VATICAN III ZODIAC BIRTH DATA ARIES …...................................................................April 19 May 23 TAURUS …................................................................May 14 June 21 GEMINI …..................................................................June 22 July 20 CANCER ….............................................................July 21 August 10 LEO …...........................................................August 11 September 16 VIRGO ….....................................................September 17 October 30 LIBRA …......................................................October 31 November 23 SCORPIO ….............................................November 24 November 29 SAGITTARIUS ….........................................December 18 January 20 CAPRICORN …..............................................January 21 February 16 AQUARIUS …..................................................February 17 March 11 PISCES …........................................................,,,,,,,,March 12 April 18 Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Perry CONTENTS Part One lNTKOl>rCTI"N _:_:_:_:_:_,_,_,_X_,_._._._V Poem "Thf. Saint George" of Biochemistry . ix , In . Memokiam---.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.-.-. tii Poem. "The New Name".xix B]OniF,Miy«V_:_=_:__:_=_=_=_=_=_:_=_,_ , I.mheric Cm.M m _ „______ _________ ___ 21 The ri.TiMAii.oi Biochemistry-------23 ThK TWELVE CkIJ.tSaLXS OF THK-ZoDIAL Aries, the Lamb of God.25 Taurus, the Wingf.d Bri.i. of the Zodiac . ... 21 The Chemistry of Gemini_2S Cancer: the Ciif..mistry or the Crab_______23 1 ,F0 ; THE HfART'TTIIE /opiAC__ __11 . VlRCQ: THE Virgin Mary_,__:_:_,_:_:_:_:_ 2 Libra: the I.pins _ ._______ _ __14 1N. F1.UEXL-E OK THE SU.N ON V Hi RATION OF BLOOD at Birth ; Scorpio ,_,_,___.___._______IS Tin; Chemistry <t Sagittarius _ ,_._,____ __ Capkic<>kn ; Tin; Goat «»i- Tin; Z<»i>i \c__ ___ The SkiN <»r Tin; »r Man ; Aquarius __.__ ___ii Pisces: the 1'ish that Swim in the Pure Sea . .42 fiiij Contents (Continued) Part Two InTROIM'CTION_._,_._._._._.__ __._,___,_£Z I. I,m: Analysis and Synthesis or Akii-s AM) K:\i.l PI IPS.49 II. The Analysis and Syntheses ok Tai ki s. AND XaTHII-M SIM IMI ___ ._._23 111. I'm; Analysis and Synthesis or (j,lmim and Kali mi~r_.____ .__ __________ IV. Tin, Analysis and Syn thesis <t Cam i r and Caecum Fi,r»KiDi ; ____ -_______ _ 103 , , V. I m; Analysis and Synthesis or l.r.o and Ma<;m;si» .m Phosphate_-_._.____ 130 ill_Till- A \ A i A SI s and Synthesis OF VlKtiO and Kali si-umi ___ ._._ _ __.___ _ 160 VII. Tiiii Analysis anu Sv>thlsis vf Libra AND N MKiTM I'HOS__ ___ ________ _ 187 VIII. The An';v ys|s , m> synthesis or Scorpio and Ca: him >n,i,u____ -_-_____211 IX. Tiik Anai vsis and Synthesis of Sa<;iitakh,s AND Sing-A ____. _ ____21S X. Tin-; Analysis and Synthesis of Capricorn and Caecum piios __-_.__ ._____._ _ 260 XI. Tin- Analysis and Swni! sis ok Aqiakiis and Natrii'm mtr.284 XII. T1 r K A N A I. YSIS A N D S YN1 11 F.SI S O F I,lSC ES AND 1, l-.RRCM I>IK«S_.______________ILLS XIII. Cosmic Lmhrvqs; the Path or h-N Rc.y ____ _ 333 XIV. Tiik Allocation of Color with thk Zodiac, the Zodiacal Spectrum.335 Index... 337 [.»| Part Onf. INTRODUCTION TO PART ONE BY INEZ F.UDORA PERRY R. GEORGE W. CAREY S booklet. "The Relation of the Mineral Salt* of the Hody to i/te Signs of the Zodiac " O , has seen many editions; but it was not until 1VU6 that 1 secured my f irst copy, and, mentally hungry lor truth, eagerly devoured its pages. Such actual meat and drink it ivas to me , so fascinatingly interesting, that I was convinced at once of its immeasurable value to humanity. That realization became intensi f ied, year after year, as constant experience and intensive research work furnished conclusive proof. I believe that the day is not far distant when Dr. Carey will he acclaimed as one of the world,s greatest benefactors. In this chaotic and materialistic age he discovered and pub- lished a priceless key, that which unlocks the door to mental as well as physical health. The understanding and use of this key will accomplish the physio-chemical process where- by mankind may regenerate. This means the slow but sure rise from physical and mental degeneracy, disease, unhappi- ness, and death to that glorious state which is the heritage of ever)' one-perfection. Thus will be consummated the Scrip- tural injunction, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect." Matt. 5:48. The great majority of people will be startled, if, indeed. not actually shocked, by the statement which f ifteen years of earnest research and experience causes me to make. Duty