U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Nov. 9, 1983 GOP sees good signals Family MDs are MHS, East REAI from Tuesday elections a growing breed win openers ESTATE ... page 5 ... page 11 „ ... page 15 Rainy and windy Manchester, Conn. Thursday, Nov. 10, 1983 * 6Vs Rm, immediate occupancy tonight and Friday ^ Large lot with trees — See page 2 ilanrhratrr Single copy; 254 * Well insulated Mmlh * Unique fireplace * Formal dining room ^ Front to back living room * 3 bedrooms * Built in*s Syrians fire on U.S. jets over Beirut ^ City utilities TR IPO LI, Lebanon (U PI) - Syria-backed offensive to crush his refugee camp. How ever, Arafat 'appearing a Navy F-14 pilot reported what diately clear which side was * The Price Is Right! $89,900. Syrian gunners fired on U.S. F-U army in Lebanon. "Yesterday, a new Syrian div­ cheerful and confident said he appeared to be anti-aircraft fire. responsibile for violating a cease­ Tomcats over Beirut today and State-run Beirut radio said the ision — a mechanized division — thought he could hold out in Tripoli The aircraft was in no danger and fire between Arafat’s guerrilla Syrian tanks were rep ort^ ad- city of at least 150,000 people came began to enter the Lebanese and would stay until leaders of the continued its mission." force and the Palestinian rebels New Home in Vernon .vancing on Tripoli amid renewed under intensive artillery fire soon territory from the north. One city asked him to go which he said The spokesman would not say- trying to end his 14-year reign as Take advantage of the new CHFA Realty Co., Inc. rebel attacks on Yasser Arafat's afterward, shattering a cease-fire brigade had already arrived yes­ contended they have not done so how many American planes were chief of the Palestine Liberation Financing that is coming out soon, northern stronghold. 18 hours after it took effect terday at night. And they began in far. in the area when the Syrian Organization. buy now! «4 3 -2 6 9 2 The attack on the American Wednesday night. action from this moment now,” Hours earlier, Syria said its gunners opened fire. Arab diplomatic reports from Robert D. Murdock, Realtor warplanes was the first direct "A s you are observing, this said Arafat. gunners fired at four U.S. F-14 The attack came amid a general dissident sources in Damascus confrontation between American cease-fire is very weak," Arafat "This means we are facing two Tomacts today as they flew over military mobilization in Syria and said the cease-fire worked out by and Syrian forces in Lebanon and said, grinning as artillery shells divisions from the Syrian army. Syrian positions in Lebanon at 7:35 fears in Damascus that the U.S. the foreign ministers of Saudi 0 . came amid heightened tension slammed into the Beddawi camp 2 900 to 1,000 Libyan troops plus part a.m. local time. forces were planning a retaliatory Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar was 9 between the two nations in the miles from his headquarters in the of the PLA (Palestine Liberation "Our ground defenses con­ strike for the bombing of the U.S. conditional on Arafat’s departure i L u m wake of the Oct. 23 bombing of the center of Tripoli. Army) under Syrian control. fronted the planes and forced them Marine headquarters in Beirut. from north Lebanon. U.S. Marine heaquarters in Beirut. Arafat told reporters his mil­ "In my opinion, they are prepar­ to return toward the sea," a In recent months, the Damascus But in an interview with the Clashes broke out shortly after itary intelligence units told him ing to invade the city from north, communique broadcast by state- regime of President Hafez Assad United Arab Emirates newspaper, has deployed advanced Soviet Al Khaleej. Arafat denied reports 156 E Center St noon north of Tripoli on the edge of two Syrian divisions backed by south and east.” run Damascus radio said. the Beddawi Palestinian refugee tanks were advancing on Tripoli Arafat admitted his situation A Pentagon spokesman said. missiles manned by Soviet person­ of his imminent departure from M anchester camp, where Arafat’s guerrillas but that loyalist forces halted the was "very tough because of the "W e got a report that while flying nel inside its territory. northern Lebanon as "mere •****^*‘'; ""ri". ♦ sf*. • *■ were fighting off an eight-day attack at the Beddawi Palestinian "Syrian-Libyan massing.” reconnaissance in the Beirut area In Tripoli, it was not imme­ illusions." MANCHESTER $59,500 NEW USTIN6 Low. low rates with C H FA on this sparkling 2 bedroom home! NEW USTIN6 IR WIUIMANTIC m $72,500 Tenderly cared for and in excellent condition it has a totally re­ Lovtiy ihTM betWoom