# ~.~,~;I~l,f(fIV~ I[!:P,.i:Y, CO~IP. 77178 V[CI~{L~,, ~'.C., ;'61 V8V- 1;~'~ Free counselling service If drinking,s too much of a habit, talk to Frances and effects. Sometimes he'll the alcohol is around, who's "A lot of people aren't more closely than during the client probably won't " • S~co~d in, (~ ~er~e~ ask the client to monitor bis going to notice if one drink ready to do anything about assessment. They try to stay as long. • drinking by writing down leads to another? it," said Sabine. "It means a replace the drinking pattern "I remind my client that ByJulletteProom fact that they have a the circumstances around Some people withdraw dramatic change to a with a more constructive making new friends is a HeraldStaffwrlter. problem' which will take taking a drink, from then" problems under person's lifestyle and many one. gradual process. If he goes ~nk too m ~, o work to get rid of. Sometimes a person with the guise of drink. Before people just don't want to to new places, he might not Do you drink~wthink] too much, ~do' or "The problem .is .not a problem will go to a bar going to an important up- change things." clientSabinenottoenC°urageSsee his drinkingthe know everyone or even does someonw think you do? There is a free'ee counsellorcorms )r ini~ always a mlnmng and not leave until he is on pointment, the problem "The person has to realize buddies. The client is ,host anyone," stud Sabine. Soon, o van h~ yo~ problem," said Sabine. the verge of passing out. He drinker will stop in the bar no miracles are going to vulnerable at the beginning though, "it mushrooms. One Terrace who can help you can't go home if there is a to ganter some "dutch happen. It's a lot of hard of the program. 01d friends thing leedsto another and ~~~~~ with alcohol or drug:drug related ate "Sometimes it's a corn- full giass on the table, courage". One 'drink leads woi~k"said Sabine. "But it might mwte old habits, the client doesn't have td i~ / problems. munications problem. In drink for a social life ': .... Sabine ( , b either ease, I can help." • Other people - with to another and before you takes a lot of guts to start Frances Sabine~!8-8488 o] can ran, be The first stage of coun- problems may go to a party know it, it's toolate to make Sabine encourages the anymore." reached at 638-8488or found volunteering to serve as a that appointment anyway, stage,drinking drinking too. After is a ancertain an- client to get out with people "I always invite the ~~: ..... at No. 5 4554~l LazelleLazell~ Ave.,~ve. selling is an assessment of bar-tender. Not every After the problem has tisocial act." -- go to hockey games, the person to go Alcoholics ':~i~" ~:~ Terrace. He splits hish: timetim~ the case. '~'he client and I bartender is a secret, been identified and isolated, theatre, church, anywhere Anonymous. The fellowship between Terrace and probe into the drinking:--, drhlkei~,'but: Some ser~'e so'. the client must decide .: If a pers0ncontinues with that people are together. If 0nvolved offers a different , : ,~ Kitimat, so it's best to make the extent and the pattern of they can be in a better whether he will continue to counselling, Sabine helps he has to go to a bar, Sabine kind of support than the .an appohitment. drinking," said Sabine. position to sneak a drink. If see the counsellor, hime look at his life even sa~s to goto a strange bar-- therapist, offers," laid Frances Sabine Sabine. It also provides living proof that a drinking Sabine's services are free usedMost the peoplecounselling who service have me."I~.ve~keeveryt'mn.g ,caenstells me as me f Weather problem can be beaten." to the client. He is paid by since it was set up in July truth, but I have to , | Cio,.d,, ,,,h o~--.,.--., [ Alcohol Anonymous can the alcohol and drug have been referred to it by remember that by the time the heraid | ~.~, ~. ,~...o.,,,,,,.o ,~:.: [ be reached at 635.5750 or 635- commission but the money doctors, emvlo~,ers or social tie comes to see me, I "": ....... ."" ." :?" I 5636 Thereare meetings at is administered by the ugeneies, ae- everyone else is con eed I I Monday night in the Terrace Commuuity .ser- eept people who walk in off he has a problem. He's been :i~i:~t W~U:::;:I::~: I'~ ...... -"""-"~°-"I United Church, 8 pm vices society. There is amo a the sh'e~t though, badgered," said Sabine. [ ~veusan°nsn°re~°w[~ ] Thursday in Skeenaview local • Durg and Alcohol | .m.e.uex~ mw says. :roa.ay:s i Lodge and 8"30 Saturday in committee which holds Wh'ena person goes to the In the assess.merit s~get Terrace, Itons, Ste tmogn, ~ aegrees, mngnm [ the Health lJnit, public meetings. alcohol end drug coanselling Sabin.ewor.im...w~..