FORA 'BALANCED .......University of Edinburgh,-Oid College South Bridge, Edinburgh EHS 9YL VIEW ·· Tel: 031-6671011 ext 4308 18 November-16 December GET ALBERT IRVIN Paintings 1959-1989 Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Admission Free Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council DAILY Glasgow Herald Student Newp~aper of the Year y 16thnovem 25p r_ MURIELGRA the Rector THESHAMEN speaks synergyand pages 10-11 ecstasy page12 - u ars by Neil Rafferty scotland as an active member-' _As a member of the Scottish and state in the EEC: "We could· Nationalists renowned for attack­ JeffSinton shape the agenda of the commun­ ing all of Scotland's Tories, espe­ ity by holding regular summits in cially Malcolm Rifkind, the Edinburgh," he said. former Labour MP had to attack iiM SILLARS, Scottish the Scottish Secretary. Nationalist MP for Glasgow­ "Not only would Scottish rep-· "He is a governor-general," Govan, declared on Friday resentation in Brussels double," who "does not represent the Scot­ that the West must "extend he argued, "but we would have tish people," and if independence Commissioners in our own right.':.._ the hand of friendship and • were ever achieved Thatcherism dialogue" to Eastern Europe "would be marginalised forever -"with no strings attached." The economic and industrial and the ideas of the Adam Smith benefits of membership, how­ Institute relegated to the Dandy Speaking at the William ever, were subject to vague politi­ and the Beano." Robertson Building, Sillars said cal rules. Citing the cases of' Ravenscraig and Gartcosh steel­ Mr Sillars, invited to speak at that the past fortnight of events in the University by EU Scottish East Germany would not lead to works, the member for Govan claimed that the EEC would not Nationalists, managed to stay for the threat of a re-unified Ger­ some questions by_ the audience. 'many. "The SNP," he com­ have regarded them as "a mented, "would trust the German peripheral part of the economy" i( One concerned student who people in an integrated European Scotland had had a voice. Rather attended asked the MP for community." they would have been considered Govan, elected only just over a. as a "central part of a member year ago, about the controversial Continuing . to promote the state's economy" when any cut­ withdrawal by the SNP from the SNP's stance on the present backs were called for, he said. Scottish Constitutional Conven­ events. affecting the two German tion-a cross-party body set up t"o states, the Nationalist MP accused On a final, but important note promote Scottish independence. Mrs Thatcher and Mr Kinnock of about a nation's sovereignty in the "failing to understand-the changes Community, Mr Sillars ·main­ Replying, Mr Sillars said that that were _laking place in tained that a Scottish government the reason for this was that the Europe," stressing the need for would not fall prey to European Convention's members were · Scotland to become an indepen­ bureaucracy, but retain "enorm­ unelected and largely sympathetic dent part of the community. ous powers". Indeed, he inti­ to the Labour Party. It would mated, a Scottish government have been better, he felt, if the Getting on to the question of wouldn't even try to ·privatise the Convention had "reflected the the European Community itself, NHS or introduce loans for stu­ political parties' representation in Mr Silhirs outlined his vision of dents." Europe." Photo: Chris McKenna student 2 thursday, november 16, 1989 news BBC bias Nuclear deterrent. against Scots outdated weapons was "no propaganda never heard my culture depicted ing to Scottish culture," he added. by Neil Rafferty by Andrew Heavens operation". with the dignity it deserved on TV • In a discussion period following He maintained that "nuclear or radio." the talk, Kay called on the Uni­ "SCOTLAND small? Our JOHN Erickson, retired Pro­ weapons were not the be all and versity authorities to introduce end all" but that "highly sophisti­ multiform, our infinite Scot­ Kay reflected that he had "positive discrimination" towards, fessor of Defence Studies at experienced a great deal of resis­ Edinburgh University, has cated space-based defence could land small?" These words, Scottish students in their student make the question of nuclear tance within the BBC to his intake. He described Scottish stu­ attacked the idea of deterr­ from the poetry of Hugh broadcasting of the Scottish deterrence and disarmament MacDiarmid, provided a dents as being "programmed" ence against a Soviet military irrelevant". dialect. "There are lots of myths with the '"prejudices engrained in threat as "political non­ focal point for last Thurs­ and prejudices against Scots," he Turning to.the study of defence, day's talk given by the well­ this anglicised nation~· and spoke sense". said. "People say that it's a dead of a "ridiculous deathwish" felt Professor Erickson emphasised language, or that it is unintelligi~ known Scottish author and towards their own