• —— - nft —— i*hoenix» krizoi Special Back To School Issue to<Pdstr.u<: rW(i*t the l Jl Arizona¦ -27 Ab- —August 23, 1957 Vol. 12, Issue No. 15 — Israel Eyes —The Arizona Post’s-—————— — David Ginsburg Arms’ Flow l|L Report To Syrians Nominated For World JERUSALEM (JTA)—lsra- el’s leaders, viewing watch- World News—- fully and without fear reports Council Post A Digest of Jewish of growing Soviet arms de- — liveries to Arab countries * especially Syria indicated 1 HHii Leader Os Successful CJA Drive this week that they were re- ' : Jr " Jews For 10.000 Million Trucks! lying on such powerful in- Named For Council Presidency in 1944 to tangibles as spirit and morale, A detailed account of the Nazi offer as well as armed strength, to David N. Ginsburg, who was honored last spring for his presidency ‘trade’ 1,000,000 Hungarian Jews for 10,000 Amer- safeguard their nation. community service, has been nominated for the There were reports that Is- of the Tucson Jewish Community Council. in a book published in jpWggn - ican heavy trucks, is presented rael was planning a counter- WtimM Council elections will be held Sept. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Weissberg. The campaign against Soviet in- ¦ *’«**'•• Germany for Austrian physicist Alex fSK * f Center. citement in the Middle East. book is “The Case of Joel Brand”. Brand reputedly OTHER OFFICERS nomin- HERB LAHR ated are William Gordon, at- in wartime ‘Jews for PRIME MINISTER David was the Jewish intermediary the Ben Gurion and Gen. Moshe Joins POST Staff We Could Use torney, for first vice-presi- dent; Marvin Volk, realtor, which never came off . the Louisana Dayan, Israeli Army Chief of Trucks’ deal second vice-president; Mrs. minority of Staff, reviewed the Middle This Gimmick Supreme Court has rejected an appeal of :East situation this week in Herb Lahr Alex Weiss, secretary, and Richard Bloch, banker, for the Congregation Chevra Thilim which seeks to set aside . speeches at the Israeli Mili- In Tucson! tary Academy. post of treasurer. halting mixed seating. Heads Post ELATH (JTA) The an injunction Meanwhile, informed sourc- world’s first successful ex- Nominated for the execu- es said that the Israel Govern- perimental to air- tive board are Jacob C. Fruch- effort Gilberg, Mrs. ment has decided to end a Ad Staff an open space was thendler, Harry condition Goodman, Henry H. as Half-Jewish policy of silence on the sub- Herb Lahr, son of the famed made here this week. Max Miss Universe Revealed ject Stanley of Soviet incitement comedian of stage, screen Kaufmann, Katcher, and Israeli scientists and tech- Morris A. who was against Israel with the pub- TV, Bert Lahr, has joined the a principle of Joseph Myerson, Miss Gladys Zender, the Peruvian beauty nicians tested Shanhouse and J. E. Zevin. lication of a “White Book.” staff of THE ARIZONA POST sprinkling high jets of sea Observers noted that Pre- Mr. Ginsburg served as gen- chosen Miss Universe, is half-Jewish. She is the daugh- as advertising manager. water from long pipes into mier Ben Gurion had charg- Lahr virtually eral chairman of the 1957 Zender Honigman, a prominent mem- Mr. is a na- southward winds from posi- ter of Eduardo ed at a conference here that of here north of Elath, thus Combined Jewish Appeal, tive Tucson. He came tions fund-raising community Lima, Peru. anti-semitism in the Soviet from New York in 1936 and currents most successful ber of the dwindling Jewish of cooling off air community’s his- Union had neither ceased nor attended local schools, gradu- moving toward the port drive in the but her grandfather was tory. He also served recently Her mother is non-Jewish weakened. ating from Tucson High city. University of as president of Congregation president of the original Jewish community in Lima In his address to the mi- School and the of More than 100 yards pipe Anshei Israel for three terms. litary cadets, the Premier in- Arizona. were used in the ex- B’nai B’rith is undertaking a nation-wide cam- in If elected Mr. Ginsburg dicated that Israel was not periment which resulted David Kramer DURING MILITARY serv- ¦ drop from will succeed paign to bring in 1,000 new members a day for 50 days. afraid of the flow of arms a temperature of ice as an air force officer, Mr. degrees centigrade as Council president. ;to certain Arab countries. personnel 40 to 33 At the same time BB Women will conduct a similar Lahr was service within 50 meters distance “The flow of arms to Arabs,” officer, stationed at San Ber- THE NOMINATIONS were 100 I from the pipes. drive with a goal of 35,0000 new members and he said, “willnot be helpful to nardino, Calif., and Thule, announced