and a sincere wish to help humanity arc also contributing factors, but there is another and more powerful reason. Our solar system is entering, once again in the cycles of the ages, the sign of Aquarius, the Son of Man, and those who know the Truth, or any part of it, must write, speak, and live it. Aqua- rius is the humanitarian, or human sign, and the planet (vibra- lv] The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation tion) Uranus is the ruler of this division of the zodiac, which is the path of the solar system. I hcrciorc, as this is the .1 ge of Truth, those who work with and for it are working in harmony with natural law, while those who follow the opposite course will wonder why they are not prospering. To prosper means to have su f icient for one,s necessities, to be physically and mentally comfort- able. It is only truth that matters; opinions do not count. Dr. Carey was not interested in the latter, he was an iconoclast. He felt impelled to make scientific statements no matter how they were received. My method (and purpose) is the same as his. I aspire to give out facts as I know and have proved them to be. Therefore, please consider, carefully and earnestly, the following statement which should be written in letters of f lame: A knowledge of, and the practice of, the process necessary to the attainment of perfection is absolutely impossible with- out a thorough understanding of physiological chemistry. This Dr. frun am Schuessler furnished in his Biochemic Sxsiem of Medicine , and the perfect key was supplied by Dr. Carey in his allocation of the biological salts with the zodiacal signs. The truth ol the foregoing statement is as definite and real to me as the fact that I live, move and have my being. 1 wish it could be made even more emphatic so that it would be en- graved forever on the minds of those who read it. Dr. Schuessler,s system is the only true system of medicine, for it is the method of supplying the blood with its component parts. The Bible most truly states a great chcmical fact (Le- viticus 17:11) in the following words: "For the life of the f lesh is in the blood-for it is the blood that makefh an atone- ment for the soul." As the blood is the life of the f lesh, it naturally follows that. as man is a trinity (body, or f lesh, soul and spirit), the qualitv. condition, or health of his body determines that of his soul. which corresponds in exact degree. The word "atonement" means at-onc-ment or harmony. If the blood were chemically perfect, the highlv di f erentiated and attenuated nerve and glandular f luids, which constitute the soul, would also be perfect. It is only when the blood :s chem- ically perfect that the full quota of Spirit, otherwise (iod- power, can enter the body, for "Like attracts like." fvi J Introduction to Part One I he study of Schuessler,s Biochemistry enables us to become acquainted with the di f erent kinds of material or basic sub- stances which the Great Chemist and Architect of the Universe created as a medium for the Spirit, which is Life. Spirit manifests imperfectly when material is deficient. Deficiency means dis-casc, lack of ease, inharmony, imper- lection. Dormant, unhealthy, or imperfect brain cells do not make for an e f icient brain. Thought corresponds to the nature and condition of the brain cells, for they constitute our thought machinc, and the quality and value of that which it brings forth depend entirely on its condition. !! ti i-in Ha the explanation of ail the trouble in the world, sin, crime, disease, death, unhappiness, insanity, fear, coward- ice , lack of pnsith'ity, differences in opinions and the '.cars of nations and peoples, Each one of us represents a consensus or aggregate of vibrations, a sum total of those present in Nature at the time we come into birth. Indeed, it is what makes birth possible. A certain rate of vibration is manifesting at that particular time anil a corresponding result is produced. "Whatsoever a man soweth. that shall he also reap." Sow- ing anil reaping, reaping and sowing constitute birth and death. It we were not responsible for the kind ol life we live, we would not then be accountable for the form of death which we attract. Is it not. then, equally logical that a reincarnating ego must, because of the vibratory law of attraction, come to birth in an environment and into conditions which are decided by this self-same taw? Otherwise justice would not exist. Justice is conformity to divine law. It is the working out. the ex- pression or administration of law-doing the right thing be- cause it is the best.
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