home, in nice retidentiel neighborhood. Immecu- leal Estate Adams Street work almost finished Lovoly rasldonUal area turroundo thit Itwee bedroom rvich Large rec novated bath, extra insulation and lots of style Call our Man­ late thru out. Two stoves one wood and one coal heat tha entka houae. room, roomy kHcben and living room with wall to wall carpeting, attached Larga lot with woodad raar of lot G O O D C.H F A CAND ID ATE. al only 646-2000 two car garage and economical gae heat. Immediate occupancy available. chester office to see this charmer 643-4060 153.900 00 Call today for more information Bridges to reopen this month Bv James P. Socks . - - m Herald Reporter Anyone who drives a passenger car or a truck weighing up to five tons should be able CHFA PRICE RANC6E MANCHESTER $68,900 to cross the Union Street Bridge by the IT SPARKLES Just Listed! Wonderful family home with 3 bedrooms, fire- NEW USTim m ANDOVER beginning of December, Town Engineer This Ihrae bedroom Colonial is to dean It sparklet. Move right in and placed Living Room, fully applianced kitchen which includes A lot Of houta for the money 6 room ranch on Andover/BoHon line, 3 car Walter Senkow said this morning. en|oy the fireplacad living room, formal dining room and tunny Florida dishwasher Wall to wall carpeting, dining room and rec. room garage, formal dining room, lovely pir»e living room with ftrapiece. rec room. Ecorromical gat heal, ceramic tile bath, lots of clotett and garage room and 4 bedrooms Lovely corner lot with matured pine treed II About $35,000 worth of repairs to the Garage, treed lot and fenced rear yard. Washer A dryer are in- $89.900 00 N toot Aluminum tided for easy-care. See it today. 166.000 "CHFA BARGAIN duded. Call for appointment at 643-4060. bridge should be complete by late No­ W i can help you become a Aluminum Sided Cape just waiting for youll 6 rooms, 3 good sized bedrooms. vember and the administration hopes it can "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! . TEDFORD 2 full baths, Appliances. Extremely be reopened sometime around Thanksgiv­ Call 646^25. and ask lor Dan. ca REAL ESTATE, INC. large lot, on quiet street. Close to ing, Senkow said. He predicted it will be open by Dec. 1 if not in November. D.F. REALE, INC. FREE school and church. Desirable Area. 64 7-9914 Perfect yard for growing children. In addition, the new Adams Street Bridge flaal Cttata e v a l u a t io n I IS iw . a..rtim«. Cl. REAL ESTATE SERVICES Owners Anxious: Must SelT. should be open Nov. 18, state Inspector 646-4525 223 East Cantar St., Manchaalar 6<3 1044 Rt. 44A Bo lto n Roland Mihok said today. At that time, he said, the new bridge will be ready and a 0 nearby state road-paving contract will be D complete. f 11 f f "W e’re almost finished," Mihok said, MOST FOR MONEY adding that construction workers are awaiting a seal that should arrive in the next few days. The section of Adams Street between Hilliard Street and where Adams becomes New State Road will all be resurfaced, he said. Herald photo by TarQulnio The Town Engineering Department has V scheduled a final inspection of the Adams Temporary repairs began Tuesday on the Union Street Bridge. Street Bridge next week. Repairs making the bridge safe for vehicles up to five tons are Also in the works this fall are about $6,000 in repairs to the Olcott Street Bridge. They expected to be complete by Dec. 1. The bridge appears without its >/uo Trails Eatataa will be conducted "as soon as possible” sidewalk, which has been removed. Part of the roadway has been Brand new 8 Room Contemporary, 2 car garage- after a bid opening Nov. 22, Senkow said. walled off tor a sidewalk. simply gorgeous, too many features to mention. The repairs are needed because a car Directions - Main St. to Charter Oak to Highland to crashed through the guardrail on the south Birch Mountain Rd. to sign Blue Trails Estates MANCHESTER $550,000 side of the bridge in September and ended Bridge in Greenwich collapsed last July. Black and Warner Construction of Union- South Windsor up in the river. Senkow said rebuilding the The administration determined that the ville, will also encase the piers of the bridge guardrail, using some of the original bridge, which has had weight restrictions in in concrete for protection, pack concrete Timber Ridge 10 room Manchester, Conn. - Newer materials, could take about two weeks. He effect for several years, was unsafe for under girders and replace a rusted bearing Laurie Pallas Raised Ranch. 4-5 bed­ 8000 Sq. Ft. Comm.-Prof-Prop­ said the bridge probably will not have to be traffic.
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