Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks The urC rent NSU Digital Collections 12-1-1992 The Knight Volume 3: Issue 8 Nova Southeastern University Follow this and additional works at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight Volume 3: Issue 8" (1992). The Current. 108. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper/108 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. * Serving the Nov.a .University Cofflmu.nity r CLIM. -- 8 I- -N.. T- O.,.... :T- --H E._.. CLUB,...,,. ._. ..,. • - --HOU"""" --- S E1•.........___ Rave reviews for Zareefa"s report! W~'re expanding her co T ,wo FULL PAGES! The fun scares on PAGE 4! """' M ~ ·; N Madonna! ¥. J· _...,......,.. ... .· In• Defense v During the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons of a "Murderess'' 0 Monica Puigsos to work for a living as hu~ Kimber Sharp lege are really unhappy. mans do. They apparently don't Oh, the good old days But the price we Right now you are have anything better to R Kimber Sharp when Thanksgiving and pay-our LIVES-is too reading a letter from a worry about, so they holiday feasts were a cel­ great for such lousy ac­ murderess. I will even make up some sort of It is early December and ebration of life! · commodations. admit I am responsible CAUSE they can support Christmas shopping time is here. That is right! Native First, we are forced forthe deaths of hundreds to PROVE their obviously As one walks into any book store, Americans celebrated by to mate. Once we have of animals. shallow identity. E record store, or movie theater, offering thanks for the accomplished this, they Why? Because I am One of these so- there is no doubt we shoppers will beans, squash, and corn separate us by sex. omnivorous. Yes folks called causes I have run be aware that ·Madonna wants the earth provided them I do not know which out there in la-la land-I into too frequently is that more money. with for the winter. My ones of us are "luckier:" eat MEAT alongside my everyone who used to eat ·Not only does she have a ancestors ran wild the tiny females who are vegetables! Beef, alliga­ meat last y.ear is now book of "erotic" photos, but she throughout the country­ tossed away-sometimes tor, chicken, all varieties some kind of vegetarian also -another album, AND, as if side. ALIVE-in dumpsters, or of sea life, lamb, pheas­ fanatic. this weren't enough, she is com­ Nowadays, we are ants, and turkeys. ing out with an NC-17 rate'41 movie not so free. of burden. I think most of the later this month! Yes, we get room and See ANIMAL RIGHTS people I have met during See HYPOCRISY board, and we do not have onpage3 my couple of years in col- on page 3 See SEX on page B • Page 2 The Knight December 1992 Obi~~,- .Die:~<,,-- ~ IKnight Views ~nd Letters 1 - Machines ··ENJOY "i• -.. - - ~ .......... ~ --~ .- _ --------. - ----- -- , on E mpty Dear Knight Staff: its proximity to the article. The photo Dear Editors: which would logically accompany the Since I am part of the Nova Univer- article on -Cello was relegated to the My contention concerns the vend-> ~== sity Community served by The Knight, last page. ing machines located on the first floor I will comment on the November 16 At first glance, the teader of the of the Parker Building. For the past issue. a_rticle was inclined to think that there three days the machines have not had First I am pleased and grateful for . was a connection between the stripper a supply of change for those of us who your role in more community aware-· and the Cello article. Perhaps your do not carry five dollars worth of change ness of the handicapped: Your article readers could have been better served in our pocket. The machines are the on Cello, the Hearing Ear Dog,· was · by having the relevant photo accom­ only means for changing a dollar. Not excellent. Since I am hear1ng 4mpaired · pany the article. another location dispenses change. mysett, it was especially meaningful to me: Not only was the photo a distrac- If the machine does not take a dollar bill, then the next step is to drop . I wish to comment about the adjacent photo of the coins into the slot. However, for those who do happen to have change deep male strippt3r and its proximity to the article. down in their pockets or purses, the machines have not accepted the lfurther.wishtocommentabol:itthe· · tion from a well-written, interesting ar-1 change. In some instances the ma­ adjacent photo of the male stripper and ticle, but it seemed inappropriate for chinesao not even return the candy bar you always see someone purchasing a K 1 & thefrontpageofthisexcellentnewspa- : orpotatochips'youselected,butgladly soda, a candy bar, or both a candy bar per that serves the Nova Community · keep your change or dollar bill, on and a s9(1a. Faculty members pur­ with the expertise that The Knight has those days when it does accept dollar chase four and five sodas at atime for evidenced. bills! each employee . iri their department. While I do not believe in censor- When your lucky day comes and Numerous students in the past few ..., _ , ship, I would hope that the serious you do have change, the machines days . have bec9me aggr,avated and , ~ !JI image we wish to project might tran- contain two Snickers bars and three complained .