by Sidney M. Gil- U.S. them in overcoming Israel, Greenland. berg, chairman of the nomina- . the new chapters . Trade between Israel and Gilberg since our strength is with While studying for a mas- tions committee. Mr. Klausenberg Honors announced the totaled sl7l million in 1956 . The the human being and his spi- ter’s degree at the University Germany also official rit and morals.” Arizona, Mr. joined procedure for any additional Rebbe, Rabbi Yekutiel Hadberstam, has settled in Is- of Lahr Tycoon “At I The Prime Minister review- the Tucson city police force. Jewish nominations as follows: rael with a group of 10 families from the United States. ed Israel’s achievements after SINCE THEN he has been BONN (JTA) The West least seven days prior to the , the Sinai campaign and em- in newspaper writing and ad- German Post Office placed on election, a written nomina- 'phasized that Israel’s name vertising and also has several sale this week a 20-pfenning tion with endorsement of five two teen-age girls were the of ex- In Brunswick, Germany now enjoys more esteem of his own shows for children postage stamp bearing the delegates for post world than board officers in court for desecrating headstones in the Old throughout the on Radio KCNA. ‘Happy portrait of Albert Ballin, Jew- ecutive or trieif during the pre-Sinai days. Herb’ Lahr is widely known ish merchant marine tycoon should be filed in the office Germany Carl Clau- All officers Jewish Cemetery ... And in Kiel, Among the achievements to the youngsters of Tucson who killed himself when his of the Council. he listed was the freedom of Wilhelm, must be elected members of berg, the Nazi medical fiend who performed steriliza- and southern Arizona. good friend. Kaiser I passage of Israeli shipping to Mr. Lahr makes his home fled to Holland at the end of the executive board.” tion experiments on thousands of Jewish women in- i the port of Elath which had in Tucson with his aunt, Mrs. World War I. Additional nominations for Egypt can be made the night concentration camp, died of a been hampered by be- I. Peck. 3901 N. Country Club The issuance marked the officers mates at Auschwitz fore the Sinai campaign, Road. They are co-owners of centenary of Ballin’s birth. of the meeting when the members stroke last week. j However, he emphasized fine show dogs, one of which Another leading German board is elected. All | that he was not sure whether was best-of-winners at the Jew. Dr. Gottfried Fischer, of the board must be dele- to Council from [“we shall not have to strug- Santa Fe, N. M., show. head of the S. Fischer Pub- gates the organizations or the gle, or even fight, for this • o lishing House, was honored either of Brutality community-at-large. Israel Seaman Tells jwaterway again.” (JTA) Abra- on his 60th birthday with the OTTAWA Gilberg urged a full at- o Arnold, editor and award of the City of Frank- | Mr. Raphael Eylon, an Israeli seaman detained for 23 ham J. tendance of all delegates for publisher of the Jewish West- furt’s Goethe Plaque. Chapel Opened Dr. the election meeting. days Egyptians, told a brutal story after his <JTA) A ern Bulletin, Vancouver An- A Berlin physician, by the I JERUSALEM publishing chapel University glo-Jewish weekly, was the Fischer went into recently. He was not fed during three for Hebrew daughter release said he Dr. only editor of any local week- after marrying the students built in honor of publisher of non-stop interrogation and that a Gaza mob Israel Goldstein, American ly in Canada to receive a cita- of noted Berlin days Fischer, whose fam- A Jewish leader, opened tion from the Bowater Awards Samuel . was tried to grab him and lynch him Hadassah has ily name he later adopted. here this week. for Journalism in 1956. Happy signed a contract for construction of 600 housing units Speech Fine, But near the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical Center The Was New Year! construction has been ... A 10 million pounds harbor We’re really not rushing approved for a shipyard at Haifa . Tel Aviv’s orth- demonstrated against Sabbath Ordered the season a bit. odox segment again The Ham Wasn't of rioters suffering injuries. conserva- You see, the time is NOW bus transit with a number They didn't plan it that way, but The rabbi of Tucson’s Israel, found for you to it couldn’t have been a better prac- tive congregation, Anshei take audience as he described the easiest and nicest • • • tical joke if they had. an attentive the nature of Jewish dietary customs. way to your Rabbi Marcus Breger was asked wish talk was roundly applauded and Rotary Club His friends a ..
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