language. In this year's Mountbatten Lec­ the importance of multi-cul­ broadcaster Billy Kay at the ble and parochial, but it's not ture, Professor Erickson told a turalism in the field and added opening meeting of the newly true." The talk was punctuated with packed hall in Old College that it that there is "a lot to be gained" formed Scottish Ethnology extracts from interviews con­ was a "political shibboleth that when CND and strategic Students' Society. He went on to say that "the ducted by Kay on his television nuclear weapons keep the peace" academics "are in a sensible BBC is a lot less anglicised than and radio shows. From these he and that, "we are moral and mode". He continued that the I<ay, whose topic was "Oral Edinburgh University" and stressed the enormous contribu­ strategic idiots if we continue to study of deterrence "was not very Tradition in the Media", concen­ decried the fact that courses like tion to social history made use this phrase". purposeful". Scottish Literature were seen as trated mainly on his work for the through first-hand accounts. Cit­ Concentrating on the subject of In closing his talk he expressed secondary to the "grand literature BBC in promoting the "rich" his­ ing the example of the Clydebank Soviet defence, the professor told his pride at the work done in Edin­ of England". He saw this as a torical, political and cultural oral blitz during World War Two, Kay his audience that we believed the burgh, particularly in relation to result of the attitude <;>f Scottish tradition in Scotland. He spoke of triumphed that this medium was USSR were "stripping themselves Soviet defence, but reminded his students to merely get on in life. a "huge gap" in public awareness alone in Scotland in representing down to their military under­ audience that there was much still "It's a shame when a lot of of the worth - or even existence "the gut politics of the working wear", and that President Gor­ to be done "on the key question of -of Scottish culture and said: "I talented folk could be contribut- classes". bachev's rejection of nuclear verification" WARWICK while, are having to accommodate SHEFFIELD Francis Galbraith, head of the Abortion is making the headlines themselves privately · Last week, we reported that the Students' Committee at the hall, at Warwick. Last week, 2S stu­ CAIVIPUS.. Sheffield University magazine Ink has stated her support for the resi­ dents approached their students' CARDIFF Inc faced closure due to a lack of dents, insisting that paying £1,300 union for permission to form a Local accounting firm Price To· funding. per year entitles them to some say "pro-life" group on campus. Waterhouse were the target of a However, this was overturned in the running of their halls. However, the group, who are sit-in organised by students last at a general meeting last Thurs­ week. A group of 100 occupied 'the CAMPUS day, where th~ Finance and Gen­ opposed to abortion, were denied ABERDEEN: buildings, reacting to rumours eral Purposes Committee were their request - the frrst time in Aberdeen SRC's Pubs Board last that the firm were preparing for · Compiled by Steve Martin forced to rebudget. The magazine living memory at Warwick that a week_decided that the SRC was the student loan scheme coming and Craig Williams has demanded £2,700 worth of request to form a society has been wrong to censor the student news­ turned down. into operation next year. funding. said: "Even though we lost the paper, Gaudie, as we reported the The furore caused has now seen The frrm rigorously denied this, referendum, we have a achieved a other week .. MANCHESTER a rift amongst Warwick's sabbati­ claiming that they were in fact pre­ lot." cals, with two in favour and two paring a feasibility study for a A long tradition of "rugby playing Staff at Gaudie had walked out agair~:st. Fireworks are expected in bank. After a total of five hours and heavy beer drinking" could be originally when Aberdeen SRC the near future. occupation, the students left .LANCASTER under threat due to the appoint­ President, Sylvia Taylor, planned peacefuJiy. Bowland College, one of the eight ment of a new warden at one of the to censor the paper over two arti­ colleges that make up Lancaster oldest all-male halls of residence in cles on an 'Acid Party'. Gaudie's University, has officially declared READING OXFORD the city. editor resigned, saying he refused This term 1,000 Japanese students itself a monastery to avoid paying Mr Julian Williams proposes to to work under.such censorship. Last Thursday's referendum on the poll tax. have arrived at the university as a the union's motion of support for admit female residents, put an end However, the Publications result of half the college being sold Board at Aberdeen have decided Winston Silcott - currently in At a JCR meeting last Thurs­ to formal meals, and "clamp down to a consortium of Tokyo to amend their constitution, as prison for the murder of P.C.
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