, language—even position in the influence for good among their children dress, temple attendance Church—are of secondary significance. and grandchildren. As their skill and reminds us that “God is I have attended many endowment ses- circumstances permit, they can provide sions when the President of the Church tangible motivation for their family. A no respecter of persons.” participated. Every man in the room mother’s gift of a hand-embroidered was accorded the same high regard handkerchief or other article of temple that was extended to the President. ▲ Johannesburg South Africa Temple. Dedicated Aug. 24, 1985. 45 clothing can be a powerful incentive for “Practices frequently observed Mothers and grand- a loving child or grandchild to cherish. among the members of the Church mothers can exert a suggest that some members do not The temple garment symbolizes fully understand the covenant they great influence for good continuing commitment make in the temple to wear the gar- among their children and The wearing of the temple garment ment in accordance with the spirit of grandchildren regarding bears great symbolic significance and the holy endowment. represents a continuing commitment. proper temple attire. “Church members who have been Just as the Savior gave us an example clothed with the garment in the temple of His ability to endure to the end, have made a covenant to wear it wearing the garment is one way we throughout their lives. This has been demonstrate enduring faith in Him interpreted to mean that it is worn as and in His eternal covenants with us.
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