-about the machines. · scend the necessity for sensationalism bags of natural flavor potato chips. If the vending machine owners to which others of lesser perception Also, nearly every red light is lit on the enjoy receiving Nova's business and· might resort. soda machines, as if the machines would like to·continue to see a continu­ Again, I wish to commend your were saying, "Ha, Ha! You have ous flow of custo"mers ·and hear the journalistic efforts in our community, change, but you are not going to get a coins dropping into the machines, then and I always look forward to reading my · soda!" the machines must be stocked <;:laily copy_ of . The Knight. ~hank-you for I The only vending machi~es located and must coAtain change for dollar considering my suggestion. in Parker receive heavy business from ,-- students and faculty. bills. Melba Fletcher Whenever you walk by the vending Tracy Froebe! . ma. ·. Faculty, Department of Education machine room in the Parker building Knight Staff · . : ~i.ght St~:C:C Letter and Editorial Policy The Knight is a bimonthly publication. Editor in Chief, Kevin Hawkins The opinions reflected in The The Knight reserves the right to All University members are encour­ Associate Editor, Jax Margo Knight do not speak for the Nova edit any published correspon­ agedto submit articles, editorials, per­ Assistant Associate Editor, Tracy Froebe! University administration, staff, or dence. sonals, or story ideas. Copy Editors, Julie Holland, Cc,1rolyn Pope faculty. Club Liaison, Zareefa Khan Persons who wish to withhold The Knight office is located on the Layout Editor, Jason Domasky Every individual speaks for him their names from the.public should second floor of the Edwin and Esther Assistant Layout Editor, Kimber Sharp or herself. The Knight is not re­ include this statement in the let­ Rosenthal Student Center, Room 208. Business Manager, Joel E. Natt sponsible for opinions of persons ter. The Knight Hotline is 452-1553. Senior Advisor, Christine Jackson ·associated with this publication. The editors will review this re­ Contributing Writers Contributing Writers The Knight staff reserves the quest and determine if printing the right to edit or to exclude any sto~ author's name will infringe on their Philip Fasso 111 Tracy Lamborn ries, advertisements, or bulletins right to privacy while respecting Melba Fletcher John Malouff due to space constraints. their right to be heard. Charles Hansley Ari Roloff If the name should not be with­ Owen Huntley Monica Puigsos Letters must ,be typed and held, the Knight reserves the right Chris Kehl Scott Vincent Vrabel signed. to print the letter. December 1992 The Knight Page 3 ... ( our huntble opinions) Animcal I Knight Views and Letters I Right·...........'41::: . -· the male· offsprings who are permitted a scalding water . • IW.. I remember when one of my friends convert smokers, skinny people trying to short life in exchange for our more "meaty'' All this torture! Why? So humans can started telling me about a group called train fat people, and vegetarians trying to corpses. enjoy a "turkey wake"-excuse me- PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of '1ix" meat eaters. All basic table conversa- Next, they shove us into a debeaking Thanksgiving or holiday dinner, and throw Animals. tion, but true. machine: this horrible creation of man our skeletons to the family dog. I heard about how PETA members -· I am told thpt because I eat meat I slices off the e_nds of our beaks with a hot Well, STUFF THIS: a Hubbard stood outside steakhouses across the na- endorse the torture of animals. Well, what wire. squash, a wild rice casserole , or a tofu pot tion, shoving pictures of "slaughtered" ani- about this? Take this two-question quiz Humans do not want blood on their pie. 9 mals against the windows for all the diners and weigh the odds. hands-STRAIGHTAWAY! So , they cau- to see. Obviously their goal was to disgust Are these vegetarians following the terize our beaks to stop the bleeding.
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