> Daily Edition No 1005 NELSON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1901. Eleventh Year the Russian communication referred for the gradual evacuation of the CANADIAN to in a previous despatch and the THE DELEGATES RUSSIA'S province proved to be impossible. THE MOLLY T|TT-r)T|T TlfTlOl news was accepted as an indication As regards tlie eventual restoration W IJAJ-LILIL- J. IO that the tension in the far east would GET AWAY EXPLANATION of the province to China, it is mani­ GIBSON MUSE be removed. fest that such intention can only be carried out when the normal sittuu- MINES ALL RUNNING. tion shall be completely restored in Annual Meeting of G. W. A. Rossland and Boundary Con Maintains its Organization In the empire and the central govern­ Gol, Ray Here to Arrange a No Sign of Tiouble in the Rossland ment established at the capital, inde- Attendance Small —Im­ Camp. tlngent Arrived Last Manchuria Until Affairs neinlei)t[aiid strong enough to guaran­ Settlement of Company's Rossland, April 5.—The mines here are Settled. tee Russia against an occurrence of portant Business. are all running and every indication Night. the events of last year.'' Affairs. is that they will continue to do so. There have been rumors Df pending Tien Tsin, April 5.—It is reported Accident at Bowmanville. strike, but it is thought it hat. all Will Meet Others at Landing Deprecates Alarmist Reports here that the Russians have been en Anticipated That Outstanding blown over. deavoring to force a purchase of the and Proceed Thirty Circulated Regarding its disputed railway siding from thcorig Obligations Will Soon Be Enthusiastic Members of inal Chinese owners. FREE TRADE REMEDY. B. P. Police. London, April 0.—The Daily Mail Strong. Intentions. Wiped Out. in the course of an extended article HUGE PASSENGER LIST. on the American steel trusts, says New York, April 5.—The North that it can see no escape for the Unit­ German Lloyd steamer Rhein, which (SPECIAL, TO THE MINER.) The Boundary and Rossland repre­ Washington, April 5.—The United ed States from the oppression of trusts arrived today from Bremen had 3,440 Colonel W. S. Ray of the Molly Gib­ Toronto, April .1.—There was a sentatives on the delegation to Otta­ States government has received a com­ son alining company is in the city except in free trade and declares that steerage passengers,probably the larg­ very small attendance at the annual wa left this morning for Kootenay munication from tlie government of today, his mission being to arrange J. P. Morgan has appropriated 8200,• est number ever brought by a single meeting ot the C. W. A. compared Landing where they meet the Slo­ Russia of unusual importance. It tho affairs of the company. Within 009,000 to crush American independent steamer to this port. with those of a few years ago. Busi­ concern;. can contingent. Tomorrow they pick bears on conditions in China and par­ the next two or three days an an­ ness did not last long and the most up the Crow's Nest people and as ticularly those relating to Manchuria. nouncement may be expected to the Important matter decided on was the they go across the continent there The document has created a profound­ effect that all the company's obliga­ determination of the association to LATEST FROM THE WAR THE TRUE BLUE GROUP will be nearly thirty delegates from ly* favorable impression at the state tions have been wiped out and that again assume control of racing. The the boards of trade of Southern Brit­ the property will start with a clean department, as it is looked upon as MR. .1. C. DREWRY RETURNS Canadian Cyclist Association has COLONEL PLUMMER'S ADVANCE ish Columbia. Those who arrived in the most salutary development that sheet. The directors propose to lose practically given up the ghost and it —BOER SEAT OF GOVERN­ Nelson last night were M. S. Logan, FROM A TRIP OF INSPEC­ no time in putting the Molly Gibson was pointed out bv Louis Rubenstein has occurred in many months in the MENT SHIFTED. mine operator, Rossland board of TION. ou a dividend-paying basis and their of Montreal and Hal. II. Donly that eastern situation. Although the terms trade; J. W. Jones, merchant, Grand plans to this end are of a most com­ this organization would drop out of of the Russian communication are HRITISH FORCES WILL OPERATE Forks board of trade; Fred Clark, RECENT .STRIKE QUITE DP TO prehensive nature. the field entirely if tho C. W. A. merchant, Grand Forks board of withheld, it Is known that Russia would assume the obligations which DURING WINTER—TRANSVAAL ESTIMATE OF CURRENT trade; John A. Sinythe, banker, takes objection to give a strong assur­ Colonel Ray was seen at the Phair they have entered Into. The execu­ REPORTS. BOERS PRESSED. Greenwood board of trade; David ance of her disinterested purposes yesterday and divulged interesting in­ tive was instructed to arrange about Heap, manager of the'Last Chance throughout her dealings with China. formation in regard to the company's the transfei and if It Is practical it London, April 5.