~i ule enen¢ 'N:;:::: ' t3hoe:2:e B'R 25: I~r: ~ow • aegrees. service for help, they have to inomm drinking pauerns OLUM~zl ) tetheclark be preparedto face accuseandtries to findcaUsed theof ......... Aldermen tangle ToryMP's d e fe a t in Lazelle rezoning By DOUG SMALL , called Monday for an in. OTTAWA (CP) -- Op- vostigatlon into the nomi- By Donna Vailieres p~_ition Leader Joe Clark's hating meeting. Herald Staff Writer office denied Monday that it Aimers cSarged that A rezonign dispute which interfered in a Sunday many who voted tor Taylor took place at Terrace Northland Prince nominatin~ meeting thai had no previous connection council meeting last night rejected recumbent MP with the Coneervative party, did little to resolve the Stan Schumacher as a and said he would devote his issues at hand and instead to ply Atlantic Progressive Conservative time before the party!s engendered conflict and candidate in'the Alberta general meet in~ in Quebec arguments between council VANCOUVER (CP)--The Northland Prince, a riding of Bow River. City Nov. 3-6 m trying to members themselves. assengercargo ship operated by Northland But Sehumacher said in a "secure a reversal" of the The dispute involved the vigation Co. Ltd. between northeeast British telephone interview from meeting's outcome. north side of the 4700 block Columbia communities until last year, has been sold his Drumheller, Alta., home "The Progressive Con- Lazelle. Property owners in to a British company and will be ~ in the Atlantic, that Clark supporters servative party ~annot this block have approached the president of Northland said Monday. engineeredi~s defeat. afford to have any of its MPs council since the area was Captain Louis Fleming said the 3,000-ton Prince has "It was revenge, pure and damped under cir- first given special zoning in been renamed the St. Helena and will be used on trips simple," the nin~year Com- cumstancea which indicate 1972 asking that the block be between England and South Africa, stepping at the mons veteran said. that the will of the majority rezoned commercial. islands of St. Helena and Ascension, located in the Clark said last year that of its supporters has been The owners again made South Atlantic west of Angola. he wanted to run for the flouted," Aimers said in a verbal submissions to Fleming said the ship has been sold to Curnow nomination in Bow River, news release. council last night and were Shipping Ltd. of Cornwall, England, but wouldn't but Schumacher reftmnd to ~Sohumache~: ,~id supportedby Aid. Dave disclose the Durchese price. , P~d:~nd ~Doug Mumford, ,.~:~O-fout shlp was'built by Btwrard Shipyard and who stated he was ad- Marine Ways Ltd. in nearby North Vancouver in 1962 'rhe~d:~nt mbarraseed ~l~c~r~1~4~,said he dressing himself to the and operated until Oct. 1976, when it w~ taken out of Clark politically, and would check to make sure audience and the media in service because the federal government stepped a $3 Schumacher says Clark the number of paid Con- his remarks concerning a million annual subsidy to Northland. loyalists went out of their servative party mem- motion, to hold a public way to secure his defeat. berships in the constituency hearing on the rezoning The ~nondmtien was won co~responded with the issue. Sunday by Gordon Taylor, namner ox votes case at the In 5is speech, Pease an independent MLA in meeting. He was defeated personally• ciriticized two Alberta 'and former Social by a vote of 501 to '414. other aldermen before being Election seen Credit cabinet" minister in Thirteen ballots were reprimanded by Mayor the province, spoiled. Dave Maroney. But if party records show WANTS INVESTIGATION there are at least 9S8 this spring J~n Aimers,.president of memberships, there would the Progressive Con- be nothing to investigate, By PAUL GESSELL that he will call an election servative Youth Federation, Sehamacher said. OTTAWA (CP) -- The during the first half of 1978. government has given high The existence of four priority to passage of vacant Commons' seats amendments to the Canada could reinforce Trudeau's Cherry Point Elections Act re-lntroduced decision to call an election in the Commons Monday so this spring. Starting March they can be implemented 1, he must annoanee dates to before the next federal fill the vacancies, either firm withdraws election, expected tn be held through byelections or next spring, governmenl through a general election. OLYMPIA (AP) -- The That. amendment sources say. ALMOST IDENTICAL prohibits issuance of Traan-Mountaln Pipeline a Such amendments must The Election Act amend: Co.
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