—Lord Kitchener mine, Sandon; M. L, Grimraett, San­ J. C. Dicwry has returned from a intentions regarding the big Koka­ certainly will be accomplished. The The belief is held in official quar-1 reports as follows to the war office: don board of trade; Geo. Ransom, trip of inspection to the True Blue nee creek mine. After expressing C. C. A. will be forced to retire ters, tnat. tbe assurances of Russia are "Colonel Plummet- has advanced manager Slocan Sovereign, Sandon. group on Kaslo creek, and spent regret that circumstances had been whether they like It or not. No com­ so sweeping as completely to avert the twenty miles beyond Nylesteroom un­ W. W. Beaton, representative of yesterday in tho city. He states tbat such as to leuil the bank to withdraw promise will be accepted. Secretary opposed on the way toward Pietcrs threatened crisis in Manchuria. the recent strike at tlie property was its support from the company, he Howson's scheme of dividing the Kaslo met these gentlemen here and burg.'' quite us good as he had been led to stat-d that upon receipt of the sews accompanied them to Kootenay Land­ St. Petersburg, April 5.—The Rus­ country into seven districts Instead of believe and that there is every indica­ According to the Pretoria corre­ ing where they join the Kaslo contin­ sian government concludes a lengthy he and a few of tbe directors bad twenty-one as has formerly been the tion that tho property will turn out to spondent cf the Daily Telegraph, the gent as follows: G. 0. Buchanan, statement respecting tbe Manchurian advanced the funda necessary to pay case went through in sweeping fash­ be a mine. The exploration crosscut Beors have shifted their seat of gov­ A. W. Goodenough and George Alex­ agreement in these words: "While the men, it being a principle with ion. The formation of a junior run to pick up the lead lost by the ernment from Pietersburg to a point ander, from the board of trade, and the Russian government maintains its them that tlie crew should not be per­ leagne was also favorably received and former owners of the property came 35 miles northeast. Mayor Carlson, Aid. Archer and Pap- present organization in Manchuria to mitted to suffer. He was not aware in future all cyclists under tbe age into the ore under circumstances worth, from the city council. Mr. preserve order in the vicinity of tbe of the action filed against the prop­ of eighteen years will be extended which leave uo doubt that the vein London, April 5.—Lord Kitchener Beaton represents the citizens of Kas­ broad frontiers of Russia and remains erty until recently, but was not half rate privileges A' capital stroke lias been recovered. The ledge at the reporting to the war office, the find - lo on the delegation. At Kootenay faithful to it original and oft repeat­ disposed to criticize local business was accomplished when II, II. Donly, point where it lias been encountcied Ing of an abandond and destroyed Landing also will be C. Cliffe, San­ ed political programme,it will quietly houses for protecting themselves, pai- wbo has fought a good fight in the is no less than seven feet in width pompom near Vryheid says: "This don, George Vallance, Sandon, E. R. await tbe further course ol events." ticularly in view of the fact that the interests of the C. W. A. and wheel­ and tbe ore is identical in appearance accounts for all the enemies guns business men of Nelson had always ing generally, was selected for the Atherton, ex-mayor of Sandon and W. with the high grade product shipped known to be in the southeastern dis- treated the company generously. distinction of having tho first honor- llastie Adams, manager of the Ram­ St. Petersburg, April 5.—The offi­ under the old management. The last tiret." The directors had decided to erect a «iy life membership in the association bler-Cariboo mines. cial Messenger today published a de­ two lots sent to the smelter by the concentrator at tho mine and witli conferred upon him. The delegation will be greatly aug­ tailed review of the negotiations con­ former owners went 10 4-10 per cent, a view to determining tlie method of llethulle, Orange River Colony, mented by the Crow's Nest people and ducted by the allied powers with the and 12 l-lo per cent, in copper, re treatment best suited to the class of April 4.—(Thursday).—A fotce of the Nelson and other representatives Chinese plenlpotiaries at Tien Tsin spectively, together with 8:1 to $S in Ottawa, April Si—Eleven recruits ore on tbe property bad tests made in Boers under Commander Kritzinger who are already at Ottawa.
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